Centuries old advice on how to fight and remove evil spirits
By: Glenn Dallaire
This article is especially written in consideration for those who are being openly oppressed or attacked by demons and evil spirits, and are seeking to rid themselves or their homes of the influences or presence of malevolent spirits.
Having spent years studying the lives of dozens of Saints and Mystics for this website, one quickly discovers the role that God allows the demons to play for example in the lives of the mystic-saints. God Himself explains it when He said to St Gemma Galgani:
“You will be trampled underfoot by the devils. Prepare yourself, my daughter, the demon at My orders will be the one that will add the last touch to my plan that I will accomplish in you, that is, your sanctification."
-And what an incredibly hellish war the devil waged against Gemma! Those interested can read more about it here.
But the point is that literally every mystic that I have read have been assailed by the evil spirits through the express permission of God. But then, why would God allow the demons to attack the mystics or anyone for that matter? It is to draw us closer to Himself. God permits, at times, the devils to assail us, that we might turn to Him in prayer, with a renewed trust in His love and concern for us. The extraordinary priest St John Vianney, who's straw bed the devil tried to burn when he was sleeping in it, once remarked that "the devil is like a dog on a chain. He can only go so far as God permits."
So the first rule to remember is that God is always in absolute control, and the devil can do nothing without God's permission.
God always seeks to draw good out of everything, and He can draw good even out of evil, if we let Him. An excellent example of how God draws good out of evil is the Passion and Death of Jesus Himself. The Gospel of John says that at the last supper Satan entered Judas and he then went and betrayed Jesus. -You certainly know the story--Jesus was captured, tortured, and was nailed to a Cross, and died a torturous death. But was the death of the Son of God, this at act of pure evil, a victory for satan and the demons? No! -it was in fact satans defeat, because through Jesus' death on the cross we can be forgiven of our sins, if we desire to be. So we can readily see how God can and does transform evil into good.
A spiritual battle must be fought with spiritual weapons
So, how does all this correlate to those who are battling with demons, and want to rid themselves of the evil spirits? Firstly we need to look at how Jesus fought and expelled and cast out the demons. Among others you will certainly want to read Mark 5:1, Mark 1:23, and perhaps the most telling is Mark 9:29 in which the apostles were unsuccessful in driving a demon out of a boy. So afterwards they asked Jesus why they could not drive the demon out, and Jesus replies: "This kind can only be driven out by prayer and fasting."
Prayer and fasting! Therein lies the primary spiritual weapons to be used to get rid of demons and evil spirits. Jesus said prayer first, because prayer is the first and most important weapon to be used against the devil. This can not be emphasised enough! Prayer unites us to God, and draws us closer to Him, and it is God alone who can free us from the demonic presences. We can do nothing without He Whom sustains us!
The other weapon against the devil that Jesus mentions is fasting. This is self-explanatory, but what is sometimes forgotten is the spirit that must accompany fasting. We are to fast from food in a spirit of sacrifice in reparation for our sins. Our sins are what separate us from God, so we are to fast in a spirit of penance and reparation for our sins, to put us in the proper disposition that God might forgive us of these sins. So, firstly prayer, and then fasting done in a spirit of reparation for our sins, is the primary recourse against evil spirits. The demons have no power over those who are closely united to God in prayer, and who are in a state of grace.
The devil does not make peace treaties
God loves us. And because God loves us, the devil and the demons hate us, because they hate God. "Cast all your worries upon him because he cares for you. Be sober and vigilant. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." (1 Peter 5:7)
Satan and the demons do not make any peace treaties. They know only war. They prowl about the world constantly seeking to ruin our souls, to cause us to despair of God's mercy, and to drag us to hell. So, we need to follow in Jesus' holy example and face the evil spirits head on, with courage. We must do battle and fight the good fight. We cannot run away, because as Father John Corapi always says "surrender is not an option!"
Key points for Catholics in the fight against the demonic
Catholics are in a privileged position in the battle against the evil spirits, because the Catholic church has been fighting against the powers of hell since Jesus instituted the Church upon Peter, the first Pope, and the Apostles (the Bishops) some 2000 years ago. For in the Holy Gospel Jesus says: "You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it." (Matt 3:16)
Along with prayer and fasting Catholics have powerful weapons to be used in the fight against evil presences. The most important of these is Sacramental Confession (also known as the Sacrament of Reconciliation) where sins are confessed to God, and forgiveness of sins is obtained. A soul free from sin is in a state of grace and has nothing to fear from the devil! Along with Confession, the Mass and the frequent reception of the Eucharist are the most efficacious means of battling with evil. Also prayers before the Blessed Sacrament (Eucharistic adoration) is exceedingly powerful, because then one is praying right at the feet of the Lord.
The devil flees from Jesus on the cross so if you do not already have one, get a Crucifix and have it blessed by a priest, and place it in a appropriate and worthy place in your home--and most especially, pray to Jesus before it each day. Also, if you do not have one, get a crucifix on a necklace, get it blessed and wear it with devotion and prayer.

(Pictured to the left is the Virgin Mary crushing the head of the evil serpent)
By the express power and will of God, the most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Angels and the Saints assist us in our battle with evil. Jesus gave us His Mother while He was dying, hanging between heaven and earth upon the Cross (John 19:26). And next to Jesus, our Mother in heaven is our greatest help and advocate against the devil and his minions. And the greatest prayer asking for our Blessed Mothers help is the most Holy Rosary. The Rosary is a chain that binds the evil spirits. Those interested might want to read more on the Blessed Virgin Mary's role in the battle against the demons here.
Along with the Blessed Virgin Mary certain Saints and Angels are especially powerful against the wickedness of the devil. St Michael the Archangel for example---the prayer to him has been recited for over a century and is exceedingly powerful---"St Michael the archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O' Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen."
Throughout the centuries, the relics of the Saints have shown to be exceedingly powerful against the demons. Pray to the Saints, and if possible keep a relic on your person.
Catholic sacramentals
Sacramentals, especially holy water and blessed salt should be sprinkled in the affected areas of the home, and the holy water and blessed salt should be sprinkled on one's food and drink to protect from within. (*see note about exorcised holy water and salt below). Along with the relics of the Saints, blessed medals and holy cards carry with them the blessing of the Catholic Church, and the protection of the Saint whose image is on the medal or holy card. Also, the burning of blessed candles and blessed incense is recognised to be a very powerful weapon against the demons.
And so, to summarize the spiritual weapons needed to rid oneself or one's home of evil spirits:
First and foremost is prayer which draws us closer to God; fasting in a spirit of reparation for one's sins; Confession; Holy Communion; Eucharistic adoration; Prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Angels and Saints, asking for their heavenly help and intercession; and the usage of Sacramentals (holy water, blessed salt, holy cards, medals, burning of blessed candles and blessed incense etc.). Abandon and renounce any sin in your life. Additionally, if your home appears to be the source of the demonic infestation, then it would be very prudent to get it blessed by a priest.
Scripture reading/Quoting the Holy Scriptures
Reading and quoting the Word of God in the Holy Scriptures, particularly Jesus' words in the Gospels, is especially powerful against the demonic. We can recall that Jesus Himself quoted the Scriptures three times when He was tempted by the devil in the desert. (See Matthew Chapter 4)
Additional important considerations
In closing, those oppressed by evil spirits should remember that faith, hope and love--most especially love, will help disarm the demons that plague them or their dwelling. The devil seeks to drive us to the opposite of faith, hope and love--that is doubt, despair and hatred---most especially despair. Do not not despair! Love and trust in Jesus and He will conquer and cast out the evil spirits.
Also, those who have ever engaged in dark practices such as demonic worship, invoking and calling upon the dead (thru ouija boards, medium and psychic practices etc) the occult, dark forms of witchcraft and wicca, black magic etc. MUST RENOUNCE THESE PAST PRACTICES before God and sincerely repent and ask for forgiveness for having engaged in them. Such practices offend God and open a portal to the demonic, and therefore the portal must be closed through sincere repentance and the desire for the mercy and forgiveness of God.
Finally, ask Jesus to pour out His precious blood upon you and your loved ones because the precious blood of Jesus is infinitely powerful.
*Note: There is a special ritual of prayer called an "exorcism blessing" that any Priest can recite to give salt and holy water a special blessing. This exorcised salt or holy water is especially powerful against evil spirits.
"....And to keep me from being too elated by the abundance of revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, an Angel of Satan to beat me, to keep me from being too exalted." Saint Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:7
(Special thanks to Catholic prayers blog)
Heavenly Father, I love You, I praise You, and I worship You. I thank You for sending Your Son Jesus Who won victory over sin and death for my salvation. I thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit Who empowers me, guides me, and leads me into fullness of life. I thank you for the Blessed Virgin Mary, my Heavenly Mother, who intercedes with the holy angels and saints for me.
Lord Jesus Christ, I place myself at the foot of Your cross and ask You to cover me with Your Precious Blood which pours forth from Your Most Sacred Heart and Your Most Holy Wounds. Cleanse me, my Jesus, in the living water that flows from Your Heart. I ask You to surround me, Lord Jesus, with Your Holy Light.
Heavenly Father, let the healing waters of my baptism now flow back through the maternal and paternal generations to purify my family line of satan and sin. I come before You, Father, and ask forgiveness for myself, my relatives, and my ancestors, for any calling upon powers that set themselves up in opposition to You or that do not offer true honor to Jesus Christ. In Jesus' Holy Name, I now ask that you reclaim any territory, both spiritual and temporal, that was handed over to satan and place it under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
By the power of Your Holy Spirit, reveal to me Father, any people I need to forgive and any areas of unconfessed sin. Reveal aspects of my life that are not pleasing to You, Father, and any ways that have given or could give satan a foothold in my life. Father, I give to You any unforgiveness; I give to You my sins; and I give to You all ways that satan has a hold in my life, that any and all ties and bonds to evil may be broken in the Name of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You heavenly Father for Your forgiveness, Your love and Your mercy.
Heavenly Father, allow Your Son Jesus to come now with the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the holy angels and the saints to protect me from all harm and to keep all evil spirits from taking revenge on me in any way.
(Repeat the following sentence three times: once in honor of the Father, once in honor of the Son, and once in honor of the Holy Spirit.)
In the Holy Name of Jesus, I seal myself, my family and relatives, this place (home, church, car, plane, etc...), in the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, and I ask Jesus to pour out His precious Blood upon us, to wash and cleanse us of all of our sins, and to break any bonds of the evil one upon ourselves or this place.
(To break and dissolve all satanic seals, repeat the following paragraph three times in honor of the Holy Trinity because satanic seals are recited three times to blaspheme the Holy Trinity.)
In the Holy Name of Jesus, I break and dissolve any and all curses, hexes, spells, snares, traps, lies, obstacles, deceptions, diversions, spiritual influences, evil wishes, evil desires, hereditary seals, known and unknown, and every dysfunction and disease from any source including my mistakes and sins. In Jesus' Name, I sever the transmission of any and all satanic vows, pacts, spiritual bonds, soul ties, and satanic works. In Jesus' Name, I break and dissolve any and all links and effects of links with: astrologers; bohmos; channelers; charters; clairvoyants; crystal healers; crystals; fortune tellers; mediums; the New Age Movement; occult seers; palm, tea leaf, or tarot card readers; psychics; santeros; satanic cults; spirit guides; witches; witchdoctors; and, Voodoo. In Jesus' Name, I dissolve all effects of participation in seances and divination, ouija boards, horoscopes, occult games of all sorts, and any form of worship that does not offer true honor to Jesus Christ.
In the Name of Jesus, I rebuke all evil spirits that have any attachment to me, my loved ones, or this place, in particular the spirit of _________________. I command you to go directly to Jesus, without manifestation and without harm to me or anyone, so that He can dispose of you according to His Holy Will.
I thank You, Heavenly Father for Your Love. I thank You, Holy Spirit for your heavenly gifts. I thank You, Jesus, for setting me free through the infinite power of your Precious Blood. I thank You, Blessed Virgin Mary, for interceding for me with the holy angels and the saints.
Lord Jesus, fill me with charity, compassion, faith, gentleness, hope, humility, joy, kindness, light, love, mercy, modesty, patience, peace, purity, security, tranquility, trust, truth, understanding, and wisdom. Help me to walk in Your Light and Truth, illuminated by the Holy Spirit so that together we may praise, honor, and glorify Our Father in time and in eternity. For You, Lord Jesus, are, "...the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6 ), and You "...have come that we might have life and have it more abundantly" (John 10:10 ).
"God indeed is my savior; I am confident and unafraid. My strength and courage is the Lord, and he has been my savior" (Isaiah 12:2 ).
Amen. Alleluia. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, I place myself at the foot of Your cross and ask You to cover me with Your Precious Blood which pours forth from Your Most Sacred Heart and Your Most Holy Wounds. Cleanse me, my Jesus, in the living water that flows from Your Heart. I ask You to surround me, Lord Jesus, with Your Holy Light.
Heavenly Father, let the healing waters of my baptism now flow back through the maternal and paternal generations to purify my family line of satan and sin. I come before You, Father, and ask forgiveness for myself, my relatives, and my ancestors, for any calling upon powers that set themselves up in opposition to You or that do not offer true honor to Jesus Christ. In Jesus' Holy Name, I now ask that you reclaim any territory, both spiritual and temporal, that was handed over to satan and place it under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
By the power of Your Holy Spirit, reveal to me Father, any people I need to forgive and any areas of unconfessed sin. Reveal aspects of my life that are not pleasing to You, Father, and any ways that have given or could give satan a foothold in my life. Father, I give to You any unforgiveness; I give to You my sins; and I give to You all ways that satan has a hold in my life, that any and all ties and bonds to evil may be broken in the Name of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You heavenly Father for Your forgiveness, Your love and Your mercy.
Heavenly Father, allow Your Son Jesus to come now with the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the holy angels and the saints to protect me from all harm and to keep all evil spirits from taking revenge on me in any way.
(Repeat the following sentence three times: once in honor of the Father, once in honor of the Son, and once in honor of the Holy Spirit.)
In the Holy Name of Jesus, I seal myself, my family and relatives, this place (home, church, car, plane, etc...), in the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, and I ask Jesus to pour out His precious Blood upon us, to wash and cleanse us of all of our sins, and to break any bonds of the evil one upon ourselves or this place.
(To break and dissolve all satanic seals, repeat the following paragraph three times in honor of the Holy Trinity because satanic seals are recited three times to blaspheme the Holy Trinity.)
In the Holy Name of Jesus, I break and dissolve any and all curses, hexes, spells, snares, traps, lies, obstacles, deceptions, diversions, spiritual influences, evil wishes, evil desires, hereditary seals, known and unknown, and every dysfunction and disease from any source including my mistakes and sins. In Jesus' Name, I sever the transmission of any and all satanic vows, pacts, spiritual bonds, soul ties, and satanic works. In Jesus' Name, I break and dissolve any and all links and effects of links with: astrologers; bohmos; channelers; charters; clairvoyants; crystal healers; crystals; fortune tellers; mediums; the New Age Movement; occult seers; palm, tea leaf, or tarot card readers; psychics; santeros; satanic cults; spirit guides; witches; witchdoctors; and, Voodoo. In Jesus' Name, I dissolve all effects of participation in seances and divination, ouija boards, horoscopes, occult games of all sorts, and any form of worship that does not offer true honor to Jesus Christ.
In the Name of Jesus, I rebuke all evil spirits that have any attachment to me, my loved ones, or this place, in particular the spirit of _________________. I command you to go directly to Jesus, without manifestation and without harm to me or anyone, so that He can dispose of you according to His Holy Will.
I thank You, Heavenly Father for Your Love. I thank You, Holy Spirit for your heavenly gifts. I thank You, Jesus, for setting me free through the infinite power of your Precious Blood. I thank You, Blessed Virgin Mary, for interceding for me with the holy angels and the saints.
