How to get rid of evil spirits, demons & ghosts

Centuries old advice on how to fight and remove evil spirits

By: Glenn Dallaire

This article is especially written in consideration for those who are being openly oppressed or attacked by demons and evil spirits, and are seeking to rid themselves or their homes of the influences or presence of malevolent spirits.

Having spent years studying the lives of dozens of Saints and Mystics for this website, one quickly discovers the role that God allows the demons to play for example in the lives of the mystic-saints. God Himself explains it when He said to St Gemma Galgani:
“You will be trampled underfoot by the devils. Prepare yourself, my daughter, the demon at My orders will be the one that will add the last touch to my plan that I will accomplish in you, that is, your sanctification."

-And what an incredibly hellish war the devil waged against Gemma! Those interested can read more about it here.

But the point is that literally every mystic that I have read have been assailed by the evil spirits through the express permission of God. But then, why would God allow the demons to attack the mystics or anyone for that matter? It is to draw us closer to Himself. God permits, at times, the devils to assail us, that we might turn to Him in prayer, with a renewed trust in His love and concern for us. The extraordinary priest St John Vianney, who's straw bed the devil tried to burn when he was sleeping in it, once remarked that "the devil is like a dog on a chain. He can only go so far as God permits."
So the first rule to remember is that God is always in absolute control, and the devil can do nothing without God's permission.

God always seeks to draw good out of everything, and He can draw good even out of evil, if we let Him. An excellent example of how God draws good out of evil is the Passion and Death of Jesus Himself. The Gospel of John says that at the last supper Satan entered Judas and he then went and betrayed Jesus. -You certainly know the story--Jesus was captured, tortured, and was nailed to a Cross, and died a torturous death. But was the death of the Son of God, this at act of pure evil, a victory for satan and the demons? No! -it was in fact satans defeat, because through Jesus' death on the cross we can be forgiven of our sins, if we desire to be. So we can readily see how God can and does transform evil into good.

A spiritual battle must be fought with spiritual weapons
So, how does all this correlate to those who are battling with demons, and want to rid themselves of the evil spirits? Firstly we need to look at how Jesus fought and expelled and cast out the demons. Among others you will certainly want to read Mark 5:1, Mark 1:23, and perhaps the most telling is Mark 9:29 in which the apostles were unsuccessful in driving a demon out of a boy. So afterwards they asked Jesus why they could not drive the demon out, and Jesus replies: "This kind can only be driven out by prayer and fasting."

Prayer and fasting! Therein lies the primary spiritual weapons to be used to get rid of demons and evil spirits. Jesus said prayer first, because prayer is the first and most important weapon to be used against the devil. This can not be emphasised enough! Prayer unites us to God, and draws us closer to Him, and it is God alone who can free us from the demonic presences. We can do nothing without He Whom sustains us!

The other weapon against the devil that Jesus mentions is fasting. This is self-explanatory, but what is sometimes forgotten is the spirit that must accompany fasting. We are to fast from food in a spirit of sacrifice in reparation for our sins. Our sins are what separate us from God, so we are to fast in a spirit of penance and reparation for our sins, to put us in the proper disposition that God might forgive us of these sins. So, firstly prayer, and then fasting done in a spirit of reparation for our sins, is the primary recourse against evil spirits. The demons have no power over those who are closely united to God in prayer, and who are in a state of grace.

The devil does not make peace treaties
God loves us. And because God loves us, the devil and the demons hate us, because they hate God. "Cast all your worries upon him because he cares for you. Be sober and vigilant. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." (1 Peter 5:7)
Satan and the demons do not make any peace treaties. They know only war. They prowl about the world constantly seeking to ruin our souls, to cause us to despair of God's mercy, and to drag us to hell. So, we need to follow in Jesus' holy example and face the evil spirits head on, with courage. We must do battle and fight the good fight. We cannot run away, because as Father John Corapi always says "surrender is not an option!"

Key points for Catholics in the fight against the demonic
Catholics are in a privileged position in the battle against the evil spirits, because the Catholic church has been fighting against the powers of hell since Jesus instituted the Church upon Peter, the first Pope, and the Apostles (the Bishops) some 2000 years ago. For in the Holy Gospel Jesus says: "You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it." (Matt 3:16)

Along with prayer and fasting Catholics have powerful weapons to be used in the fight against evil presences. The most important of these is Sacramental Confession (also known as the Sacrament of Reconciliation) where sins are confessed to God, and forgiveness of sins is obtained. A soul free from sin is in a state of grace and has nothing to fear from the devil! Along with Confession, the Mass and the frequent reception of the Eucharist are the most efficacious means of battling with evil. Also prayers before the Blessed Sacrament (Eucharistic adoration) is exceedingly powerful, because then one is praying right at the feet of the Lord.

The devil flees from Jesus on the cross so if you do not already have one, get a Crucifix and have it blessed by a priest, and place it in a appropriate and worthy place in your home--and most especially, pray to Jesus before it each day. Also, if you do not have one, get a crucifix on a necklace, get it blessed and wear it with devotion and prayer.

Prayers to the Virgin Mary, the Saints and Angels
(Pictured to the left is the Virgin Mary crushing the head of the evil serpent)
By the express power and will of God, the most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Angels and the Saints assist us in our battle with evil. Jesus gave us His Mother while He was dying, hanging between heaven and earth upon the Cross (John 19:26). And next to Jesus, our Mother in heaven is our greatest help and advocate against the devil and his minions. And the greatest prayer asking for our Blessed Mothers help is the most Holy Rosary. The Rosary is a chain that binds the evil spirits. Those interested might want to read more on the Blessed Virgin Mary's role in the battle against the demons here.

Along with the Blessed Virgin Mary certain Saints and Angels are especially powerful against the wickedness of the devil. St Michael the Archangel for example---the prayer to him has been recited for over a century and is exceedingly powerful---"St Michael the archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O' Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen."

Throughout the centuries, the relics of the Saints have shown to be exceedingly powerful against the demons. Pray to the Saints, and if possible keep a relic on your person.

Catholic sacramentals
Sacramentals, especially holy water and blessed salt should be sprinkled in the affected areas of the home, and the holy water and blessed salt should be sprinkled on one's food and drink to protect from within. (*see note about exorcised holy water and salt below). Along with the relics of the Saints, blessed medals and holy cards carry with them the blessing of the Catholic Church, and the protection of the Saint whose image is on the medal or holy card. Also, the burning of blessed candles and blessed incense is recognised to be a very powerful weapon against the demons.

And so, to summarize the spiritual weapons needed to rid oneself or one's home of evil spirits:
First and foremost is prayer which draws us closer to God; fasting in a spirit of reparation for one's sins; Confession; Holy Communion; Eucharistic adoration; Prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Angels and Saints, asking for their heavenly help and intercession; and the usage of Sacramentals (holy water, blessed salt, holy cards, medals, burning of blessed candles and blessed incense etc.). Abandon and renounce any sin in your life. Additionally, if your home appears to be the source of the demonic infestation, then it would be very prudent to get it blessed by a priest.

Scripture reading/Quoting the Holy Scriptures
Reading and quoting the Word of God in the Holy Scriptures, particularly Jesus' words in the Gospels, is especially powerful against the demonic. We can recall that Jesus Himself quoted the Scriptures three times when He was tempted by the devil in the desert. (See Matthew Chapter 4)

Additional important considerations
In closing, those oppressed by evil spirits should remember that faith, hope and love--most especially love, will help disarm the demons that plague them or their dwelling. The devil seeks to drive us to the opposite of faith, hope and love--that is doubt, despair and hatred---most especially despair. Do not not despair! Love and trust in Jesus and He will conquer and cast out the evil spirits.

Also, those who have ever engaged in dark practices such as demonic worship, invoking and calling upon the dead (thru ouija boards, medium and psychic practices etc) the occult, dark forms of witchcraft and wicca, black magic etc. MUST RENOUNCE THESE PAST PRACTICES before God and sincerely repent and ask for forgiveness for having engaged in them. Such practices offend God and open a portal to the demonic, and therefore the portal must be closed through sincere repentance and the desire for the mercy and forgiveness of God.

Finally, ask Jesus to pour out His precious blood upon you and your loved ones because the precious blood of Jesus is infinitely powerful.

*Note: There is a special ritual of prayer called an "exorcism blessing" that any Priest can recite to give salt and holy water a special blessing. This exorcised salt or holy water is especially powerful against evil spirits.
"....And to keep me from being too elated by the abundance of revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, an Angel of Satan to beat me, to keep me from being too exalted." Saint Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:7

(Special thanks to Catholic prayers blog)

Heavenly Father, I love You, I praise You, and I worship You. I thank You for sending Your Son Jesus Who won victory over sin and death for my salvation. I thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit Who empowers me, guides me, and leads me into fullness of life. I thank you for the Blessed Virgin Mary, my Heavenly Mother, who intercedes with the holy angels and saints for me.

Lord Jesus Christ, I place myself at the foot of Your cross and ask You to cover me with Your Precious Blood which pours forth from Your Most Sacred Heart and Your Most Holy Wounds. Cleanse me, my Jesus, in the living water that flows from Your Heart. I ask You to surround me, Lord Jesus, with Your Holy Light.

