by Jim Dunning
(This article was originally published in "Irelands Own" magazine. The webmaster would like to gratefully thank the author, Mr. Jim Dunning, for his kind permission in reprinting it here.)
by Jim Dunning
(This article was originally published in "Irelands Own" magazine. The webmaster would like to gratefully thank the author, Mr. Jim Dunning, for his kind permission in reprinting it here.)
Additional Editors note: Neither the local Bishops of Santander (both past and present) nor Rome have ever condemned Garabandal. Neither however has it been approved. So, to factually summarize the Church's position on Garabandal it would be correct to say that the Church has not yet made any definitive pronouncement regarding Garabandal. The local Bishop has ruled "Non-constat de supernaturalitate" which literally means that it is not certain that the events are of supernatural origin, or in other words, the supernatural origin has not been established. With such a ruling, the events in question are still open to eventual recognition as being authentic or can be judged as not authentic.In fact the Bishop of Santander, Bishop Juan Antonio del, who in 1992 had jurisdiction over Garabandal unequivocally stated:"The previous bishops did not admit that the apparitions were supernatural, but to condemn them, no, that word has never been used.")
The Vatican has not given official recognition to the apparitions that occurred at Garabandal. There is nothing sinister about this, since the Church has always erred on the side of prudence, and it may be that its attentions have been focused on Medugorje where apparitions are said to continue to occur. The established policy is to rely on the advice given by bishops who have a responsibility to check on what is going on in local areas and make their own recommendations. It is perhaps unfortunate that some bishops have seen the reports of apparitions as a challenge to their own authority and therefore something to be vigorously opposed.
It has to be admitted that the apparitions at Garabandal have caused more controversy than similar events elsewhere. There are parallels to be seen, but also many differences. If one compares Garabandal with Fatima, for instance, at both places Our Lady chose to appear to young children and in each case selected one of the group to be the major player. At Fatima it was Lucia dos Santos, at Garabandal, Conchita Gonzalez.
Lucia was given ‘secrets’, to be divulged at varying dates, whereas Conchita was told of a great Miracle that would take place at a specified date in the future, a date she could only divulge eight days before it was to occur. She was allowed to reveal that it would take place on a Thursday at 8.30 in the evening on the feast of a martyr dedicated to the Holy Eucharist. It would be visible to everyone in the area of Garabandal at the time and it could be photographed and televised, but not touched. Moreover, a permanent sign of the Miracle would remain in the pine grove where the first apparitions had taken place in June, 1961.
This contrasts, of course, with the famous ‘Miracle of the Sun’ which occurred at Fatima in October, 1917, before a crowd of more than 70,000 people. It lasted for only a matter of minutes. Significantly, television did not exist at that time, communications generally were limited during the first World War, and the event was soon forgotten.
The ‘Great Miracle’ was not the only prophecy received at Garabandal. Two other future events were also announced. One concerned a ‘warning’, the other the threat of a ‘chastisement’ if the warning were to be ignored. Naturally, there were those who poured scorn on such reported revelations. And just as Lucia had urged Our Lady to produce a miracle to prove that she herself was telling the truth, so did Conchita and her companions plead with their heavenly Mother to create a miracle that would justify their reports.
They had to wait almost a year before their pleas were answered. In June, 1962, while their parish priest was temporarily absent, they received Communion ‘invisibly’ from an angel. Onlookers witnessed them opening their mouths, but did not see the hosts. On the 22nd June the angel advised Conchita that in her case the host would be made visible for all to see. She responded that this would be a ‘milagrucu,’ a tiny miracle, which caused the angel to laugh. Our Lady confirmed the angel’s promise and named the date when this would happen as the 18th July. Conchita announced this news to the people of the village on the 2nd July, which resulted in several thousand people crowding into Garabandal on the 18th to witness the event.
Conchita’s mother had asked a friend named Pepe Diez to accompany and protect her daughter from the crowd. This he did and late that night was rewarded by seeing a ‘neat, precise and well-formed Host’ appear on her tongue. It remained visible for about three minutes, during which she remained kneeling on the ground in a state of ecstasy. Others in the crowd saw the same thing and reported that the host increased in brightness as they watched. The event was both filmed and photographed.
The predicted ‘Warning’ related to an urgent plea from our heavenly Mother for a general conversion and a turning away from sin. When Our Lady appeared to the four girls for the third time on 6th July, 1961, she gave them a message which was to be announced publicly on 18th October.
Since the diocesan commission set up by the Bishop of Santander to investigate the apparitions objected to the girls reading out such a message from the steps of the church, the parish priest, Fr. Valentin Marichalar, undertook to read it out for them at the pines to an assembled crowd of about five thousand. He paraphrased the Virgin’s message as follows : ‘We must make many sacrifices, perform much penance and visit the Blessed Sacrament frequently. But first we must lead good lives. If we do not, a chastisement will befall us. The cup is already filling up and if we do not change, a very great chastisement will come upon us.’
