(This article is a continuation of miraculous stories in the life of St Padre Pio. Part 1 which is entitled "Little known stories in the life of St Padre Pio" can be found here.
I would like to sincerely thank Brother Michael of the Cross and also Thomas Warner M.D. for transcribing these stories. -Webmaster)
Mr. Gaspare di Prazzo had a case of Mediterranean Fever which had become very serious. A woman, Signora Vacarro, knew of Padre Pio and recommended the patient invoke Padre Pio's help for a cure and Signora Vacarro gave Gaspare a picture of Padre Pio to use while invoking his intercession. Upon receiving the photo, the patient kissed the photograph of Padre Pio and begged him to cure him.
A few days passed when one evening at 6pm the patient said to his wife: "Put someone at the door and don't let anyone in, because Padre Pio is coming, and I don't want to be seen by anyone.'
The wife nodded assent and assured him that their nephew was already near the door.
A few days passed when one evening at 6pm the patient said to his wife: "Put someone at the door and don't let anyone in, because Padre Pio is coming, and I don't want to be seen by anyone.'
The wife nodded assent and assured him that their nephew was already near the door.
Later that night, at eleven o'clock, when all were in bed and only his wife was sitting up by the patient's bedside, and the patient had a significant fever he said to his wife: 'Put out the light because Padre Pio is about to come, and I don't want to be seen by anyone, not even by you.'
His wife obeyed and put out the light. All of a sudden the patient began to speak, very joyfully: "Oh! Padre Pio, are you here to heal me? I thank you. Pass your hand from my head to my feet. I cannot go on anymore and I do not want to leave my wife a widow...'
The patient felt Padre Pio near his bed. He passed his stigmatized hand over all his body. His wife saw nobody, but understood that Padre Pio was beside her beloved spouse, and trembling in a corner of the room on her knees, weeping she also prayed to Padre Pio: ' As you have come, Padre Pio, ask Our Lord for the grace of my husband's cure.'

Another ten minutes passed, then the husband told his wife to put on the light, because Padre Pio was gone. After putting on the light, his sister and Dr. Giannone came around the bed of the patient, whose eyes were shining, and who was emitting deep sighs. He said he felt better, and then told them the following:
"A little while ago I found myself in a beautiful church, where Padre Pio was celebrating Mass, and I was on my knees . I saw the Holy Ghost in the beautiful form of a dove above the altar. After Mass, I drew closer to him, and he said to me: 'Have faith in God. But you must go to confession and you must not swear any more.' Being thirsty, I asked Padre Pio for water, and he accompanied me to a cistern. I filled a bottle with lovely fresh water; groaning with pain I drank it in one draught, burning with fever. As soon as I had drunk the water I smelt perfume which resembled the smell of vanilla. Then Padre Pio went away."
After this account the patient repeated that he felt better. The cousin,a medical physician, examined him an noted a very significant change: the fever had already diminished, and by the next morning he was without any, and the fever never returned. Early that next morning Signora Vacarro went to visit him - the reader will recall that it was she who lent him the photograph of Padre Pio - and joyfully upon seeing him she said:
"The grace has been given! I dreamt of Padre Pio last night and he said to me: 'The grace has been given.'"
-and truly the grace had been obtained, for a few days afterwards the patient got up cured and went to church to thank Our Lord. Later he had a solemn day of the Blessed Eucharist celebrated in the Church of the Liguorini, where he confessed and received Holy Communion, after having been away from the Sacraments for ten years. From then on Signor Piazzi has never swore again and he is very grateful to Padre Pio, whose photograph he always carries about with him."
Cure of a diabetic through a vision of Padre Pio
On Corpus Christi, June 20, 1946, at about 6pm a nun named Lucia was suffering from severe diabetes and because of this was impelled to drank quarts of water for relief. Suddenly however she no longer felt the need to drink water and she called the Mother Superior. She said she must now go to the chapel to pray.
Nevertheless, the Mother Superior asked the sister to bring along a glass of water. The Mother Superior had a presentiment that it was the beginning of the end. Lucia told her with a happy smille: "I will die soon, Mother, Padre Pio came to see me. He was just like picture on the bureau. He said I could not be cured (i.e. by the doctors). But he also told me to hope, and to have faith in the help of Heaven.
Evidently, from the succession of events we will read below, Lucia has initially misunderstood Padre Pio. Two sisters assisted her to the chapel. She did not ask for water, and even refused when offered the glass that had been taken along. It was now already a quarter of an hour since she had taken anything to drink. After finishing her prayers she was brought back to her little room as it appeared that she was fainting. The chaplain was called and a drinking tube was put into her mouth, but she immediately pushed it away. Suddenly she opened her eyes with a strange smile on her lips. She sat up in her bed and gesticulated joyously, saying Padre Pio had just told her in the name of God: "You are cured. Get up! Come immediately to my monastery. I want to bless you and thank the Almighty with you." Lucia went to the monastery with two of the sisters on June 17. When they appeared before Padre Pio, he said with a smile: "I was waiting for you," and he blessed her.