Heavenly Father, let the healing waters of my baptism now flow back through the maternal and paternal generations to purify my family line of satan and sin. I come before You, Father, and ask forgiveness for myself, my relatives, and my ancestors, for any calling upon powers that set themselves up in opposition to You or that do not offer true honor to Jesus Christ. In Jesus' Holy Name, I now ask that you reclaim any territory, both spiritual and temporal, that was handed over to satan and place it under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

By the power of Your Holy Spirit, reveal to me Father, any people I need to forgive and any areas of unconfessed sin. Reveal aspects of my life that are not pleasing to You, Father, and any ways that have given or could give satan a foothold in my life. Father, I give to You any unforgiveness; I give to You my sins; and I give to You all ways that satan has a hold in my life, that any and all ties and bonds to evil may be broken in the Name of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You heavenly Father for Your forgiveness, Your love and Your mercy.

Heavenly Father, allow Your Son Jesus to come now with the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the holy angels and the saints to protect me from all harm and to keep all evil spirits from taking revenge on me in any way.

(Repeat the following sentence three times: once in honor of the Father, once in honor of the Son, and once in honor of the Holy Spirit.)

In the Holy Name of Jesus, I seal myself, my family and relatives, this place (home, church, car, plane, etc...), in the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, and I ask Jesus to pour out His precious Blood upon us, to wash and cleanse us of all of our sins, and to break any bonds of the evil one upon ourselves or this place.

(To break and dissolve all satanic seals, repeat the following paragraph three times in honor of the Holy Trinity because satanic seals are recited three times to blaspheme the Holy Trinity.)

In the Holy Name of Jesus, I break and dissolve any and all curses, hexes, spells, snares, traps, lies, obstacles, deceptions, diversions, spiritual influences, evil wishes, evil desires, hereditary seals, known and unknown, and every dysfunction and disease from any source including my mistakes and sins. In Jesus' Name, I sever the transmission of any and all satanic vows, pacts, spiritual bonds, soul ties, and satanic works. In Jesus' Name, I break and dissolve any and all links and effects of links with: astrologers; bohmos; channelers; charters; clairvoyants; crystal healers; crystals; fortune tellers; mediums; the New Age Movement; occult seers; palm, tea leaf, or tarot card readers; psychics; santeros; satanic cults; spirit guides; witches; witchdoctors; and, Voodoo. In Jesus' Name, I dissolve all effects of participation in seances and divination, ouija boards, horoscopes, occult games of all sorts, and any form of worship that does not offer true honor to Jesus Christ.

In the Name of Jesus, I rebuke all evil spirits that have any attachment to me, my loved ones, or this place, in particular the spirit of _________________. I command you to go directly to Jesus, without manifestation and without harm to me or anyone, so that He can dispose of you according to His Holy Will.

I thank You, Heavenly Father for Your Love. I thank You, Holy Spirit for your heavenly gifts. I thank You, Jesus, for setting me free through the infinite power of your Precious Blood. I thank You, Blessed Virgin Mary, for interceding for me with the holy angels and the saints.

Lord Jesus, fill me with charity, compassion, faith, gentleness, hope, humility, joy, kindness, light, love, mercy, modesty, patience, peace, purity, security, tranquility, trust, truth, understanding, and wisdom. Help me to walk in Your Light and Truth, illuminated by the Holy Spirit so that together we may praise, honor, and glorify Our Father in time and in eternity. For You, Lord Jesus, are, "...the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6 ), and You "...have come that we might have life and have it more abundantly" (John 10:10 ).

"God indeed is my savior; I am confident and unafraid. My strength and courage is the Lord, and he has been my savior" (Isaiah 12:2 ).

Amen. Alleluia. Amen.


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Anonymous said...

I read your story out of all thease and it grab my attention. I dont have the right answer. All im sayn is I feel like that also. One thing I learned after all my years of sinning. Is you have to face your fears. I fear myself at times. Dont have control of my evil ways. I know one thing that is a fact and a cure that works for me. Its (LOVE) never lose anything you love ,not speaking lost understand I mean in your heart mind body soul. Like strong happy memories or music or just somthn you know exist in your world. LOVE is a word. Loving something is not explainable its Power like medicine. For a headache. I cant help myself sometimes. So love does it for me. I stop preying and going to church. But i know love is real. Try it hope it makes sense and helps overcome everyone's FEARS. And yours!

Anonymous said...

is it just bad dreams or something more sinister? for the past few months I have been plagued with bad luck illness & misery. I have recurring dreams where a smirking evil face laughs at me as i try to save my 2 children and I wake up feeling angry & miserable .. At first I thought it was nonsense but Im beginning to feel cursed as every time I try to better my situation im held back by negativity & pessimism . If Demons are real how can I fight back?

lovesGod said...

Something has been troubling me when I try to sleep. I have been woke up several times by someone speaking near my head, and it's a man's voice. Also last night I heard two demons talking about me, saying something about how they were going to "get" me. I woke up when I heard them. This is not a dream I'm dreaming, but in my home.
I used to have a ton of dreams but not anymore. My health has gone down hill and is not anywhere close to good anymore.
I'd be glad to hear some advice... please? And prayer would be wonderful too. I DO believe in God with all my heart. I pray every day. I am single, abstinent, I do not smoke, drink or do drugs. I read the Bible, I try to live right and help others.

Anonymous said...

Can someone please help me on how to rid of demons and demonic possession. ive commited wicked sins, but I KNOW there was a demon behind it and I need help and understabding. please look me up on facebook, Brandy Light from Tampa florida, or call me 813 442 3877.

Anonymous said...

Please pray for me and my family. We have been faced with major financial dificulties and need a lot of prayer to remove all negative spirits and cleanse our souls.

regina said...

If you want to contact me, I can guide you to someone who is Catholic and will help in the area of demonology. I can be reached at whoislikeun2god (at) gmail dot com....

Regina said...

If you need help and are very serious about going through the process of truly getting that help you may reach me at whoislikeun2god (at) gmail dot com. I will refer you to a demonologist who is both Catholic and connected to the deliverance ministry but know this: if you take that step thing always get worse before they get better and honesty is the best thing you can use. Demonologists will know if you are hiding information and the best thing to get the ball rolling is being 100% completely honest and if you hide information, you can endanger them, those around you, yourself and an exorcist, once he is involved... God (Regina)

Regina said...

that was suppose to end in GOD BLESS! Sorry

Anonymous said...

My advice from somebody who has experienced this turmoil and come out the other side is: Grow closer to God. Talk to him, he can hear you. Don't always ask for what you want? Ask God to direct you onto the right path and into his light. The lady who lost her soul - God can give you your soul back anytime, you lost it from your repetitive sin. You need to redeem yourself and turn to God. The one and only father, the most powerful one much more powerful than any evil one. God is in control. Believe it. Music can help if you are housebound. It has helped me immensely.
I pray that you find God and inturn your soul.

Regina said...

Glen, I am not going to reveal what I know. That is now what I do, but I do need to ask you to please be very careful in screening some of the people who I see posting on this site, who are offering their help in spiritual warfare. In this work, there are many who are imposters and they are not holy. Hollywood has made a mockery of the ministry of deliverance and it seems today, everyone wants to be a DEMONOLOGIST or you have many unethical and immoral men trying to get into deliverance. It is something you are called to, not something you go looking for! There are those out there charging for this ministry and that is a tell tale sign and a HUGE red flag that they are not going to help you. In fact they leave families in devestation and take their money because they have done nothing to help the family. Deliverance is something that takes time and much prayer and sacrifice on the part of both. Many people are not ever delivered from their malevolent troubles due to their sin and their life choices. Almost all people have the ability and the power through Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to help themselves but they don't understand this nor have they been educated in these things. I do understand that many on this site have offered so much advice but they should be careful what they are saying because this is a spiritual battle and when you battle it is not a earthly plane. You must know what you are doing, be in a state of grace, and know the enemy. Blessings of homes is not going to help these extreme cases. It is going to upset what may be plaguing the person, home or object. There has to be thourough investigations in order to determine what is going on with the person. I am begging you Glenn, please delete comments from imposters that are offering their help and are A) Charging B) using non Christian approaches ... This can be very dangerous to those who are sincerely being assaulted. And those that are being assaulted in anyway shape or form, your first step is to reflect on what you are doing in your life, what you have done and repent. Then the HOly Ghost will guide you to those that can help. Pray like you have never prayed and believe in your prayer! God bless you all and fight ye children of light! WHOISLIKEUN2GOD!

Regina said...

Anonymous who posted after my comment above. You are most highly deceived my dear. "good Luck" charms and amulets are just a clever way to open yet, a new door and window for evil. People must understand that the ONLY way to combat the invisible war being waged in the spiritual and now material world is God. It is not human beings who are going to deliver you, help you assist you. It starts with a firm purpose of returning or finding the one True God and repenting of all the things you have done to open the doors to the demonic. By sin, you have given evil permission to attach itself to your life, body, homes, pets or what have you. You must take authority back and seek God's assistance to do so. Humans must never seek out non Christan help for assistance because they will leave you in worst shape than before. A devil cannot drive out a devil. Unfortunately you have too many humans that are so steeped in their own sin and refuse to give it up that their demonic manifestations and activity will never go away. They refuse to change their lives and seek the life and path of a more virtuous chosing. God doesn't ask the impposible but He does ask for your attention in attempting to do so and never give up. IF anyone reads the above suggestions by non Christian ways for deliverance and help, please ignore it because it will just keep you trapped as the devil has already set those plans up. New Age and Eastern Mysticism is just yet another false idea of religion and it was developed in the demonic world for humans....... God bless

Regina said...