The nature of the chastisement was not revealed at the time, but the following year, on 19th and 20th June, 1962, the girls experienced two frightening visions which caused them to cry out in terror. Unlike the children of Fatima, they did not receive a brief vision of Hell, but one of the girls, Mari Loli, gave a vivid description of what happened. She said : ‘We were absolutely terrified. I cannot find words to explain it… We saw the rivers turn to blood. Fire was falling from heaven. And something worse still, which I cannot reveal at this time.’
A second message, conveyed to Conchita in 1965, spoke of a further warning, which would be the last since the earlier one had been ignored. It declared that the cup which had been filling up was now overflowing. There was some criticism of the clergy. Too little importance was being attached to the Eucharist. All would have to strive to turn away the wrath of God. If they asked God’s forgiveness with sincere hearts He would pardon them. Mary loved them very much and did not want to see them condemned. If they prayed sincerely their requests for mercy would be granted. They should make more sacrifices and think about the passion of Jesus.
In the autumn of 1965 Conchita gave notice of an event that was yet to come. It would amount to a form of chastisement that could be seen as a final warning from God. She said that although it would be short-lived and cause mental rather than physical suffering, ‘this experience will involve every person in the world…It will be like an interior realisation of our sins. Believers, as well as unbelievers, wherever they are at the time, will see and feel it.’
This warning would precede the Great Miracle (probably by about a year, according to Mari Loli), but if people did not convert after these events God would send a Chastisement proportional in its severity to the severity of the sins of the world. This, one imagines, was reflected in the visions of the girls when they reported being terrified.
At an early stage of the apparitions the Blessed Virgin advised the four girls that the time would come when they would deny these experiences and contradict each other. Thus, when they began to issue their denials in the spring of 1963, it came as no surprise to believers who saw this merely as the fulfilllment of the virgin’s prophecy. Later, Conchita, Mari Loli and Jacinta ‘returned to reality’ and reaffirmed their supernatural experiences, while Mari Cruz continued to deny them.
Before that happened, however, the Bishop of Santander gratefully accepted the retractions of the girls, regretting the encouragement they had been given. He ended by saying that the words of the Gospel, the Pope, the Councils and the ordinary magisterium of the Church were the only reliable means of transmission for the ‘real messages from heaven.’ This statement infuriated supporters of the apparitions. As Sandral Zindars-Swartz recounts in her comprehensive coverage of the story of Garabandal, ‘Encountering Mary’, the supporters criticised members of the Bishop’s Commission for not investigating the matter thoroughly, and in some cases failing to even visit the area. The parish priest of Garabandal was reportedly offered a holiday during the investigation so that he would not be able to influence the outcome! As Canon Porro, a member of the clergy supporting the believers, put it : ‘This is the absurdity of it all, that five commissioners should be infallible, whereas thousands of others must admit to being ignorant, deluded or insane.’
In the case of Garabandal, the importance of the evidence of witnesses cannot be overstated. Testimonies have been, and still are, provided by them of the extraordinary behaviour of the four seers. They tell of how, during their ecstasies, their faces were transformed, becoming serene, happy and beautiful. Moreover, they became so heavy that even strong men could not lift them off the ground. Doctors who examined them while they were in these states tried pinching and pricking them with pins without producing any reaction, though the marks remained on their legs afterwards. Many of the onlookers were amazed at the speed with which the girls moved when making their way to the site of the apparition. Eighteen-year-old boys accustomed to running up steep mountain paths could not keep up with them. Nor did the girls ever perspire or show signs of being out of breath.
Further proof that the girls were not guilty of collusion, whereby they might have agreed on what they saw or heard, is provided by their description of the interior ‘calls’ they reported receiving whenever the Blessed Virgin was about to appear. The truth of their claim was tested by physically separating them to discover whether they all received their ‘calls’ simultaneously. Invariably, they all turned up at the site of the apparition at the same time.
It remains to be seen whether the predictions of the main character, Conchita, are fulfilled. There is not much time. She is over the age of sixty, living in America with her children. Also living in America is a blind man by the name of Joey Lomangino. According to Conchita, Our Lady promised that his sight would be restored on the day of the Great Miracle. Joey is already over eighty years of age.
Let us hope he will not be disappointed.
Click here to go to Part 1 of this article, Fr. Luis Andreu -The Priest who died of joy
-'Encountering Mary’ by Sandral Zimdars-Swartz
[Editors note: The alleged heavenly apparitions at Garabandal referred to in this article have not thusfar been officially approved or disapproved by the Catholic church, therefore Catholics are free to discern and form their own judgements concerning them.]