Nevertheless, the Mother Superior asked the sister to bring along a glass of water. The Mother Superior had a presentiment that it was the beginning of the end. Lucia told her with a happy smille: "I will die soon, Mother, Padre Pio came to see me. He was just like picture on the bureau. He said I could not be cured (i.e. by the doctors). But he also told me to hope, and to have faith in the help of Heaven.
Evidently, from the succession of events we will read below, Lucia has initially misunderstood Padre Pio. Two sisters assisted her to the chapel. She did not ask for water, and even refused when offered the glass that had been taken along. It was now already a quarter of an hour since she had taken anything to drink. After finishing her prayers she was brought back to her little room as it appeared that she was fainting. The chaplain was called and a drinking tube was put into her mouth, but she immediately pushed it away. Suddenly she opened her eyes with a strange smile on her lips. She sat up in her bed and gesticulated joyously, saying Padre Pio had just told her in the name of God: "You are cured. Get up! Come immediately to my monastery. I want to bless you and thank the Almighty with you." Lucia went to the monastery with two of the sisters on June 17. When they appeared before Padre Pio, he said with a smile: "I was waiting for you," and he blessed her.
A spiritual grace, Porto Maurizio, September 11, 1940
A gentleman from Porto Maurizio writes:
"No matter how much I say with regard to the graces received through Padre Pio, I could not say enough, for he procured me a great number, and continued to do so. When I saw Padre Pio for the first time, it seemed to me like a dream, and my heart leapt for joy.
"No matter how much I say with regard to the graces received through Padre Pio, I could not say enough, for he procured me a great number, and continued to do so. When I saw Padre Pio for the first time, it seemed to me like a dream, and my heart leapt for joy.
"I assisted at the Mass he celebrated with saintly ardor. I was also fortunate enough to see him at close range, for I was kneeling at the side of the altar; large drops of tears fell from his eyes ... in that instant I repented of my sins and implored forgiveness for myself and for all mankind. At the Consecration, I was doubly wrapped in prayer, and at the Elevation of the Host I looked up with faith, and to my astonishment it appeared radiant and beautiful. I said nothing about it to anyone that day, but the following day I went to the confessional of the Padre and I said, 'Father,the Host consecrated by you does not look the same as the others.' 'What,' he said, 'is there something special about mine?' 'Yes, I replied, 'the Host of every other priest looks ordinary, and there is a crucifix in the center, while yours appears beautiful and radiant.' he did not reply, so I continued, "Tell me Father, is this so, or is it an illusion?' Entering into a state of recollection within himself, he replied with gravity, 'What you saw in fact was true.'
Padre Pio predicts a boy to a childless couple, and later baptizes the baby under miraculous circumstances
A couple from Genoa visited Padre Pio to tell him they had no children. "Bring him to me to be baptized when he is born," was his answer. He could often foretell the sex of an unborn child.
The following year the fortunate couple returned to the monastery Church with their new baby boy, but in the Church of Our Lady of Graces there was such a large crowd that it was impossible to reach Padre Pio who was hearing confessions and then reciting the evening prayers . The mother remained in the parish house of San Giovanni Rotundo one mile away, whilst the father went to the monastery to talk to Padre Pio's fellow priests, telling them that Padre Pio had invited them to come there and that they were to meet with him; hoping to try to arrange a meeting with him in the next few days. Since by then it was getting quite late, he was told to come back in the morning. So, he returned to his wife at the parish house and when he arrived his wife informed him that Padre Pio had come to baptise the baby earlier in the evening. "But how is that possible!" he replied, because at the time specified Padre Pio was without a doubt in the Church reciting the evening prayers and hearing confessions of the many people assembled there.
A woman is revived from a coma
On July 20, 1921, a Monsignor D'Indico of Florence, whom this author [Fr. Charles Carty] met in 1923 when studying theology at the Archbishop's Seminary in Florence, was alone in his study. He felt the sensation of having someone at his back. He turned and saw a monk, who disappeared. He left his room to tell a chaplain what happened. The chaplain thought it was mere hallucination due to his state of anxiety over his sister, who was very ill. He invited him to take a short walk for mental distraction. When they returned they went to see his sister in her sick room. His sister, who a little before had been in state of coma, at the same hour when her brother felt the sensation of being in the presence of Padre Pio, told how she had seen a monk enter her room who approached her and said : "Don't be afraid; tomorrow your fever will disappear, and after a few days there will be no trace of your illness in your body." But, Padre, she answered, "are you then a saint?" "No, I am simply a creature who serves the Lord through His mercies."
On July 20, 1921, a Monsignor D'Indico of Florence, whom this author [Fr. Charles Carty] met in 1923 when studying theology at the Archbishop's Seminary in Florence, was alone in his study. He felt the sensation of having someone at his back. He turned and saw a monk, who disappeared. He left his room to tell a chaplain what happened. The chaplain thought it was mere hallucination due to his state of anxiety over his sister, who was very ill. He invited him to take a short walk for mental distraction. When they returned they went to see his sister in her sick room. His sister, who a little before had been in state of coma, at the same hour when her brother felt the sensation of being in the presence of Padre Pio, told how she had seen a monk enter her room who approached her and said : "Don't be afraid; tomorrow your fever will disappear, and after a few days there will be no trace of your illness in your body." But, Padre, she answered, "are you then a saint?" "No, I am simply a creature who serves the Lord through His mercies."
