The Holy Souls
John-Paul Kirkham
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Basilica of Notre – Dame, Montligeon, France,
Shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon
1. Introduction
2. Prologue
3. Who are the Holy Souls
4. Purgatory
5. St. Nicholas of Tolentino (Patron Saint of Holy Souls)
6. Why we pray for the dead and Church Indulgences explained
7. The Thirty Gregorian Masses for a Holy Soul
8. Holy Souls Associations
9. Compendium of Prayers for the Holy Souls
10. St. Gemma Galgani and the Souls in Purgatory
11. Epilogue
12. Appendix: Selected resources, further reading and useful addresses
Though the Holy Souls
cannot merit for themselves, they can obtain for us great graces. They are not,
formally speaking, intercessors as the saints are but, through the sweet
providence of God, they can obtain for us outstanding favours and deliver us
from evils, sickness and dangers of every kind.
The Holy Souls or the Souls in Purgatory is a subject often regarded
today as something old fashioned belonging to the past and often associated
with a church language of a bygone era. The term Holy Souls familiar to older Catholics perhaps but lost today on a
new and younger generation and is a topic that is probably not even taught as
It is true that there is a shortage of contemporary written material
on the Holy Souls and the Church has moved forward considerably in how it
presents matters of faith and doctrine.
However it is refreshing that Pope John Paul II in telling the
faithful to pray for the souls in purgatory said by doing so they therefore come
to encounter the living Christ (Ecclesia
in America: New Mexico 1998) and Pope
Benedict XVI in his Sacramentum Caritatis
(32) and Encyclical Spe Salvi (44 –
48) both published in 2007 remind
us of the importance of prayers for the dead, especially the offering of Mass
for them, so that, once purified, they can come to the beatific vision of God
and in helping those who have gone before us to be saved we will have done the
utmost for our own personal salvation as well.
Devotionally and liturgically the dead have always been honoured
during the Eucharistic Mass with prayers that their sins may be forgiven and
with many individual Masses being offered for the repose of a particular soul we
remember all those faithful departed that have gone before us. Each year in the
Church’s calendar we also commemorate all the faithful departed on November 2nd
during All Souls and the month of November is given in a special way to
remembering and praying for the dead. We
should also be reminded that it is our solemn duty, one of the Seven Spiritual
Works of Mercy to pray for the living and the dead.
This short book which also contains a compendium of devotional
prayers aims to describe in simple terms what the Catholic Church holds and
teaches about the Holy Souls and purgatory and to provide the reader with a
reflective view on life, death and what awaits us all in the heavenly realm.
-John-Paul Kirkham
Within a short distance of the Vatican
in Rome lies the Parish Church
of the Sacred Heart. The beautiful multi spire façade was commented on when
Pope John Paul II visited there in 1998. In July and August 1999 Pope John Paul
II wrote and preached a three part catechesis on heaven, hell and purgatory
which clearly defines the concept and basis of purgatory and complements the
existing teachings of the Catholic Church on the subject and is well worth
searching out in full on the Vatican archive
website ( The church he visited nestles on the River Tiber
promenade in Prati-Lungotevere. It is known also by another name: The Church of
the Suffering Souls.
Inside the gothic church is one of the world’s smallest and most
unusual museums called the Holy Souls Museum which contains relics, various
prayer books, articles of clothing including those of a religious and items of
furniture that have been touched and scorched by Holy Soul’s. The Holy Souls
left their scorched finger and handprints on a variety of items; pillowcases,
tables, books and paper.
These particular Holy Souls were allowed to leave purgatory to
return to their families or religious orders to plead for Masses and prayers to
be offered for them. The Church of the Sacred Heart’s priest, curator and guide
is Fr. Roberto Zambolin and he explains that “it is faith that is the key to
understanding these relics”.
We know that the existence of purgatory is real as it is defined as
a dogma of the Catholic Church (Councils
of Florence and Trent ). Therefore it is obligatory for
all Catholics to believe and accept this fact. Further more the Church Councils
defined that the souls in purgatory are able to be assisted by the faithful on
earth (ourselves) by the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
For centuries people have wrestled with the same big
questions that we all are faced with at some point in our lives sometimes to
the point of anxiety - the meaning of life, suffering, death, a person’s true
destiny and what lies beyond or put another way how to live the great mystery
of faith. Our faith is the victory over the world. We
believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. It is this faith in Jesus that
helps us to overcome the world with its temptations and doubts. We have not
seen yet we believe and we acknowledge that Christ is our Lord and our God (Jn 20:28-29).