The Vatican has not given official recognition to the apparitions that occurred at Garabandal. There is nothing sinister about this, since the Church has always erred on the side of prudence, and it may be that its attentions have been focused on Medugorje where apparitions are said to continue to occur. The established policy is to rely on the advice given by bishops who have a responsibility to check on what is going on in local areas and make their own recommendations. It is perhaps unfortunate that some bishops have seen the reports of apparitions as a challenge to their own authority and therefore something to be vigorously opposed.
It has to be admitted that the apparitions at Garabandal have caused more controversy than similar events elsewhere. There are parallels to be seen, but also many differences. If one compares Garabandal with Fatima, for instance, at both places Our Lady chose to appear to young children and in each case selected one of the group to be the major player. At Fatima it was Lucia dos Santos, at Garabandal, Conchita Gonzalez.
Lucia was given ‘secrets’, to be divulged at varying dates, whereas Conchita was told of a great Miracle that would take place at a specified date in the future, a date she could only divulge eight days before it was to occur. She was allowed to reveal that it would take place on a Thursday at 8.30 in the evening on the feast of a martyr dedicated to the Holy Eucharist. It would be visible to everyone in the area of Garabandal at the time and it could be photographed and televised, but not touched. Moreover, a permanent sign of the Miracle would remain in the pine grove where the first apparitions had taken place in June, 1961.
This contrasts, of course, with the famous ‘Miracle of the Sun’ which occurred at Fatima in October, 1917, before a crowd of more than 70,000 people. It lasted for only a matter of minutes. Significantly, television did not exist at that time, communications generally were limited during the first World War, and the event was soon forgotten.
The ‘Great Miracle’ was not the only prophecy received at Garabandal. Two other future events were also announced. One concerned a ‘warning’, the other the threat of a ‘chastisement’ if the warning were to be ignored. Naturally, there were those who poured scorn on such reported revelations. And just as Lucia had urged Our Lady to produce a miracle to prove that she herself was telling the truth, so did Conchita and her companions plead with their heavenly Mother to create a miracle that would justify their reports.
They had to wait almost a year before their pleas were answered. In June, 1962, while their parish priest was temporarily absent, they received Communion ‘invisibly’ from an angel. Onlookers witnessed them opening their mouths, but did not see the hosts. On the 22nd June the angel advised Conchita that in her case the host would be made visible for all to see. She responded that this would be a ‘milagrucu,’ a tiny miracle, which caused the angel to laugh. Our Lady confirmed the angel’s promise and named the date when this would happen as the 18th July. Conchita announced this news to the people of the village on the 2nd July, which resulted in several thousand people crowding into Garabandal on the 18th to witness the event.
Conchita’s mother had asked a friend named Pepe Diez to accompany and protect her daughter from the crowd. This he did and late that night was rewarded by seeing a ‘neat, precise and well-formed Host’ appear on her tongue. It remained visible for about three minutes, during which she remained kneeling on the ground in a state of ecstasy. Others in the crowd saw the same thing and reported that the host increased in brightness as they watched. The event was both filmed and photographed.
The predicted ‘Warning’ related to an urgent plea from our heavenly Mother for a general conversion and a turning away from sin. When Our Lady appeared to the four girls for the third time on 6th July, 1961, she gave them a message which was to be announced publicly on 18th October.
Since the diocesan commission set up by the Bishop of Santander to investigate the apparitions objected to the girls reading out such a message from the steps of the church, the parish priest, Fr. Valentin Marichalar, undertook to read it out for them at the pines to an assembled crowd of about five thousand. He paraphrased the Virgin’s message as follows : ‘We must make many sacrifices, perform much penance and visit the Blessed Sacrament frequently. But first we must lead good lives. If we do not, a chastisement will befall us. The cup is already filling up and if we do not change, a very great chastisement will come upon us.’
The nature of the chastisement was not revealed at the time, but the following year, on 19th and 20th June, 1962, the girls experienced two frightening visions which caused them to cry out in terror. Unlike the children of Fatima, they did not receive a brief vision of Hell, but one of the girls, Mari Loli, gave a vivid description of what happened. She said : ‘We were absolutely terrified. I cannot find words to explain it… We saw the rivers turn to blood. Fire was falling from heaven. And something worse still, which I cannot reveal at this time.’
A second message, conveyed to Conchita in 1965, spoke of a further warning, which would be the last since the earlier one had been ignored. It declared that the cup which had been filling up was now overflowing. There was some criticism of the clergy. Too little importance was being attached to the Eucharist. All would have to strive to turn away the wrath of God. If they asked God’s forgiveness with sincere hearts He would pardon them. Mary loved them very much and did not want to see them condemned. If they prayed sincerely their requests for mercy would be granted. They should make more sacrifices and think about the passion of Jesus.