Lord Jesus, fill me with charity, compassion, faith, gentleness, hope, humility, joy, kindness, light, love, mercy, modesty, patience, peace, purity, security, tranquility, trust, truth, understanding, and wisdom. Help me to walk in Your Light and Truth, illuminated by the Holy Spirit so that together we may praise, honor, and glorify Our Father in time and in eternity. For You, Lord Jesus, are, "...the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6 ), and You "...have come that we might have life and have it more abundantly" (John 10:10 ).
"God indeed is my savior; I am confident and unafraid. My strength and courage is the Lord, and he has been my savior" (Isaiah 12:2 ).
Amen. Alleluia. Amen.
1 – 200 of 309 Newer› Newest»Good article on satan's tactics at
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It's funny. I have felt a presence lately bc of my sin and my fiancee even dream that someone was standing next to me while we were sleeping and he was looking at me.
Well, I thought of fasting and as I was falling asleep, I saw myself about to be stabbed with a metal stake and I felt fear that I was about to be killed. I came to from the vision and I realized that this fear was not my own, but the spirit that was bothering me bc of my sin.
I even dreamt once of a man sitting nearby and I had a long knife in my hand and I was about to kill him but I realized that I was about to commit murder, so I was afraid and stopped myself. Then I said "In the name of Jesus" bc I was about to kill someone but then the man turned around and looked at me and said "Don't say that, I don't like it when you say that!" That's when I woke up and realized that it was a bad spirit.
There is power in the name of Jesus, power in prayer and fasting.
In the past, when fasting, these spirits would show me visions of people slamming eating utensils on a table, because they wanted me to eat. It's amazing how God has given us so much protection, but sadly, sin is hindering us. At least for me because I have a very difficult time with sin due to my lack of faith, my environment and relationships.
Hi Anonymous,
You are very right that prayer and fasting are the best weapons that God has given us against evil. I would add that love is another, because as scripture says "love overcomes all".
Thanks for your comments!
I believe someone did evil work on me that I must get rid of now. I need aall the help I can get.
Please pray for my daughter, her boyfriend who is 21 left her for a 27 year old with 2 children. He loves her very much. I believe that obeah, witchcraft, spell or occult was used to be with that other woman. because we are praying for 3 months and he is just going back and forth telling her I love u. She really loves him and want him back. Pray for them to be together again. We need warfare prayers to break that spell. One of the spells she used is my daughter and her boyfriend pictures. There is not one day that during that period that she hasen't shed tears.
Hi Anonymous,
I pray that God may intercede in the life of your daughter and her boyfriend according to His holy will. And may He draw all of you ever closer to His Sacred Heart. In Jesus Holy Name, AMEN +
-Glenn Dallaire
Since 2006 myself and partner have had more bad luck and disasters than you could imagine,it seemed to start after he had an affair, which ended in 2oo8. His buisness has collapsed of 20 years, he has been accused of crime he has not commited which has nearly destroyed us,our best frind is terminally ill it seems we are almost financially ruined, our paperwork isanightmare, organization seems to have left us completley, we need some spiritual help, what do you think is happening?
Jesus has power over all dominions.He name was given to be worshipped and for us to be saved.Satan is liar from the begining. we might fall into the trap of thinking he is more powerfull by working on occult and rest of devil's charms.But one confessions of our sins attending the holy mass and frquent communion will chase away the devils to 'Egypt' like in the book of Tobit.Glory to god and god only
I have found incense and holy water to be effective at getting rid of evil spirits. If this is accompanied by prayer, for several hours if need be and a strict fast, ie St Patrick's Purge (3 days of prayer about 7 hours each day, 1 drink and 1 cracker each day, and an all night prayer vigil), evil spirits are definitely weakened. It can take months to get rid of the really terrible ones all together. Following a vegan diet and moving your life away from sin helps most of all.
the best defense is the HOLY EUCHARIST the BODY AND BLOOD OF JESUS. Receive HIM daily with frequent visits at least 2 Hrs weekly with prayer and the Rosary.
How do i get rid of an evil spirit that was put on me by a relative and someone else it has a magour blockage in my life i am in a dark pit no one can see me i have bee seeking help for years and no one can help me.
Master, which is the greatest commandment in the law? Jesus said to him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.
And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
Matthew 22:36-40.
Dear fellow christians please do pray for us as 2 weeks ago somebody drew on my car a triangle with an eye and since then i had encountered a few close accidents but Thanks to Our Lord he saved us. Im not alone in the car i have my family. Also the devil has been a constant presence in our house. I do pray and i belive i will win with the help of God at the end. But i do still wonder why me? Thank you for reading this. Its hard to write all the things that are happening. God Bless us all.
Just a gentle reminder: I see here some posts by some people who are obviously seeking to be holy, yet mention they are sleeping with someone they are not married to. This is seriously sinful, and opens the door to evil. I hope the person(s) mentioned will make a good Confession and start living a more chaste life, for the sake of their soul.
Seek the advice of a holy priest to get rid of evil in your house, life, etc. Go to www.relevantradio.com and find "Go Ask Your Father"--a Catholic radio show where priests answer questions. You can phone or e-mail and ask their advice. God bless.
i have found this to be very effective when there are demonic manifestations: Consecrate yourself to Mother Mary and pray 7 Hail Holy Queens.
Evil is taking over me, that is causing enormous problems. I don't want to lose my love. Can someone help me?
I think u glenn have a very powerful strength that we all can use n I thank god ur here to help w/ all these peoples needs and help us all believe n have more faith and strength. May god bless u triple times what u help others overcome.
Hi Anonymous,
Thank you for your kind comments. As for myself I am just a poor sinner, but Jesus is infinite love, mercy and power. -Jesus is infinitely good! May He be loved and blessed always!
And may God bless you and your loved ones,
Glenn Dallaire
A wandering gypsy cast a demon upon me that makes me desire the flesh of another man! What do I do?
Hello i really need help there is a severe angry demon in my house i get bruses , scratches and i have it on PHOTO its not a laughing matter its really tall ive gotten EVPs of it i hear banging and scratches and i see shadow figures everyday and theres always a smell of smoke around in my room my hallway and living roommy lights turn on and off and ive heard growls in my ear when i sleep i need help to get rid of it ive heard it say my name in a recording i need help please contact me at jacobsarapio22@gmail.com
Pray the rosary everyday and say it from your heart. read the bible about 10min a day and attend mass. do everything that is holy and evil flee from you and you will start seeing the light again
hi i believe in spirit as i have been blessed to see dead ones which is a curses also..i believe in lord very much i take his name and feel him inside me standing always.. as spirits are always their to ruiness as i always try to protect mine lovedones.. as due to spirit i lost my half family member when i was small.. now i have grown up but i feel they try to take chances to get control on my life waiting for a oppotunity... so trust loard is my great weapon nothing else ....
I really don't know where to begin. First of all,I have had to bless our house with holy water 4 times, while receiting the our father and Hail Msry. For a while the noises we hear stop. But after some time they always manage to come back.( We have never seen anything)Both my husband and I have recently started having I guess what you would call nightmares. He several times has been asleep and has awaken, but not able to move, yell for help, or open his eyes, as if something is holding him. But this last time he finally was able to open his eyes and saw a dark shadow. I told him it was just a dream. Two nights later I was asleep and felt as someone was pulling my arms. We have 3 children and 2 are not yet baptized(we have not finished the final classes). I am very fearfull that something might happen to my children. Please Give me somekind of advice.
I feel that I have had evil follow me from childhood even though I had baptism. Can anyone advise me on how to get of the evil permanently.
Im not a christian, neither is my girlfriend. Ive read the bible since i was 14 specially romans 10:13. Now i come here as a last resort. she has been seing visions since she was young. no longer just visions now, now its voices and visible marks on her body. its gettin worse. as i write this, she had complained earlier on that its happening, we live in different states now, i asked her to go to sleep and leave the phone on speaker so i can watch out for her and she has me the second she needs to hear me. after about an hour, i could hear noises, the kinds i cant explain and the line got disconnected. i dropped her a message askin her to call me asap if she wakes up, dint see the point in waking her up by calling her and then making her a witness to whatever is happening. I am scared, desperate and at wits end.
I have read the bible countless times, i do my share for the society, i have even helped people who have been bad to me at their time of need because i believe if some1 comes to me its probably god sending them my way cause he has faith that i wouldnt turn them down. and now in my time of need i have no1 to go to. her name is aishwarya, we are in india. She means the world to me and i feel helpless. Im writing this down here cause i dont know what else to do.
If someone here could pray for her and help us id be in your debt. and i would understand if you would not endorse it on religious grounds.
ill say this again Romans 10:13
Dear Anonymous and all who have requested prayers here:
I pray that God may intercede and help all those who have visited this page who are plaugued by evil spirits, and may Jesus cover all who are oppressed by the demonic in His most precious blood. I ask this in Jesus' holy Name, AMEN +
-Lord Jesus crucified, have mercy upon us, and for the sake of your sorrowful Passion, have mercy upon us and upon the whole world.
+ + +
Dear Anonymous who posted on July 27th with the girlfriend who has been having vision since she was young. I can try to help you but you need to contact me at whoislikeun2god (at) g mail dot com.... Long story but no time to post here much. I have had similar experiences and quite frankly there is help but not from the liberal world. You need to understand mystical theology first....I would give you a prayer that may help but I cannot because you are probably not in a state of grace as your comment leads me to believe and it could be dangerous if you are not in a state of sanctifying grace. email me and I may be able to explain if you are willing to listen. God Bless
I don't know where to begin. my daughter is 14 years old and has been seeing a bad spirit in her room of a little girl. Also her dreams not allowing her to breathe and telling her to not yell for help. I don't know what to do or go about this to make this bad spirit go away. I have a dog who sleeps with her and doesn't leave her side. Are dogs a good protector? I really need some advice. I have 3 other girls and i dont want them to encounter this bad spirit. Please help.
Hello: please help me i have a evil spirit demon in my house i pray but its still here you can reach me at zabrinagracestep40@gmail.com or you can call me at 7865978393.
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for covering our sins and iniquities with your most precious blood. St. Ignatius Loyola said
" A thing belongs to us if we buy it with our money
Still more if we purchase it by long and hard labour;
Yet more would it appear so if bought with our blood.
But what are we with regard to Jesus Christ?
We are the price of all His wealth. "
Yes i am yours my Love :) my mind heart and soul :)
I belong to you and you belong to me :)
Dear heavenly Father God bless us with your Spirit
through the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the
Immaculate Pure Heart of Our Mommy Dearest.
Lord, I have an evil presence in my household. Please cast it out in your name. I just went over every room in my household to cast it out, I blessed every room in your name! I thank you Lord for every blessing that is bestowed a upon thus far! Amen!
i m facing a lots of problem by evil spirits, they are in my body, sent by my enemies to kill me,
can u please get me rid of it, please help me...
i m facing a lots of problem by evil spirits, they are in my body, sent by my enemies to kill me,
can u please get me rid of it, please help me...
I have had demons my whole life affect my way of thinking as if they were planted in my soul. 3 yrs ago they came into my house and separated me from my family. I started going out all the time with my girlfriend and drinking a lot which I have done most of my life to help me overcome my thoughts/feelings. I started seeing someone and all the sins began. I lost touch with God. I could not sleep so I started taking ativan. One night I took too many, could not deal with life. Messed me up even more so then I took 10 to 15 sleeping pills and that is when I saw my soul leave my body and I woke up and felt my eyes turn black and I new I was in hell. My body does not function like a human anymore. I look and feel different. I am never going to die, I will live like this forever. There is nothing anyone can do to help me. I can only pray for a miracle that God will forgive me, find my lost soul and put in back inside my lifeless body.
I have been having problems with being held down at night, what ever did this has been there since I was little but now it is touching me instead of just following and giving me the feeling of being watched and unprotected .. I have no clue what to do,im only a teenager. I have no clue what I've done, I've gone to church, gotten closer to God.
i heard the medal or cross of St. benedict is effective against evil spirit
All I can do is pray...everyday for my soul to somehow return to me, it would be a miracle. It has impacted my family but they are getting used to it...their lives must go on, right.
my soul physically/spiritually left my body...I've prayed and tried so many things to get it back. Is it possible to get it back...any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Before it happened I had problems in my marriage, I became this cold hearted person with no emotions. I just wanted to go out and party (have fun) all the time. I had a couple of affairs with no remorse. The sins multiplied, that is when I believe the demons stepped in and I could no longer sleep or work. I went into idle mode and could not pull myself out of it. I ended up overdosing on anxiety, sleeping pills on top of alcohol. The third time I saw my soul leave my body and it has not come back. What can I do? I had lost touch with God and now I am asking forgiveness for I am alive with no soul...it's been 18 months. How can my soul come back to me? Where did it go?
Please pray for my 7-month pregnant daughter. She is being disturb by the bad spirit at home. We have constantly pray, yet the bad spirit come back again and disturb my daughter this time so harsh. Just yesterday (Sept.18,2012), my son-in-law found my daughter inside the bathroom unconscious and with blood in her forehead and clothes. My daughter, when regain her consciousness, recalled the last thing she remember was she went inside the bathroom to wash, suddenly she heard voices, and everything turned out blackout. She didn't even knew she fainted. Please help us pray to our Lord Jesus.
hello, i need help badly!
my grandpa has been chasen by a demons for the past months
i just found out about this yesterday.
all i know is that an old lady who tried to marry him to keep the house set an spell on him
her plan didnt work so she set a demon to kill him (or thats what he says)
my cousins and asunt have heare the demon crying and lsaughing.
my cousing said he saw him once.
its a tall werwwolf alike wit long nails and according to them its always laughing and chasing my grandpa. they took one of those curanderas ladues from mexico to see the house and she said she saw the demon. and that its a strong one.
she also said she saw an old lady and a young guy spirtis scared hiding in the house wich we thing r my grasnda and uncle (they both die where they were young)
next week my grandpa is getting a plane fro guanajauato mexico to houston texas to stay wit us
im worry for him and my fam left in mexico
i have no idea what to do. were to start so if anybody has anything that can help me plesase contact me on facebook
my name is david vidxium or my fan art page on face boo "vidxium"
thank u so mucn
Say this to the demon. You must submit to these words in the name of Jesus Christ. According to Hebrews 4:12 i divide soul from spirit. I take a threefold cord from Ecclesiastics 4:12 and bind all spirits as one. I cast every unclean spirit out in the name of Jesus Christ.
I cannot say that this will work. If this does not work say a prayer to Jesus, God, The Holy Spirit, Mary, The Saints and Angels to take this demon or demons off the person.
You can also watch videos about this on Youtube
my soul left my body 19 months ago...where did it go? I feel as if it is trapped somewhere and I pray every day for it to come back to me. please pray for me for I am living in hell inside my body without it. I saw it leave when I took a bunch of sleeping pills, I wanted to die (crazy) and I was afraid of going to hell when I did it but still did it anyway (stupid) I was out of my mind when I did it and had not been sleeping at all for months and could not even work or do anything. I had also been living in sin for I was married and having an affair with another man whom I thought I was in love with. If this was true then why did my soul leave? I was living in fear and guilt everyday for at least 12 months. before it happened I felt demons all over and in me, it was freaky and I was doing things as if I were possessed. I pray for a miracle everyday. what else is there to do? how can I get my soul to come back to me so I can live life and enjoy simple things such as food, showering, doing things with my family, feeling happy, being out in the sunshine. I sit locked up in my house everyday and do nothing but look at the tv, type to try and reach out to anyone who will listen and believe that what I am saying is true. please pray for my soul to return to me, I need a miracle!
lease pray for my brother and is family they have evil in there home there 3yr old talks of a man in their hall my brother was in a reck. Lost his job has new born thei marriage is falling. Apart u can feel the evil in their house
That is illumanati
YOU MUST FAST FROM ALL FORMS OF EVIL...not all are we aware of...every form of evil is a portal to the devil : sex, drugs, gossip, cursing, lust thoughts, envy greed or unforgiving thoughts, alcohol, drugs, masterbation, hate, smoking, laziness, because flesh is weak we need prayer, water fasting(try fasting from pork red meat), meditation, holy affirmation(saying Bible verses in head when tempted), reading the word of God as much as possible, controlling your words..t mouth speaks life & death, control your actions...don't do anything to hurt anyone, religious music can help...CONTROL YOUR THOUHTS....thinking can be bad as doing....find good church...meet miraculous friends pray right people come in your life, for demons in come sage cleansing, carry cross, have routine includes God time daily...also NOT BELIEVING IN WITCH CRAFT OR YOU CAN BE HURT CAN WEAKEN IT...stay busy in positive way work, volunteer..UNITY devil loves isolated & segrigated he can feed them with lies...