Living this mystery leads us to understand what the
meaning of life is and to accept what we are here for and for anyone who
professes to be a Christian the answer to the above is: To love the Lord our
God with all our heart, with all our soul and all our strength (Deuteronomy 6:4-6) or to praise God, to
love God and to Serve God or put even more simply: to love one another. And it
is St. John of the Cross who reminds us that “at the
evening of life, we shall be judged on our love”.
Our lives do have meaning. We spend our time on
life’s journey and for those who believe in Jesus Christ this is a journey of
faith. And at the end of this journey is the greatest reward of all, our
homeland in heaven, the reward of eternal life.
So why is there suffering in peoples lives?
Suffering in this world only makes sense to those who follow and believe in
Jesus Christ and is seen in the light of being a Christian. Nobody suffered
more than Jesus, through his Passion, the agony, the condemnation, the torture
of scourging, carrying the cross and finally the crucifixion. He did this for
us. He died for our sins. Those who suffer in any way or form are following in
Christ’s footsteps, with our wounds, afflictions, diseases, pains and torments.
By sharing in Christ’s sufferings we become heirs to the Glory of the eternal
Kingdom. To share His suffering is to share His glory (Romans 8:17) and what we suffer in this life can never be compared
to the glory as yet un-revealed, which is waiting for us (Romans 8:18).
Throughout life we all experience many “small
deaths”, as a child the death of a pet, parents experiencing their children
leaving home or family members moving to far away places. But nothing truly
prepares us for the death of a loved one.
Every human being is created in the image of God and
is both corporeal (physical) and spiritual (soul). The Church teaches that body
and soul are truly one nature united together and whilst our bodies are
corruptible and decay our souls that are created by God alone and not by our
parents are immortal (CCC 362-366).
Death therefore brings to an end human life. The New Testament affirms that
each person will be rewarded immediately after death in accordance with what
they have done, for example by good works and by their faith and there is a
destiny of the soul which can be different for some and for others. Each person
therefore receives their eternal retribution (punishment for wrongdoing and
sin) in their immortal soul at the moment of death in a particular judgement
that refers to the life of Christ: either by entrance to heaven immediately or
through a period of purification or by immediate and everlasting damnation (CCC 1021-1022). The Holy Souls then are
the souls of those who have died in a state of God’s grace and friendship. They
are assured of eternal salvation but after death because they are imperfect
they need to undergo a period of purification that will allow them to gain the
holiness needed to enter the joy of heaven (CCC
Christians and many non Christians are familiar with
the notion and belief of heaven and hell. To be in heaven is to be with Christ,
this perfect communion of life existing with the Most Holy Trinity, the Virgin
Mary, the angels and all the blessed, it is being in a state of supreme
happiness. It is beyond all our imagination, the sacred scriptures describe it
in many ways: as a wedding feast, the Fathers house, the heavenly Jerusalem and paradise.
Scriptural images portray life, light and peace and St. Paul in his letter to
the Corinthians tells us of “the things that no eye has seen and no ear has
heard, things beyond the mind of man, all that God has prepared for those who
love him” (1: Cor 9).
Hell on the other hand is the state of eternal separation
from God. Jesus warns in the Gospel that those who shall be separated from him
are those who choose to ignore the plight of the poor, the hungry, thirsty and
also those who ignore the stranger, the sick and prisoners (Mt. 25:31-46). To die in mortal sin without repenting and
accepting God’s merciful love and that includes those who to the end of their
lives refuse to believe in God, then these willingly by their own free will
exclude themselves from all communion with God and descend to hell where they
suffer the punishments of hell, “eternal fire” (Mt 25:41& CCC 1033-1037).
God tells us that nothing unclean, loathsome or
false can enter heaven (Rev 21:27).
So if only the very good and holy go straight to heaven and the very bad deserve
hell, then most people fall into a “somewhere in-between” category and this
state is called purgatory. The word purgatory was originally a Latin adjective
“cleansing” and it must be stated that nowhere does church teaching mention any
length of time that Holy Souls must spend in purgatory.
So those who believe and are open to God, but are still
in some way imperfect require purification and this is what the faith of the
Church teaches in the doctrine of “Purgatory”. St. Paul again in his letter to
the Corinthians points to the fact that “the fire will test the quality of each
man’s work”, therefore a person who has built up a good structure on a firm
foundation of Jesus Christ will be saved but if a persons life’s work is burnt
down they will be the losers but St. Paul affirms that even the loser “though
he is saved himself, it will be as one who has gone through fire” (1 Cor 3:14-15). Purification means that
every trace of attachment to evil must be eliminated and all imperfections of
the soul corrected and although the thought of fire may sound distressing we
must remember that in sacred scripture fire also represents the Holy Spirit and
the fire which both burns and saves can be seen as Christ himself as part of
the Blessed Trinity who is both Judge and Saviour. Pope Benedict XVI in his Encyclical Spe Salvi then
goes on to describe this encounter with Him as it burns us, transforms us and
frees us, (thus) allowing us to become truly ourselves …… and that His gaze,
the touch of His heart heals us through an undeniable painful transformation
“as through fire” but it is a blessed pain ….. and the pain of love becomes our
salvation and joy.