In the autumn of 1965 Conchita gave notice of an event that was yet to come. It would amount to a form of chastisement that could be seen as a final warning from God. She said that although it would be short-lived and cause mental rather than physical suffering, ‘this experience will involve every person in the world…It will be like an interior realisation of our sins. Believers, as well as unbelievers, wherever they are at the time, will see and feel it.’
This warning would precede the Great Miracle (probably by about a year, according to Mari Loli), but if people did not convert after these events God would send a Chastisement proportional in its severity to the severity of the sins of the world. This, one imagines, was reflected in the visions of the girls when they reported being terrified.
At an early stage of the apparitions the Blessed Virgin advised the four girls that the time would come when they would deny these experiences and contradict each other. Thus, when they began to issue their denials in the spring of 1963, it came as no surprise to believers who saw this merely as the fulfilllment of the virgin’s prophecy. Later, Conchita, Mari Loli and Jacinta ‘returned to reality’ and reaffirmed their supernatural experiences, while Mari Cruz continued to deny them.
Before that happened, however, the Bishop of Santander gratefully accepted the retractions of the girls, regretting the encouragement they had been given. He ended by saying that the words of the Gospel, the Pope, the Councils and the ordinary magisterium of the Church were the only reliable means of transmission for the ‘real messages from heaven.’ This statement infuriated supporters of the apparitions. As Sandral Zindars-Swartz recounts in her comprehensive coverage of the story of Garabandal, ‘Encountering Mary’, the supporters criticised members of the Bishop’s Commission for not investigating the matter thoroughly, and in some cases failing to even visit the area. The parish priest of Garabandal was reportedly offered a holiday during the investigation so that he would not be able to influence the outcome! As Canon Porro, a member of the clergy supporting the believers, put it : ‘This is the absurdity of it all, that five commissioners should be infallible, whereas thousands of others must admit to being ignorant, deluded or insane.’
In the case of Garabandal, the importance of the evidence of witnesses cannot be overstated. Testimonies have been, and still are, provided by them of the extraordinary behaviour of the four seers. They tell of how, during their ecstasies, their faces were transformed, becoming serene, happy and beautiful. Moreover, they became so heavy that even strong men could not lift them off the ground. Doctors who examined them while they were in these states tried pinching and pricking them with pins without producing any reaction, though the marks remained on their legs afterwards. Many of the onlookers were amazed at the speed with which the girls moved when making their way to the site of the apparition. Eighteen-year-old boys accustomed to running up steep mountain paths could not keep up with them. Nor did the girls ever perspire or show signs of being out of breath.
Further proof that the girls were not guilty of collusion, whereby they might have agreed on what they saw or heard, is provided by their description of the interior ‘calls’ they reported receiving whenever the Blessed Virgin was about to appear. The truth of their claim was tested by physically separating them to discover whether they all received their ‘calls’ simultaneously. Invariably, they all turned up at the site of the apparition at the same time.
It remains to be seen whether the predictions of the main character, Conchita, are fulfilled. There is not much time. She is over the age of sixty, living in America with her children. Also living in America is a blind man by the name of Joey Lomangino. According to Conchita, Our Lady promised that his sight would be restored on the day of the Great Miracle. Joey is already over eighty years of age.
Let us hope he will not be disappointed.
Click here to go to Part 1 of this article, Fr. Luis Andreu -The Priest who died of joy
-'Encountering Mary’ by Sandral Zimdars-Swartz
[Editors note: The alleged heavenly apparitions at Garabandal referred to in this article have not thusfar been officially approved or disapproved by the Catholic church, therefore Catholics are free to discern and form their own judgements concerning them.]
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 429 Newer› Newest»Glenn Hudson. READ IT PROPERLY.
Statement by Bishop Msgr. Jose Vilaplaua of Santander on alleged apparitions at Garabandal
"Some people have been coming directly to the Diocese of Santander (Spain) asking about the
alleged apparitions of Garabandal and especially for the answer about the position of the hierarchy of the Church concerning these apparitions.
I need to communicate that:
1. All the bishops of the diocese since 1961 through 1970 agreed that there was no supernatural
validity for the apparitions.
2. In the month of December of 1977 Bishop Dal Val of Santander, in union with his predecessors,
stated that in the six years of being bishop of Santander there were no new phenomena.
3. The same bishop, Dal Val, let a few years go by to allow the confusion or fanaticism to settle
down, and then he initiated a commission to examine the apparitions in more depth. The conclusion of the commission agreed with the findings of the previous bishops. That there was no supernatural validity to such apparitions.