I've had a vision about some demon biting my leg. It actually hurted a lot. But I knew God was right there with me. And then I have had a vision that some black spitit camed to me and he putted some microchip on my head. I was trying to stop him, but I couldn't. I know it's a bad spirit. I was so afraid, I shouted GOD! I prayed that he would stop it. And he did. Thank you. Please, pray for me. Please, pray for the world. I'm such a sinner, but I love my Lord with all my heart ♥ Please Lord save the people, please Lord save your people. Please Lord save our souls. I'm so fragile. Forgive us. Oh Lord forgive us. Don't let us sin ever again. Oh Lord. Dont let us sin.
About 3 yrs ago I was woken by such a strong evil force that stood behind me that it had me frozen and I couldn't move. I tried to open my eyes and roll over in my bed to see what it was and I couldn't! I felt as if it was reprogramming me. I started to pray and it went away. I went back to sleep and when I woke up it was as if that incident was totally erased from my memory. Then bad things started to happen between my husband and I, there was so much hate between us as I started hanging out in bars and drinking a lot and meeting other men. It was so unlike me for I was always home raising our 2 children while he worked and use to go to the bars and come home late and I would be yelling at him and so angry. But my kids are grown now and living 2.5 hrs away in college. I only worked part time and had a lot of idol time on my hands. In six months time I had slept with 7 different men and one who I started staying with every night for 7 months and thought I was in love and even filed for a divorce...what the hell had gotten into me? This evil power setup a trap and I fell right into it! It swept me up and away from my family and all I really cared about was drinking,eating and sleeping with this man. I became a different person. I wasn't comfortable in my own skin and always had make-up on and dressed nice to hide the ugliness I felt on the inside. One time I got into an argument with this man I stayed with and went home late at night drunk and yelling at my husband with pure rage. I tried pushing him down the stairs, I scratched his back, I cursed at him...I was evil. I had lost total contact with God as if something had erased him from my mind. I began having trouble sleeping, had no energy, was difficult going to work, concentrate...my mind had gone into idol mode. I felt empty (like a light bulb was on but nothing in it, lifeless). I would push myself to drink just to hide all the ugliness I felt to the point one night I overdosed on ativan. I had no thought process, no control. I felt something so evil, it felt like a bomb blew up in my head and it was on fire. I couldn't go back to work and had to leave this man and go back home. I felt more comfortable there and my husband still loved me, we had been married 23 yrs. We canceled the divorce. I didn't leave my house for 3 weeks yet I felt miserable there. I had so much anxiety like I could blow the roof off the house with my mind which I could not bare and wasn't sleeping. I wasn't living only alive and getting worse by the day to the point that I took 15-18 sleeping pills. Something so incredibly evil happened that night... I saw this distorted figure in white walk out of my body and dissapear. When I woke up and realized my body/mind was still very much alive but my soul was gone...I was in a state of panic and horror! I felt my eyes turn black and my heart shifted into a gear where is will never stop beating. I was freaking out thinking I can't eat/drink or shower/sleep anymore and I will be alive forever! No-one is going to believe me for I am in hell. No one can see or feel what I am going through. I went to hell inside my body for I am alive without my soul. Food smelled and tasted like shit, liquids smelled and tasted like piss for weeks and I didn't eat/drink anything nor did I sleep at all and I dropped 35 pounds in 3 weeks. I was put in the hospital and injected, made to swallow pills and nothing made me better...I only got worse to the point where I couldn't get out of bed and stayed wide awake for months. My soul is truly gone (out of my body) there is no medicine to bring it back if it's not inside me! I am doomed for all eternity. Money, material things do not matter to me and I do not talk to my friends or family members unless they call me and I have nothing to say other than my soul is gone. I sit inside my house all day/night and try to go into some state of unconsciousness at night.
Hi everyone, please wear miraculos medals that have been sprinkled with holy water and blessed by a catholic priest. Our Lady promised that all who wear them will receive graces (not just good people, but all people) They will come under her maternal protection as soon as they put the blessed medal on. Also St. Benedict medal blessed by a priest with the special St. Benedict exorcism blessing.
Cease all sexual contact with individuals who you are not joined in holy matrimony with, I emphasise the word "Holy". Avoid and renounce all new age practises incuding "Healing" involving angel cards, reki, anything that involves "Energy". Avoid horoscopes,tarot, ouija boards, hypnotism,fortune tellers, mediums, esoteric practices/religions etc.Ask a catholic priest to bless your home. Consecrate your beloved ones to Our Lady.If You're catholic and are living with a partner you must consider seriously that that is a grave matter and could be a mortal sin depending on your culpability. You have the power of the confessional to forgive your sins, if you are sincerely sorry and genuinely choose to renounce this way of life.If you choose confession, choose to go regularly, it gives you the grace overcome sin, breaks the power of the devil over you enabling you to fight temptation. The devil is terrified of Our Lady, keep close to her. The name of Our Saviour Jesus should be invoked when you are frightened or oppressed by anything. Please read and take to heart the Catholic Church's teachings on how to live a holy, upright life. Pope Paul VI's Humane Vitae is wonderful and has proved to be prophetic in its predictions regarding the use of contraception, abortion and sex outside marraige.God keep you. A
What if a woman's spirit stays in a man's body and makes him behave gay ?
The man clearly knows what's happening but he is not at all able to help it when that feeling of aggression comes into his mind ?
I was afraid of going to hell when I overdosed on sleeping pills because I could not sleep anymore and my mind was so wigged out. I was saying please God forgive me for my sins and I was wearing a rosery with a christian show on the tv. When the pills put me in a state of sleep and I saw my soul leave and woke up still alive and breathing without it I was freaked out and realized I was in hell inside my own body never to enjoy life, eat, sleep or rest for all eternity. I once had it all...a hard working husband, 2 wonderful kids, a big nice home, nice cars, a great part time job, a pool and hot tub, loving parents, etc. Now I have nothing and will live in this pain and torture for eternity for my body will never die, I will never rest in peace. I am living in hell without my soul so in reality I did go to hell when I tried to take my life. It's killing my husband and affecting my kids. There is no place in the world for someone like me that was once human. I pray every day for a miracle...for God's forgiveness and for (somehow) my soul to return if it's possible. I once was so loving and loved by all, I had no enemies. I was fun loving and loved life. So why the worst thing to ever happen to a human happen? Was it just my sins? Or was it me as a person? Everyone sins and God forgives but he didn't forgive me by allowing satan to take my soul. I had fallen in this trap and was sucked in. I had no power of my own to stop it. Months before it happened I felt myself fading and my body weakening but had no idea such a thing as this could ever happen. To everyone who reads this know that anything is possible and this is true...there is a body that is alive without a soul in this world who is suffering and in so much pain without it and will never die, my heart will beat for eternity. Please pray for me and my family for my soul to come back. I need a miracle. I ask God everyday for forgive me and if he can find my soul and put it back into me. Where did my soul go? Or did it just vanish into the air? This is the craziest and most inhumane thing to ever happen to a once human person. I don't look, think or act human anymore. I never leave my house. Lord, God please help me, restore my soul back to me. Bring me back to life and take me out of hell. Please forgive me for everything. I feel like death and my body does not function like a human being without my soul and yet I will live like this forever. It scares me to think what I will look and feel like when I am 100 or even 200. God, please bring my soul back to me. Please make a miracle happen for you have the power to do anything. I always had faith and believed in you. God please help me...AMEN
you don't know me, I am an only child, mother of 2 who love me so much even though I messed up horribly. my husband, my parents, friends and family and those who didn't know me that well loved me..please pray that my soul will return to me..I have changed and know how to appreciate life now that my soul has gone..I need a miracle and for God to forgive me and to somehow bring my soul back to me..I am more aware than I have ever been..please pray for me..Thank you for all who read this and pray for me.
We all face obstacles in life. Its a battle for our souls. You have to stand up and fight for your life. Seek GOD cast your cares upon him he will set you free and give you peace that no human or this world can give you. It might not happen instantly but keep believing just trust in him and you will see. He knows what your going through. If though you might seem your alone your not. He is there. Give him Glory and honor for he is worthy to be praise. He loves us. He did not die for nothing. You have to fight and not give up do not let satan destroy you he is a liar. He robs, steals and destroys. Walk with God at all times. Im a living testimony of what God can do. He save me and I will always love him. Give him a try he will not fail you. I hope this words will help and inspire stay blessed and run to jesus his the only one that can set you free
My girlfriend was born with a gift that she can see lost souls in the world and recently she has encountered one that is stubborn and evil. She tries to take over my girlfriends body and stay there. Ive seen my girlfriends arm get bent because of her and draining my girlfriends energy getting her weak. I know the soul does not like anything that involves jesus or god. Ive given my girlfriend a blessed necklace but the lost soul wont leave. What can i do to make it leave?
Is there any way you can please post the proper way to fast. What to eat, drink and pray thought the day as well as what to pray and for how long. Especially for myself since I work for 10 hours each day. Also where do you get blessed salt and blessed holy water you can eat and drink? I see Holy water at the church but everyone puts their hands and jars into it. Most appreciative -Joseph
Hi Joseph,
To reply to your excellent questions, there is no set rules for fasting, but there are norms that have been passed down the centuries by Catholic-christians.
"Strict" fasting normally consists of bread and water for breakfast and lunch, with a normal meal for supper.
A more "loose" approach is two light meals for breakfast and lunch, and a normal meal for supper.
Oftentimes meat is not taken during any of the meals.
The most important thing while fasting is prayer, which unites our actions (fasting) and our spirits with God.
Holy water can be easily obtained in most Catholic churches through the holy water fount which is normally a large vessel in or near the Baptistry (where Baptisms are preformed). This holy water in this large fount/vessel is blessed at Easter Vigil each year, and is used throughout the year for Baptisms and to fill the "stoups" (the smaller founts at the entrances of the Church).
Alternatively, you can simply bring a bottle of water to Church and after Mass have either the priest or the deacon bless it.
As for Salt, it can be blessed in two ways--a simple blessing, like that of holy water, by the priest or deacon.
Much more powerful against the demons however is the "exorcised" salt, which is when a special ritual of exorcism/blessing by the Church is perfomred by a priest upon the salt, following the ritual prescribed for such a blessing.
May God bless you and your loved ones,
Glenn Dallaire
Will someone please answer my plea for help...how am I to get my soul back? Is it possible to get it back? I really would appreciate any help at all for I am so desperate to get it back. It's so unbelievable that I am alive without it...I don't feel human in any way, shape or form.
David Pawson
Derek Prince
Yes I'm going through the same thing I have a hard time keeping my mind on track I have sexual thoughts all the time...the other day I felt something standing over me...and. then it happened again but this time I felt it trying to suck out my soul like it felt like my soul was floading up in the air ...I heard it say let me take over thank god I woke up...I wish I knew what was going on...I have done some mean things to people who were into witchcraft and refered to themsevles as the super devil...im fear one of them may have cast a demon on me or some sort of spell...on me everyone I know seems to be sick or something terrible has happened....god I'm really freaking out here....i tell people about this and they give me the crazyeye....has this happen to anyone else? Sorry if this is long or if I repetaed myself.
Feeling that your soul has left you and having your soul actually leave your body are two different worlds...I never felt so much evil and darkness as I did that night, after I woke and realized something was terribly wrong and I went into a panic. I do talk to God and pray everyday that he can bring it back to me somehow...if it's possible. I, my family and friends are hoping and praying for a miracle.
To all who visit this sight...please say a prayer for me for I am living without my soul that through God's love, forgiveness and healing powers he will restore my new soul back to it's full potential and my body will start functioning like a normal body should and my mind will feel like a human being again. Thank you
God is power above all evil, he is in control and sees everything we do and can allow Satan into our lives if he sees we are not living and loving the way we should. I'm guessing he can give the OK to Satan to take our soul if he sees it's the only way to get through to us and make us realize who we are and the sins we are making. The fact that we are not listening to anyone trying to give us advice and we keep sinning and covering up our fear in alcohol/drugs/sex...our anxiety and sins then allow for evil things to enter in us followed by sleepless nights and then we lose focus on everything. We can get into such a deep dark place and feel lost, we lose touch with our human selves and then something happens and you have no control over the situation...that night I took around 5 ativan after I had been drinking, I didn't want to live anymore and it felt like a bomb exploded in my head and I was never the same. Couldn't leave my house and quit my job. I went deeper into this dark place of isolation with no rest. Then one night I couldn't take it anymore. I put a rosary on and prayed to God to forgive me that I wanted to sleep forever and I took around 15 sleeping pills. It was that night I saw my soul leave my body and I woke up a few hours later and realized I was in hell inside my own body still being alive with no soul. All my human senses are gone and my body doesn't function or feel as it once did with my soul not being in it. I have been this way 2 years. I don't drink anymore...it taste horrible and I don't get that happy buzz I use to get when my soul was in me. I was drinking every day just to cope with myself and life. I would do things I normally wouldn't do that was against my marriage when I was drinking and a lot of times would black out. I had no plans of stopping until Satan entered my life. I'm guessing this was God's plan and the only way I was going to stop anything. I'm hoping and praying this is all a lesson for me (punishment) and that he will slowly restore my soul (a new me) so that I can live again and not in this pain and torture I'm in now of being alive with no soul. My body and I as it is now by being alive with no soul will never die, never rest unless God forgives me and performs a miracle. Otherwise I will change the course of history and the bible. Dr's, scientists, etc. will never ever be able to understand this or explain it. If my soul or new soul slowly comes back to me to where I feel human and can do things again, it will be the best miracle of all time and I will definitely write a book about it to share with everyone and hopefully it will help others in their lives in some way. Please tell me your thoughts on this and pray to God that my soul or new soul will come back in my body so that I can live and love life again like I once did...I once had it all and now I am nothing without my soul. I took everyone and everything for granite...I realize this now and I pray for God's mercy.
Here are some ideas for battling evil spirits Get a st benedict crucifix and get it blessed by a catholic priest or father. Wear this blessed crucifix. Then get a couple of containers and fill them up with holy water. For sever demonic possesion put holy water on yourselves every 15 minutes all day every day. Stay away from bars, night clubs, alleys, if you take the bus don't sit in the back of the bus, don't go to botanical shops or new age shops cause this is where evil spirits are most concentrated also stay away from troubled streets, and places where there are a lot of crimes going on. like in the alleys there's a quite a bit of people that drink a lot booze pass by there and can cause you to be unholy. As for the back of the bus people who have depression who are troubled have evil spirits and you sitting back there, you can catch there evil spirit if you sit back there. Get out of the house and go to positive places like a garden park or go to the zoo. Pray the our father prayer every day. Get a st michael archangel medal and have it blessed by a priest and put oil on it or olive oil and when the oil dries up on the st michael medal put some more oil on it do this all day and everyday the more olive oil you put on it the more powerful it becomes especially against demonic spirits.