Again, my email is whoislikeun2god (at) G mail.... I will direct you to a veteran in religious demonology not some off the wall kook who charges for God's work. Someone who will not encorporate New Age mysticism. Someone who does not charge a fee outside of donations for travel expenses. Is they are doing this? RUN! Chances are you are going to end up with more severe problems and broke

Anonymous said...

I am a man of god. I have recently been called to serve the Lord in his ministry. I have a dear friend who is in need of prayer. She lost her husband a few years ago and about 5 years ago her son ran off with a woman of evil. There is definitely something wrong. She has spent time in my friends home and my friend is in need of prayer to get her son home safe and sound. Part of my ministry once God answers her prayer will be to work with them to reunite them in Christ. Thank you and God Bless !

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone, I have a friend that is being attacked, it is a demon in her home she has two small children, she has had a pastor come and the pastor wouldn't come in the house, the pastor told her it was a demon of possession in her home and the demon told him he can't come in that it's there for her and only her. So there for the pastor didn't go in, I am assuming that he wasn't fully correct with God, but she called me to do the work, is it possible that I can pray and fast to help her get rid of the spirit or does she have to do it on her own????

Glenn Dallaire said...

Dear Anonymous (in the message directly above),

Unless you have extensive experienced in this area, I would strongly recommend that you DO NOT actively engage the spirits that may be in this home, but you should help your friend get someone experienced in this area, preferably a Catholic priest (so long as your friend is comfortable with contacting one) or otherwise a Christian pastor would be the next best choice. Alternatively, there are layperson groups who also are experienced in this area. I would just be sure that they are Christian (and preferably Catholic).

May Jesus guide and enlighten both you and your friend as to the best resolution in this matter. In Jesus Holy Name, AMEN +.
-Glenn Dallaire

Regina said...

To the Anonymous directly above Glenn's post-DO NOT do anything. You are not experienced in the study of demons. This is no subject to take lightly! This is not a TV show and that is the problem with these shows... They minimize the dangers and even the fatal dangers to this ministry. Midst of those people on these shows are there for fame and fortune which is the complete opposite of God, so that should tell you something in and of itself. I happen to know a few of those people and to be quite frank, they are demonized themselves. If you go against this advice, you may end up with something attached to you and you CAN AND WILL take it home with you. It is easy to open doors even under the desire to help another. You are dealing with Principalities and Powers NOT flesh. You have no understanding on how much hate and malice you are up against. If your friend needs help, Glenn is correct. You need to get in contact with someone who is knowledgeable in this ministry. Preferably a Catholic. Going to the priest in today's society may not get you the same results as let's say years ago due to much laxity in the faith and the understanding of this subject however there are many lay people well trained that can help. Is you wish to contact me... Feel free. I will take your info and ascertain what's the probability of it being a valid case and help guide you in the ministry of Spiritual Warfare. I would suggest you have the one afflicted contact as they would be the one to better tell their story. I can be reached at whoislikeun2god@gmail MANY blessings and may the holy Trinity cover you in the protection of the one True Godhead and may the blood of Jesus Christ convey you all.

Anonymous said...

I've been having recent experiences where I'm not fully awake but aware of my surroundings. People call it sleep paralysis and hallucination. But I know there's more to it. The most recent incident was a couple of nights ago. It was past a little before 7AM and I recall what appeared to be lights flashing near my eyelids and felt pressure on my side like if I was being spooned. I couldn't move so I assumed it was in fact sleep paralysis. But then I heard a clear voice that sounded like my brother -who's alive and well in another state - say in like a singsong tone "Pitaaa, mini me, aren't you going to look at me?" Pita is my nickname that only my family calls me and my brother and I look so much alike that he calls me that. Needless to say I kept my eyes closed and recited the Our Father and Hail Mary over and over (they're the only ones I know by memory). I know I'm not devout -my inability to accept the pope and all of that- but I am a faithful servant of God. I just want to know this is more than what "reasonable" people would call an incident revolving around sleep paralysis or if it's something more nefarious by nature...and if so what can I do about it. Thanks for any suggestions

Regina said...

To anonymous above... I do not know all the details of your experience however, it sounds to me that you experienced what many have different names for. I too have had this exact same thing happen years ago and it egged me on to look at it too. If you want to talk, I can explain more. Email me if you are serious. Whoislikeun2god @ gmail. Many prayers your way. In Christ crucified

Nancy said...

I have suffered for a long time. I have had kidney cancer and was cured. I had a head injury from a car accident b a drunk driver and was cured. I married a person who was abusive and mentally ill and left me abandoned. A surgeon performed a major abdominal surgery on me and created a major problem so that I suffer in pain all the time. My animals died and I had 35 family members and friends die from different things, (all different ages) within 3 years. I suffer from a fractured back and so may things. I have had a heart attack and have two stents. But when I was in the hospital I saw a vision of Jesus standing behind the doctor and the doctor changed his mind and did an angiogram instead of a treadmill. I am an R.N. God helped me save many lives. But, I have suffered greatly in this life, with things I have not even mentioned. I ask God to help me and I have not given up hope. There is a lot of evil in this world, but those people and spirits who do not do right are lost souls. We must forgive them and ask God and Jesus to stay with us every day of our lives. We must be mindful of other people who suffer. WE all do. The presence of evil is only if we give evil credit. God has power over everything. He allows things to happen we do not understand. I will never understand the suffering of the Jews in WW2 for instance. But ask for help in the name of Jesus and God. It does not take a lot of rituals. We only ask once and he will hear us. Our hearts and minds must be pure when we do and be forgiving of those things and people who hurt us no matter what it is. Believe and it shall be. Nancy

Anonymous said...

May God be with you I been married for 26 yrs I know wife will she met a new girl friend and start going out with her. I noticed a change on her from lies to not wanting to be with me .we had a good family 2 daughter's age26-24 and 2 grandkids ages 5 yrs old . We all left the house reason being her change of life. She don't care about us yet she still wants to the grandkids, but the grandkids are scared of her they say she evil. A pastor claims she has done evil things and she needs spiritual help cause she has a bad spirit in her.I do believe this the house is very dirty all she care is to have fun meet other I'm sure she does have some bad spirit in het I ask her if we can go church is don't want too

Regina said...

Hi anonymous above ^^^^^ I am so very sorry to hear your troubles. It saddens me. Seems like the devil surely pulled off a good one on your wife. If we are not waking in the way of the Lord everyday, it is easier for Satan to move in without us noticing... However, none of us are immune to his clever wiles. Your wife would have to be the one to seek help. She must be willing to see that something is different. However, you can start the process of prayer and protection for the rest of you. If you want to protect yourself and your family members, you must be willing to seek help but it is a change of life.. It entails cleaning your house and consecrating it as well as a spiritual battle. You, as the head of the household, if you are baptized, have this power granted by God. If you think you can do this, you can contact me I will try to help guide you. Blessings

Unknown said...

Please always keep your "mind" and "behavior" toward a holly+correct+bright in the living and life.

Unknown said...

Please reply back soon i am in great proble
m please hepl

mils said...

I am Orthodox and we use prayer and fasting too,we have full Sacrements like you Catholics,but I really do not know why it did not work for me...any advices how I can get rid of you say you are privilaged you may know better...

regina said...

like I said, please, if you want to talk privately, contact me via email as I don't come on here to check things out. sorry. I am very busy and I rarely get on here. my email is whoislikeun2god @gmail. God be with you

Anonymous said...

Hi all, my family is going thru a lot with my daughter she is 27 and has a daughter who is 8 but my daughter is not a good mother she worries about her self more than her daughter she sleeps around a lot with different men she doesn't care who she hurts and she doesn't care about her health she hard Lupus her health is getting worse and she says she has a female demon inside of her and she is ok with it and it's the demon prostitute she has inside of her her name is mystery and my daughter's artist name is mystery also she's argues and fights a lot with all of us and she thinks all that she does is ok but we all are it's wrong we need all the help we can get in going to fast and pray for her salvation I don't now how much out family can take of her abuse anymore I also have one more daughter she's 24 and our son he is turning 19 please tell me what else I could to to help my family I feel I have failed them all.

Regina said...

hi anonymous above the person who keeps spamming... if you want to privately chat about your situation, you can reach me at whoislikeun2god I counsel and direct in spiritual warfare. if anyone ever charges you for help, run the other way. Christ does not ask for money. God bless

Anonymous said...

Hello! I am from India. I just want to know why do people not see, hear and feel what I see,hear and feel. I told several people what I can see and feel and they have told me to accept it as a gift. Please suggest what I should do? I have fealt and seen the spirits...... what more to say. Tears automatically come in my eyes when I watch religious programmes and movies. I was once remembering Annaliese Michel within me, when I heard a voice from within me saying " I am here". Please help me understand.

Regina said...

hi Anonymous. It is hard to say without further information about what you are experiencing. these types of occurrences can come from either side but it takes a gathering of much indignation in order to determine where these "gifts" are coming from, IF you are experiencing them. I do not deny you are feeling certain things but there is so much involves when attempting to ascertain spiritual activity or psychic attacks. like I said above, if you want to talk, email at . Blessings!

