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Maria Graf Suter, Swiss Mystic. |
Praying for the Conversion of the “Sauls” of Today, as inspired by the 20th century mystic, Maria Graf Suter
Pray for those who persecute you
By: Mrs. Angelica Avcikurt
By: Mrs. Angelica Avcikurt
Persecution is again at our doorstep. The blood of martyrs is flowing anew like it did at the beginning of Christianity or other decisive times in history. How do we respond to this? Some just watch the news dumbstruck trying to understand how this could happen in the 21st century; many others storm heaven with prayers for peace in the Middle East and the protection of those who are persecuted; yet few are there who pray for the conversion and salvation of our persecutors.
God does not want the death of the wicked but that they turn from their ways and live (Ezekiel 33:11). This is why He sent Jonah to preach to the Ninevites who were known for their cruelty. This is why He called Saul, one of the greatest Christian persecutors, to become St. Paul, a great and zealous apostle. So listen to Jesus now as he tells you to “love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you.” (Matt 5:44).
Revelation of Divine Love for the conversion of sinners
Maria Graf Suter, a twentieth century Swiss mystic, had interior locutions from Jesus and Mary from an early age. These were published in a book entitled, Revelation of Divine Love, which has an Imprimatur. It is an urgent appeal to have recourse to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary and to pray the rosary for the conversion of sinners. She was revealed the following about the enemies of Christ:
I heard about the crimes committed against the Cardinal of Hungary and his fellow brothers persecuted for their faith. I thought one should pray for them because their spiritual need was great. But Jesus told me: “I am close to them. Without Me you all cannot do anything. Pray for the enemies of the Church! In that way, your people will be saved.” I prayed the Rosary.
I prayed with all the strength of my soul united to His suffering Heart: “Father, forgive them because they don’t know what they do.” Then, it was as if I saw His open Sacred Heart enlarge and turn into an ocean of love; and I understood how Jesus prayed for His enemies, because after the first sin committed in Eden, they are under a curse and are tormented by Satan. The first and worst action of our enemy is that of blinding men so that they are no longer able to see the danger of sinning, so they don’t pay attention to it and therefore they fall into sin. Jesus loves these souls with a love I cannot express.
Again, when I heard of the persecution of my brothers in the faith, I felt my heart ache. I begged Jesus, asking Him why He did not listen to my prayers and stop the enemies of the Church. Jesus answered me, “My Blood has to be poured for them.” I understood that Jesus wanted His Precious Blood to be offered to the Heavenly Father for the conversion of the enemies of the Church. This was the message I received from Him. Every morning and evening I was to offer the Blood of Jesus to the Heavenly Father praying that it may not be lost, but applied for the enemies of the Church.
Oh why did God made me see that the Holy Spirit remains on the Altar under the appearance of a flame while the celebrant receives Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament? And why do these priests consider the enemies of the Church as their personal enemies who deprive them of the earthly goods which they love, to the detriment of souls? Especially for these enemies, Jesus prays, “They do not know what they do.”
Today, a good priest, who truly offered himself to the Heavenly Father in union with Christ’s sacrifice on the Altar, prayed for his enemies as Jesus did, saying with Him, “Forgive them because they do not know what they do.” Now, he has offered the Perfect Sacrifice in a perfect way. Now he will receive with Jesus all the love of the Holy Spirit, with which will enable him to act in conformity to the Divine Will.
When Maria Graf-Suter heard about the atrocities committed during the Korean War in 1950, like the ancient prophets, she asked God, “How long, Lord, will you permit these enemies to strike your Church? Let me know if you wish to destroy them.” But Jesus answered in a way she did not expect, “My Mercy is without limits.” So she understood that she was called to pray for them and love them, without excluding anyone. Jesus told her, “I want to hear the prayers of the just, those souls dear to me, in order to forgive my enemies.”
Prayers of Maria Graf-Suter
In union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I salute and adore the Holy Wound of Your right hand, oh Jesus, and I place in this Wound all the priests of Your Holy Church. Give them, every time they celebrate the Holy Sacrifice, the fire of Your Divine Love, so that they may be able to communicate it to the souls entrusted to them. Glory be… Amen.
I salute and adore the Holy Wound of Your left hand, and I place in it all those who are in error and all the unbelievers, those poor souls that do not know you. For the love of these souls, please send, Jesus, workers to your vineyard, so that they may find their way to Your Sacred Heart. Glory be… Amen.
I salute and adore the Holy Wounds of Your feet, and place in them all the hardened sinners that choose to live in the world. I especially entrust to You those who will die today. Don’t permit, Jesus, that Your Precious Blood be lost to them. Glory be…Amen.
I salute and adore the Holy Wounds of Your Holy Head, and I place in these Holy Wounds the enemies of the Holy Church, those who are still striking you today and persecuting you in your Mystical Body. I beg you, Jesus, convert them and call them like you called Saul to make him St. Paul, so that soon there will be but one fold and one shepherd. Glory be…Amen.
I salute and adore the Holy Wound of Your Sacred Heart, and place in it, Jesus, my soul and all those for whom you want me to pray, especially those who suffer, who are afflicted, all who are persecuted and abandoned. Give them, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, Your Light and Your Grace. Fill them with Your Love and Your true Peace. Glory be… Amen.
Heavenly Father, I offer you through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your Beloved Son, and myself with Him, in Him, and through Him, with all His intentions and in the name of all creatures. Amen.
Prayer to Ask for a Torrent of Graces
My Jesus and my all, let a torrent of graces flow from Your Holy Wounds, and from Your Heart, the Fire of Your Divine Love for me and for those dear to me who are also Your children! Keep them in Your Love and Grace! Let a torrent of graces flow from Your Holy Wounds, and the Fire of Your Love, my Jesus, for the Holy Father and all your servants. Give them the Fire of Your Love in order to suppress in them the love for the things of this world, so that they will be able, in Your Love, to lead to You the souls that have been entrusted to them! Send, my Jesus, a torrent of graces and the Fire of Your Divine Love to those You have chosen as instruments of Your Love. For love of Your Holy Wounds, remit to those who show you love and compassion, the curse of sin and its consequence. For the love of Your Sacred Heart, heal the wounds of their souls and their bodies. Pour a torrent of graces, my Jesus, and the fire of Your Love on all poor sinners that are in danger of going deeper into sin. Have mercy especially on those who will die today. Give to all, oh Heart full of Love, the grace of repentance, so that they may be with You in Heaven soon.
Pour torrents of graces and Your Love, oh my Jesus, over all Your enemies. Oh my Jesus, have mercy on them because you don’t desire the death of the sinner. Your mercy is without limits. Give to all of them the grace of conversion, like you gave it to Saul. May they recognize you as the only and true God.
My Jesus, I expect everything through your Holy Wounds. Forgive! “They don’t know what they do.”
Jesus Mary & Joseph I love you save souls
"Wherefore he saith: Rise thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead: and Christ shall enlighten thee"
Our Lady of the End Times, the hour is late. God know and see the whole future.
Please wake up your children to the times. Please give them the grace they need to be prepared for what ever may come. Of Course, there is a day when Christ will return. Paul spoke of "The Blessed Hope"
Holy Mother, wake Eric up. Please help him to understand the times. Eric needs Jesus Christ. Please open Eric's eyes to see his great need for Jesus Christ. Please give Eric the grace to find his faith and hope in Jesus Christ. Please enable Eric to experience the new birth and new life in Christ. As the Bible says, "all things made New” Amen
Hello mate, nice blog
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