4. At the time of the conclusions of the study, in 1991, I was installed bishop in the diocese. So during my visit to Rome, the ad limina visit which happened in the same year, I presented to the
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith the study and I asked for pastoral direction concerning
this case.
5. On Nov. 28, 1992, the Congregation sent me an answer saying that after examining the
documentation, there was no need for direct intervention (by the Vatican) to take away the
jurisdiction of the ordinary bishop of Santander in this case. Such a right belongs to the ordinary.
Previous declarations of the Holy See agree in this finding. In the same letter they suggested that if
I find it necessary to publish a declaration, that I reconfirm that there was no supernatural validity in the alleged apparitions, and this will make a unanimous position with my predecessors.
6. Given that the declarations of my predecessors who studied the case have been clear and unanimous, I don’t find it necessary to have a new public declaration that would raise notoriety about something which happened so long ago. However, I find it necessary to rewrite this report as a direct answer to the people who ask for direction concerning this question, which is now final: I agree with [and] I accept the decision of my predecessors and the direction of the Holy See.
7. In reference to the Eucharistic celebration in Garabandal, following the decision of my predecessors, I ruled that Masses can be celebrated only in the parish church and there will be no
references to the alleged apparitions and visiting priests who want to say Mass must have approval from the pastor, who has my authorization. It’s my wish that this information is helpful to you.”
My regards in Christ,
+Jose Vilaplana
Bishop of Santander
Thank you Anonymous for proving my point that you cant let PAKe get two words in,so rude.
Speaking of "normal intelligence", YOU fail to realize that this IS AN ONGOING INVESTIGATION ! NOT FINAL, AS PER THE ARCHBISHOP:
Archbishop Carlos Sierra of Oviedo, Apostolic Administrator for the Diocese of Santander, which read in 2007 :
“I want you to know that I am open to receiving and considering all information about Garabandal, and would like to continue—as long as our Holy Father wishes me to serve as Apostolic Administrator
Your unchristian comment about my "normal intelligence" reinforces my opinion that you have a "holier than thou " attitude toward me and all the Popes and Saints who supported these apparitions.
How do you explain Garabandal ?
The documentation of over 2000 appearances of our Blessed Mother .
The video footage of the host appearing out of thin air on Conchita’s tongue with dozens of witnesses standing next to her,as Mary predicted days earlier.
Thousands of photo’s ( and video proof ) of “ecstatic walks” forwards AND BACKWARDS on rocky cow paths, and FALLING BACKWARDS ON THEIR HEADS totally unharmed !
The girls in ecstasy unharmed and unfeeling by doctors poking them with needles, pinching them, burning them with matches, throwing sand in their eyes and shinning bright light trying to make them blink, and could not !
12 year old Girls in ecstasy being able to lift one another over their heads, BUT 2 men could not lift one girl up ?
The Blessed Mother voice was recorded, and a photo taken.
Dozens of rosaries, and religious objects placed on one table, in a pile, and after Mary kissed them, the girls ,WITHOUT LOOKING AT ANYONE , managed to return the item to its rightful owners ?
The public statements of support for the apparitions by notable Catholic leaders like Pope Paul VI, (Saint ) Pope John Paul II,
Saint Padre Pio, Blessed" Mother Teresa, Saint Josemarie Escriva,
Saint Madre Maravillas, Blessed Maria Rafols & Mother Maria Naya, Bishop Joao Venancio , Bishop of Fatima,
Archbishop Manuel Pio López, of Jalapa (Mexico) , Mother Angelica, to name just some.
Mary’s insistence on Repentance, Confession, Mass, Communion, the Rosary, the brown scapular, all indicate that this was from God, for no other explanation is possible.
Firstly. Pake can speak when ever he wants and when he wants. There is no butting in.
Glenn you take over blogs. Look what you do on MOG forum. You copy and paste all the books which people can just pick up and read anyway. You treat that thread like you own it.
I show what is in the books too and what the church says. You hide certain things in the books.
Where does Archbishop Carlos Sierra of Oviedo say he believes the Virgin appeared there?
Don't reprint the same thing, because what you show doesn't give any approval what soever.
BUT. It is very clear what the Bishop has said. It is FINAL!
No Pope or saints support Garabandal. You can give no proof of that either.
A pope saying "I bless you." Doesn't give approval. Nor does knowing a saint.
you continue off your own back. You have NO approval to speak of this.
Glenn Hudson, you ask how can I explain the girls in ecstasy?
Well it was no fraud.
I stick with how the church explained it.
...and this how the church explain the apparition..
Copies of all the Local Bishop & Rome's Official Declarations
English Translation of Official Declaration below:
From 1961 until 1965 four teenage girls saw visions of the Virgin Mary, the Christ Child, and angels. They received messages of the coming Chastisement, a coming warning, and a future miracle.