Regina said...

forgive the typos! you get the gist

Unknown said...

i have an evil thing atached to me and i didnt know what to do or how to handel it till i just started reading some of these advices on here i had just talked to 3 different sikics and was trying to figure out whAT was going on. im an x addict that did know God i was lost for ten years also my girl friend who i have 2 kids with soon to marry well we both got our lifes together and got baptized and it was because well your sapost to and that what skriptuit seys to do and well we had incountered a few alarming things that had happend so we herd a couple nocks and i had randomly had the numder 666 in my phone numder and sacurity coad for my debit card so we concalted a sikic medium abnd the firrst thing bshe seid to me is you have ademon atached to you and its opperessing you i saw a demon in the mirror when i was six years old she knew about that with out me even having bto mentioning it so i was scared and freeked out then more sinn started to happen i turn away from god a bit not as much as befor but drinking and haveing spells of rage and sutch we just resontly saw anouther different sikeic and itwas because i hadd been feeling tghings tiuching me at night and itwas as if abnd i dint know still what to do blankit of dence air would come over me when i would wake up i

Anonymous said...

i got something in my house giveing me bad dreams and pokeing at me all night!

Anonymous said...

jude dingman jr @ gmail . com

Regina said...

Anonymous... If you truly are seeking to relieve your current plague of evil, you may contact me. Be careful... very careful where you seek help add there are many today running amuck that sounds Catholic and believe they know what they are doing but are truly making the situations worse for people. you need to speak with a true demonologist out someone who is educated in the ministry of spiritual warfare and counseling. my email is whoislikeun2god God bless.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous ... I am going through this ... that seems to be attacking my bf every night ... I'm hoping this holy water does the trick .... He can feel them and smell them but can't see ... Now new evil spirits have entered ... They make the house cold in spots where they are n in the bedroom ... Keeping the faith I'm hoping this works

Anonymous said...

They are real and have human agents(witches and wizards) Their evil spirits have destroyed my life and stubbornly follow and used me for many years. As I write, they manipulate me with witchcraft and torment me every minute of the day with craziness inside, fake negative feelings,mind control which is very annoying,damaged my computers,vehicle,assaulted me and blood oozed from my nostrils. Anyone that can advice or help me to stop,chase away the evil spirits of the witches hurting,forcefully using me spiritually should write I am in dying need of help.They have made me a dead man walking and have planned when I should die,but I believe that a miracle from God can stop their wickedness. They manipulate my mental process,mind,fake bad feeling just everyday, destroy my property . Some of the witches even verbally attack me physically. Get in touch to help me deal with evil spirits of witches,please,not any other type of evil spirit.

Anonymous said...

Since I’ve been very small, I’ve been told that I have an overactive imagination. With that being said, alienation followed me, & then major responsibilities. So much, in fact, that I ID’d myself as the one who helps others & can’t be helped herself-the ‘black Cinderella’. I have always had strong visions & dreams, in so much that I’ve been stabbed, bitten, thrown off of roofs & hit the ground, eaten by sharks & killed by vampires/chased often & many other dreams that would come true in real life. I had been abused-all the kinds that are out there-from the most subtle to the most extreme (physical, psychologically, spiritually, emotionally, verbally, sexually) & have been betrayed by those closest to me. 12th grade was the worst, when my mother betrayed me, lied upon me to the religious leaders of the Jehovah’s Witness faith that I’d been under my entire life, & I became ex-communicated (disfellowshipped). After that, I lost my virginity (18) & was also molested by another cousin, & then he released a reading of tarot cards unto my life-which made me suffer greatly thereafter. I met my knight of God, however, many issues came about, & many unnatural encounters have accumulated in the 11 years thereafter. Many nights, my love has held me, awakened me from horrors & dreams where I have been constantly attacked. These dreams are so real that I have awakened screaming, & grabbing my neck where vampires have yanked & clawed my throat out. I have a strong connection with electricity & animals. At night, I sweat in the coldest places of the house. The bedroom is the coldest place, & my side of the bed is the coldest. My love is strict about me sleeping only on my side of the bed since he has accidentally swapped sides & dreams with me. I try to be careful not to sleep on his side/vice versa. I know that I have seen things-dark things-floating in the night-although my vision is not good-I wear bifocals. I used to write out things, & they would sort of manifest, so I try not to write things that are demonic/scary because when I finished one story-written long ago, the world became fascinated, as if overnight, with vampires-& I gave the novel to a ‘friend’ who claimed that he lost it but soon after all of the vampire movies & craze became popular-after 2004. I have a lot of migraines, & the only time I can seem to get peace is when I’m nearly intoxicated or under medication for pain/allergies. I have stopped nearly all forms of sin except cursing. I try not to do that. Only when I am menstruating do I not engage in intercourse, & I try to escape anything oral. Many times, there are fits of rage, confusion, constant uncleanliness/chaos-I will clean up an area or almost entire house & nearly minutes later it is back messy/worse off than it was after I cleaned up! I am so exhausted, all of the time, I do not really rest, When I do, it’s never a replenishing rest-just a monotonous slumber to which I am haunted again. I have been known to talk & laugh in my sleep, & sometimes my eyes will be open, but I have managed, almost each night, as my love has tried to reiterate, to pray that Jesus protect & watch over me=to which I try each night to do-for myself and my loved ones in the real world & spiritual world & in the dream world. I am unable to keep my love from viewing demonic movies/cartoon, & some of the time, I watch because I have been told that I must know about them. I have always been one to shy away from demonic movies, because my father & other family members sat me in front of them as a child-between 1-3 (Hell raiser, The Exorcist, etc.) & it seems that my name holds a lot of evil as well-Delilah. I do not really know who to turn to when getting rid of demons in my home. I have prayed over virgin olive oil & marked a cross over the front & back side of my door dwelling years ago. Please email me at

Joan said...

Yes the Holy Lord Jesus just lifted evil out of me with this prayers. It's very real. Amen I love Jesus Seriously I'm on his side!!!!

Unknown said...

Hi anonymous I'm in the same boat as you have you sorted yet please let me know on

I can't get rid of mine eather and moved house like you and still attached I prayed and try to cast out in jesus name the nearest I ever got was an exorcism from a shaman it went then came back I tried father Jenkins with holy water and that stirred it up even worse then mediums they didn't work tried giving my life to jesus but I end up feeling possesed my eyes cant be in bright light its like being in an odour of chemicals
And when I fight it reading scriptures praying prayers etc no luck no pastor anymore helps I know again its witchcraft I even confessed all my sins to jesus and the pastor all its done took my job car everything I just don't trust jesus no more it just feels he is a liability now

Christina Hurtgen (NinaTinahXoXo) said...

My Name is Christina Hurtgen
I am a victim of demonic possession from a demonic spirit who calls himself " Beelzebub. I have been tormented & harassed physically mentally emotionally and even sexually for a year straight now . I used to be a medium and I helped friends contact "what I thought was love earthbond spirits that had already passed over . but it was a trick and I didn't know at the time that there is no such thing as earthbound spirits. I was obsessed with ghost hunting I had lots of evp's and Spirit photography. I was also in the occult & witchcraft since I was 13 years old. I was addicted to drugs and lived a vary sinful life. but I repented and habe been completely sober for 8 months now with the help of God . I did a satanic ritual to open up my third eye last year not thinking that it would actually work but it did . Then on my birthday I got attacked by a demonic spirit, he is also a familiar spirit and has been with me my entire life, I've had alot of spiritual experiences since I was a kid, I also used to have really bad night terrors and you're used to skill the bathrooms I used to have them all the way through grade school even while I was awake sitting in school I would have them.

I have talked with and prayed with numerous pastors I had one Deliverance done and I was attacked during and after by the Spirit and then I was scheduled to have an exorcism done by The Exorcist of superior Wisconsin I miss that appointment and then he was too busy to help me so that left me hopeless and scared I'm trying not to give up and I'm still searching for someone that could help me get delivered or exercise from these attacks I pray that God will allow someone to help me through this . I pray everyday that God will make him leave me alone .. he is spiritually attached to me and is with me 24/7. he controls my thoughts my emotions my body . I have tried everything and no matter what I do he is still here tormenting me ..I need prayers and a miracle..!!

Unknown said...

Tell God that you repent for all your sins and ask him to send you holy angels to make war against the demons, annoint yourself with oil bind and rebuke satan tell him to leave and go to the pit in jesus name, dont fall into sin or it could come back with more. Get a group of belivers to lay hands on you and pray binding satan and breaking off his assighnment to you. Submitt to God! And resist satan and he will flee! Sing songs of worship to God play christian music, read your bible and pray!

Anonymous said...

Is it just me, but i really want to be possessed by a demon, i want the experience, and i wanna feel what its like! Any tips on how i can make it happen..?? I mean i know Quija boards, and spells but is there any easier..??


Unknown said...

An old thread, hope fully this can help others... prayer, fasting, are great for mending the soul, repelling lower level demons (we all know demons and angles are the same make up right)

Priests useless unleaded well versed in this art. Your common won't cut it and only enrage or open up further connections to that dimension.

I would recommend finding a good meditation sound track, research the Saraphim and ask them to cleanse your soul. They carry the word of God, you will never hear them but you will feel or smell their presence... Similar to a demon but sweeter it differs depending on who you ask.

They will carry away what plauges you, without question or hesitation, they know your thoughts.

I recommend 4-5 seassions for 99% of the time, then you need to repair your soul from the leaching.... Meditate, eat pleanty, (not processed food!) Lots of water and keep your belife strong. This can take 6 months for the effects to wear off, especially if its an arch angle that has leaches your soul.

(Please not, all forms of Devine heavily beings are mirrored in "hell" so you get arch demons who are arch angles of death) etc...

Unknown said...

If not resolved by the 5 attempt with a saraphim... I recommend ruins, they where gifted to humanity millennia ago... Azriel sacrifised a lot for this gift. It's an art we have truely lost from public historic records. The Vatican holds these very close.