"Let me kiss your habit, Padre."
"Kiss the sign of the Passion," and he showed his hands transfixed and bleeding.
"Padre, I recommend to you my husband and child."
"Pray, pray that you will be good, and be assured that your child will be under my protection," and blessing her, he vanished.
She immediately got better and in eight days was entirely cured.

Prior to this he had never seen Padre Pio or heard of him before.
The Church approved miracle for the canonisation of Padre Pio
January 20th , 2000, was a regular school day for seven years old Matteo Pio Colella of San Giovanni Rotondo until he started to shiver and develop a fever. He was brought home weak and vomiting. That he evening he was progressively worse with the development of bleeding into and necrosis of his skin. In the modern hospital of San Giovanni Rotondo (Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza ) he was found to have clots in his blood vessels, signs of kidney and liver failure and hyperacute meningitis with septicaemia : an extremely serious condition, which by next morning, had rapidly affected all organ systems with septic shock, respiratory failure, cyanosis, a heart rate of 20 , dilated pupils and cardiac arrest. Despite therapy, the prognosis for survival was hopeless. Meanwhile, prayers for his recovery were being offered by many through the intercession of Padre Pio. By mid-day, despite the most morbid prognostication, he showed signs of improvement. Even with a persistent lung problem he made great progress within ten days. In a few weeks recovery was complete.
The mortality from his illness ---fulminant meningitis with acute respiratory distress syndrome and multi-organ (nine organ systems) failure ---- is 100 percent. His recovery was medically inexplicable and was declared a miracle by the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints in the presence of Pope John Paul II.
An unusual visitor
While asleep, Matteo said that he was unable to pray to Padre Pio but started to do so, on awakening. “As soon as I awoke, I put out my hand searching for another hand saying: I want Padre Pio “. However during his ‘sleep’ he was not alone but was visited by an old man with a white beard and a long brown garment. This man, smiling, gave him his hand and said “Matteo don’t be worried you will soon be healed “. Beside this man he saw three angels, one dressed in white with green wings and two in red with white wings; their faces were not clear because of their brilliance. Another day afterwards, he told his uncle Giovanni that the very night he was healed there was a child with green eyes and black hair, lying rigid, on a little bed in a hospital in Rome. Subsequently he related the dream to his mother who asked: “How did you get to Rome? “. Matteo told her that he made a kind of flight with Padre Pio who held him by the hand and who spoke to him interiorly; when they arrived Padre Pio asked: “Do you want to be healed ? And Matteo replied “How will that happen? “ “Will it with prayer”.
Then his mother asked: “How did you know you were in Rome? “ Matteo recognized Luna Park ( a theme park ) which he had visited with uncle Giovanni! In conclusion, Matteo said “I was healed by Padre Pio“
Then his mother asked: “How did you know you were in Rome? “ Matteo recognized Luna Park ( a theme park ) which he had visited with uncle Giovanni! In conclusion, Matteo said “I was healed by Padre Pio“
Matteo was present in Saint Peter’s Square for the canonization of Padre Pio (June 16th, 2002 ) and at this Mass he made his First Holy Communion. Incidentally, Matteo has green eyes and black hair.
Finally, as if to remind us of an unusual ‘event’ in the Saint’s life, the official missal for the occasion had on the cover an icon depicting Jesus Christ crucified with Saint Francis beneath one arm of the Cross and Padre Pio beneath the other. This ‘event’, to be described briefly, was reported by Fr. Alberto D’Apolito, a friend of Padre Pio’s.
Giovanna Rizzani Boschi, a shy lady from Udine, became a spiritual daughter of Padre Pio in 1923. In 1905, while her father lay dying her mother gave birth to Giovanna in their courtyard where, during labour, she thought she saw a Capuchin friar. Meanwhile , in 1905, as a seminarian in the Capuchin friary Padre Pio wrote about a similar incident in which he found himself in a nobleman’s home during the birth of a child as her father was dying. The Virgin Mary appeared to Padre Pio and said: “I am entrusting this child to you --- she will seek you out --- but first you will meet her in St. Peter’s.
The Boschi family moved to Rome in 1922. One afternoon Giovanna visited St. Peter’s where she discussed doubts about her faith in a confessional with a Capuchin friar. She waited for this “gifted man “ before the Basilica was closed to arrange a further meeting. The sacristan showed her that the confessional was empty; he had vanished. Later, she heard about Padre Pio for the first time and decided she must meet him and arranged a trip to San Giovanni Rotondo. While Padre Pio was passing through a large crowd he stopped in front of her and said: “Giovanna, I know you. You were born the day your father died.” And he continued to reveal details of her birth and her visit to St. Peter’s. On a later visit he asked her to join the Franciscian Third Order, giving her the name Jacopa which she didn’t like. But he insisted, saying that a noble Roman woman called Jacopa was present at the death of St. Francis of Assisi. “One day you will be present at my death”.