Pope Benedict’s encyclical (Spe Salvi 44-48) complements the famous Treatise on Purgatory by St. Catherine of Genoa (1447 – 1510) in which our saint describes the peace and joy of the souls in purgatory and that the greatest pain suffered by the holy souls is not a physical pain but the pain of separation from God and that the loving flames are seen in the light of the divine fire of love remembering that God is all mercy with His arms always open and extended to receive us into His glory.
Purgatory is not a place in the true sense of the
word but a condition of existence. The Ecumenical Councils of Florence and Trent
confirm also that those who, after death, exist in a state of purification, are
already in Christ’s love who removes from them the remnant of imperfection and
we know already that the Servant of the Lord, Jesus by his own suffering
justifies many, taking their faults on himself and praying for sinners (Is 52:11-12) showing God’s love and
Purgatory is not a static condition of existence it
is also a process of purification that removes all sin and imperfection. Those
who live in this state of purification after death are not separated from God
rather they are immersed in Christ’s love. Neither are they separated from the
saints in heaven who already enjoy eternal life or from us here on earth who
continue our pilgrim journey to the Father’s house. We all remain united in the
Mystical Body of Christ and that is why we can offer prayers and good works on
behalf of all those souls in purgatory (CCC
Saint Nicholas of Tolentino (Patron Saint of Holy Souls)
Compagnonus de Guarutti and Amata de Guidiani were
into their middle age and childless. They made a pilgrimage to the shrine of
St. Nicholas at Bari in the heel of Italy to pray
for the gift of a child. They returned home to the village of Sant ’
Angelo in Pontano and a son was born in 1245. In grateful thanks of their
prayers being answered they named their child Nicholas. As a youngster he was
moved by the preaching of the Augustinian Fathers in his local monastery and so
he asked permission to join them and at the age of little more that sixteen
made his novitiate and by eighteen was an Augustinian Friar and at the age of
twenty five he was ordained to the priesthood.
He worked tirelessly as a peacemaker and preacher
and he was heavily influenced by the local hermits of Brettino who embraced
poverty and practiced fasting and abstinence and would devote their long days
to prayer. These hermits came to form part of the community of Augustinians and
Nicholas himself joined in with their ascetic practices. He started to
experience heavenly visions of angels that mentioned the city of Tolentino to him and he
took this as a sign to go there. He had already travelled and lived in several
monasteries but in 1275 he was finally sent to Tolentino where he would spend
the last thirty years of his life.
His devotion to penance and prayer and long fasts
was so intense that his superiors had to impose certain limitations on him. At
one point when weakened and ill through so much fasting he had a vision of the
Blessed Virgin Mary, the Child Jesus, St. Augustine and St. Monica. They told
him to eat bread signed with the cross and dipped in water. This he did and his
strength returned. Nicholas would then use this same method to administer to
others over which he would pray and many were healed of their afflictions. To this day this practice continues and the
blessing and distribution of “St Nicholas’ Bread” remains an Augustinian
In Tolentino, Nicholas worked to stem the moral
decline and he ministered to the sick, the poor and prisoners and he actively
sought out those who had become estranged from the faith and the church. He
became known as a wonder – worker and many miracles were attributed to him; he
brought one hundred dead children back to life including many who had drowned
and he could quell storms at sea and put out fires. These and many other
miracles led a great deal of people to the monastery in Tolentino to see and be
near him.
Nicholas’ greatest devotion however was given over
to the dead, praying for the souls in purgatory as he walked around late into
the night through the deserted streets of Tolentino. On a particular Saturday
night as Nicholas lay down trying to sleep he heard the voice of Fra Pelligrino
of Osimo, a deceased friar whom he known personally. The friar revealed to
Nicholas that he was in purgatory and he begged Nicholas to offer Mass and pray
for his soul and the many other Holy Souls to be set free. For a whole week
Nicholas every day followed this request and was rewarded with a second vision
of Fra Pellegrino who gave thanks and assured Nicholas that a great deal of
souls were now enjoying the heavenly presence of God through his prayers. Once
this became widely known many more people came to Tolentino asking for
Nicholas’ intercession on behalf of deceased relatives and friends.