You will find the odd person that remembers them but has no idea what they are, they will think of them as sketches, dilusions and dream stuff. But used correctly can summon, devour, expel, any form of etherial being.
The Vatican's true "exorsists" draw these in energy to form barriers, bridges, and to summon divine beings.

Remember like all things in life, this can cut both ways. Don't forget equvalant exchange, anything you create requires material/fuel and you will pay the price. It can take an experienced courtier months to heal fully.

Finally, these can be carved or implaced to precious gems/metals by a creator and last a long time. This can mitigate the cost as the fuel/material as it comes from the gems/metal.

Anonymous said...

hello I would like to know how do you get rid of sucha a bad spirit of mine and my mothers too so it can go back too hell for good its my father sam Hampton father

Unknown said...

Solid advice. It's distressing to see the amount of people posting here with these issues!

We have ZERO hope of banishing satan from our homes UNLESS we go to HIM for help! We are powerless without God, His Holy Mother and His angels.

STAY AWAY FROM THE OCCULT! Stay away from mediums! Stay away from psychics and paranormal investigators and ouija boards! They play with a fire they can't control! You wouldn't call a burglar to help protect your belongings- so why put your faith in those who can't command the evil to leave?!

Seek the help of a strong and pious catholic Priest! Turn to God- the only one who has power over satan!

Anonymous said...

Just saying, "Jesus is Lord" or "Jesus lives here" has worked for me numerous times to remove demons. Listening to Christian music especially songs that say Jesus slowly over and over. Reading the N.T.,studying the N.T. especially the red letters or words spoken by Christ help.

Also before I go to sleep I ask for the protection of God and his good warrior angels to form a protective ring around me while I sleep.

It works.

Anonymous said...

Pray and ask the holy trinity to fill you with his white light and make you whole again. A christian therapist would help with the stress... there is no need to be stressed. God has a plan. Pray and have faith. Look at the bright side. You are alive. God has kept you in your body for a reason. Pray and have faith.

Unknown said...

Ok, I can see why you would take that the wrong way. First of all, no one is assuming that the person they are telling to ask for forgiveness of past sins are bad people. If you actually read your Bible you will understand that "every" person is a sinner! Whether, Christian or not. Because we ourselves are not God we aren't perfect and sin intentionally or even unintentionally. So even as a caring, selfless person you even have committed a sin. Maybe without even realizing it.

Unknown said...

My step mother is very evil and is trying to get in between my dad relationship with my sister and I and always talking about people and talking about churches people attend she is never satisfied she is money hungry and I think she is out to get me and my sis my dad is All we have my mom passed and in worried she will harm my dad he is torn between his wife and children and my stepmother is jealous of my father and his children relationship due to the fact she is not close to hers my dad stop drinking then she encourage him to drink again she very mean to him always yelling at him for no reason she ungrateful just a over all nasty person and I feel she only use us only when she wants something and I'm asking how can I release the evil demon out of her because now its getting scary like she will harm my dad and my baby which my dad always has he adores him so much I need your advice

arvind nagar said...


i badly affected by demon and black magic please remove the devil spirit from me

arvind nagar said...

i am arvind nagar i am badly affected by evil spirit my no 9867813199

Anonymous said...

After the free workshop given by Fr. Joseph (author of HEALING OF FAMILIES), my life changed. I did so many retreats, daily (almost daily) communion, weekly confession, adoration, etc, I didn't have much change. However, the prayers in this book changed my life. After one and a half years now, I still do them daily, especially St. Michael's Intervention prayer and the generation prayers which includes BREAKING CURSES & DENOUNCING satan. Go on his website
The carmelite friars at the Alhambra, CA sponsored Fr Joseph in Jan 2016 and there were many miraculous stories.

Anonymous said...

I am not Catholic but I am a Christian... for the last several years around several people I felt like something very acidic and demonic is hovering on my breasts and private intimate parts of my body. When certain people are around me I get very nauseous and weighted into exhaustion. My many parts of my body feels like it's on fire and I get very sick. I tried to rationalize this but I can't. Could this be dead things? Witch craft and/or astral travel rape? this has been a challenge for me to talk about because it's bizarre nature. It feels like e a burning bubble suctioning cup which is so painful and exhausting.

Unknown said...

What is the name of the painting of the angel with red wings please?

Anonymous said...

Possessed for 10 years only part freedom what else fan be done for full total victory to happen for me???

Anonymous said...

I have a big problem.I am kept as a "slave" by demons. I am compleately invaded in my small apt and they are always sitting on me sucking my strenght and every "talent" out of my chakras aso. They are very aggressive last years. They live in the same buliding, are shapeshifters. All my "Family" , relatives and everyone I\ve met in my life. Thise havein`t been really Nice, there were Things that I should`ve reacted to, like coldheartedness, carelessness and a little bad behavior, but they were so-called "good People"; not very big problems. Now they are all here ; "invisible" hating me ...deep contempt for me, for me being "just a human", not yet an angel. So..Very called "pig" they eat. "pig"..they most demeaning Word they could find. I am kept in a collar With leash when out and in stores they talk to these "slaveowners", that are so-called "invisible" instead of me, also one time I needed to see an MD.
So also called "dog", obviously. I am hit, kicked, beestung..a lot...drained of ME. Very tired.
Sigh. I don`t know what to do about anything of it. I had no idea when growing up they they all just "used" me as ...a Source of energy and hated and looked Down at me from the hell they live in. I have a very difficult life hateful....
So not a second without this ...they sit on my back, they hear every thought I have in my brain, they brainwash me, they run the world...
They are the "good; normal People" and the world leaders and the famous so-called "good People"...I don`t know what to do about anything. My pets alr all invaded by these demons and "bite" me for them, not psysically biting, but ; "biting my energy and light" ...and behave as controlled by these demons.
As they run anything, what can I do...? Now theis will be responded some threath or aggression..they HATE me, for what they themselves are doing to me, or for being dependent on my light? energy? as I have no energy left for myselv. They even hold me Down in bed, so it is a fight to get up from bed, as they have me in bed to suck energy from. I too have feelings and wishes for my own future. These demons /"good People" seem to want me to have the worst "break Down"/ die Young or be broken to pieces. they have no empathy at all With me.
Anyone had this problem and gotten out of it?

Anonymous said...

And even trying to force on me every disese they have, theyr hurt knees, cancer aso and everything else and evil and cruelty. But I seem unharmed!...
So..alot of them seem like thenormal "naighbors" you`d see in this naighborhood. "muslims", that I have learnt aren`t real, they are just the same; shapeshifters and pretending the religion, With the naked ankles as the joke; "we are like naked under the "tent", it`s just a joke". And these world leaders too , just a joke, so the "royal Family" that eat of me.." EAT OF ME"!?!?! are you insane?!?!?!
was what I thought. So no real ange School of norway; the "angel " is kept slave aso.
They even harrass me openly.And inthe meadias. I have no life at all anymore, just some possessed pet animals. The dreams I used tohave, disappear...
I drealt about and tried to manifest a New life for myeself i New York..just apt and Money to live of and the right to stay; FREEDOM! Now I just "survive" every day. They are so hateful and aggressive. They tell me day and night I am small, have no human Worth aso. They want me to loose fingers and toes aso and are envious for som rings I use, With some small Diamonds,telling me I aren`t even worthy of a grey rock. Very littleminded and hateful and aggressive, openly harrassing me when out..and in apt. Very hateful. For no reason, as far as I know; I haven`t done them anything. Very hateful famous, "succesful" persons , too. Very goodlooking demons. ¨Telling me how "ugly" I am..not. ALl to make me "take their depression and selfhatred" break down. To feel "stupid" and, obvioisly, very "ignorant" of what they`re doing and what and who they are. But they seem to drain me of "talents" and the little "mind"I have to use themselves, so then how stupid can I be?
Well, these is two comments instead of one, so this should`ve been Three,two says not true, it has to ne one or Three. I am not used to this nonsense, I am JUST HUMAN; not yet a REAL ANGEL; but see that as my only hope for the "FUTURE"; to FLY , to get my ANGEL WINGS back. TO live in the angelic "king"dome for all eternity. Love and light for allof you who need it; to they bothered, tortured and kept slaved by thes demon beasts, to those of you who do noe "feast With the beasts"; My best wishes for you; the angels of the world.

Anonymous said...

Well I wrote "Angel School" og behind my back pulling my bra straps all day to make me feel as invaded as impossible to live With. Pulling my bra straps, the saying " go horse" aso.
So both "pig" "cattle" "dog" "horse " I am called ny these demons. All day and night behind my back, sucked to me.
I sometimes see them as some small creeps that are very far from" goodlooking". Or some white little beings or as "children", or as lifesize. But not able to puch them away. Very harrassed some days. Just Write to find some sort of relief, if that is the right Word in English.
I see some other post With the name Regina, Nice name! My name is Regine, With is too commented on; as it ends With (almost) ne(d) wich means "Down" in Norwegian, who is "Down" or "up" or Down or upwardpointing energy is very focused on my these beasts. Well, With their hatered and evil, their crimes and everything,they point "Down to hell" anyway.
That is Three, so I meant it; I don`t want to be the "slave" of some demonic criminals; I want my freedom!

Anonymous said...