What is unique about this phenomenon is that almost all the games Satan plays were used with these girls. THIS WAS NOT A FRAUD. There is too much evidence of the other world here. It all started when the girls decided to steal some apples from the school teacher's tree. They were thrown to their knees by an invisible force. In this first apparition they saw an angel. It must be remarked that angels do not allow humans to kneel before them.
Throughout the four years of the apparitions all the powers of Satan were used. The girls were taken into the air many times One time one of the children was lifted over the top of a building. They were made to do ungodly movements of the body: taken swiftly above the ground, down the rocky hill hundreds of feet to meet "The Lady?". In every case the children were FORCED to their knees in a quick undignified manor. Many times they were forced with their heads backwards in a position that could not be done naturally.
All of the children were heard to speak in LANGUAGES they did not know. On one occasion they prayed the "Our Father" in Greek. The girls were seen LIFTING each other up above their shoulders to kiss the lady. However, at other times, three grown men could not lift them.
Several times the girls were found SCREAMING. There were many "SIGNS IN THE SKY" seen by many people: moving stars, hosts, images, etc. In one case a fire was seen and the "Virgin" claimed that she had come in this FIRE.
In one very celebrated case the "angel" gave communion to Conchita and the host could be visibly seen by everyone. She was told to hold out her tongue until the "Virgin" came. She stayed with her tongue outstretched and the host on it for a long time. Many photographs were taken.
In almost all the apparitions the girls entered into dialogues with the "Lady" about all kinds of NON-SENSE things, like how the Lady liked their clothes. The children were given the "Child Jesus" to pass around to each other like a TOY. Never once in the thousands of true apparitions we have studied did Christ or Mary ever say a SINGLE WORD that did not have a salvation meaning for the soul.
How do you explain :
The documentation of over 2000 appearances of our Blessed Mother .
The video footage of the host appearing out of thin air on Conchita’s tongue with dozens of witnesses standing next to her,as Mary predicted days earlier.
Thousands of photo’s ( and video proof ) of “ecstatic walks” forwards AND BACKWARDS on rocky cow paths, and FALLING BACKWARDS ON THEIR HEADS totally unharmed !
The girls in ecstasy unharmed and unfeeling by doctors poking them with needles, pinching them, burning them with matches, throwing sand in their eyes and shinning bright light trying to make them blink, and could not !
12 year old Girls in ecstasy being able to lift one another over their heads, BUT 2 men could not lift one girl up ?
The Blessed Mother voice was recorded, and a photo taken.
Dozens of rosaries, and religious objects placed on one table, in a pile, and after Mary kissed them, the girls ,WITHOUT LOOKING AT ANYONE , managed to return the item to its rightful owners ?
The public statements of support for the apparitions by notable Catholic leaders like Pope Paul VI, (Saint ) Pope John Paul II,
Saint Padre Pio, Blessed" Mother Teresa, Saint Josemarie Escriva,
Saint Madre Maravillas, Blessed Maria Rafols & Mother Maria Naya, Bishop Joao Venancio , Bishop of Fatima,
Archbishop Manuel Pio López, of Jalapa (Mexico) , Mother Angelica, to name just some.
Mary’s insistence on Repentance, Confession, Mass, Communion, the Rosary, the brown scapular, all indicate that this was of God, for no other explanation is possible.
Pope John Paul 11 was surely a wonderful Pope and I look forward to his sainthood.
There are the arguments on whether JP11 believed Garabandal, Medjugorje or not.
Personally, I don't believe in the end he did believe them. Giving someone a Blessing doesn't mean giving an approval.
John Paul 11 gave the Legionaries his support. But have a look here how even JP11 got 'The Legionaries' terribly wrong.
The Legionaries not so long ago were a Catholic powerhouse, a body of gung-ho priests enjoying the support of Pope John Paul II and other Vatican heavyweights and wielding vast political and financial muscle. The order fell from grace after revelations that its founder had lived a shocking double life, including having relationships with two women and fathering up to six children, as well as sexual abuse of young seminarians and, reportedly, even two of his own children.
This is why we must always listen to what the church and Gospel says.
As both of these will help for discernment.
In the end. It is through the Gospel in which we can follow to be saved. NO OTHER!
I am listening to the church . The local Bishop did not approve or condemn the apparitions,just issued a statement that they were not sure if it was supernatural. He allows priests to go and say mass in Garabandal.
The mere fact that such holy ,wise church leaders like popes and saints, ands blesseds endorse this apparitions, gives me the assurance I need to continue promoting with a clear conscience. We all discern using different criteria sometimes, and that is fine with me, I'm not here to convince anyone, just provide information and facts that most people don't have access to. Thank you Mother Mary for caring about us so much that you would send us this warning,so that we may realize the gravity of our sins.That is the purpose of this page.