Following a long illness and after touching the
lives of many Nicholas died at the age of sixty on the 10th
September 1305. His sanctity was recognised and on the Feast of Pentecost 1446
he was canonized as the first saint of the Augustinian Order by Pope Eugene IV
with over 300 miracles being recorded by the Congregation. His Feast Day
remains as the 10th of September and in 1884 Pope Leo XII proclaimed
him officially as the “Patron Saint of the Souls in Purgatory”.
For the modern day pilgrim Tolentino today retains
all of its medieval charm as small city cradled in the rolling hilltops in the
heartland of the southern-central Italian region of Marche and it is only a short twenty miles
to the south west of Loreto. St. Nicholas can be venerated in his grandiose
designed basilica adorned with beautiful and artistic masterpieces and peace
and quiet can be found in its tranquil Romanesque cloisters.
Why we pray for the dead and what Church Indulgences mean
When the Lord returns in glory, death will be no
more, but at the present time Christ’s followers are either alive as pilgrims
on earth, have died and are being purified or are in the radiant beauty
contemplating the full light of God himself and this Mystical Union with Christ
as its head is what we profess in the Apostles Creed when we say “we believe in
the communion of saints” which defines the eternal link that binds us all
together, the living, the Holy Souls and those with God already. For those
souls being purified, the Church has always from its earliest days honoured the
memory of the dead as a holy and devout thing to do by praying that they (the
dead) may be delivered from their sins (2
Macc: 44-45). In his message for the Millennium of All Souls Day John Paul
II encouraged all Catholics “to pray fervently for the dead, for their family
members and for all our brothers and sisters who have died, that they may
obtain the remission of the punishments due to their sins” and so hear the
Lord’s call for their souls to be welcomed into the eternal repose of the
Lord’s arms and it is St. John Chrysostom who encouraged the faithful “not to
hesitate to help those who have died and to offer our prayers for them”.
Ultimately our sins must be expiated (atoned for) either
on this earth through the sorrows, miseries and calamities of this life and
above all through death, or else in the life beyond (purgatory). With death,
our life – choice (what we did when we were alive) becomes definitive – our
life stands before God the judge. These trials are imposed by the just and
merciful judgment of God for the purification and healing of souls which mature
the soul for communion with God and it is therefore necessary to re-establish
that friendship with God by this reparation (the act of making amends) of sins.
(Spe Salvi 44 – 48 Pope Benedict XVI 2007).
The Church apart for praying for the deliverance of
souls commends us to give alms charitably and to offer works of good deeds and
penance and to gain indulgences. An
indulgence is a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins
whose guilt has already been forgiven, which the faithful Christian who is duly
disposed gains under certain prescribed conditions through the action of the
Church which as a minister of redemption, dispenses and applies with authority
the treasury of the satisfactions of Christ and the saints. There are two types
of indulgence: A partial indulgence
removes part of the temporal punishment due for sins whilst a plenary indulgence removes all of the
punishment due for sin. The faithful can obtain indulgences for themselves or
the souls in purgatory and in doing so cultivate an act of charity (CCC 1471).
Indulgences for many Catholics remain a mystery and
quite often the facts surrounding them may be misunderstood especially when one
comes across older indulgence prayer books or cards. These older publications
will have a certain number of days attached to a partial indulgence which is
usually a particular pious act of prayer. For example the number of days might
read 300. The misunderstanding occurs when a person thinks that this number of days
relates to a corresponding shortening of the time a soul will spend in
purgatory. This is not so and never has been the case. The number of days relates back many hundreds of years to when sinners
were given a public penance to do for a certain number of days; the number of
days of the penance could be reduced or dispensed with altogether by gaining an
indulgence. In 1967 Pope Paul VI revised the number of indulgences to seventy
with the publication in 1968 of the Enchiridion
(a Vatican Handbook of Indulgences) and abolished the former determination
of days and years that were previously attached to partial indulgences
therefore establishing a new measurement that takes into consideration the
action itself of the faithful Christian who performs a work to which an
indulgence is attached. From time to time later Pontiffs have decreed
additional plenary indulgences, for example, pious acts associated with Divine
Mercy Sunday and the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
To gain a plenary indulgence it is necessary to
perform the pious work or prayers to which the indulgence is attached and also
to fulfill the following three conditions:-
for the Holy Father (one Our Father and one Hail Mary)
It is also a requirement that all attachment to sin,
even venial sin be absent. Failing to satisfy the above requirements will
result in the indulgence being partial only.