" This wasn`t written, but misspelled as usual " at nighthours, as the devils says. I see some misspelling. Sigh. I just wish I could have worriefree days in my life, like a day at a Beach and so. Today I cought myself daydreaming of just finding some friend that are human, I`d never trust anyone every again. I`ve never had friends. I feel very...different..amongst ..what are so-called "humans"..So I am a "pig".Sigh. I was bullied out of School as a teen, they all knew. "Pig"? I `ve always wanted to know Things, like are the Hollow Earth real? and so on. They all know. I am kept ignorant against my will. But I don`t wanna know anymore scaring "truths" either.
How deeply hurt they must feel, these insane shapshifting demons/ reptilians, to be so mad. But they hurt me, just for being what they look so down at/ envy/hate forbeing stupider/ ignorant/ hate for any reason. But I am real; not just writing this for fun. Just some real ..."ordinary" ..some tired woman in Oslo.

Anonymous said...

SO, as a last post, I do not Accept this dog /pig/ slave nonsense; I am human, at least above them, maybe more of an ANGEL! then a pig!!! SHAME ON THEM! . That`s HOW LOW THEY SINK; they are no matter unintelligent low life scum on this planet, that sucks the energy out of an angel they even Call bad Words to hurt. LifeSUCKING creeps, scum, low life criminals. UGLY! some UGLY CREEPS! . So DO NOT BE ASHAMED any other that they do this too; you cannot possibly be as ugly/stupid/ low life as them; not possible for any human / angel/ Earth human.
SO why let me Write this...why not ruin my computer? Why give the possibillity to Write this? Who does? To see who`d Write this to get punished?
So why be proud of beating an angel "down"?
So to any other ANGEL/ human , that have these CREEPS on the back SUCKING their lives out, DON`T BE ASHAMED! and try not to be too scared; behave as a HUMAN With Control of Your own behavior and try to stay Clear in the head yourself.
So--ANY OTHERS? many?

Unknown said...

I think maybe the reason the soul left these Christian failed suicide attempt survivors (generally sleeping pill over dose) is because God has give them a second chance but they have to earn their soil back to keep it since your supposed to go to hell for suicide

Unknown said...

i mean it when I say EARN it like I said I'm not a priest but I don't think you can sit around and hope God forgives you . You have to redeem yourself. Hopefully you will slowly gain your soul back

April g said...

I need your help as well I'm 30 with two kids I have been married to my husband for 2 years. A couple of months ago one of his family members told him he saw me in the car with another man but this never happened. Now we fight all the time just today he told me he has been talking to a fudu lady and she put a course on me any thoughts on this

Anonymous said...

Some people instead hate God when they face such problems.they drift farther away from him.

Anonymous said...

My mother passed and I got bad into drugs I gave up on life got real sick started hearing things to the point my ex would hold me down and ended up in 4 mental hospitals.always thought it was real but the told me I had Schizophrenia that it was all in my head, wasent real they gave me medication but would still hear voice but new it wasn't real till I moved out my ex boyfriends house and moved in to Brittany and admiral apts I thought I was good new start nice apt right by trail with nature n forest.. But after I moved inn my ex toldvme a girl got rape n killed their I got mad Cuz I thought he was trying to scare me. So couple months living their a neighbor told don't trust the last apt Cuz their a lot of homeless kids That live in the apts doing drugs, one apt the guy warned me about had a lot people staying their.I was watching TV n hearing thongs went to check the window their was like 10 people on my patio I took pics n open door they was gone. Closed it watch TV heard stuff again saw them took pics n called the cops they came and don't find no one even when I showed the pics. I would sleep on my couch in the living room don't have a bed n I would see ppl look threw my my window but my apts are like mobile homes n its lifted of the ground I would hear crazy stuff like the devil talking or toys getting tortured and killed and their would be this smell like sonething died or a musty smell, or someone banging on my door boom boom and no one was thier. One time I was doing my makeup on the floor with the mirror look up n their was a Mexican man looking at me at my doorway fint say nun n took off came back their was carvings on my floor saying GET THE FUCK OUT with grease or lube n Scratch's n on the other said I LOVE U. Freak me out left pick up a friend n it was all gone the grease n u can barley read the carvings. Told landlord but don't do nothing I started hearing guys and girls say they were going to break in and rape n kill n torture me I heard their names ,so I went to the land lord to see if it was all in my head n told her the names she said that yes those people go to house to house to live so I new who was messing with me wrote 3,page letter cuzcmy hair was getting cut my mother gold rosemary I laid I on her when she pass was stolen from my safe . I called cops they thought I was I sleep with a Axe n knives hidden in my apt just in case something happens been 3 murders this year girl strangled n burned to death block away. I hear girls scream at night n now they said I'm a witch I know ifvu do voodoobon someone who never did bad to you hits you 3 times as hatd. I would pray to god and hear the devil laughing saying he wants me and other crazy stuff. I had a ex who 6ft n big muscle my ex spent the night n said hr doesn't want to come over no note I ask why he said a black big shadow figure was hovering over him n walk back to the closet had another friend left the restroom light on n he saw something I took pics n zoomened inn u see a voodoo doll with hair and every time I take pics or record it gets deleted when I wake up my hair been cut more then 20times.been burned on my back n also I would wake up like I couldn't breath n have black eye n sorebon my nose.stuff missing sodas,food,jerwlery, etc ugh I'm scared for my life if anything happens apt Schyler Manning on Moffet plz help email schylarmanning91 plzzzz in Gods name I pray Amen!!

Carla said...

Matthew 6:33. This verse tells us to seek the kingdom of God and His righteous first and all else SHALL be added to us. In life we all have a tendency to take short cuts to get answers to prayers. We are so set on getting what we want that we miss out on what God wants for us. One day, among many, the words "put me first"
came out to me. It hit me like a light bulb had came on in my head. I started reading my Bible everyday very first thing in the morning. I also started writing my prayers in a journal to God. Alot of things in my life started turning around for the good in my life and my family members lives. My prayers started to change because I became a little bit wiser about what to pray for. I found that the things that I was so desperately seeking from God at first, really wouldn't add much value to my happiness at all. More importantly God has increased His value in my life. I've only been doing this for about 6 was but it has cleared up alot in my life.

Unknown said...

I am a Daughter of the Most High God. I command a spirit of insanity to leave you now and go to the dry place in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit. I tell you that you dear are a spirit with a soul/mind that lives in a body. Your soul cannot leave you. The demon is lying to you. You need proper teaching. Look up Andrew Wommack or Joseph Prince on YouTube. You have only one enemy and they are invisible. Accept that Jesus paid for all your sins and receive baptism of Holy Ghost. You do not need any man to intercession for you, Jesus is our High priest. I speak peace and healing to you in Jesus name Amen.

Anonymous said...

My mom died 10-5-14 and ive had a bad attitude and a not caring about anything look and actions. Me and my boyfriend were repainting out small apartment kind of shack and we discovered a 3 legged, crooked armed stick figure with a round head. I dont know what it is but ive been looking it up. We hear strange noises and get the chills every once in a while. We are scared. Please tell me what this is.

_ O. _
This is what it looks like.

jim.carroll said...

Anonymous @ Nov. 17 2016;

I don't know what it is either, but if it is causing anxiety it can't be good. DO NOT PAINT OVER IT. First, get some holy water and some blessed salt. (Blessed and Exorcised water and salt are better.) Wearing gloves and a breathing mask, say the St. Michael prayer. Bless the image with the holy water three times ("In the name of the Father, etc.), sprinkle the blessed salt under the image onto a sheet of paper, then scrape the image off the wall into the salt. (I'm assuming it hasn't been burned into the wall or otherwise made permanent.) When the image is totally removed, bless the area again with the holy water, gather the paper with the salt and debris together so none of it falls out, then take it out of the apartment and (if possible) pour it into a street gutter drain.

Then have a priest come and bless the entire apartment. Make sure he knows what you've been experiencing and what you've done, and show him the area where the image was so he knows what he's dealing with.

Anonymous said...

This is true it was also a prayer do some research on st. Benedict. I'll bless you and may your soul be saved

Anonymous said...

First I want to thank each person on this site. It touches my heart to hear your struggles. I highly recommend everyone, especially those that are experiencing any demonic attacks, to go to youtube and search for Father Corapi. He has many different video series out there. The one to start off with is called IMMORTAL COMBAT. Very easy to understand. The other Priest to look up on Youtube is Fr. Chad Ripperger. Look up Spiritual warfare. Excellent resource. There is a book called Onward Catholic Soldier by John LaBriola. It has to be the best book out there on this topic. Excellent step by step instructions on how to fight back. One other topic I want to put out there is Generational Curses. It took me a few years to accept this concept. There is a deliverance process involved here to break any generational curses that may have been passed down the bloodline.
Pray without ceasing. Fast from something. Pick out something that is hard for you... just do it. For some reason it clears up the spiritual atmosphere so that you can hear God, and feel his guidance. It also makes your prayers so much more efficacious. Take an honest look at your life. Figure out what sins you have/are committing that are opening up portals and allowing the demons to gain access to you. Review Father Corapi's youtube video on Confession. Write yours down. Spend time on it. When complete, go to Confession and be cleansed of all that. Confession will close back up those portals!
In your home and on your body... use Holy Water. Say the St Michael the Archangel Prayer before you enter an are where you feel the enemy may be present. I say this prayer several times a day. Memorize it.
Obtain Exorcised Blessed Salt. Sprinkle some around the perimeter of your home, and on the window sills. Use it in your food. Obtain Blessed Olive oil, cook with it. Pray the Rosary. This can be hard and mundane. I recommend you look up scriptural rosary on youtube. Once you get the hang of it, it gets better.
Get a Miraculous Medal and St Benedict Medal. Get them blessed, and wear them around your neck at all times. Look up Father Corapi's series on Youtube regarding Sacramentals. Sooooo important.
Guard your eyes and ears. Do not allow evil to penetrate your mind. What music are you listening to? What shows are you watching on TV? What type of friends are you hanging around with? What sins are you committing? Just try to clean up your life.
My brothers and sisters in Christ. Please do not suffer alone. Reach out to your Priest, Deacon, Friend... There is help. May God bless each and every single one of you. ~Christina

Anonymous said...