In September 1968, the anniversary of the stigmata, Giovanna heard his voice calling her to San Giovanni because he was going away. She arrived and went to confession. After Mass, on September 22nd, Padre Pio became ill, but not seriously. That night, either in a dream or a vision, she found herself in Padre Pio’s cell where he lay dying, surrounded by friars and two doctors. She woke up and cried out to her friend that Padre Pio was dying. She got dressed and outside the monastery was told by a friar that Padre Pio was dead. Later, she related the strange events to Fr. Alberto D’Apolito and described in detail the interior of Padre Pio’s room (which before his death had never been photographed). He agreed with her description.
Indeed, in 1209, when St. Francis travelled to Rome to submit the rule of his new order to Pope Innocent III, he was supported by a Roman noblewoman called Jacopa de Settesoli. Subsequently she followed St. Francis’ life of austerity and was probably the inspiration for the founding of the Third Order of St. Francis. Jacopa was present at the death of St. Francis in Assisi. She died in Assisi in 1239 where her remains were placed in the “Saint’s Crypt“ bearing the inscription : HIC REQUIESCIT IACOPA SANCTA NOBLISQUE ROMANA
Patience is a virtue and a virtue that was recognized as such by the devotees, prayer groups and spiritual children of Padre Pio. Even though the cause for canonization could have been initiated in 1973, ten more years elapsed before the complex process of beatification would begin with anihil obstat in 1982. In December 1997 the Decree of heroic virtue was promulgated in the presence of Pope John Paul II. The Servant of God was now Venerable. The medical board of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints examined a miracle attributed to the intercession of Padre Pio and the Decree on the miracle was promulgated again in the presence of the Pope in December 1998. His beatification by the Pope followed on May 2nd.1999 in the presence of a huge crowd.
Pope John Paul met Padre Pio in 1947, confessed to him and attended his Mass. This made a lasting impression on Fr. Wojtyla who recalled that Padre Pio “physically suffered “during the Eucharistic celebration. Also, in 1962 Bishop Wojtyla wrote to Padre Pio asking for his prayers for a friend who had advanced cancer. The malignancy disappeared the day before scheduled surgery.
There was no shortage of miracles during the life of “the man of prayer and suffering”, as Pope Paul VI called him. However, only those miracles occurring after death are considered for beatification with another, following that, for canonization. Again, the canonical documents were sent from the diocese of Manfredonia-Vieste to the Congregation and the medical testimony from Matteo’s cure was examined. In December 2000 the Theological Consultors met, followed by the Session of Cardinals and Bishops. Finally, the Decree of miracle and subsequently the Decree of Canonization were promulgated in the presence of Pope John Paul II.
Piazza San Pietro was packed for Mass on Sunday, June 16th. 2002. A large tapestry with the image of Padre Pio hung over the main door of the Basilica. No doubt many of his followers and spiritual children were ecstatic. The introduction included prayers, hymns and readings from Padre Pio’s writings. The choir sang the “Canto d’ingresso” followed by Psalm 97. Then the Pope recited a beautiful prayer in Italian, beginning with: “My dear brothers and sisters, today the Church inscribes the name of Blessed Padre Pio of Pietrelcina in the Register of the Saints---“,followed by the Miserere nostri ---. The Litany of the Saints preceded the Rite of Canonization with the Formula solemnly read in Latin by the Pope “ --- Beatum Pium a Pietrelcina Sanctum esse decernimus et definimus, ac Sanctorum Catalogo adscribimus ----“. “In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti”. Amen.
Padre Pio's feast day falls on September 23rd, the anniversary of his holy death.
1. San Pio da Pietrelcina: Gerardo di Flumeri & Luciano Lotti; Frati Minori Cappuccin,Provincia di “Sant’ Angelo e Padre Pio”.
2. "Padre Pio, Man of Hope" Renzo Allegri; Servant Publications, Ann Arbor, MI.
3. "Witness to Hope" George Weigel; Harper Collins, New York.
4. "Padre Pio, The Stigmatist". Fr. Charles Mortimer Carty. Tan Books.
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See also the fascinating article: "Little known stories in the life of St Padre Pio"
4. "Padre Pio, The Stigmatist". Fr. Charles Mortimer Carty. Tan Books.
See also the fascinating article: "Little known stories in the life of St Padre Pio"
Dear Fr Pio
Please heal me, I hv had sugar diabetes 4 de past year, be with me and please take away the illness and restore my health again, I do not like this life of having to depend on needles. Protect me and my entire family, especially my precious daughter and we ask for your blessings and strength in our faith. We love u very much. Actually I feel better as I type this message. May all our dreams and plans come true.
Please pray for my son-in-law who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer and scheduled for surgery next week. Thank you
Please St. Pio, I consecrate my son and wife and daughters and husbands and granddaughter to your protection and spiritual fatherhood. Please make us holy and happy. amen
St. pio, please pray for my son's purity and help with homeschooling.Amen
Dear St. Pio Please watch over and take care of my husband when he has his leg cut off in a couple weeks. Please keep me healthy and strong and patient while I care for him. Love you dearly.
Dear Padre Pio,
Pray that Our Lady's dowry be restored, and to this end, guard the progress of the Anglican Ordinariate in the UK, USA, & Australia ! Help Our Lady return truly to her original shrine in Walsingham, and ask her, though I do not deserve such an honour, to use me to this end.