I was interested to read the posts on here about people saying their soul had left them and they had been cut off from God's grace. I think they're slightly mistaken, because each and every one of us is a soul. But it's true to say God may have removed his grace and loving protection from you to leave you in place of living darkness for the sin of attempted suicide. The thing is, you're not entirely damned yet. So you should use this time to try to reconnect with God by fasting, prayer and living a better life. You're not with Satan yet. If you were, you'd know about it!!!
I have been troubled by demonic forces for my sins, but I have found intense fasting and prayer removes much of the darkness that I feel. Also getting out in the countryside and walking in quiet places helps you to reconnect with God and your spiritual side. If you're feeling demonically oppressed, or that your soul is seriously in peril, you need to do some sort of regular penance and atonement for your sins.
I was interested to see this video on youtube by a young woman who became very low and depressed over her poor life, and she attempted suicide. But God and Jesus both intervened in her life to show her mercy and put her on the right track and path to life. God literally told her, life was meant to be hard so that people could grow and learn and develop their characters. We're here for a purpose, he said and to fulfil his plan and vision for us. Life is a test and a challenge. God gave her another chance because clearly she had suffered greatly in her life. She saw people in proper hell, not what the people on here think is hell, ie being very depressed and in a dark place in your own body. You're not there yet believe me. Anyway, in her vision of hell, spirits or souls were just rushing around in front of her, hither and thither and the horror of their sins were replayed back to them incessantly, so that they were in great mental torment and constant mental anguish. Those who fear they're in hell properly are not there yet. Take this as a chance to redirect your life and to walk in God's path. May he bless you and keep you. Do not despair, that's the Devil's greatest weapon against you.
Watch these videos on youtube of people who have experienced real and terrifying hell. If you've not experienced those things, you still have a chance. Fight for it and believe in God's mercy and grace.
how can it be...my unhappiness with marriage which led to alcohol and affairs, then meeting someone I really liked thinking I was really happy with this person then filing for a divorce. Drinking everyday to erase all my fears and only living in the moment. Then not sleeping and feeling/smelling demons, losing focus on important things in life like my family and God, taking 5 ativans while intoxicated, then 2 weeks later lunesta to help sleep which did not work, drinking 1/2 bottle of vodca next day and being totally out of it and no remembrance of driving to boyfriends, 1 week later taking 15 over the counter sleeping pills - wanting to sleep forever and asking God to forgive me and instead my soul actually left my body and I woke up horrified for I was alive without my soul! There are powers out there beyond our imagination. If anyone else had done what I did they would of ended up in a coma or died. I pray everyday for a miracle and my soul to come back to me.
I think you still have your soul in your body, or u would be dead. What u prob saw was a false vision to trick you. The state of your soul was ruin, but now u want to get stronger. Seek and you shall find. The demons that convinced you will be back, but you must be ready to fill your self with good spirit. When you renounce satan and evil, then you confess, get blessed, renounce your old way, lay down your will to God, not living to satisfy your pleasures, but to care for your soul, and to care for God. If God sends you help and drives it away, u can do a simple consecration prayer
Who are you praying to to receive your deliverance? As a Catholic, there are traditional responses to this question but there is only one correct response. There is ONE mediator between God and men, and that is the man Christ Jesus. Not a canonized saint, not the Virgin Mary - Christ alone. He is our great high priest, and there is no other. It's his shed blood which is placed on the mercy seat in heaven which covers our sin, and he is our advocate before the father. All who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved: "God be merciful to me, a sinner".
This kind of healing deliverance is for the children of God - those who have received the adoption through faith in Christ Jesus's completed work on the cross. If you have never taken an inventory of your faith, I would do so NOW as a starting point.
If we confess our sins, He is Faithful and Just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If you confess with your mouth "THE LORD JESUS" ("Jesus is Lord") and believe in your heart (IN YOUR HEART!) God has raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
This not a mere mental assertion, but in the kind of confession of faith which allows you to walk in newness of life. Jesus said YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN.
According to Psalm 23:3, the Lord is the restorer of our souls.
The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.
King David knew affliction and prophetically wrote many of the psalms. They are just as effective as prayers now for our deliverance.
Now, I pray for you according to 2 Timothy 2:25 that God may grant you repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, that you may recover yourself out of the snare of the devil, who was taken captive by him at his will.
I am going through this myself to reclaim years of lost ground to the enemy and it's in the same hope I reply to your posts. There's an element of truth to your observation. A fragmented soul is indeed a possibility after coming under the devil's attack, but through prayer and the authority of those who are in Christ Jesus healing is possible. Adultery and sexual sin opens the door for all kinds of spiritual attack.
The demonic doors that are opened through unbelief and sin must be closed through faith which comes through hearing his word, the holy scriptures, and confession/repentance/renunciation in prayer to God the father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. At some point we agreed with the devil and it allowed him place in our lives. Now we must turn to the sure word of God in knowledge and agreement, and resist the devil so that he will flee from us. We pray to God the father who is the restorer of our souls. Jesus said I come that they may have life, and life more abundantly. There no condemnation to those who in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. When we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son; much more, being reconciled, shall we be saved by his life.
Begin to read his Word, the holy scriptures, believe it, and confess it to God. Build up your faith. It it with the shield of faith that we quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. Put on the helmet of salvation. Be secure in the knowledge that God is for you - who can then be against you?
Finally, I recommend the Internet broadcast called Omegaman Radio. They specialize in deliverance ministry, and have many recurring guest ministers with decades of experience in dealing with real spiritual oppression.
Is it possible for God to restore my soul? He does have the power, right? Where did it go? Why did it leave? Since it did leave, it can come back, right? I pray for forgiveness and for it to come back every day. Did it vanish into thin air or does it have to exist somewhere? As for now I have been alive, not living for the past 2 years without it...I am a prisoner in my own body, always in pain/torture being alive without it and isolated from the world. What else can I do? I so badly want my soul back and to be rid of this hell I'm in...to live a life of happiness with my family/friends and to be able to help others through my experience who may be suffering.
I pray for a miracle to happen...
Ever since my family and I moved into our apartment we've experienced bad energy. My mother had been diagnosed with a pulmonary disease within the first 3 months she moved in. Then, she broke her shoulder in 3 places. Everybody experienced depression and suicidal thoughts. My brother actually attempted suicide but I found him just in time. Evil spirits come to me in the middle of the night. They smell like mildew and try to speak to me. They often leave 3 scratches on my body. I have holy water, rosary, medals, and a bible all next to my bed. The only thing that drives them away is when I call out for Jesus.
Hello Jacob ,
Pray to god ask god in prayer say the god please I the man to go with god and go to the light god I ask you to take the person that with me thank you god I count my blessings angry person in the after Go with god and go to the light and go with your family say again god will take the person anyways he can't hide from god no chance I'm a medium that's how it is he move on he get a rescue and ask him to drop his anger and stop it and to forgive him or another person that why he angry he not evil take care he just playing up
Pray to god and ask god to remove the person and go to the light go with god and go to the light ask god this to take the person that's doing this
I will continue to pray for a miracle to happen...all in God's time, not mine.
To the lady, who fears her soul is dead in her body: I really hope you don't despair and try to walk in the light once again. You clearly have walked 'in darkness' through your sins for some time. And believe me, the Devil and his minions will want to keep a firm grip on you. I would suggest a concerted course of prayer and fasting to get your life back on track. Try Saint Patrick's Purge if you can in your home. It's quite tough to do, but believe me it sees off demons. Basically you need to pray for around 7 hours a day - try breaking it down to 4-5 sessions at a time. You must only eat one half piece of toast a day or small savoury cookie/biscuit/cracker, and drink 1 drink a day - either black coffee, black tea or water - nothing else. And you must do an all night vigil over the course of the 3 days of prayer. You might like a priest to come to bless your house at the end of your purge, and to say prayers of exorcism over you, for at least 2 hours. Go to mass every day for a week. And keep to a strict vegan diet, and pray at least 3 hours a day if you can. This should cleanse your soul. You must obviously not fall back in to sinful ways. And fight the Devil. He loves your pain. Hate him back and drive him out of your life.
Keep sticking to a vegan diet and doing the prayer rituals every day until you feel that you have reclaimed your life somehow. I will pray for you, and repeat St Gertrude's prayer as often as possible throughout the day - it is meant to redeem those in purgatory and sinners on Earth.
The prayer is as follows
Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.
Please pass this on, if you read this site,and post it on to religious message boards everywhere (or something similar):
I've just found this site, which has a mission to galvanise Christians everywhere to say prayers for those in purgatory so that they can be released from that dark spiritual prison forever. Why not pledge to make X amount of St Gertrude's prayer each day.
Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.
Let's empty purgatory!!
Please visit here: http://www.mtep.com/status.htm - to find out more.
Thank you for your prayers and advice. My soul did leave my body and I pray for God's healing and power over all evil things that happen he will bring my soul back to me. I am telling the truth. I so wish it wasn't true. Oh merciful God please forgive me...I ask for a miracle from you. I have hope and faith that God can and will do this. I was a good person with a kind heart and yes I started to sin with no remorse. I was drinking a lot to the point of blacking out and somehow still alert even though I don't remember a lot of things I said and did. There was a lot of anger inside me at one point. The alcohol made me do wicked things for I had no control. I became evil towards my husband for all of his wrong doing but through God's grace we have forgiven each other. I was lost with no direction. A strong demonic force took over me and I became so weak that I tried to take my life and that is when I saw my soul leave...in a state of unconsciousness and when I woke to reality I was horrified. Please pray that through God's divine love he will restore my soul...I pray 24/7 and have been going to church with my family and friends who are all praying with me. I will say the St.Gertrude's prayer every day.
Five years ago I was the happiest person with 2 wonderful children, husband, job, home, family, friends and would of never imagined in my life something like this could or would happen! Please help me pray for a miracle... Thank you
To all those struggling with spiritual problems, the first and best way of ridding oneself of these issues is Confession. If you are a baptised Catholic, go to the sacrament of reconciliation, this is stronger than an exorcism! Then turn away from sin and pray and fast. If you are not Catholic, still turn away from sinful lifestyle and open your heart to Christ confessing your sin and repenting. Invoke the name of Jesus, especially "I claim the Protection of the Precious Blood of Jesus" every time you are feeling influenced. Things for a time may get worse - this is to put you off and make you lose hope, also because the devil is angry that you are going closer to Christ, but Jesus saves! And Mary will help you too! If things are really bac, seek out an authorised exorcist, every diocese will have one - call your Catholic archdiocese. If you can't, use the sacramentals such as holy water and blessed medals. Our main hope though is in faith and holding fast to Jesus in prayer.
Remember all you who suffer, Jesus is merciful and suffers with you. He loves you and may allow such things to disturb you so that you will come closer to Him.
If you have any questions about your own situations, try
for good, solid advice. May the Precious Blood of Jesus come upon us all! God bless you
I should add though that receiving Jesus in Holy Communion is most powerful together with confession :)
I have been being tormented by demons/shaddow people for 4 months. I believe it's because I was raised in the catholic church and had all my sacraments. They rape me and touch me. The more scared I get the more that come. I guess I knocked on the Devils door too much. I don't like to think that God is allowing this. Help me!! They are going to scare me to death. merilee.bizzozero@gmail.com
And I gave my daughter to my mother. I didn't want her to be hurt by them. Or maybe it was God who had her go w my mother. God does protect children.
Please God help me. Not only do the demons come w the drugs but I can see and feel them now. They scare me. I have sined bad. And for too long. My life is awful now. U have helped me once, u can help me again. I know the devil is trying to kill me and put me in eternal hell. I do not want that. Hell is no fun. I feel like I'm there now. I will come to your home and talk to u. That's what u keep telling me to do. Yet, I have ignored u for 4 months and everything is getting worse. I don't know how this happened, this is not me! Only u can save me God, this I know. But the devil and the demons have a strong hold on me. They want me. And I feel so weak all the time. Mentally, Physically and emotionally. Please give me the power to get away from them.
For people who feel they have no soul or Say God has abandoned them,go to confession,have a crucifixes in every room that has been blessed.Hang a picture of the Divine mercy of Jesus saying Jesus I trust in you! Hang a picture of our Lady of Lourdes in your house.Say the rosary daily,Mary will pray for you and with you for redemption of your soul.Say the Divine Mercy chalet our Lord gave to us.Buy and read The Diary of saint Faustina.This has brought my soul back to God, which I feel now in the state of grace.Read the scriptures daily.Obtain communion as much as possible.Now the devil has been unable to tempt me Jesus bless you all.Mary Formosa
Sorry I misspelled,It is The Divine Mercy Chaplet.You can google it on line,Bllessing Mary Formosa
im not to sure y im posting here because im not a religulous type but i have some bad spirit with me and hes been with me for a long time i mean since i was a kid and its done nothing but get stronger and is threatening to take over its even gone as far as to hurt me im not sure what to do because i cant realy go to a church sadly it will not let me maby some one would point me in the right direction to get some help, if you have any info you can email me at tomandjerry0909@yahoo.com
I have never been religious but rather what I loosely call spiritual. Lately I have been leaarning about the power of God in view of some bad things that has been happenning in my relationship.
Having spoken to a Priest and a few people in the know, I reluctantly came to the conclusion that my other half was struggling with an evil spirit especially during her sleep which was regularly disturbed.
Last night during one such disturbance I grabbed a fridge magnet crucifix and put it under my pillow.In her deep sleep she she somehow revolted against that crucifix and reached across under my pillow to throw it away. Luckily I grabbed it first. I have never seen anyone react so violently towards a religious object especially when she was deep in her sleep ...2a.m ish...after that she slept like a baby.
She woke up this morning and could not remember a thing. I am still stunned at the power of a fridge magnet crucifix which we bought at the Vatican souvenir shop 10 years ago. This is a turning point in my life.God is real!
My girlfriend and I have a demonic force upon us there is not a day that goes by where I am not scared my parents are atheist and forbid me going to church but I pray every night without any holy weapons exept the prayer in hope for it to leave us alone last night it carved the inside of my mouth with the word "zozo" please help terraise and I with your prayers. Thank you
I recommend that any one suffering from diabolical attacks or in fact just anyone.. To do the St Louis De Montfort consecration to Jesus through Mary and to renew it yearly also join the Association of Mary Queen of all Hearts which is the Confraternity for those who have done this consecration and are faithful to it. To find out more go here- http://www.fisheaters.com/totalconsecrationmontfort.html
Please pray for my Wife Erin. She is being attacked by the evil one who has led her to believe she will be happy by getting a divorce. The evil one is very strong in our household....Me as her husband have been trying everything possible but I continue to fight. Pray for us
Please pray for peace in my family. My husband has an explosive temper and terrifies us.
Please pray for my ex-partner, she is being terrorised by evil presences and dreams of the evil one trying to enter her body.
She has found God and knows that our lord has all power and shall banish the evil spirits.
I pray for her and have asked Jesus to bless the cross I wear as a symbol of my devotion and faith in him.
May you all walk in the light with our Lord. Bless you all.
You must strive to be in a state of sanctifying grace. If you are committing mortal sin, you cannot expect your guardian angel or anyone from Heaven to protect you from the demonic. Wear the brown scapular, hopefully properly blessed by a priest, say at least the five decade rosary every day, and wear a blessed St. Benedict medal. If possible, also wear a pardon crucifix and for those with these issues sleeping, try and obtain a St. Anthony brief scapular (you can obtain them from rose scapular company). This was given to a woman tormented by demons miraculously originally when she was about to commit suicide because demonic voices were tormenting her. She passed a shrine to St. Anthony on her way to commit suicide and begged his intercession, and was overcome by extreme fatigue and fell into a deep sleep. When she awoke, the scapular/brief was on her. The king of Portugal? asked her for the original brief but as soon as she removed it some of the demonic torments returned - the king required an exact replica be made for the tortured woman and her peace of soul returned. Also learn to say and do the Divine Praises. These always calm the soul during the night hours in particular - Blessed Be God, Blessed be His Holy Name, Blessed Be Jesus Christ, True God and True Man, etc. You can find those probably online - any old Roman missal, especially traditional pre conciliar has them in the Catholic prayers at the back. It was often a part of Benediction.