One more resource. Adam Blai Demonologist. Look him up on youtube. Very knowledgeable on this topic.

Anonymous said...

It seems like the website deleted my previous post...
1- Father Corapi. Immortal Combat, Sacramentals, Confession (look up all of his video series)
2- Father Chad Ripperger: Spiritual Warfare
3- Adam Blai: demonologist
Book: Onward Catholic Soldier by John LaBriola (excellent)
Website: Deals with generational curses that may have been passed down the bloodline.
Sacramentals: Holy water, Exorcised Blessed Salt, Blessed olive oil, St Benedict Medal, Miraculous Medal, St Benedict Cross.
Get close to the sacraments: Confession, Eucharist, Adoration
Eliminate all the junk from your life: music/tv/movies that are not from God.
There is hope. God Bless!!!

Anonymous said...

When dealing with a few demons. I believe I can cast out all of them through Jesus christ. In your opinion should I still have a preist perform an exersism? Jesus loves you and so do I

Regina said...

I have stopped commenting on here because of the SPAM but it looks like people are still seeking advice. I have helped several people. I am Catholic and deal with this ministry. Many are giving advice that is not helpful and it frightens me to be quite honest. If you do not understand Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance then you should refrain from assisting people with advice as you can make matters worse if in fact, they are dealing with a true demonic issue or affliction. Also, please stay clear of people who are charging for these "services." That is your indicator that they dont know what they are doing and they are taking your money. Jesus doesn't charge for deliverance. If you need to reach me, please feel free to contact me whoislikeun2god @ Gmail . com

Regina said...

Also, confession is where you start but not everyone is Catholic. There are more step involved depending on what is wrong. You do not know what they are dealing with

Anonymous said...

I have been Catholic all my life. This past month has been one for the books. My boyfriend and I have had money completely disappear from being on us (in our wallets) and in hiding places in our apartment. They would be there in the morning and completely gone at the end of the day. Money has even disappeared as we went from one place to the next. I never took my purse out of my sight.

Last night my brand new debit card disappeared from my wallet that was in a hiding place. And I could tell it had been messed with. I am completely freaking out because SOMETHING is taking our money and now my card for the 2nd time. And not to mention I have already had to replace it 3 times this month due to fraud!

Any suggestions as to what I could do? I am going to church today to get a good amount of items blessed such as anointing oil and pictures of St. Michael by a priest as well as the apartment.

Unknown said...

May God Bless you and your family. For Christ will overpower this wickedness soon.

CK said...

Thank you.Fornication and sexual sins are the devil's favourite chairs.i for one have just lost a relationship because i said no to fornication so i could remain with the sacraments.Mortal sin keeps the evil one around so much.but my bmex boyfriend Anthony never agreed.he wanted excitement.Read Genesis 38:8.

CK said...

Thank You.I have just lost a relationship because i said no to sex.sexual sins constitute mortal sins and thats satanz favourite chair.I am not pure but since i realised it i have remained and vowed chastity to our Lord.

CK said...

These r likely to be night terrors get holy water and incense and pray the rosary continously.Get a crucifix and praye ifront of it,blessed candles and holy water.

Anonymous said...

I used a saint expedite website that i didnt realise uses voodoo attatched to christianity it puports to help financial crisies since using it i have been ice cold in sleep reapeatadily in hot weather, heard threatening voices, had terrible rages of anger, seen and heard visual halucinations. Its ruined my life. I feel lethargic old my life is rendered useless. If i feel like i signed a pact with a devil. We have felt like theres another in our bed both me a my wife. He wakes me up in the night and has told me back you dont get rid of me that easily after praying for help. He even tolf me to stop looking to heaven. I was basically a person with no mental illness before i used the saint expedite website with his whitch craft i would worn all others beware.

Manna said...

A sacramental that is important to wear is the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. At Fatima, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared as Our Lady of Mt. Carmel during the Miracle of the Sun on October 13, 1917. The Fatima visionary, Sister Lucia said that the rosary and the scapular are inseparable. St. Joseph and the Christ Child also appeared during the Miracle of the Sun and blessed the world. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you, save souls!

Unknown said...

Let this be a warning to others that read this. I was the victim of a gypsy scam. She went by the name Scarlett Evans. Her real name was Sharon Scarlett Demetro of Cherry Hill, NJ. Her aunts last name was Evans. She is also a resident of Florida and 21 years old. She approached me at the Cherry Hill Mall with her two young children and did a reading on me. It was very accurate. She knew things that no one could have. She then proceeded to tell me that there was negative energy on me which was the reason why I was single. She said she could cleanse me of the bad energy with a crystal ball that I was to bring home with me for ten days. That the crystal would just soak up the negative energy in my home, so I brought the ball home with me. I loved crystals and had a friend that was into energy healing and crystals so I didn't think much of it.
Thats when I started to get attacked by demons. Sharon told me a bunch of lies, first that the demon had been with me a long time and now it decided to show itself because it was angry that I was trying to get rid of it with the crystal. She told me that it was attached to an heirloom on my fathers side of the family and that it needed to be found and cleared. She came to my home to search psychically for the object and ended up taking my possessions to do 'clearings' on them. Thats when the situation escalated. I started to physically be attacked by the demon pushed, scratched, raped. I was terrified. I was praying constantly, calling out to Jesus.
Sharon then exhorted money and a car from me, telling me that she was a messenger from God, and that God wanted me to donate money to a church. She was exceptionally convincing and could have won an award for her acting abilities. I was terrified and would have done anything to get this thing off of me. She asked for a sample of my hair and started telling me that if I didn't give her the money I was going to die. My prayers weren't helping and it was then that I realized she was doing witchcraft on me. I really became scared of her. The demons were coming at me with high pitched screams. One actually slammed into me while I was sitting on my sofa praying and knocked me over.
Sharon disappeared to Florida with my cash, possessions, and a car she stole from me. I had to get the police involved with the car which she did return, but not the cash or possessions. Things only got worse for me and Its been two years and I am possessed. I fought hard to not get possessed. I was in constant prayer, church, and I am living in torment everyday and can no longer believe in Jesus as I'm being mind controlled. It's very rare, but the demon that attacked me mind manipulated me with a constant barrage of thoughts against the existence of God/Jesus/Mary/ the Angels. No one that I've reached out to for help has seen a case of mind control like mine.
The demon wore down my faith, then it entered my body through my heart and the back of my head. I've since lost all human emotions and feelings and the ability to feel and experience love. I have been through Catholic exorcism about 10 times, not to mention multiple deliverances through Christian churches. Many times through prayer and fighting the thoughts against God I would feel his power and pure love come and try to push this demon out of my body but as soon as the demon would put a thought against God in my head I would feel God's energy go away. I would do this over and over. Without faith in God there is no hope for someone in my situation. It is very rare that exorcism will help without faith, unless it is a child.
You can not imagine the hell I live in everyday. My entire insides burn and are squeezed. I've lost all ability to feel emotions, think clearly. It feels like I am in a constant fog. Sometimes I am squeezed so hard I can barely breathe and it feels like I have 100 pound weight on my head and shoulders. It is constant torment. God can't help you without faith.

Anonymous said...

I have been going through the same thing with the spirit in my father's home.. I was sitting in my room and I looked up and into the living room and I saw a girl standing there with a hospital gown on and she had black hair she quickly popped and disappeared three times then I felt my heart stop for a second then the next day I got a phone call from my mom stating that they just found my grandfather dead in his chair at the kitchen table. Then that very night I went to do my laundry Wich the washer and dryer are on the porch I looked up at the door way entrance and saw her again put once really quick then my mom's step sister was found dead from an over dose. Later that night the same girl chased me in my dream but she was really angry.. I need help.. how can I get rid of her? Can anyone help me? I tried telling my father but he won't believe me and now it has gotten to where I get three scratches on my shoulder. What do I do?

Private Information said...

No. I understand the feeling. You want help. You keep asking Jesus to help but they are still hurting you so you think about way will give some relief. It won't. Jesus is the only help. I know it's hard to wait months or years that others recieve in a few minutes or hours. But wait for grace. Weather it comes in a day or a year it is still grace. Wait. Also some people get delivered without even repenting or confessing. Just because we confess and still have demons does not mean we are not forgiven. We will recieve the same grace as them. I have been trying to overcome selfishness. Asking God to help me. Still no healing. I hear a testimony of a women who said who knew time acknowledged she was being selfish. She went to sleep and in her sleep the demon of selfishness was cast out her heart. She was completely changed. Maybe we try to hard. Maybe that the thing. I don't know why it takes long for us. But jesus is the way

Unknown said...