Gain for me the effective grace to pray as Our Lord and Our Lady want me to; and to gain a true spirit of penitence, solitude, and silence, Please ask Our Lord to let me accomplish everything He wants of me in this life, so that I will not disappoint Him. Thanks you for your life of faithfulness to grace; obtain for me the same grace.
Dear Papa Pio,
As your spiritual daughter, I come once again to you to ask you to obtain the graces I so desperately need. First please kiss baby Jesus for me an thank Him for all the graces He has bestowed upon me and my family, but I so desperately need the following graces and need your fatherly help to obtain them. Please watch over and heal my children both spiritually and physically, particularly Ryan who is in need of God's graces to heal him of his severe anemia and kidney problems. For my husband Randy to find a job so that we can survive and support our children. For Little Randy to find his way and the path the God wills for him. And to give me the strength to bear the crosses that our good Lord sends our way and to be a good example to my family and those around me. Help me to do the job that the Lord has given me to the best of my ability to help my family and glorify our Lord. Your loving spiritual daughter.
Dear Papa Pio,
Please intercede and intervene my petitionfor the complete healing, body & soul of my son, Wayne Earl who is hooked with drugs for 16 years now. I never stop praying for his salvation. Please have mercy on him, in Jesus' name, Amen!
Dear Papa Pio,
I am so sad for my widow-sister who is having an illicit affair with a married man. I told her already that it's a mortal sin and hell is so real. She cried but the grip of the demon is so tight, she could get out from it. So, please loving intercessor, visit her and tell her that she is committing a grievous sin against the Sacred Heart of Jesus, please.
I am still praying for her.
I love you, Papa Pio!
Your Spiritual Daughter,
Era Johannsen
Please St Pio pray for me and my family because we all need help with our problems. Please help me to save my home of 27 years and become a better person. I just learned of you today and I believe in you. God Bless You...Maria
Dear Padre Pio, please take care Norberto Antonio Layug. May you heal him of his ailments and erase all his worries. May you touch his head with your healing hands and heal his entire body.
Please place our families under your protective care.
Thank you.
Dear Padre Pio,
Please pray for me and for my whole family. Give us good health , abundance in blessings, peace and prosperity, and forgive us of all our sins in Jesus name Amen.
Padre pio,u have answered my prayers even though it was not the answerbi wanted at the time but looking back it was right for sure thank you,,i nie ask that you cure my oldest child if all his mental.problems,that all my children be safe and happy please protect from any more harm,,give me the grace to be a gud mum,,thank you for getting me to where i am today,,i totally believe,,also can you help my sisters family find peace and happiness.xx
Dear Padre Pio, I have read the miraculous stories for the first time. And I thank The Lord for giving me an understanding to read it. I trust in your prayers and with all my faith I ask you to intercede to Our Loving Jesus to bless my sister with a child. Yes I believe without a doubt that my prayers will be answered because my faith in Jesus is immense. Thank you Jesus for helping me come across you, dear Saint. Help my family to find peace and happiness forever.Thank you Dear Saint.
Dear Padre Pio,
Please heal my father who diagnosed with cmv. Please give him strength and also the people who care for him. I believe in your that you will bless my father with your miracle. Thank you
Dear st. Pio
Please pray for me to receive the healing i need and my family. And please take good care of my loved ones... thank u so much. In jesus name... amen.
Dear Papa Pio,
From the bottom of my heart I ask you to heal my Kristjan's vision with your healing kiss. Please come to see him tonight and bless him with the miracle of sight that all his eye problems be gone with you miracle touch. Amen.
Father Pio, I beg you to intercede Riad and bring him back to life...
dear Padre Pio,
Pls.I beg you to intercede with my healing and my mother's health. Pls pray for me and my family. I am begging for your intercession.Amen
padre help me to pray, you told me to pray to jesus but each time I pray I am disturbed clear my thoughts ...I need help...mother mary always hears you....please ask mother mary to interceed for me...I walked the whole way to velankani and today is her feast day and I trust she will bless me and him...its been two years ..I want to live...help me please
St Pio, pls take away my fears. a legal suit is filed against us . Pls intercede in my prayer that our merciful god will dismiss this case. God knows the truth. Help increase my faith that God will protect us from the evil doings of our enemy.
Dear Fr.Pio,
Please pray for for us all sinners here on earth included me. i had a lot of worries,anxiety and problems in life.please heal me to get out of this,i'll include also to my prayer and intersession my two son's Anthony James & John Simon who keep on quarreling heal them Fr.Pio that they will be in good terms all the time. Oh Divine Mercy thru Fr.pio conceived and heal the heart and soul of my current girlfriend rhea who broke my heart so badly.Touch her,heal her mind and let her back to you oh Lord and please bring Him back to me with all her heart patiently and totally healed. With the Help Of Mama Mary in Jesus name... Amen
Dear Padre Pio please visit and heal us.
dear Padre Pio,
My brother was diagnosed with lymphoma yesterday... he's just 30 yrs old.. please pray for him... please intercede my prayers to Our greatest Physician Jesus Christ so my Brother will be healed... we love him so much. please touch him and take away the disease and the pain he feel right now... I believe in you and OUR Jesus Christ. Please take away the Lymphoma to his body.. Thank you Padre Pio
Dear Padre Pio.