Please pray for me. I believe that my body and soul is being invaded by a dark evil. Ever since I was a child, I could always sense a presence of something that was there. During such times, the hair on the back of my neck would stand up. I live my life "the right way"...I'm married, going to church on Sundays, praying daily, but still I feel like the evil just won't let go.
I've been through some difficult times. Throughout my life, I've been attracting trauma. The past couple of months have been especially challenging. My husband and I lost much wanted pregnancy. It was a little girl and she has gone to heaven...please pray for her soul. Then about a month ago, I was diagnosed with a late stage Lyme disease. My road to recovery seems to be very long.
It's 3am and I was awaken by a nightmare. In my dream, I sensed the present of an evil and as I started to pray, my words could not come out. In that dream, I force the prayer but something was physically and mentally holding me back. I continued to pray and I was forced on the ground and instead of words of my prayer I vomited...that's when I woke up. Awaken, I continued my prayers to God, Jesus Christ, Mother Marry, Holly Spirit, angels and saints, but strangely I kept forgetting the words. I was in fear and in panic. I need your prayers...please pray for my soul, my health and for the evil to leave my body, soul, spirit and my life.
After this nightmare, I found this site. Thank you for this article. Please do not hesitate to offer me any advice...it's very much needed and appreciated.
May Jesus intercede and help all those who visit this website who are struggling with malevolent spirits. In Jesus holy Name, AMEN +
I just had a query. Is being in a physical relationship with ur girlfriend a sin. If its a sin I would like to know why as we both love each other. As even Christ says, love thy neighbors.
Hi Anonymous,
To reply to your question,
yes, having sexual relations outside of marriage is the sin of fornication, which is condemned by God numerous times in the Holy Scriptures. So, the short answer is that fornication is a sin because Jesus says so (see Mark Chapter 7, verse 21)
For an excellent straightforward explanation, I would suggest that you see this short article written by Father Michael:
Why sex before marriage is wrong
The Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith reaffirmed traditional Catholic teaching on the subject of sexual relations outside marriage, stating:
‘Nowadays many claim the right to sexual intercourse before marriage, at least for those who have a firm intention of marrying and whose love for one another, already conjugal as it were, is deemed to demand this (sexual intercourse) as a natural outcome. This opinion is contrary to Christian teaching, which asserts that sexual intercourse may take place only within the sacred bonds of marriage.’
This is a very serious matter so I pray that you will take the time to understand God's will and judgement in this matter. And remember too that if you have already engaged in this sin, Jesus is always ready to forgive, so do not be afraid to repent and seek His forgiveness in Confession, as in His infinite love and mercy He is always anxious to forgive us.
Best wishes and may God bless you and your loved ones.
-Glenn Dallaire
For NeedGodsGrace:
This is a response to NeedGods Grace who is feeling the presence of an evil spirit. It is called "demonic oppression." God permits good and evil and evil spirits can come into our dreams and we can feel demonic presences of actual demons. The time of 3 a.m. is Satan's hour because it is the opposite of 3 p.m., the Hour of Christ's Passion. When you try to pray and can't talk, the demon is "oppressing" you. It has happened to me many times. Here is what to do: First of all, repent of all of your sins. If you are Catholic make a general confession. Second, get a crucifix and have it blessed by a Catholic priest and put it next to your bed. When you are attacked, if you are able, hold up the crucifx and say: "Satan, begone in the name of Jesus Christ." If you cannot reach for it and/or you cannot speak, place an image of the crucifix in your mind and say the words in your mind: "Satan, begone in the name of Jesus Christ." The demon(s) WILL LEAVE immediately. I was attacked for years in this manner and it worked every time. In my case, I was involved in new age and the occult. When I made a general confession, the attacks stopped. However, demons can also attack us because of our family heritage. You may have someone in your family who caused demons to enter. Say the prayer for your family tree. Get the book by Fr. John Hampsch, CTM "Healing Your Family Tree," if you still have problems. Ask Jesus to cover you with His Most Precious Blood, say the rosary, the divine mercy chaplet, pray to Mary and the saints for intercession and say the prayer to St. Michael. These have all helped me. If you are Catholic, attend Mass and Adoration as much as possible. Do not despair, but realize that God is in control. Offer up your sufferings for others similarly afflicted.
All those that require immediate intervention email at satvinder321@hotmail.com...i am not a Christian but under the umbrella and command of the Divine Guru Nanak Dev Ji whom in turn is subject and dwells close to the Creator Lord God. I am mystic so please refer me Sat and Sat alone. Dont worry we all know how this ends.....All Glory to God
For above:.satvinder321@hotmail.com. When u email me....u would need to explain what EXACTLY is happening. NO over assumptions exact Accounts. I also need to know how much you pray in å 12hour period? How many hours aday you remember God lovingly in ur mind while doing other activities? Do u eat meat or a vegan? Have u tapped into dark arts? Do u engage in any type of lust? Do u have short or long hair and is it covered? < - this is important as the soul is located in the head and is where the entitiy/s enter or attack. Do you consume alcohol? The entities are highly accute and would try to prevent you sending an email to me coz they know they will b at threat. In prayer send me the email
In order for this curse to take effect you must believe it to work. If you don't give life to that thought it won't work. Your word is your wand...if you speak you are cursed you are. But if you speak you are free from bondage and evil you will be! Remember the verse that says life and death is in the power of the tongue. Stay blessed!
In order to have true protection you need to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and savior over your life. Then when you can command the demon to leave in the name of Jesus Christ. It has no choice but to flee!
me and my husband and daugther live in our house that has demonics in it they have sracthed my daugther in the face and pick me up like a puppet and chocked my husband and we have tryed alot of stuff to get rid of them the land lord wont even come in here and he is a pascure of a chruch he said they have blessed this house many times and we are the most longest tents that have stayed here people only stay for three years but we have been here for four help
My little girl woke me up crying. She had her eyes closed and covered because she was afraid of a ghost that she saw. The funny thing is she also sees a little girl and she's not scard of it. Now this man has been also seen by my wife. After I put my daughter to sleep I also went to sleep. In my dream I was trying to find this guy in the same room were we we're all sleeping. It seemed like I was using a camera to find it. When I saw it in front of me it seemed like a tall man with a mean smile on it and I ran up to it got him to fall back and we started chocking each other. As we were both fighting I smiled at him and was telling my wife to get the holy water and the bible. I had no fear and I felt I had more power over it. My question is could this be just a dream or could we had actually battled in my sleep. I was never told his discription until I told her about what happened in my dream and what it looked like and she told me that's what the tall man looked like.
I'm a Christian and i felt that i should pray for whoever wants prayer.
This is my email address: kaorufaith@hotmail.com
If you want prayer because you are suffering due to an evil spirit or demonic forces, and would like someone to pray for you, then you can get in contact with me by sending me an email.
God Bless you,
and remember that He Love You and will never abandon you.
If you're suffering due to demonic forces or evil spirits and you want it gone from your house or from within your body, or you feel that you have lost your soul- the way to regain your soul -The answer is Jesus Christ. If you ask Jesus to come into your life as your Lord and Saviour, to forgive all your sins and to help you get rid of the evil spirit in your body or fight demonic forces in your home or regain your soul - He will. Two things can happen. One, you may immediately be freed from the evil spirit. Or two, it may try to fight for ground within your body and try to stay (so what i'm saying is that it might not leave immediately). If the second situation occurs, then the next thing to do is to persist.
Fast and pray. There are different ways of fasting, so maybe you can do some research. I think that one way of fasting is to just drink water, and maybe a cracker a day.
Pray, pray to the Lord Jesus Christ that He will help you and rescue you. But listen, the first requirement is to accept the Lord Jesus as Your Saviour. If you don't do this, then i don't know how effective other measures will be. So, the first thing you need to do is accept Jesus as your Saviour. THe way to do this is this: Get on your knees (kneel) and repeat these words: Dear Jesus, I know that i have sinned a lot in my life (and specifically mention your sins- what they are - sin is everything that you do, and think and feel that is wrong) and then say i repent of my sins (I'm really sorry for my sins) - you have to mean this from the bottom of your heart- only sincerity works. Please Jesus, forgive my sins, come into my life as my Lord and Saviour and also free me from this evil spirit and make it leave my body. I have faith in you, and i will continue to trust you and put you first in my life.
By the way, you can't just say this and go off and have an affair, drink wildly, have sex with whoever (you can only have sex with your married partner), think lustfully, take drugs, or do anything else that you know in your heart and which you conscience convicts you is wrong.
Once you accept Jesus as your saviour, the Holy Spirit should enter your body. The Holy Spirit is Good, and also God. He is the third in the trinity. Look up in the internet from the sources born again Christian sources. Or from Baptist, Presbyterian and Christian city churches.
Find a local church near you (preferably Christian city church, or Presbyterian or Baptist) and attend church every week.
IF you want to be freed from the evil spirit and it is really hurting you- this is the way.
God Bless YOu and Be with you from now and throughout all eternity.
Love, Sister in the Lord Jesus.
My relative has been introduced occult by his girlfriend.I believe it is has gone to far. He has been hearing voices and having multiple identities. We have lost contact with him. He calls us randomly talking strange. Can you pray for him so that he can break the ties and come back to God and possible leave a comment on what we can do until he comes back to us
hy everyone im a nice young man that has no bad intentions in life and try and do good and help people around me ,im having this problem yet every one tells me im a good looking guy and whatsoever it is difficult for me to find my soulmate or the woman that's ment for me I don't know what to do this world became impossible to me by many ways not just what I already mentioned besides all that im having problems with ghosts or whatever they are in my basement I even have pictures for proof and a friend that have seen everything with me I could really use some help at least advices of what shoud I do or why is all this happening with me I fell that is just me that's experiencing this things even though I know im not the only
Please people when in prayer don't use the word lord as it is satans calling name. refer to god as father or yahweh as this is our fathers real name. Please don't use lord it means baal and baal is a evil fallen angel. Thank you brunningm@live.co.uk
I suggest you burn blessed incense and sprikle Holy Water. You can obtain blessed incense by buying incense and an incense holder and taking it to a Catholic Church and ask the priest to bless the incense and incense holder. The Holy Water can be obtain through the Church as well. Hope this helps.
Soulless,to the lady with no soul.
What you are feeling is the devil's work. No one thinks of him anymore. He has done a good job of that. He and his minions are very active with all of us. We must hold a constant vigil; Jesus removed several demons from suffering people in his time on earth. Where do you see anyone doing this today? The devil and the demons of the world are not gone. They have perfected the game with out your notice.......you say you are souless ? For 1, every time you say. I am souless, an idiot, evil, a cheater, not worthy, etc...the simple act of you stating it brings it to life. Makes it true. You must not make statements like this. These are WORD CURSE's. You are cursing yourself! Something all our grandparents knew about. Curiously, no one speaks about it anymore. Another good job by the devil and all darkness.
Break it .. In the name of Jesus. I break the power and authority of any and all word curses stated by me, anyone or anything else. They are all lies. They have no power over me. No authority over me. The truth is I am blessed by the grace of God thru the blood of his son Jesus Christ. I am God's child. God makes no mistakes. That makes me perfect! All praise and glory to God my heavenly father whom I love with all my heart. It is so!
Believe it! Also know b4 hand the little voice will pop in "it didn't work" "you don't think that actually did anything do you". Etcetera, etcetera , etcetera ...pop that little devil right back out. Mentally pull down it's drawers and boot him out ! Sometimes visuals help to solidify the action in our minds. At this point the devil will fight back.
Now about that lost soul of your's. You cannot loose your soul. Your soul cannot walk away from you! You can give your soul to our Father in Heaven. Unwisely, you can give your soul to the darkness. But, it doesn't mean your soul is now gone. It only means where you will go when your body gives up the ghost so to speak.
You are your soul ! This is another thumbs up to the dark for our ignorance. You see, we are souls, spirits.
The energy inside running this interface(our body) to the physical world. We all are caught up in this modern world. The devil wants us to think physical and forget spiritual. The states zionist tv programming. Programming us to lust, sexual perversion,be a good consumer. We are pounded by the devil all day. It builds in our subconscious and we act on it. Turn off the tv.
Open your bible. Lay down beside the still waters. Lead us to green pastures. He stated this so he could heal us.....you only need to give him a time at a peaceful unpolluted place to lie down and meditate on him. Keep your eyes closed. Focus on him. Promise him your are his and invite God our Father in Heaven inside to repair your soul. We can and do damage them thru sin. God is the only one who can repair your soul. Give him an hour or so a day just you and him. Be still on your back. You will feel things you never felt b4 if u have never done it. Be sure footed. Keep the faith. Boot that devil out the door!
Fiercely interesting! What wonderful and useful information. Thankyou! And God bless you.
I just want to add that I believe we are in the last days - look at whats happening in the world and on such a huge scale. The devil and his minions are everywhere and in almost everything. The RCC continues to be persecuted and 'christians' continue to hate and spit venom at anything Catholic. For all those times I was doubtful about the Church, this is a sure sign that it truly is Christ's church otherwise the devil would leave it alone. Praise be to God and pray for abundant protection upon everything.
Hello and may the lord be with us,i have had this demonic presence in my life for many years it has tryed to kill me, it has driven the love of my life away,with our six children,i have brayed,went to church a couple of times,its seem everytime i get to a happy place in life it drives me i to a terrible situation, this demon has made me homeless many times, killi g my spirit slowly evertime i am rejected by all my family and ooved ones,even my daughters seem to rather be with anyone else except daddy,it hurts,this evil deomonic one has led me to drugs manytimes, all different types of drugs,i loved the mother of my children but it seems this demonic force drives us apart, leaving me feeling rejected,abandoned,alomst lime no o e in the world loves me,im 40 years old,and i feel like my life is over,but i want to live,can someone help me beat this demon out of my life, my childrens life, and free the mother of my children from this evil,so that after 13 years we can settle down get married and simply raise our children together and in the presence of the lord . PLEASE HELP IM TIRED, WEEK, MY FAITH SEEMS LIMITED, HELP ME RID MY LIFE OF THIS DEMON NOW AND FOREVER.
A particular person put a spell on me few years ago.He wanted that i'll come back to work in his company , and since then i have intrusive thoughts.He wanted to seperate me from my lovely husband because i left the company where he was my boss - but he'll never succeed , and i'll fight till death.He will need to kill me , because i'll never obey to him and will never come back!!I'm fighting with lies , and fight with all of my forces!!!
The varying degrees of egotism, spiritual hypochondria and falsehoods in these comments is disappointing. One person even suggested "Lord" was not a proper way to refer to God despite it appearing in the Bible 1000s of times in reference to God.
Stop finding demons under your bed and ghosts in your closet. Stop assuming someone (especially you) has control over someone else through prayer. Stop pretending you are on some religious quest to fight evil in the world.
The entire point of the article was to get closer to God. He is the source of all power. Prayer allows that power into our lives and into the lives of those around us, but it is not OUR power. It is Gods power and ultimately His will as to how it is used and for what purpose.
As for those truly suffering from demonic influence??? The same solution applies. You pray, you hope, you trust and the ultimate work is God's.