I recently moved in with my boyfriend and his parents. His mother gee up in this house and has never thought or should I say mentioned it to be haunted. Her mother died here and then she moved back in after years. I have been finding crucifix in weird creepy places. The house is over 100 years old. ONE crucifix WAS IN MY CLOSET AGAINST THE WALL. Another in a hardly ever used place in the attic, then the 3rd one in a storage room in the garage/basement. The room is the only one in the house that is almost hidden. 2×4 floors with dirt right there under. The septic or something has a opening under the flooring in that room. It's really creepy. Then I found a coin of like st. Roman or something I forgot what it is. I just looked it up, it is not in english. The coin is to ward off evil spirits/devil. It was in the basement on the shelf. Then all over the house I am finding little Catholic card with prayers and like st. Mary on them like sacraments. I am totally creeped out. Just the places I am finding weird things. And vibrations I hear and feel. Sometimes I have to run from the bathroom back to bed. I get the chills and often feel like someone is watching me. Any take on this?? Advice please. I love Jesus and I am saved I do not want to give the devil any fear to feed off of. But it's like where these things are placed is enough in itself to be scared. Thanks k8

Regina said...

To the woman who posted most recently, reach out to me. I work with a Catholic priest who can help.

Anonymous said...

You know how god sounds? Like police who sends criminals after you so you beg them for help, but they still do nothing, because all they want is that you acknowledge the power they have over everyone. If I pay an assassin, and the assassin does only as much harm as I allow him to do, and the case goes to court, can I laugh it off and say god is doing the same, so you cannot blame me, I am free of guilt, I am a very nice person and did not personally dirty my hands with this murder! lol How evil do you have to be and how insanely twisted, to come up with explanations why the things your god is doing are okay. You must be really sick to choose such religion as representing your standard of morals. Christians are the most evil people I have ever met. Of course, because as long as they say they believe in that god, they are freed of all sin. That is the real contract with the evil. Besides, your straw bed started to burn? Please, just blow out that candle before you fall asleep... But you cannot expect logical sense from a Christian. You have to be really dumb to fall for that religion and call it religion of love. You can make up as many stories as you want to, your god is the evil you made a deal with and he promised you the rewards the devil is supposed to offer, but you accepted them from god. Funny that. Who cares about cities of silver and gold in the afterlife? Surely not good and modest people. Who does not care if innocent people are tortured or killed, as long as they can go to their shiny heaven of riches? Greedy, evil people who never even wondered about all the babies and little children their god killed and they could not care less.

Unknown said...

My son was in turmoil as he slept last night. Tossing his head back and forth sitting up and talking while obviously asleep .Suddenly sat straight up with eyes open staring in utter fright he called his friends name out who slept over, his friend also jumped up looked at my son asked him "what?" Then turned to look where my son was looking but saw nothing. My son says he saw a dark figure with horns and that his room suddenly smelled like there was a dead animal in it. The figure was not looking at him but in the direction of my bedroom but when my son said his friends name out loud the figure turned slowly to look at my son and what my son turned to put his side light on it then vanished. My son was terrified. I have recited the aforementioned verses in entirety 3 times as said and I'm hoping that this will help .What else can I do to drive out the evil in my home? This has been happening on and off for years .I've had my home blessed by pastors and I just don't know what more can be done .Suggestions are welcome. While my sons other friends were here earlier last evening, the door to the den was ajar and had view of the kitchen .One of his female friends suddenly asked if there were any small children in the house andtheanswer is no so she asked who the small boy was that just walked past the doorway? There are no children in my home. My son just turned 20. I've always had the feeling that something terrible has happened within this house but can't find out what. Help please

Regina said...

Unknown. Please email me at I don't get on here anymore and have been reading everyone's troubles since 201 however, everyone seems to be led into false practices and beliefs in order to get HELP. If you would like to discuss your son's case, please reach me at that email. If I cannot help you, then I will find someone who can. I don't ignore emails. God bless you and I will keep you in prayer. Stay away from people who are suggesting help and have no experience please or if they have New Age ties... Also if they charge you money. You need the Catholic Church's help...

Anonymous said...

"The devil cannot endure humility; it is his great enemy; as soon as he perceives its presence anywhere, he becomes helpless and runs away."
Father Paul of Moll

Jose Ramon Ruiz said...

There is a message; 2030 is the eon light which will reach the end of this age. Something to strive toward. Belief in Christ, minus the Judeans, if not achieved by 50 years of age, could possibly be lost to the times. The times are delicate; reality will set in during the next several years. Enough has been said, shown, heard and challenged; enough people have been murdered in the name of Yeshua. He came, we analyzed, mocked, ridiculed, and doubted. Those who want to believe should research, seek, and believe in the message of the gospel. There is a time and reason for everything; we are all sinners and need to ask for guidance, start with Christ. The world as you see it is an illusion and full of mysteries. The mystics have been placed among us to guide all. Judgement will be passed on those who do not believe; the apostles will judge those who for whatever reason have not chosen Christ. God is the same always. Please start with a prayer and try to believe. That is all I can say for now. Dr. Jose Ramon Ruiz, Ph. D.

Pappy said...

Pray the Devine Mercy chaplet prayer and the Rosary...

William P. G. Shaw. said...

I have been seeing apparitions of Satan at night about once a month. The apparitions are like a man formed by smoke, over my bed having a malevolent stare. I could pass my hand through the smoke but the apparition only vanished when I invoked Saint Michael Archangel. The apparitions that are rather frightening have been getting more frequent, about two or three nights a week. These later apparitions are not always of a man, or a woman in a few instances, but of peculiar shapes I do not know how to describe. Now I say a prayer addressed to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the apparitions are far less frightening or in some cases absent. It is not sufficient to say: " Leave this place immediately. " The Most Holy Name of Jesus has to be invoked, but Saint Michael who has been especially assigned the task of getting rid of demonic presences never fails.
I know for certain the apparitions are not from God and when they occur, I can sense the presence of consummate evil.

Anonymous said...

- Fr. Chad Ripperger (exorcist) is very knowledgeable on spiritual warfare. Hundreds of his talks are available in YouTube for free. You can google his name then add topic like Exorcism, Spiritual Warfare, Generational Spirits, Spiritual Wounds, Sin, Vice, Virtue, Sacraments, Sacramentals, Marriage, etc.
- Attending Healing & Deliverance masses & retreats help tremendously.
- Daily (Rosary/s, Mass, Sacraments, Sacramentals)
- Sacrament of Confession is a powerful sacrament of deliverance.
- renounce sin. stop sinning. give up vice.
strengthen & purify the spirit by not giving in to the flesh, world, devil.

Unknown said...

I would like to have this book

Unknown said...

What happened when you said the prayer because I'm going threw something now at the moment

Unknown said...

I want to thank you we have been through so much fighting the enemy it has tore us apart and the prayer I know that they have to flee we will no longer be tortured no more I thank in the name of Jesus I thank for allowing us to pray they prayer for the break through Anen

Unknown said...

First I would say to try and figure out if the negative entity is attached to the house or the family,is it one person or all of you, and remember the word of God says that we will receive faith in God,and God will begin to speak forth against all evil in his name alone, god did not just create good but also bad in order to give mankind free will,pain& suffering is supposed to teach us to survive through struggle but we must be strong enough,our faith needs to be strong enough,none of us have lived without sin but it's possible that you have obsorbed another person's,or entities negative dark energy, if you have tried all u can on your own& nothing has worked then you need a good strong person of God& faith to back you up with no sceptics,if they don't help then go even higher find a "shanon" to bless& cleanse your house& life or take it as far as the Roman Catholic church!!! The Vatican approved over hundreds or excorcists years ago& that may be your last hope, the arch diasis will determine the action...I wish you& your family the best of luck& God bless u all& help you, IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER& OF THE SON& OF THE HOLEY SPIRIT!!!! IF IT IS GODS WILL THEN THROUGH THE DEVINE ENTITY JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD& SAVIOR PLEASE GOD MAKE IT SO!!! IN YOUR NAME OH LORD& ALL THE SAINTS AND THE ARCH ANGELS THAT FIGHT AGAINST ALL DARKESS& DEMONIC ENTITIES WE PRAY OH LORD!!! AMEN!!!. I WISH YOU THE BEST IN YOUR FIGHT AS IVE DONE ALL I CAN THROUGH WORDS AND I WISH I COULD HELP MORE& KNOW YOUR OUTCOME IN THE FIGHT U HAVE AHEAD OF YOU...PLEASE DONT TAKE THIS LIGHTLY ELLIMINATE THE EVIL BEFORE IT TAKES FULL CONTROL.....

Anonymous said...

I think I accidentally signed a demonic contract when I was younger and not (I think) in my right mind, I don't remember now, but I am sorry, please God, I am sorry, please render this contract and any other evil contracts I may have signed null and!

Anonymous said...

Look up bob larsen on youtube I am being tourmented to . he could probably help anybody that needs help.god bless everybody amen.

Marcus said...

Please write your name on a blessed green scapular -

Consecrate one's soul to Mary.

Marcus said...


Those who are facing concerns with spiritual warfare, please take a look at this section of prayers.

Unknown said...


bernb said...

My name is Bernard and my family and I have been under attack by some evil psychic people who call themselves Monique and Lisa of East Chicago, Indiana and Antonio Mapson, Leeanne Garcia, and Marcus of Gary, Indiana. This couple Monique and Lisa have been coming against me for some years now day and night non stop. Antonio Mapson is very evil and working with a network of psychics thru out Indiana and Illinois. They actually moved next door to my mother and have been working against us day and night over at 345 Rutledge St. Gary, Indiana 46404. I ask you to join us in prayer to stop and redirect these evil workers and their attacks.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could talk to a priest or a medium if you know a good one god bless you

Anonymous said...

Just saying. I have had evil spirits I'm my life. Evil that takes your life and feed from your soul. Evil that's racist. They are feeding of my mother and fathers and sibling soul. How do I defeat them??The demon is in every soul.

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