Please Visit and Heal my Brother JL i love u so much...In JESUS name...AMEN
Padre Pio, please heal my friend's sister Maria Cristina. Lay your hands on her and heal all the pain and sufferings that she is having now. Please come and visit her in the hospital and touch her. Amen
Please heal me ! You know my worries , my hopes and my needs . I have always trusted in you . I am thinking of making another trip to Rome again please make it possible . Am what I am today because of you . Bring me really close to you like I was . Please you do name miracles . I need a miracle . Let what ever am passing through now be a blessing in disguise . You have made the impossible possible . You know my needs , you know my worries and you know the correct timing . Hail Mary .........
Dear St Pio
I thank Lord for the grace to discover you and read more of you. Padre Pio counsel me how I should go with my life because I feel insufficient before my Lord Jesus. Tell my Lord that I want more of HIM in my life because I want to love HIM more. Please watch over my family and guide us.
miss.Peace Kline
After all what these fake spell casters did to me, i had Hatred for all spell caster's, online, But when you always come online i do see how this great man Dr.ehizojlespiritualdo help people, I was just thinking if this Dr.ehizojlespiritualis not like those fake spell casters who scammed me off my money, Then i read all about Dr.ehizojlespiritualon how he has helped lots of people so i say a lady from usa called Nautica who dropped her number so i decided to call her and ask her if she knew Dr.ehizojlespiritualshe said yes that he has brought back happiness in the family that Dr.ehizojlespiritualis truly a man of his word, So in which i decided to contact this great man Dr.ehizojlespiritualfor help, so when i told him about how my lover left for 4 years without any trace, Dr.ehizojlespiritualtold me that everything would be okay within 48hours, i was like is this real, So i decided to give him a chance really before the 48hours was completed i got a call from a man who left me for 4 years begging me that he was sorry for what he did to me that he wants to come back to me and love me as he use to do, So i was so happy he came over and we are now back together and he can't do without me all thanks to Dr.ehizojlespiritualfor bringing back happiness to my life here his is personal email Dr.ehizojlespiritualhome@gmail.com Name:Peace Kline Country Usa
Dear Padre Pio,
Please pray that the persecuted church in India & across the global be set free from the powers of evil. One day that every knee shall bend and confess that Jesus is our Lord and God.
Father Pio,
Thank you for your Guidance. I do not know what goodness I've done here on earth to be granted too many graces and blessings. To know you is one of the most precious gift I ever had in mylife. Though I am not worthy, but still you continue to pray for me and Our Lord Jesus hear you and granted the graces that I am asking for my family. I thank you to you. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank You Mama Mary.
Please on your feast day I ask for the blessing of a 3rd child; my daughter prays for a sister. Please a sign and your miraculous intercession for God's favor.
St. Padre Pio please intercede for My Dear Mother Patricia Estrada before Our Lord Jesus Christ through the intercession of His Blessed Mother The Most Holy Virgin Mary and please ask Jesus and Mary to bring My Mother out of the fires of Purgatory and through The Gates of Heaven if she is still in Purgatory. Also St. Padre Pio please pray for Me to Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ through the intercession of His Most Holy Mother The Blessed Virgin Mary and His Foster Father St. Joseph that God may soon call Me to go before his judgement,may God find Me to be in the state of grace and may I be reunited with My Dear Mother in eternity praising God together and enjoying The Beatific vision of God together for all eternity!
Dear Padre Pio:
I Thank you for all the graces, protection and blessings you have obtain for me and my family through your intercession,Thank you, I am also sending you hugs and kisses and my Guardian Angel to please beg you to continue to intercede to the Blessed Trinity, the Blessed Virgin Mary, St Joseph, To heal my Son Jesse from his migrane headaches, depression and sleeping problems, to protect him from evil and danger, for conversion Gift of faith ,Love in his heart , health,. Thank you Padre Pio I trust you will look after him.
Dear Padre Pio :
It is me, Ana, Again I continue to thank you for your intercession and protection for me and my entire Family I send my guardian Angel to thank you in person and beg you to continue to pray for us with The Blessed Trinity ,The Virgin Mary, ST. Joseph , to obtain the Grace of protection and a favorable, peaceful outcome for my husbands health and work situation,for the protection and safety of my entire family including myself.
Please Padre Pio also intercede for MIguel for healing and that he finds a good job so he can support his family and finally to never be separated form God . Thank you Padre Pio I Love you, please bless us all Amen
Saint Padre Pio please heal me , in Jesus name .Amen
love you padre
Please help Michael to control his temper, and please bring my husband Christopher closer to GOD...Please help also the souls of LUISITO and all souls in purgatory that they may be forgiven and will enter the kingdom of GOD
Dear St Padre Pio,
please perform a miracle for S Oram please remove her leukemia
Please heal Anne D nerves please help her St Padre Pio
Please help my neighbor and friend Mrs. Castro she is in serious pain after 3 surgeries in the past year and is a devoted follower of yours I ask this in the name of Our Blessed Mother Mary and her son our Lord Jesus Christ. Please tell me what I can do to help her thank you Padre Pio and God Bless you always.