My family is split up because of evil demons and possession. I have been the victim for over 3 years now and I have never experienced my husband whom I do not know act in such a way in his life before. He hears voices in his head and actually speaks to someone in the garage while he is pacing he targets me for his anger abuses drugs and alcohol is verbally abusive the same possession has bestowed my daughter as well. I love my family but I can not be with them. I just wish I had the loving marriage with my husband that I have been deprived of all my life due to demonic possession of his soul!
Hello all!
If you want to battle against evil spirits, go to this website http://saint-mike.org/warfare/library/spiritual-warfare-prayer-catalog. It's filled with Catholic prayers against every type of evil. Pray the one's that suit you most, every day if you can. In front of the eucharist is best. There is even a protection prayer on there to say before you even start praying. I say this one before every deep prayer session. If you are having sex out of marriage, stop and try really hard to stop any other sinful activities so God can hear you better. Pray the rosary, ask the Blessed Mother to Pray for you. The most important thing is to be persistent. I see God working in my life and answering prayers like never before for myself and others. It's an amazing feeling to know that God's got my back. Also, research Saint Pio. He fought the devil on a regular basis. Look up a Saint Pio Novena. Also, ask everyone you meet who is holy and devout to pray for you. Stop at nothing. GOD WILL ANSWER and the devil will flee! Also, Saint Dymphna's novena is excellent for those suffering from mental illness which often times is just an evil spirit of the mind.
Also, Psalm 91 - if you are really in a bind, pray this Psalm. Memorize it.
If you are our of grace, your best bet is to get the saints to pray for you. They are holier than you are and will advocate on your behalf. Keep asking them to pray for you and eventually you will start having a breakthrough.
The I have asked for intercessory prayer from are -saint dymphna, saint monica, saint jude, saint margaret of cortona, saint mary of egypt, saint michael the archangel, the blessed mother, obviously,saints peter and paul, saint benedict and saint pio.
Peace & Blessings to All.
i fight evil...kevinlee91@aol.com
it seems i have many evil spirits around me
one claims to be the right hand of the devil
and another claims to be the right hand of god
they also use females to suddue me into listening to them
sometimes they even make my body feel heated up as if u was in hell
and to top it off they have been giving me misbelive signs to make this story go this far
i just got baptised but yet they stay
need to find some other ways to help
I thank God for guiding me to yhid site.
Since Jue I have been constantly experiencing the attacks of demonics forces in my homeg due to neighbours who are practicing the occult. They are living above above my apartment.
Praying in the right way will help me rid the dmond attack.
For those who are tried by sufferings, please take advantage of the following powerful remedies against the attacks of evil spirits:
1. THE HOLY NAME OF JESUS: The Devils flee at the name of Jesus. The Saints performed their miracles by the Holy Name.
2. THE HOLY NAME OF MARY: (Here is what St. Alphonsus says) "Oh, blessed is he who always, in his conflicts with hell, invokes the beautiful name of Mary! In confirmation of this it was revealed to St. Bridget that God has given Mary such power over all evil spirits, that whenever they assail any of her servants who implore her aid, at the slightest sign from her they flee far away in terror, preferring that their pains should be redoubled rather than that Mary should domineer over them in this manner… It is related in the accounts of the missions to Japan that a great number of demons appeared in the form of ferocious animals to a certain Christian of that country, to alarm him and threaten him, but he spoke to them in these words:"I have no arms [weapons] with which to terrify you; if the Most High permits it, do with me according to your pleasure. Meanwhile I use as my defence the most sweet names of Jesus and Mary." Hardly had he uttered these words, when behold, at the sound of those fearful names, the earth opened and those proud spirits were swallowed up.” (Words taken from ‘The Glories of Mary’, which contains many powerful remedies against the demons, despair, sin etc.)
3. THE SACRAMENTS: Confession and the Holy Eucharist are more powerful than the attacks of Hell. Confession strengthens our will to love God and avoid sin. The Holy Eucharist is God Himself, Who is all-powerful and all-merciful.
4. THE HOLY ROSARY: Read ‘The Secret of the Rosary’ by St. Louis de Montfort if you doubt the power of The Rosary.
5. SACARMENTALS: St. Teresa, Sr. Benigna Consolata and others have testified that holy water is powerful against the demons. The MEDAL OF ST. BENEDICT is also very useful. One of the benefits of wearing it with faith is that it imparts protection to those tempted, deluded, or tormented by evil spirits.
6. THE INTERCESSION OF BLESSED BARTOLO LONGO: This holy man, who has been beatified by the Church, and is now in Heaven, was a former Satanic priest. Fear not, dear friends, if you are tried by diabolical temptations. Just as God freed Bartolo Longo from his distress, so too will God liberate you if you trust in His goodness and submit to His holy will. Another powerful advocate against diabolical temptations is St. Ubald of Gubbio.
Never forget that God is all-powerful and all-merciful. Listen to what St. Bridget of Sweden says: “If someone, at the Devil’s prompting, had committed every sin against God and then, with true contrition and the intention of amendment, truly repented these sins and humbly, with burning love, asked God for mercy, there is no doubt that the kind and merciful God Himself would immediately be as ready to receive that person back into His grace with great joy and happiness as would be a loving father who saw returning to him his only, dearly beloved son, now freed from a great scandal and a most shameful death.” Her words are confirmed by Church teaching.
God bless you.
praying and prayer. the most powerful weapon against evil period !
I am concerned about a few incidences in our home. As far as we know there is a clean history of the home. But I heard a voice one day call my name and my wife and daughter heard voices speaking on another occasion. My daughter took a picture the other day and there was a floating circle behind my daughter's head(Orb?) Should we be concerned? we are all christians but maybe something is dwelling in the home from past owners.
Hi Tom, in my own experience I know not to give power or thought to what has been happening in your home. I would not take any more photos. Giving the residual energy beings power will only make them come out to you more often. Power of Prayer and Love, any kind of residual energy or evil can not dwell. Show a lot of Love in your family, Love of God is extremely Important. Evil feeds off any anger, even trying to tell the residual energy to leave your family alone will feed off your fear. Approach with the Love of God and really feel and mean it. Love in your Heart will prevail all. The Love of God will, evil cannot dwell. There are residual energy all around us. If one invites it in, by thoughts, photos, fear, and etc. They will be hard to remove or not want to leave. If there is more activity, I would seek out a Catholic priest to help. I do not advise to seek out any one else. Pray, pray to our Lord Jesus Christ and his Blessed Mother Mary. I hope this helps. I hope I am not crossing any boundaries or out of line. I speak from experience, my heart and my Deeply Devotion to our Lord Jesus Christ. The power of prayer has helped me through my family turmoil. My family has persecuted me.
Hi,I been going through so much pain since i can remember now as im older i know i have something evil around me in me because i cant never be happy once im doing good or even ok the evil spirit brings me down under.. i get a job i lost it right alway, i fall in love and the love of my life leaves me, he comes in n out my life hurting me more and more everytime.. he tells me he loves me and wants to be with me but he dont know why he is leaveing me, n i always get hurt, i get my an apartment for my kids n i and i lost it,my kids have been taking from me as well.. I am a good mother dont use drugs i dont hit my kids i dont drink and my kids are taking from me they are suffering as well not being with me everyday, i love them so much they are my life...anything good that happens to me get taking from me its like im not might to be Happy the evil around me wants me to suffer all my life...!!! Everyones wants to talk bad about me think bad about me and i dont know really why or what to do anymore I feel as someone put a eveil spirit upon me.. i ask anyone to please help me get rid of all this evilness, pray for me n my kids to be happy
please pray for me im having vivid nightmares of being murdered and im being held down in bed asleep in a dream and also awake , i see black shadows all the time in my house please pray for me , i have prayed and it helped some i need the masses to pray please thank you
I pray for all those who visit this webpage and those who have commented here--especially those who are oppressed by evil spirits:
May Jesus, in His infinite love and mercy, pour out His precious blood upon us, to strengthen and protect us from all evil. May He banish all evil spirits from our presence and dwelling. Lord Jesus crucified, have mercy upon us! St Michael the archangel, defend us in battle and be our defense against the wicked spirits. In Jesus Holy Name, AMEN +
I was recently asked in an email:
"Is it possible to permanently rid oneself of the devil/demons?"
Firstly, I am not a priest. It is best to seek direction and help from a priest or pastor. However, to reply simply I would respond with a definite "yes" but firstly it does depend on the will of God--because sometimes God allows us to be tempted and subjected to the demons for our own sanctification, and then secondly it depends very much on our will to repent and our desire to firmly rid ourselves of our sins, and to sincerely will to draw ourselves closer to Jesus truly desire to live a virtuous and devout life. This is fundamentally what is needed.
And, if one is a Catholic, then one would definitely want to talk to a priest and make a good confession to be forgiven of one's sins. If one is a christian, then one can meet with a pastor who can help in this regard also.
May God bless all who visit here.
Glenn Dallaire
The Church has strict lines on dealing with exorcism, Protestants do not. Be certain you are not led astray and into snares.
well i have this friend and i think she might be in danger because this spirit is giving her messages saying "hi my sweet we will meet in 28 days and the 28th day is december 6th and just yesterday i told her that i will protect her then suddenly my face started hurting and i had scratches on my face and on one side of my face said N the other side said O and when she saw she was like what does NO mean as if i cant protect her please help i dont know what to do
Do you guys know what a soul is? If you can think for yourself, if you still feel bad about committing horrible things, if you know right from wrong, and if you're desperately seeking help--then your soul's fine. Stop feeling all depressed for something that isn't lost or taken away. Depression is a manipulation. Desperation is a manipulation. If you can still think for yourself (which means that you are able to comment on this blog to begin with), then your soul is intact and still in place. Worry less about what lies you are led to believe.
There are three parts to man: body, spirit, and soul. Your body is obviously the physical and fleshly part of you. Your spirit belongs to God. It's the part of you that God gave you, breathed into you, and made you alive. That part of you will always seek the Creator. Your spirit will always be incomplete and unhappy without Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. There are three parts to your soul: the mind, the emotions, and the will. That being said, your soul is comprised of everything that makes you YOU right now: your thoughts, your feelings, your intentions, etc. All of you still have a soul, even all the ones who can "feel" your sould being taken away or whatnot. If you can think, if you can feel, if you can choose--you still have a soul.
As for demons and getting rid of them, the correct procedure would be to dedicate your life to Jesus Christ and to follow after Him. Please note that this action and choice doesn't automatically render you demon-free. Jesus didn't promise that we would never encounter demons or evil spirits. Instead, He does something much more profound. He gave us POWER to tread over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy. That is a statement that no one cares to remember. So greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world.
How do you use this power? That's the relevant question, isn't it? Whoever knows the answer and can apply it to real-life situations, please do enlighten the rest of us. Power isn't meant to be hoarded. Freely given, it is to be freely shared. Help is available. Those who know, need to help. That is why you have such power. And that is the only reason why you have it: to help others.
Fight and pour yourself into the word of the lord give yourself to Jesus and ask to be forgiving for your Sins God bless
Liaslia, There are 135 comments here at the moment, and I think about 120 of them are from a hoaxer who says they lost their soul. :-)
The lady who feared that her soul is lost is sincre. I also thought that I was lost and damned for all time at one point due to the none too loving preaching in a pentacostal sect.
It was the love and grace of God, our Father, who brought me to the Catholic Church where my healing and conversion began.
Dear lady who thinks her soul is lost: it is NOT! You ARE A SOUL! God loves you and is fighting for you. I am praying for you!
I bought a cross pendant for a necklace, I don't wear it, sometimes I keep it in my wallet. I believe this helps keep unholy spirits away, I don't know how. I don't feel their presence since I bought this. I hope this helps. With love - Anonymous
In jesus names god bless you
I have severally woken up in the middle of the night with the feeling that I was having sex with someone unseen to me, I also felt movement of someone on my bed although I live alone,i believe am getting visited by evil spirits,please pray for me.
The second paragraph is similar to my story. My gf is sick. For months we struggle to help her. Every once in a while she gets possessed by a darkness, many times she lies stiff on the bed. It happened to me a couple nights ago. I felt the darkness too. I woke up crying and out of breath.
You have to pray to Jeses ,attend mass and stay healthy! Avoid Drinking Alchol , smoking or doing drugs! They also live off your fear you must and I repeat must not fear them that is how
they get there power. Once you stop giving them power they will no longer control you.
You have the power to be set free as I am set free now.
Find joy in lord he will guide you.... But you must trust in him and stray away from sin.
Also buy a juicer and juice fresh organic vegetables and fruits drink this everyday.
Also use a blender and put Kale , carrots apples etc. there are great recipes you can find on the Internet to make green smoothies. Evil cannot live in a healthy spiritual body and mind. This will give you the strenth to heal yourself ! And never give into fear again the have no power then.
May the light of Our Lord Jesus Christ guide and protect you.
hi there
please try the chaplet of st Micheal it really brings about great help. just Google it guys.
Here is an association of the Faithful that one can join to help with oppressions and obsessions:
It is a really good set of spiritual warfare prayers when said daily along with the Rosary.
Can someone help me, I am being attacked by an evil spirit, it atack mostly whe I'm sleeping . The most horrible thing is that it abuses me sexually, I've tried prayer, comand it to leave me in the name of Jesus , but still no luck
Hi there. I believe you, me too, I started waking up in the middle of the night we with the feeling of having sex with someone that I could not see
Hello I know how you feel cause two ladies put voodoo on me one did it of jealousy if my skin they really did me in but I didn't fall like they wanted me to I know a lady that can help u call me 13057097600
A friend in Jesus who read through all of the comments above offered the following suggestions for those being oppressed by evil spirits:
1] Firstly know that you have a problem and try to identify and look at it honestly, many have tried to do that.
2] Make a decision to turn your life around-- back to God. Turning away from Him has put you in the state you are in. This is important as it takes time and commitment to get well again.There are some who have suffered through no fault of their own or through ignorance. Our fall took time on the way down-- the way back up is a training in strength to not let it happen again.
3]You need spiritual help and this is where you need to look for it as has been already suggested. All the problems mentioned have a spiritual cause.
4) Go to confession--- this is a healing sacrament, and many have been healed in confession. It may be some time since you have been and are rusty in the way to do it.Pray for the priest before you go to see him, and then just tell your story , ask for his help if you need to, and confess all the sins you can. Try to identify how and why your problem began for instance--- bad habits like alcohol, drugs, gluttony ,adultery, fornication, were you abused , suffer a trauma when young , were you involved in the occult, satanism consulting mediums, fortune tellers, new age practices idol worship, Have you been cursed by someone etc ,. open the door for these spirits to come in and oppress us.It can also come down the generations to you.
5) VERY IMPORTANT, have you forgiven anyone who has hurt you in any way, cursed you or in any way harmed you.You will Not be Healed if you hold onto, hatred anger, resentment or bitterness towards anyone.You must understand that to FEEL this way is understandable, but this is A DECISION OF YOUR WILL--- THE FEELING WILL FOLLOW IN TIME. Forgiveness cuts the chain between you and the person who has hurt you, it is for your freedom not theirs.
6) Pray for the person who has hurt you--- your enemy { all biblical.] this is Love your enemy
7] Receiving Holy Communion, You have Jesus in your soul-- YOUR HEALER, remember confession first to repent of sins otherwise you do yourself more harm.
8] Spend time in adoration of the BLESSED Sacrament , --a lot of time.Here you are being healed by our Creator who loves us infinitely and wants our healing even more than we ourselves do.
9] Every day on rising put on the armor of God so that we are protected, and at night before we sleep. You will find this in Ephesians 6 in the bible, every part of the armour is important.
10] Say the prayer to St Michael the Archangel frequently during the day for protection.
11] Your own patron saint is a help as well as any number of saints, especially ST PADRE PIO or any who have done battle with the devil. The Rosary is a Very effective weapon against satan and spirits, Ask for Our Ladies protection and help, ask Jesus for the protection of His Precious Blood.