Glenn Hudson,
You keep saying the church is 'unsure' if it was supernatural or not.
Read point 5 again. It is very CLEAR for anyone with normal intelligence. Here it is again....
"I find it necessary to publish a declaration, that I reconfirm that there was no supernatural validity in the alleged apparitions, and this will make a unanimous position with my predecessors."
So NO, Glenn Hudson does NOT listen to the church. He is a thorn in the side of the church and the faithful!
Glenn Hudson spreads an 'alleged' apparition that the church has said not to.
Glenn Hudson has NO authority from the bishop to do this.
The Mother of God NEVER gets prophecy wrong. And yet there is at least 7 prophecies that did not happen!
Yes Glenn, I have watched the video.
But I too believe the Mother of God doesn't get prophecy wrong.
We have proof here that before I didn't know about, you can see there are many prophecies that did not come true.
Now I would not say that I have a high interlect. But I can understand the writings of the Bishop. He clearly tells us the church does not approve at all.
We also now have the proof that even saints can be misguided. Pope John Paul 11 clearly got the Legionaries wrong. So I think any arguement about saints being for this apparition is now invalid.
Glenn, you ask what is different about Garabandal and St Faustina?
Yes, there may be a illumination of conscience, but they are very different.
Read what 'anonymous' posted when he compared the two. It is very different.
As i said. I am going to Medjugorje for the miracle.
PAKe,thank you for your response. While I believe we have a difference of opinion on the validity of the apparitions,and what prophecy did or did not happen,and as you point out that the Pope may have been in error,so too I believe the Bishops are in error,because of their admitted bias as to Mary's prediction that they were on the road to perdidtion and taking sould with them.
I do believe we both can agree that there will be a Miracle.
I believe then and only then will Garabandal be validated.
Pake I am really pleased to know you can see Garabandal's prophecies were not from The Virgin.
But Medjugorje. It is NOT the Virgin appearing there either. I really don't know what one is worse.
I really don't want to go through it now. But let me tell you..
The seers make millions of dollars through having apparitions.
The Church has spoken against it many times. Yet the people do not listen. This is why the Vatican has got involved. Pope Francis has said "Mary is not a postmaster that gives messages every day."
There have been many bizarre things said by the seers.
Google "Vicka Flinch" listen to the lie associated with it.
Pake, there will be no warning and no miracle in Garabandal or Medjugorje.
Very sad to say. But as you can see through just reading here, the promoters ONLY want to tell you what they want you to know. Medjugorje is no different.
Pake, I suggest you to read many sites about Medjugorje and steer clear of the 'official' sites, you only hear part of stories there.
Anonymous, I love this, now neither Garabandal or Medjugorie has any validity ? How do YOU explain the THOUSANDS of conversions and miracles and "good fruits" that have come from these apparitions ?
I really don't want to get into a whole new debate.
But I will say. I changed my ways because of one of these false apparitions.
I turned to daily mass, confession rosary etc.
But through the grace of God, He lead me to the truth.
But if we want to talk about 'fruits'. Yes, there have been conversions. But with this also comes 'disobedience'.
Satan doesn't care if we are converted. Because he seems to be converting people in being disobedient to the church. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE DOING. They are being the enemy to the church.
The Church has spoken against 'both' apparitions. So when there are those who still listen and follow, they are not with the church, they are against the church. Satan wins!
All the false apparitions of today have the same voice. They speak as if all our priests need our prayers as if they are all evil.
"Many cardinals Bishops and priests are on the road to perdition and are taking many souls with them"
This is the very thing that makes us think we don't have a forgiving God in Jesus.
Jesus said ALL sins can be forgiven, except for blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
So that quote of Garabandal leads us to think that Jesus has no mercy and will send many to hell.
Medjugorje messages always say to pray for our shepherds/priests. We continue to hear it to the point we start thinking they can't be trusted.
Glenn Hudson, with all sincerity, I hope and pray that you will open both eyes and ears, so you can be like St Paul.
REMEMBER. If only one prophecy does not come true, you should know it is NOT from God. You criticize MDM because of prophecy that didn't happen, yet you are no different!
and deep in your heart, you must know you are not doing what the church is wanting you to do.
If God wanted you to promote Garabandal, He would move the heart of the Bishops. But because all the bishops have said 'no' to Garabandal and God has NOT after 52 years moved their hearts. Yet you continue to promote it, even though the Bishop has said it is 'final'. Glenn, you are going against the church. Satan is pleased when we are not obedient to our Holy Church.
I would also like to say.