Padre Pio heal me with these viral disease. Help me to turn back to normal life. Amen
Dear St. Padre Pio, I beg you to intercede for me to feel better from symptoms and an illness I do not understand. Please help me gain faith and strength during this difficult time of waiting. Please ask Jesus and Mary, through your intercession, to heal me. Thank you, Padre Pio.
St. Padre Pio:
May Jesus Christ Be Praised, now and forever!
For 2015 Christmas, please totally convert Kaitlin Elizabeth to the Catholic Faith; to the Way, Truth, Life and Light which is Jesus. Let her feely and forever cast off her current life of darkness, sin, willful ignorance and evil companions. Let me bring her on Easter Day 2016 to San Giovanni Rotondo so as thank Our Lord, Our Lady and you for this great grace. AMEN!
Praise Be Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary!
love u padre
Dear St Padre Pio, please intercede with the communion of saints for protection over Harold and Emmerichia Strydom,s lives against all evil ,curses,demons, there son Jacques is practiceing santinism and they need protection and to keep there faith strong in times of difficulty, also please intercede with Harold,s health who is a diabetic and Emmerichia who is suffering from immense stress ,high blood pressure
Please also help Harold acquired a new job in another town. I beg you for help against all demonic attacks on them from there son Jacques Swart and also to pray for Jacques for the rescue of his soul please. Thank you padre pio
Padre Pio, this is the second time that I asked for your help. Again, please help me. As a promise, I vow that I will be one of the best public servant and family women in our locality. Just please give me this request that I am asking. This is not for me. This is for my tatang and mother. Lord, let Padre Pio help me. Amen.
Dear St. Padre Pio,
Please heal me, I currently have diabetes with insulin, diabetic retinopathy, hypertension, kidney disease stage 4, mild chf, neuropathy, cramps, and numbness in my legs, ankles, and feet, other ailments that may be interrelated, and other ailments that may be unknown. Also, heal my mother of her ailments. She had a concussion earlier this year, she is hard of hearing, and she has back pain and a,hunched back. Lord, please answer me through the intercession of Blessed St. Padre Pio, Amen.
Saint Padre Pio please heal my love from illness and cure him completely and keep him safe at his work,i also pray for dad,cure him from his multiple illness his suffering from and also pray for my brother for
his job.
Please pray for me, I have had to take painkillers for quite some time now and I need the grace to come off them. Also please pray for my friend Andy, for his mental stability and also for his salvation, to be saved and give his life to Jesus, also for my children and myself, the storm we're in the moment seems to be rather rough, please pray that calmness will come. Thank you
PP please help us in all our intentions..thank you I will pray for your intentions and the souls in pergatory under your name.thank you Faher and Mary and all the Angels and saints and Lord Jesus praise God forever
My Father help us and intercedes for us and specially for my mummy lying now in hospital, that you help us and her soul will be restored back to her. And if it is people that killed her let her dead be average in Jesus name. Amen.
Dear Padre Pio please lay your hands upon me and clear out the bacteria and illness within me. Please stop the pain I have. Dear Padre Pio I pray for your help in my good health.
I ask also for the health of my parents and husband and family.
Thank you St Padre Pio for the healing of my hand from a hot scolding burn! No blisters or scarring! Praise be to God! Thanks be to His angels and saints! Thank you St Padre Pio for this miracle.
I am asking for prayers to St. Jude, St. Rita, St. Padre Pio, St Andrew, St Pope John Paul II and St. Anthony for the health of my parents and myself and my husband so that they may place these prayers before Our Lady, so she may give the prayers to her Holy son. Please pray for his job. Please pray for my father and mother. Please pray they can enjoy life. Please pray that I can relax and not be so stressed out. Please pray for my 6 yr old niece. Please pray for my health issues to go away. Pray my husband and I will live a long and healthy and happy life. I am asking for the TMJ issues to go away. Please pray for my brother and that he gets his eyesight back.I pray please for good teeth. Please help me with the exhaustion I have. Please pray that my health issues get better
St Padre Poo, you had suffered so much in your lifetime which helps you have a full understanding of our pain and suffering l beseech you to look upon me with eyes of mercy and Grant me what I have so desperately been asking of you for my mother and me. Please do not forsaken me I trust and I faith in you
People occasionally ask whether St Padre Pio's body in incorrupt or not. Unfortunately there has been lots of confusion concerning the actual state of St Padre Pio's mortal remains. After his exhumation the Capuchin friars reported that the body was in “fair condition,” although the skull and parts of the upper body showed "considerable signs of decay." Therefore the local archbishop and the Capuchins hired Gems Studio, the London-based firm that makes figures for Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum, to create a silicone face mask with a full beard, just as Padre Pio had during his life.
Dear Padre Pio, thank you for all the suffering you went through. Please pray that my family, Billy, Cathy, Ed, Marianna get to heaven along with all relatives and friends. Please change all our hearts so they will do God's Will every instant of our lives and our health be good. Please help Ed & Marianna in their vocations, guide and protect them in all situations. Thank you so much for your help.