With regard to partial indulgences these are granted
to the faithful who:-
1. In the performance of
their duties and in bearing the trials of life, raise their mind with humble
confidence to God, adding -- even if only mentally-- some pious invocation.
2. In a spirit of faith
and mercy, give of themselves or of their goods to serve their brothers in
3. In a spirit of
penance, voluntarily deprive themselves of what is licit and pleasing to them.
It is surprisingly not difficult for Catholics under
the usual conditions to gain a plenary indulgence for example reciting the
rosary (5 decades only) in a church, public oratory or at home with the family
will suffice. A partial indulgence is gained by reciting the rosary privately. The
reading of Sacred Scripture for half an hour grants one also a plenary
indulgence. All indulgences can be gained for the holy souls but there are
indulgences that are specifically for the souls in purgatory, namely a devout
visit to a cemetery to pray for the departed gains a plenary indulgence if the
visit is on any day between November 1st and November 8th
and a partial indulgence is gained for the holy souls by praying the familiar
prayer “Eternal Rest” (see chapter 8.)
It is also worthy to remember that when we pray for
the holy souls our prayers are not only capable of helping them, but also it
makes their intercession for us effective (CCC
The ancient Catholic tradition of the thirty Gregorian Masses is a
practice that was founded by Pope (Saint) Gregory the Great in the year 590 AD
and that it originated in Benedictine Monasteries. People would arrange for 30 Masses to be
offered on 30 consecutive days without interruption except for Christmas,
Easter and the Holy Week Triduum, for an individually named soul in purgatory
with the belief that the specific soul would leave purgatory and enter the
heavenly realm.
How this came about is as follows: After Gregory the Great was
elected Pope in 590 AD a monk by the name of Justus became ill. Justus who was
previously a physician admitted to a friend that he had hidden three valuable
coins with his medication when he was a professed monk many years before. Sure
enough the monks discovered the precious metal when searching for Justus’
medicine. The monks founder (St. Gregory the Great) upon hearing of this sin
against poverty ordered the Monastery Abbot to impose a penalty of solitary
confinement on Justus even though he was terminally ill and that he should be
buried not in the cemetery but in a rubbish dump. The brothers were then given
instructions to recite over his grave the words from St. Peter to Simon the
Magician “May your silver be lost forever, and you with it” (Acts 8:20).
A swift response was received: Justus repented and then died but the
incident was not laid to rest. Thirty days later Pope Gregory returned to the
Monastery because he was very concerned that Justus would now be suffering the
bleak temporal punishment of Purgatory for his sins. Pope Gregory put in place
with the Abbot a charitable act to help Justus escape this chastisement by
directing that thirty consecutive Masses be arranged for Justus’ soul.
Some time later Justus appeared in a vision to the friend he had
originally confided his sin to and revealed that he had received pardon and
release form Purgatory because of the Masses said for him. The monks calculated
that it was exactly thirty days since the thirty Masses had begun and they
shared this wonderful news with Pope Gregory. This tradition of offering thirty
Masses continued for centuries and although not widely known or propagated
today the practice is still prevalent as part of how the Catholic Church
acknowledges the important role and benefits that praying for the dead incurs.
The consecutive Masses can be said by any priest and a change of
priest within the thirty days is also permitted. One may find that in most
parishes that it is difficult to arrange a timetable of thirty Masses however
it may be the case that a retired priest could be sought who would offer the
Masses privately. Alternatively the priests at a local monastery could be
approached and may be willing to accept the request and by searching online
there appears to be a number of religious orders who can offer the saying of
thirty Gregorian Masses and it is also possible to pre - arrange the above
Masses for ones own self in the future when ones earthly time has been
Holy Souls Associations
In the year 998 St. Odilo, the fifth Abbot of Cluny
in France
established on November 2nd what he called All Souls Day by urging
his monks to pray for the dead. This Benedictine practice gradually spread from
the Abbey of Cluny and this Commemoration
of all the Faithful Departed is
now celebrated throughout the universal Church on that same day each year.
On the anniversary of a deceased family member or
friend the faithful will often request a Mass to be offered for the repose of
that person’s soul and during the celebration of every Eucharist, through the
prayers of intercession and Memento
for the dead, the gathered community presents to God those who have died, so
that through the trial of purgatory they will be purified, if necessary, and
attain eternal joy. We can also pray privately for the departed and there are
various associations that have a widespread membership across the globe.