12) Discouragement is one of the devils best tactics so get support when you feel down or that nothing much is happening, to get you through those times. Don't go according to your feelings, go according to what you know, which is that God loves you,YES HE DOES, even if you dont FEEL IT. and He does want you to be free.
13] Praise God and be grateful for all He is doing for you, the devil hates you to Praise God so do it often.
14] If you cant pray say the psalms---- A prayer for every situation.--- of course that is praying as well. Frequently just say the name of Jesus, praying is talking with God so just share your heart with him as His child.
15] You may still need to have a prayer of healing or deliverance said over you by a priest or a person in that ministry who has the gift of healing, or an exorcism which needs to be done by the appointed exorcist in a diocese.
16] Holy Water and blessed salt can be used for blessing of ourselves and our homes, burning a blessed candle in your room is good, Jesus is Your light --- the light of the world, the darkness will NEVER overcome the light.That is indeed good news
17] We are all sinners and we ALL fall, it is in getting up, repenting of it, asking for His help and going on that matters, trusting in His forgiveness and love that gives us the victory.
I was plagued by demons after I was taken to go to India by my mother. I loved Jesus and God and then I was taken over by demons until one day I snapped and denied the soul to try to make them lose interest as it was going on for 20 years and the holy spirit was offended and left. I have now got even sicker and am close to death the devil has isolated me from my truest love and my friends and closes every door and has killed 3 of my friends. He wants me to commit suicide but I have a daughter so I don't he has spent most of my life trying to trick me and has ruined everything I do what can I do or am I consigned to hell? I was never that sinful at all and I had a very pure heart so why???
Also I used to pray all the time and now I'm exhausted and don't pray much as it dosnt work anymore
to those saying prayers on here, i say to you, read matthew 6:5-6:14. when you pray, you are to be alone in your room for the time between you and god is holy and the hypocrites wh do the devils work love to be seen by man as they pray. do not forget the fathers ords so easily. it is right to keep others in mind but the father is all knowing and knows what it is that is needed before we know what it is we need. as to those claiming visions to be unholy and bad, that all depends on whom the visions are coming from. never forget that something appearing to be evil can in fact become gods greatest personal gift to you individually, do not cower from it but learn more about it, you are not alone. to those being plagued by the dark forces that plot against the heavenly host and his children, show them no fear, they feed off of it. instead, face them with courage for this world is only physical and they have no real power for with but a word, jesus can remove them from your life, you just have to ask. if anyone needs someone to talk to, you may text me at 662-671-0644. ~Matthew
Ari Lioness: pray to god but do not ask trivial things but instead, ask him to come into you and cleanse your spirit from the inside out. demonic possession can effect many aspects of your life, including your mentality. do not despair for he who is holy loves you and offers you his protection so long as you believe he can protect you and ask for it. a spirit can only control you so long as you give up your will and allow it. these are matters in which you must fight tooth and nail for god is on your side and he never gave up on you, so don't give up on him or else the battle is already lost. ~Matthew
I believe the samehappen to me I do believe a spell was cast upon me as well as my mother this Demon hasfollowed us around from to three houses it takes a good 3 days to get to us once we move but then it starts shaking the bed and now its getting physical.. I definitely need help removing this please help me
the thing with demons is they wanna be in control. in the bible, jesus would command the demonic spirit to leave and it would be. take control of your life and command it to leave. a demon only has as much power over you as you give it. pray to god for protection and the strength to overcome this enemy because while he has the power to stop it, he has allowed this entity to be. he wants to help you, he doesn't want you to suffer, but his gift to you was freewill so he can't intervene until you ask him to. he ill do it in many ways, some being unbelieveable. me personally, when i was being antagonized by a demonic force, i asked god to protect me and from that moment on,i have yet to be possessed again and when someone would be possessed, they would panic at the sight of me. god lives in all of us, you have the ability to fight back against the devil, only few see that. when you ask god for something, he doesnt just provide you with it, he provides you with an oppurtunity to make it happen
I've never dealt with this until the age of thirty.I'm thirty nine now and no one has helped get rid of it either.I've had priests that done what they could and for some reason it still hangs with me.Please help me.I hear it talking but no one else does.I'm a true Christian and don't know what else to do????
I'm a Christian and I believe that there are angels and demons in the world with us. I just never came into contact with one until I met my friend. From her childhood past and her families' religious beliefs, kinda led her into become a medium. She's a portal to a spirit world. I would be in disbelief if someone said that to me but I've met and befriended some of the spirits that take over her body. And then theres a demon. I've met him and talked to him. He 's a demon of disease. He made the poor girl have a heart attack at the age of 25. And now she's getting random burn marks on her body. She is a Christian and she has been baptized. I've been praying for her safety and have gotten her a rosary in hopes that will protect her from the demon coming out and ruining her life. I know that you can't destroy demons but I need some advice on how to keep this one away from continuing on hurting my friend.
Hello to all,
I pray this passage helps those seeking help against the attacks from the enemy. Please meditate on every word.
Ephesians 6:10-18
10 Finally, grow strong in the Lord, with the strength of his power.
11 Put on the full armour of God so as to be able to resist the devil's tactics.
12 For it is not against human enemies that we have to struggle, but against the principalities and the ruling forces who are masters of the darkness in this world, the spirits of evil in the heavens.
13 That is why you must take up all God's armour, or you will not be able to put up any resistance on the evil day, or stand your ground even though you exert yourselves to the full.
14 So stand your ground, with truth a belt round your waist, and uprightness a breastplate,
15 wearing for shoes on your feet the eagerness to spread the gospel of peace
16 and always carrying the shield of faith so that you can use it to quench the burning arrows of the Evil One.
17 And then you must take salvation as your helmet and the sword of the Spirit, that is, the word of God.
18 In all your prayer and entreaty keep praying in the Spirit on every possible occasion. Never get tired of staying awake to pray for all God's holy people,
I just remembered something weird happening in my step brothers room 2 years ago that really frightened me, I was in the middle of playing a game on my step brothers playstation 3 and after 15 minutes of playing an image of my aunt that died showed up saying james don't be scared its me and I was trying to figure out what was going on and rebooted the game and tv and disconnected the tv and game from the internet to try to keep from possible hackers ant not even 5 minutes after that the image popped up again so I hollered for my step mom to come in the room and she seen it and was afraid to go in that room for the next month and my grandma and my dad saw it too and I was wanting to know because of that is it possible for the people who pass on to communicate through tv's and such to say their final goodbyes to those they never got the chance to in other words could that have been my aunt that passed on in that motorcycle accident?
Hi everyone !
i have read ALL of the comments i was shocked that it was true and it can be happen that a one soul can leave its own body ......and also i was shocked that i read all of the comments without noticing until i reach the newest comment hehe......i'am a christian and i learned a lot of things here by just reading comments i was about to comment here about how to cast away the evil spirits and demons in a family or in a house because my family is very ....(sigh)..... not one happy family ... whenever im going home i feel depression,miserably, any negative feelings .... i want my family to be a happy,has fear to God and has a faith to God... but my family don't even pray,read Bible,go to church or even has not interest of anything about word of God or anything about God or Jesus...i'm the only one who's praying,reading Bible,go to church, has interest anything about Jesus and even share word of God on Facebook I'am proud to be a child and follower of Jesus ! AMEN !....... but i wanted to help my family but i tried everything to make them see God but it's hopeless it's useless they are not even listening i am so worried ! evil are in our house controlling my family ! and sometimes i get affected by some bad situation i get sometimes do sins ! i don't like it so much please help me what should i do to make my family see God and Jesus ? and be a happy,fear to God and has faith to God family? please help me !
LOVE,MERCY,JESUS shall be the our guide to be a happy family but seems there is something missing to be able to make my family feel the presence of Jesus Christ and i need ot know that i need help.....please......
Something really angers me in some of these responses. I commented on this site last year I am the girl that bought a cross pendant and the evil spirits vanished. But it makes me think, what if I didn't would these demons still be with me. My faith hasn't changed, I haven't changed, I'm still the exact same person I've always believed in god. But obviously god has now decided because I bought a cross I am now a'christian'. Or are the demons afraid of crosses, I don't see how this could be we have always had crosses around the house. I honestly believe because I bought this now god is helping me. He must see me differently but why? I am no different to the person I was before. I am oblivious to the reasoning behind this. Back to my initial statement of being angered by some of the comments. It angers me that you constantly tell these people that they have to take back there sins. You are assuming that these people have sinned terribly to be possessed by these demons. But honestly some of these women are being raped by these demons, honestly, do you honestly believe these women deserve that, even if they have sinned. What sin could possibly justify being sexually abused. I have experienced demons like this and I can tell you I was and am a selfless kind, caring person. I want to open your eyes that not all people that are possessed by these Evil spirits are bad and have done bad things. Sometimes they are just unlucky. Not everyone is born into a holy Christian family. From my heart to yours- anyone experiencing anything like this buy a cross even if you are not a Christian and I hope these spirits leave you and I don't believe you are a bad person and in anyway deserve what is happening to you.
Sorry about that, just think sometimes some people think everything is black and white. Keep doing what you are doing, you have definitely helped a lot of people.
Dear Soul-less... When people are exposed to trauma or extreme stress, parts of them may leave. A clear example of this is war veterans and "post traumatic shock syndrome". Any time you hear "he has not been the same since..." you are probably hearing about someone who has suffered soul loss. There are innumerable things that can cause soul loss, the death of a loved one, an accident, physical, emotional or sexual abuse, and abandonment to name just a few.
The symptoms are as varied as the causes. Some symptoms of soul loss are: depression, feeling spaced out, having recurring abusive patterns show up in our relationships, not remembering parts of our past, disconnected from our feelings, not feeling present in our bodies, ill health, poor boundaries, feeling depleted, alienated and so on.
If you have any of these symptoms and have addressed them with traditional medical and emotional therapies, if you have changed your diet and take supplements and herbs yet you still feel you are not really well, you may be suffering from soul loss.
A shaman is a person who deals with spiritual illness. A trained shaman can perform a soul retrieval and actually bring back lost parts of a person's soul. This is a gentle, noninvasive technique that can be profound and life changing.
In our day of medical miracles, it is a shame that so many of us suffer needlessly for lack of the most ancient of healing modalities. Fortunately for us all, this ancient form is being rediscovered and competent trained practitioners are becoming increasingly available.
I have seen ghost I have been woken up completely sober and drug free find glowing eye demons I've used the Bible chase them out of my life now my brother who is an elder in the Church of the Jehovah Witnesses is being demonized when I last spoke to him I could feel the presence of the demon within him I could look through his own eyes and steal those see the cold black eyes of the demon I've recently been sent to angels 1 Michael the Archangel the other jacobs who helps me in my daily affairsI've never been a religious person never studied any particular religion but only recently have all the pieces of the puzzle have come together for me and realize that there is more going on around us man you knowI'm confused why would Michael the Arch Angel be sent to help me I'm good I'm no great importance
Since I was very young I have always known that there was life after death and I have always believed in spirit. I have been surrounded by them my whole life. This past year has been pretty bad though. I have noticed that I am surrounded by some type of evil spirit. I am having horrible nightmares. I will be sleeping and I will dream that someone is holding me down, I can't move, breathe, scream, anything. I will wake up with bruises on my body, I have no idea on how they got there. I am afraid to even be in my house alone. I can't even take a shower without seeing shadows in the bathroom. I feel like there may be more than one evil spirit. I have a 9 month old daughter who seems to be having some recent problems sleeping lately, she wakes up screaming a horrible scream in the middle of the night. I honestly can feel their presence as I am writing this. I have horrible anxiety, that I have never had before, I feel like I'm all alone even though I'm not. I'm just unsure on how to deal with this. I have had bad luck my whole life, have struggled my whole life, have gone with out food to pay bills. I can deal with that because i believe god gives us what we can handle. I believe that I am as strong as I am because of him. I am trying to be strong enough to deal with this but I guess I just don't know how.
Please god give me the strength I need to get through this. God, I give you my love and self. I give you all of me. You are my savior. God, please bless this house.
I'm sorry Tim. Just keep your faith. I've had an incubus come see me. Not long later I had cancer. The devil keeps trying but he will not win with this body. I think something is attached to my boyfriends daughter and I'm taking care of that tonight! Good luck and hope your gf finds help and feels better
I said in an earlier post...its an invubas for you a succubus for your husband. Its a demon that tries to impregnat you with evil. Just keep paying hunny know god is real and don't let the devil tale you over
I've done witchcraft and I am visited by evil every day. I still have faith in god and 4 of my friends did it with me. we are all visited.I believe and have faith in god and I know he gave us all gifts that he gave us on purpose. in Jesus name amen.
My battle has been so hard. I was in a bad relationship with the father of my 2 girls. beaten for 6 years almost. Then separated from him and fell in love with a new cat, not knowing he was a "old soul". In life, he was murdered and until today, I know where the body is, but authority won't believe me. So he doesn't rest in peace and my battle with the devil has been for all 4 of us. Him, me, and my 2 children. My sins are a drug addiction to cope with pain. No help. My love for him who is dead. And my heart that tries to forgive people for the things that have been done to me but it's so hard to forgive even my mom that treats my kids like they're not welcome at her house.
Wow Jacob you are not alone. I have a similar problem. I have a lot of pictures and prove of evil spirit around me. I know what I need to do now. But yes, I have a lot of recording of a loved one dead and a battle I fight for both of our souls.
I'm catholic. I have been physically attack by a demon or demons. I have had priest, holy groups, paranormal groups to my home tying to help. This thing is attached to me. I had it where I use to live too. I am looking for real help. I realize this article was written in good faith, but the tactics don't work. Unless you have been scratch and attack and honesty figure out a way to free your self...Please don't give advice. The one thing I have been warned over and over again was not to hang crucifixes, it can make the demon angry and you may be attacked worse. There are prayers, plasma I have prayed not got it to leave me alone but it always comes back. I am looking for a way that it won't come back. And the stuff that God sends demons to male you closer to him is crap too. Why Would God Want To Hurt An Innocent Person Who Never Did Anything To anyone? I have read a lot of comment's too. There are some people who are confusing demons with mental illness and or not being able to control one family. I need help. Yes pray gets it to leave me alone but it always comes back. Communion? I am not allowed. My X left with another. I'm divorced.
"The one thing I have been warned over and over again was not to hang crucifixes, it can make the demon angry..."
What? You don't want to upset the demons?----They are the enemy, period. Like it says in the article, you can't make peace treaties with the demons. You are suggesting by not using crucifixes that they should be placated and offered peace treaties--that doesn't work because they only know hatred and war.
One needs faith and trust in Jesus to fight them, and if you hide your crucifixes and other symbols of your faith you will continue to lose your battle against them.
In short, your logic is twisted...Recognizing that the demons hate crucifixes should be the very reason to use them all the more. ..and by the way, you can't "anger them more", for they are already completely full of anger and hatred...In short, you need faith, hope and love for Jesus, and to repent of all your past and current sins. Then the demons will flee from you. And for God's sakes, put a crucifix around your neck and some on the walls of your home and meditate on the infinite sacrifice and love of Jesus who died on the cross for you.
Catholics. The instructions I will give are a homogenization of years of research, practice, and results. I have spent thousands of hours reading how the Saints dealt with demonic activity. I have also spent an equal amount of time in prayer, contemplation, and conversation with Lay and Religious. This is what you must do in order to rid your life of demons.