St Padre Pio Please give healing to my mother and get her out of her problem with the house she is selling Thank you Peter
Padre Pio, Thank you for all the beautiful graces over the years, and yes I need big ones now again for myself and for those I love and those God asks me to pray for. Thank Jesus and Mary for me.Viva Gesu'! Viva Maria!
Dear Saint Padre Pio through the sacred heart of Jesus and the blessed Virgin Mary I ask and I pray that you ask God to grant all the above requested prayers.Amen
thank you sacred heart of jesus for answering my prayers through intercession of padre pio.
I was dying from liver disease and was given liver transplant at last moment and life was saved.
Dear Padre Pio,
I've always been wanting love from small. First my Dad left my Mom. I felt abandoned coz he didn't love me. Then I lost my granny whom I was very attached to. I always have a fear of losing people and when I met this Christian guy whom I loved truly I used to fight with him coz of my anger and possessiveness. I didn't want to lose him but he left me. I somehow feel we were meant to be and this feeling doesn't go away. I gone far away from him to let him be happy but I can't forget him and it's making me sick. I love him truly and I always keep praying for him plz transform him and get him back if we are meant to be otherwise make me forget him. Im already suffering from sickness and I don't mind suffering for God but plz heal this heart which is broken. It's pains me everyday. Also take care of my Mom and brother I want Jesus to be first in their lives.
Your Daughter,
Dear St. Pio,
Please visit me and heal me in mind and body. My young family need me to be healthy and well and so do my elderly parents. Please help all my medical tests to be clear and please heal my anxiety and depression. I will be eternally greatful. Thank you
Dear Padre Pio,
May I please ask you the power of immediate healing for my Brother Billy SD, who has recently had stroke and for my sister Annaliza SD who also suffereing from pain of Stage3B Breast Cancer on the same year 2018. Hope the operation of my sister on the 13th December will go successful and vanish all the cancer cells. Please relieve her pain and suffering. Please give her more years to live. Please pray for them Padre Pio for immediate recovery and miracle for all people suffering from different diseases. Take away all the pain and cancer cells and diseases I pray through Christ our Lord, AMEN.
Myla, Dubai UAE
Dear Father Pio
First I want to apologize to you for everything.. I want your pray..
I am mentally, physically and emotionlly weak.. I want you intercession in the name of Jesus..
Dear father pip please hear me when I ask for peace and forgiveness in my family and for the return of good health for my brother and sisters and ask my family's guardian angels to assist them out of perguatry especially my mum and dad and little brother for my sister's and friends babies whom we're aborted please ask forgiveness for them and my children and grandchildren live a happy and holy life please Lord God and Mary mother of God and padre pio hear my prayers
O dearest st padre pio, I thankyou for your healing grace..I thank jesus for giving you to us in our time of suffering and need.. please continue to heal me and my faith and gratitude toward God will grow
Padre Pio
I have been praying to you for many years.
I need your prayers and help to heal my tumor
If it be Gods will I ask for your prayers and help to cure me.
Doug W
dear padre pio for healing within my family and esp for my son who is suffering in so many ways like a lost soul heal his mind heart body and bring him back to the faith and he good people to come into our lives and heal our realionships as right now we are a broken family it will take a god hand to heal all the brokenness and keeps us safe thank you wonderful saint bless us
Dear Padre Pio,
I am humbly asking for your help for the healing my daugther, to keep her healthy and live a normal life, as she was diagnosed of having a congnital hypothyroidism and advised by her endo doctor for a lifetime treatment. she was born pre mature 36weeks and forgive me for not taking care enough during my pregnancy. I thought we will lose her as we rushed her to the hospital due to aspiration and phuemonia, nurses were had a hard time looking for a vien for put a dextrose and to get a blood for lab test, but thank you for being on our side during that time. I know she will be healed through your help. Thank you Padre Pio for helping us and sending us to those with a good heart people during our visit to your place last year and bringing us back home safe. Thank you for always guarding my son everyday as he is always left alone from 5:00AM while sleeping because we need to go our work only a picture of yours is with him while he is sleeping. Keep my family safe and healthy all the time Padre Pio. Thank you so much for everything Padre Pio, Thank you Lord Jesus Christ, Mama Mary, St. Catherine Labourie, and Black Nazarene
Dear St. Padre Pio, I believe in your intercession, help pass my exams successfully, thank you Dear St. Padre Pio
In 1996 i believe Padre Pio saved my dad after my brother did cpr long enough to get him to hospital. Now 26 years later my brother and myself could do with some help with our Health. So humbly iask for his intercession there is much i could do if only my health returns graci
Dear Padre Pio, please intercede for me. I am suffering daily for the past nine months from cancer & related depression, anxiety & trauma. Please grant me healing of my mind & body as daily life has become very hard.
Many thanks.
Dear Papa Pío today on Christmas Day I ask you to intercede for me to the Lord to guide me towards a good husband and keep my mum and godparents in good health for many years to come as I am so scared. Help me and give me strength and don’t let me despair again as it was so frightening and I suffered so much
Help Rob as well and turn him towards you
I love you Papa thank you for calling me and loving me
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