One such association is the global shrine of prayer for the dead
which has at its centre the only basilica in the world dedicated to the
departed souls in purgatory. Situated in a quiet atmosphere by a tranquil lake
on the edge of one of the most beautiful forests in France, the basilica and
holy site of pilgrimage is centered in the village of La Chapelle – Montligeon,
Normandy, and it is placed under the patronage of Our Lady of Montligeon who shows
the face of a consoling Church, like a Mother who is attentive and close to the
suffering of all her children, especially during their most sorrowful moments. It
is a place of peace, silence, reflection and listening where consolation is to
be found. It is a place where prayers are said for the dead and each year many
thousands of names are added to the books in the basilica which are then prayed
for and have Masses offered in perpetuity. Montligeon is also the place where the
official response of the Catholic Church can be heard concerning the human
destiny and the Shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon is, therefore, a place where
Christians come to proclaim together their hope in eternal life, an eternal life
which begins now, here on earth. In 1910 Pope Pius X placed the expiatory work
of Montligeon under his own special protection and his successors.
Our Lady of Montligeon prayer groups are established
across the world (see appendix for the
English Secretariat) and in joining this spiritual fraternity a person is
united with the Masses offered daily and to be a member is to make an act of
faith in eternal life. To pray for the dead and especially those Holy Souls who
are forgotten is fulfilling an act of spiritual mercy and there are three
elements that are essential in the Montligeon prayer groups: the Rosary, prayed
wholly or in part, meditation (private or group) on a Bible text and shared
prayer intentions.
Another worldwide fraternity is the Association of
Holy Souls which originated with the Dominican Nuns of the Perpetual Rosary in Fatima , Portugal
and is approved by the Cardinal Archbishop of Lisbon
and may be familiar to those who have made a pilgrimage to Fatima .
The Association encourages a person to request Mass to be offered in a member’s
parish or other church, to pray for the Holy Souls – especially the Rosary and
to promote and encourage others to pray for the souls in purgatory. It is also
possible to write the Carmelite Holy Souls Society and receive a collection of
daily prayers and prayer cards for the Holy Souls which are available from the
Friars in Faversham , Kent .
If your diocese or parish does not have a prayer
group dedicated to praying for the Holy Souls why not consider starting one
yourself. Some useful contact addresses are given in the appendix. Remember the
words of St. Ambrose “We have loved them in life let us not forget them in death”.
Compendium of Prayers for the Holy Souls
Our Father ….
Hail Mary ….
Glory Be ….
The Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy are all
prayers that can be prayed at any time for the Holy Souls as we recall the
words of St. Monica on her death bed “One
thing only I ask you, that you remember me at the altar of the Lord wherever
you may be”.
De Profundis (Psalm
Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord,
Lord hear my voice!
O let your ears be attentive
to the voice of my pleading.
If you, O Lord should mark our guilt,
Lord, who would survive?
But with you is found forgiveness:
for this we revere you.
My soul is waiting for the Lord,
I count on his word.
My soul is longing for the Lord
more than watchman for daybreak.
Let the watchman count on daybreak
and Israel
on the Lord.
Because with the Lord there is mercy
and fullness of redemption;
from all its iniquity.
Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord
And let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace. Amen.
May the souls of the faithful departed, through the
mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Prayer of Cardinal Newman
O most gentle heart of Jesus, ever present in the
Blessed Sacrament, ever consumed with burning love for the poor captive souls
in purgatory, have mercy on the souls of Your servants.
Bring them from the shadows of exile to Your bright
home in heaven, where we trust You and Your Blessed Mother have woven for them
a crown of unfolding bliss. Amen.
Prayer of St. Gertrude for the Holy Souls
Eternal Father, I offer you the Most
Precious Blood of your Divine Son,
Jesus, in union with all the Masses said throughout the world today for
all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the
Universal Church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.
Jesus, in union with all the Masses said throughout the world today for
all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the
Universal Church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.
Prayer for
the Intercession of St. Nicholas of Tolentino
Jesus and Mary I love you, save souls (Repeat 3 times)
Prayer for
the Deceased
Lord, God of holiness and light.
You do not allow any shadow of darkness or evil in Your sight,
and so in Your mercy You grant to those who have left this world burdened with sin, a time of purification, applying to them the spiritual treasurers of Your Holy Church.
Hear my prayer
and through the merits of Christ,
the Blessed Virgin, the saints,
and all Your faithful people
bring to an end this time of waiting
for our beloved dead, especially (……)
In your providence
you have chosen Saint Nicholas
as a special intercessor
on behalf of the departed.
You do not allow any shadow of darkness or evil in Your sight,
and so in Your mercy You grant to those who have left this world burdened with sin, a time of purification, applying to them the spiritual treasurers of Your Holy Church.