1) Find a Confessor (a Priest) who you can talk to like a friend
2) Make sure he is openly and aggressively involved in the fight against the real presence of evil
3) Go to Confession at least every other week
4) Enlist your confessor’s help in all that you do
5) Sever your connections with the Occult. Find out where it came from music (conscious or unconscious Baphomet Worship), drugs, clubs, Ouija boards, psychics, etc…)
6) Sever your connection with Demons. Your might have consciously or unconsciously invited them in. For instance, you may be sex crazed, you may desire to be wanted by the opposite sex so much that you give your soul away without knowing it, you may worship money, fame, power, lust, greed, etc…. you must reject all of these…. Seek the help of your Priest
7) Receive Jesus in the Eucharist at least once a week
8) Have your Priest bless your home
9) Get Holy Water
10) Bless your front door, bedroom door, spot above your bed, and self with the sign of the Cross using Holy Water every night
11) Bless yourself every morning
12) Develop a deep relationship with your Guardian Angel
13) Develop a deep relationship with St. Michael the Archangel
14) Develop a deep relationship with the Blessed Mother
15) Seek out Saints who are powerful against demons. St. Benedict, St. Augustine, St. Louis Marie DeMontfort, St. Padre Pio, are just a few
16) Get a St. Benedict Crucifix Blessed and wear it every night when you sleep
17) Keep your St. Benedict Crucifix on your person at all times
18) Get a Rosary Blessed
19) Use it as much as possible
20) Keep it on you
21) Make sure there is a Blessed Crucifix somewhere in the highest point of your home
22) Make sure there is a Blessed Crucifix a top the wall where your head lays at night
23) You must work hard not to succumb to temptation. Whatever it is for you. Fight.
24) When you fall. Get up fast.
25) Leave your email if you want more help.
I need help. I have this spirit or entity that follows me. And when I mean follow me, I really mean it. I can say that this appear to have started like mid-last year. I began to have nightmares all of the sudden. This was like maybe like 5 times a week. I didnt knew what was wrong.
Now let me state that as a kid I saw my shares of spirits or ghosts. One time as a kid, I woke up in the middle of the night but didnt opened my eyes, when I did though I saw this kid that was very small, almost the height of my head that was glowing in baby-blue. When our eyes connected, he gasp and vanished in less than half a second. I ended up seeing this thing like maybe 2-3 more times in different locations vanishing.
Anyhow, back to how I have this new thing following me, I woke up one morning and from the light of my television that was not that far from me, I saw the shape of this thing. It was like an oval shape that was hoovering around. I had no idea of what that was. That was not a dream, I was fully awake.
Days go by and I end up having more nightmares. I woke up to some pressure on the side of my body after waking up from that nightmare. Then I heard clear as day what sounded like a Snake hiss. I was really shaken up by that thing because I obviously knew that there was no snake near me but it sounded like as if it was inches away from me.
A few months pass by and I moved out to my own apartment on November 2013. Something began to touched my body but I had no idea what it was. It kept touching me everywhere and I didnt knew what it was. This continued on for days. This thing kept touching my penis and other parts of my body, but I thought perhaps its just an itch or something. Then one time before I went to bed it touched my penis again, but I thought it was nothing. I ended up waking up in the middle of the night and felt it touching my nipple. Thats when I knew that I was dealing with some sort of bad entity.
It keeps following me. It follows me at work, it follows me at my Parents home. I thought it was the apartment for a couple of weeks but after going to my parents place and my work, I could feel it still being there with me bothering me and touching and what seems to be caressing my hair. It touches the space between my eyebrows, that creeps me out.
I asked it what it wanted but got no answer, at least none that I heard of. I dont think that was such a good idea. It keeps tapping my windows and doors. It taps the window on my car when Im warming the car up.
I got no idea if this is in my head, but I hardly doubt it. This thing is something that really touches. The touch feels so real.
I need help. I dont do drugs. Not many people believe me when I mention this. I had a priest come and bless the place, but then I realized that its not the place, its me. Its following me and I dont know how to get rid of it. I pray every night. I have a Rosary with me and I still feel it. Im tired of dealing with this thing. I just want it gone. Please help me.
Sincerely, Julian.
I grew up in the Catholic Church and have as an adult many demonic attacks until I gave my heart to Jesus. Controversy I know but my experience that The Lord showed me was in Hebrews Jesus is above even the angels. I started to pray to him I ask that his blood cover my life as the Isralites did in the Old Testament in the book of numbers they spoke the name and the blood over the children I can say in 15 years never had a demonic attack I believe when we pray to angels we give permission to demons as they are angels. By praying to Jesus he is above everything and our mediator to the father demons flee at the mention of his name. There are people who cannot understand it but give it a try you never know it's about faith and I believe what the bible says not what people say. I find the peace in our home speaks for itself. When Jesus died he overcame the devil and gave the keys to the church us his people it's the new covenant that God made through the death of Jesus power and atonement for us all. It's a shame that the church doesn't have a revelation of the covenant if the Jews had it under the old system and understood it how much more should we who claim to have this new way on offer.
Please pray for my son I believe he has a demon that controls him sometimes. He says horrible things to me and calls me awful names during these times. It is very unlike him. When I look at him during those times he doesn't seem like my son. I believe it is living in our home but it doesn't attack me because of my faith and prayer. I need others to pray for it to leave my son and to leave our home. God bless you and thankyou. (From Texas)
You must remember demons can manifest in all kinds of ways. God would not forsake his children. Demons can make things sound as children and people that have passed. God would not forsake his children. Please remember that. Keep the faith and pray and everyone of age must believe this and not invite such things in no matter what they say they are.
Hi there
how can I get rid of a sprit in my mothers garden that is scaring my dog so much that she won't go past a particular point in there, just runs back in the house.
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something happen 8 years .. i was eating some food then i felt like a wind go inside me it was so fast and strong it push me back .. and i try 2 go c sum 1 but .. i think they r bad people .. and i think i got not much time i cough up blood and black stuff .. and my skin is purple .. i got so much pain that i can not feel my body no more.. i feel sick all the time and my body has bad smell .. can some 1 please help .. i am only 35 years old i don't wanna die this way
You should probably see a priest if you didnt have
Dont worry jacob jesus is with us all but the first important thing you should beware of shapeshifter cause the devil will come in any shape and make you trust him to to manipulate you and dont be afraid of these demons because when you get scared the will go stronger just pray and see a priest
God bless you and your son , buy your son a cross necklass and let it be blessed by a priest like they say in the article on put the holy neckless on him and you should probably go to the priest and dont forget to always pray to marie and jesus to crush that demon
Anonymous: Life is hard for many but if we don't put a spiritual fight, we can hardly succeed. I grew up in the middle of domestic violence and poverty. I was beaten often and molested. My early adulthood was as I see it now, complete darkness. My suffering was increasing until I realized that God was the ONLY one that can help me. It wasnt easy, it took years of determination, prayer, confessions, fasting, etc and the years of depression and pain had been lifted from me. Cultivate that LOVE that is in u and send it to God then when u truly achieve that it'll be much easier loving everyone else. By loving everyone else including the ones that hurt u, u will achieve forgiveness. As parents we must put this fight so as to not leave them without protection. This is something very few people know about. God always bless u and your family
i try 2 fast and i pray .. i went
2 a priest's and they say nothing i thought if they walk with GOD they could help but every time i seak .. help i can't find it i still have hope but maybe i was born 2 die this way .. i always cry 2 god some times i think maybe he has forsaken me .. i know i have not a lot of time left.. i am bleeding so much .. and i can c the thing moving in my belly .. it's a shame i know he here's me it hurts me inside .. this thing came and took my life .. it took my family and every 1 i ever loved has gone from me .. i feel so alone sometimes i wish some one
could hold me and tell me it will be ok .. but i am on my own .. my soul is crying 4 GOD but i can't find him .. please if u have a heart maybe u could pray 4 me my name is Samuel .. people should know what is out there .. this should not b aloud to happen to people we should b left alone to live or life's in peace ..God the father God the son God the holy ghost in jesus name Amen
How do I get rid of the evil spirit in my girlfriend? Wat prayers should I do? Which church can I go to to ask for prayer that can help?
You can pray the saint micheal s prayer and every prayer you know and you must take her to a priest quick ... D.F
Samuel dont worry you fill find god like I found him my prayers are with you and jesus is with you always ,jesus is lucky to have such a son like you you are so kind and believe me I am with you ... jesus will take from you but he will give you back believe me may god be with you always ...D.F
You can bless the place that is scaring you with holy water and holy oil with salt god be with you ...D.F
No the devil wants you to stop praying keep on praying and praying and bless the house and you with oil and water and salt and go see priest god be with you and believe me he is with you always ... D.F
Hi this is for Julian I also had a follower.. it is in several parts because it is long and from personal experience:Prayer for a Spiritual Canopy
by Spiritual Warfare Prayers
Dear Lord Jesus, please forgive me for all the times I have not submitted to you. Forgive me for all sinfullness and for agreeing with the enemy and his lies. I now submit to you as my Lord, dear Jesus. Now I break every agreement that I have ever made with the enemy.
Lord Jesus, please have your warring angels remove and bind to the abyss all demons and their devices that had access to me because I believed their lies. I now ask you to establish a hedge of protection around me, over me, and under me and seal it with your blood, Lord Jesus Christ.
I now choose to put on the full armor of God and ask that you cleanse me and seal me, body, mind, soul and spirit, with your blood, Lord Jeasus Christ. Please have your warring angels bind up and remove all demons, their devices, and all their power from within this protective hedge and have them sent to the abyss.
Please have your warriors destroy all demonic, occult, or witchcraft assignments directed against me including all backups and replacements. Please have your warriors remove all trafficking people and send them back to their own bodies and seal them there with your blood, Lord Jesus Christ. Please have your angels stand guard over me and protect me from all the attacks of the enemy.
Julian part 2 and any one else who is being attacked & followed. clean your home, car, throw out anything that has bad vibes. Buy a gallon jug of spring water & sea salt. Ask a priest to bless the water. If you feel uncomfortable asking a priest, search You Tube for priest/decons/ministers they explain how to bless the water yourself. Buy a few spray bottles at the dollar store ( salt clogs them up ) add the salt to water shake & spray YOURSELF & every area of your home, your bed, including the garage. Say while spraying: Start with the St Micheal the Archangel prayer ( defend us in battle )then say as you spray yourself: I am covered with the shed blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The shed blood of JC of N. flows over me, under me & through me. My home, ( car ) is covered with the shed blood of JC of Naz,his blood flows over my home under my home & through my home, who or whatever is near me is also covered with the shed blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, it flows over you, under you & through you. Spray yourself everyday. Buy & wear a Saint Benedict medal, have the priest bless they also, hang a Saint Benedict cross over your bed. this site has excellent warrior prayer: www.catholicwarriors.com. In the mean time go to the catholic archdioceses website in your area send them an e-mail explaining your situation. you don't have to be catholic. someone will get back with you. Here is a prayer to say everyday: SAY the Prayer for a Spiritual Canopy Every DAY as soon as you get up ( first post )
Thank you 4 write me back .. my name is Samuel and i trying my best 2 beat this thing that is afflicting me .. i always try mine best 2 keep praying .. and i try 2 fast it is so hard 2 fast with sum thing moving inside my body .. i get bad taste always and i always want sum thing 2 eat .. it's a shame i get so upset i cry every day .. but i will not kill myself i know it wants me 2 .. but i had this 4 8 or 9 years now .. it makes my body have a bad smell .. i try wash but it does nothing .. and i know sum of you would not understand .. please pray 4 me my name is Samuel and i hope i can find my way home .. i think God maybe forsaken me .. but i still hold my hand out and hope he will here my cry 4 help please pray 4 me .. i am like a dead man that walks among the living .. GOD BLESS ALL OF US AMEN..
Your so welcome samuel ... dont worry god is always with you he is holding you in his arms..dont be scared just pray the devil only wants you to be far from faith and prayer my prayers are with you my brother and dont go to a psychiatrist the will diagnos that you are crazy the thing about psychiatrist that they are covering the spiritual thing by their symptoms .. dont worry just pray and all of us are with trust unto god and he shal direct your path and set you free ...D.F
And go to any priest and you must have holy water and salt and oil bless your house with them and drink some holy water and put holy salt in the corners of your house and put on your forhead the mark of the cross with the oil may god be with you amen ...D.F
God be with you amen ...D.F
To all you who are offering many areas of advice on prayer and fasting, you have it right in a small way. One thing you need to understand is when someone is being plagued by demonic forces all these things are well and good but they are not going to rid themselves of these things with just prayer and fasting. I am Roman Catholic and many of your advices are mixed with nonsense. The RCC is the expert on delivery and exorcism. Many people don't necessarily need to see RC priest in order to be delivered from their evil situations. If you are not an expert in the field (there really isn;t any experts per se, however there are those trained in Demonology) please refrain from giving advice to these people because some of the advice you are giving could in fact make their problems worse. Do not advice them to seek out mediums! Do not advise them to seek out Ghost Hunters! Sage isn't a delivery method. Prayers work but sometimes, depending on the source of demonic presence, whether it be human or inhuman, you could really be exacerbating the problem by placing blessed objects in the home. Yes, blessed objects are good but only when there is a deliverance. These poor souls may have voluntarily opened up the window to let these demons in and that window has to be shut! There has to be a pathway to God and a deliverance of the demonic. Please please, do not advise them when you have not dealt with these things before because you have no idea what you are saying and you have no idea what they are going through…. God bless
Also, when you have a priest come in and bless a home and that home is possessed or someone in the home is possessed, what you are doing without realizing it is pissing it off! It will make matters worse in some cases. A person with preternatural happenings going on normally have no idea how it could have started and unless someone investigates as to the source of the problem, things could elevate from infestation straight into possession by not educating them on what they need to know about the demonic. Thousands of people are looking for help and cannot get it or get superstitious mumbo jumbo that is more of a harm than good. Just pray for these people that they are led to someone who knows more about the demonic than a lay religious catholic or christian… and please for goodness sake, do not advise them to seek out help outside of the Catholic church.
Regina you seem a nice person, i am looking for help bit i wanna tell you the truth .. i was so so sick my dad took me to c sum one .. bec he know's bout this evil.. yep you are right there is no words that can say what i am going through sum thing whent inside me about 8 years .. i have been to so many people and i just can't find no help it's a shame bec i look 4 god but this thing keeps stopping me to seek help i am so sick now i wanna give up but i love my kids so much i don't wanna leave them in this world .. please i know how it sounds .. bec if i was standing where you are it would be hard to understand .. I say this truly from my heart this is real .. and it is killing me but i still have hope sum how please my name is Sam try to pray 4 me .. please i tell you life is not what it seem's god bless us all AMEN .
It sounds like you had a spell cast on you. Fast and pray. Confess your sins and repent forever.
they have been after me since I was a child. they chase anything that is good in my life away from me. they attack others and make them leave my life. they want me to hate god but I have a very loving heart and they want to destroy that. they mix my prayers with words of hate and make wicked things cross my mind while in prayer. ie: fuck mary jesus suck my d.... . things like that. I ask god to protect me and get rid of them but he doesn't. they came to me as a child in a dream in the image of a horses head and just recently in a dream as a floating little something clothed in a black hooded robe. I suffer much but I do not blame god. im not religious and don't like church. I pray to god in my mind and I ask jesus to help but it is short lived. I feel doomed but only on this planet as my soul belongs to god and that's what they want. they another angel of god but I refuse to let them have my spirit so they go after those in my life who make me happy. I will never give in. god I love you so much and im sorry im a sinner. these are my demons. they hate my love and that's how I torture them. I love people and I love life and they will have to answer for their failures but I will rejoice in heaven.
This has been so helpful! My boyfriend has been battling a demond for 2 years now. He comes and goes. He was gone for about 1 year and now that our daughter was born July 2013 this evil spirit has come back saying he wants to kill my bf and take his soul. My bf has not been to church since my daughter was baptized and that was in june and even before that he would never go. Could this demond be sent from god tp get him to believe in god and go church again? This is really taking a toll on him and i feel powerless
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