Hear my prayer
and through the merits of Christ,
the Blessed Virgin, the saints,
and all Your faithful people
bring to an end this time of waiting
for our beloved dead, especially (……)
In your providence
you have chosen Saint Nicholas
as a special intercessor
on behalf of the departed.
Hear also his fervent prayer for those whom I
recommend to you through his intercession. Amen.
to Our Lady of Montligeon
Our Lady
of Deliverance,
have mercy on all our deceased loved ones,
especially those who are most in need
of the Lord’s mercy.
have mercy on all our deceased loved ones,
especially those who are most in need
of the Lord’s mercy.
for those who have gone before us,
that the purifying love of God may lead them to full deliverance.
May our prayer, united with the prayer of the whole Church,
obtain for them a joy beyond all their desires
and bring consolation and relief here on earth
to our loved ones, in their sorrow and distress.
that the purifying love of God may lead them to full deliverance.
May our prayer, united with the prayer of the whole Church,
obtain for them a joy beyond all their desires
and bring consolation and relief here on earth
to our loved ones, in their sorrow and distress.
Mother of
the Church, help us, pilgrims on earth,
to live better lives each day,
on our journey towards the Resurrection.
to live better lives each day,
on our journey towards the Resurrection.
Heal the
wounds of our hearts and souls.
Help us become witnesses of the Unseen God,
seeking already the things that the eye cannot see.
Make us apostles of hope, like watchmen awaiting the dawn.
Help us become witnesses of the Unseen God,
seeking already the things that the eye cannot see.
Make us apostles of hope, like watchmen awaiting the dawn.
Refuge of
sinners and Queen of all saints;
gather us all together, one day, in our Father’s House,
for the eternal Resurrection, through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen
gather us all together, one day, in our Father’s House,
for the eternal Resurrection, through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen
Our Lady of Montligeon, pray for our dear
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St Gemma Galgani, Mystic, Stigmatic, Victim Soul (1878-1903) |
St. Gemma Galgani (the Flower of Lucca )
and the Souls in Purgatory
Maria Gemma Umberta Pia Galgani born 12th March 1878,
died 11th April (Holy Saturday) 1903 aged 25.
The Lord desires to bring all Holy Souls to Himself and would move
His servant Gemma in different ways to atone for the sins of the souls. Gemma
said that “The Angel has told me that
this evening Jesus will let me suffer a little more for a soul in Purgatory,
that is for two hours beginning at nine o’clock”
A Passionist Nun by the name of Mary Teresa of the Infant Jesus had
died in the Convent at Corneto (now called Tarquinia), Italy . In death
her soul full of sorrow appeared to Gemma imploring help as she was undergoing
anguish in Purgatory. From that moment
Gemma prayed with tears and petitions to Our Lord in the words “Jesus, take Mary Teresa to Paradise
without delay. She is a soul most dear to You. Let me suffer much for her, I
want her to be in heaven.
Gemma then affirms in her own diary that dressed in white Mother
Maria of the Infant Jesus visited her to thank her because eternal happiness
was beckoning but asked for continued prayers. After sixteen days her soul was
released. Gemma then describes how it seemed that the Blessed Mother herself
came to tell that the hour was approaching. Then almost immediately how Mary
Teresa dressed as a Passionist seemed to come towards her accompanied by her
Guardian Angel and Jesus Himself. Smiling now she came close to Gemma and said: “I am truly happy, and I go to enjoy my
Jesus forever”. And during the early hours of the morning well before dawn
after a final farewell how Mary Teresa with Jesus and her Guardian Angel flew
to heaven.
One thing in life is for certain, death, which comes eventually to
everyone. But the faithful are fortunate as we have been very well prepared for
this part of the journey of faith, the journey home. We began our life with the
Sacrament of Baptism, which sealed a new life in us, and then the Sacrament of
Confirmation, which strengthened us for life’s combats. The Sacrament of the
Eucharist fortifies our earthly life and at the end of life the Sacrament of
Anointing of the Sick provides a solid rampart for the final struggles before
entering the Fathers house in heaven.
Jesus said “he who eats my
flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him up on the last
day” (Jn 6:54). And so as the
final shadows lengthen, Viaticum, the Eucharist as Holy Communion is given.
This is the seed of eternal life and the power of the resurrection according to
Our Lord Jesus Christ’s words. There
is no need to doubt; Jesus tells us directly “I am the resurrection and the
life ……. whoever believes in me will never die” (Jn 11:25-26).
sometimes still ask how can we know what happens after death, when no one has
come back to tell us. Well someone did come back; Jesus Christ. He came back from the dead, his resurrection and his first
words to those who followed him, after his greetings were “do not be afraid” (Mt 28:9-10). We too are invited to believe and accept by
our faith that what is true for Jesus Christ will be true for us and after our
purification “How great will your glory
and happiness be, to be allowed to see God, to be honoured with sharing the joy
of salvation and eternal light with Christ your Lord and God, …… to delight in
the joy of immortality in the Kingdom of heaven with the righteous and God’s
friends” (St. Cyprian CCC 1028).
Appendix – Selected
resources, further reading and useful addresses
All Scripture texts are from The Jerusalem Bible, 1966, Darton. Longman and Todd Ltd.
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Vatican Archives and
Indulgentiarum Doctrina Pope Paul VI (1967), The Enchiridion (handbook) of Indulgences (1968), Letter for Millennium of All Souls Day Pope John Paul II (1998), Ecclesia in America Pope John Paul II (1999), General Audience Pope John Paul II (4th Aug 1999), Sacramentum Caritatis (32) Pope Benedict XVI (2007). Encyclical Spe Salvi (44 – 48) Pope Benedict XVI (2007).
The Treatise on Purgatory: St Catherine of
Sanctuaire Notre – Dame de Montligeon, 26 rue Pincipale, 61400 La Chapelle – Montligeon, Normandy, France:
Association of The Holy Souls: Dominican Nuns of The Perpetual Rosary, Pius XII Monastery, Rue do Rosario 1, 2495
Carmelite Holy Souls Society: c/o The Carmelite Friars, PO Box 140, ME20 7SJ,
The Holy Souls Chapel in Westminster Cathedral, Victoria Street / Ambrosden Avenue, Victoria, London SW1. This beautiful Chapel with its stunning mosaics is the only one in the Cathedral which was completely designed by its architect John Francis Bentley himself. In this Chapel you are invited to pray and light a candle for your loved ones, and all the dead, to assist them on their journey to Heaven.
If a soul is HOLY the soul is not in Purgatory, but in Heaven. I am glad that God has given us Purgatory, because we are not yet completely Holy. Purgatory cleanses us from sin so that we might enter Heaven.
Hi Father Pastor,
Thank you for your comment.
I have often read of the souls in Purgatory being called the "Holy Souls" and I have understood this to mean that since upon their deaths, the souls themselves have received their "particular judgement" from Jesus, and have been judged worthy of salvation, thus their entire being at this point is directed and focused upon expiating and making reparation for their sins that they committed during their lifetime, and with great contrition are thus in the process of purification---and keeping in mind they can no longer sin and have been judged as worthy of salvation, they are therefore called 'Holy'. Although, they cannot be compared to the 'Holy" Saints currently in heaven of course, but nevertheless we have to concede that they are "Holy" in the sense of the word, in that they are attaining a continual and ever closer union with God, until the day of their arrival in heaven, that is, in complete union with God. -Just my .02 cents.
Best wishes and may God bless you!
-Glenn Dallaire
About the Holy Souls Chapel in Westminster Cathedral, wouldn't that be an Anglican church? I'm a bit confused there. Also, this could've used some proofreading; rather too many commas seemed to be missing for comfort, but more importantly there was a strange lack of reference to the Sacrament of Penance in the third to last paragraph. Otherwise, a fairly good and interesting article.
They are called Holy because the Souls in Purgatory are in a state of grace - though not so in perfection. Remember that St. Paul often refers to the Christians he writes to as 'saints' which is the same idea as 'holy' - even though they are not in heaven. In Latin and modern Latin based languages the word for holy and saint is one and the same. So you could easily call them the saintly souls in purgatory - for example in Italian they are called the Santi Anime (Holy/Saintly Souls) they are saintly because they died in a state of grace - i.e. union with God - though imperfectly united to him because of the residue of sin. The Catechism puts it like this: "All who die in God’s grace and friendship, but still imperfectly purified, are indeed assured of their eternal salvation; but after death they undergo purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven."
So while they are indeed 'holy' they are not sufficiently holy to enter into heaven - Purgatory prepares them for that complete union with God - the Holy Spirit who is the Sanctifier purifies the soul, sanctifying it to the full - so that it might see God.
I have read that one way to help the decessed is by enrolling them in sma(seraphic mass association).Venerable Solanus Casey recommended this practice .
Praised be Jesus Christ!
Hello Glenn,
Wonderful website! Thank you!
I wanted to share the Purgatorian Archconfraternity website. It is located here:
What an amazing opportunity to enroll souls for perpetual Latin Masses, living or deceased!
A video excerpt from a documentary series featuring the Transalpine Redemptorist monks of Papa Stronsay, Scotland is located here:
Peace of Christ,
Thank you LaDonna!
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