Since I have got rid of following all these false apparitions and 'just' listen to scripture, I have felt free.
I have no more fear or worry.
Glenn, you say if we don't believe in garabandal, it will be too late.
That is such nonsense.
I don't know one priest who believes in Garabandal. I don't believe it will be too late for them.
If the warning is today, will it be too late for Pope Francis and Benedict?
All we need to listen to is scripture and our church.
Throw away everything else.
Anonymous said: If God wanted you to promote Garabandal, He would move the heart of the Bishops -
Unfortunately, you know nothing of my blessed life. I met Joey when I was 13 (recieved a miraculous cure of a bone disease in my legs) and GOD brought me back to Joey at the NY Center exactly 20 years later,when I went to hear about some apparitions site ( not knowing Joeys name). GOD brought me into the lives of Conchita, and Mothere Teresa (Conchita's closest friend and Godmother to her daughter), Mother Angelica.GOD brought me to meet Pope John Paul II, GOD brought me to buy a house ONLY FEET AWAY FROM WHERE PADRE PIO WALKED IN MY TOWN. I have witnessed hundreds of "good fruits" that can ONLY COME from GOD, becasue of this apostolate.So you see, GOD has brought me to this point ,and given me the blessing again to promote this apparition apostolate of Mary. You can only see the negative few aspects of this ,like the bishops decision, through human eyes. I see Marys warning of what is to happen through faithful spiritual eyes. GOD has provide abundant proof in Garabandal, supported by some of the holiest Popes & saints. I take great offense that you say I please satan by my actions going agaisnt the church,you will regret saying this one day when the Warning exposes the truth of your misguided slander. The TRUTH of the matter is while you have never met anyone of authority in the church ,I have, and if POPE JOHN PAUL II encouraged us to promote it ,I AM ! Further more it is NOT ME who said to believe in Garabandal or its too late, THAT WAS PADRE PIO ! I'll stick with my faith in Mary's messages & friends that GOD has led me to, and you can stick to opinion, I have no worries at all.
Glenn Hudson. How do know I have not met someone with authority in the church? Just because I don't put it out there.
If it is going to be "too late" for me, it will be "too late for Pope Francis and Benedict too.
But what nonsense.
Too many prophecies of Garabandal did NOT come true. So I will listen to the words of God.
Deuteronomy 18:22 when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously,
St. John of the Cross said, "The devil rejoices when people seek private revelations."
It doesn't sound final when the Archbishop Carlos Sierra of Oviedo, then the acting Apostolic Administrator for the Diocese of Santander,IN 2007 SAID : “I want you to know that I am open to receiving and considering all information about Garabandal, and would like to continue—as long as our Holy Father wishes me to serve as Apostolic Administrator—the work that my brothers at the Bishopric have already done in reference to this subject. What I have just done is authorize the priests to go to Garabandal and hold Holy Mass at the Parish, at any desired time, and to administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation to anyone that wishes to receive it. I am sure the next Bishop will promote further studies to examine in depth the Garabandal events and will send the findings to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome. I respect apparitions and have known of authentic conversions. How can we not always feel the need to open our heart to our Mother Mary to tell her that we need her protection, her help, her courage, her hope, her faith and her love when faced with these events! I encourage you to keep maintaining such devotion toward our Mother”.
Anonymous said: If it is going to be "too late" for me, it will be "too late for Pope Francis and Benedict too.
Well,I dont about PopeFrancis ( but he certainly seems like a Marian Pope ),but Pope Benedict quietly read quite a bit about Garabandal,and interviewed Conchita at the Vatican when he was a Cardinal,so I guess it wont be too late for him .
So if it is not too late for Pope Francis all because he is a Marion Pope, then it is not too late for me as I have a devotion for Mary.
If it is not to late for Benedict all because he read up a lot about Garabandal and interviewed Conchita, Well then it is not too late for me either, as I have read up on all of Garabadal and have talked too to one of the seers.
I suppose I am taking the same stance as those 2 popes in staying with the churches decision.
Is it because so many of the prophecies didn't come true?
Or is it because this prophecy of a warning doesn't sound like Jesus?
Or is it because of the writings of the bishop to Rome saying it has all the works of satan?
I suppose it only has to take one thing to prove it is not 'divine'.
With Garabandal there are many faults.
Oh and how I would love to speak on MOG forum about this.
But I have seen how others are treated when they show contradictions. I saw 2 banned.
So I will sit as a member there and wait quietly.
Maybe I will come out when Joey has left this life on earth.
But I guess you will do a runner Glenn Hudson when this happens, or you will put a different spin on the prophecies of Garabandal like what was done with "The 3 Popes."
Anonymous ,you're really kind of a sad person. This is a page for people who either believe in Garabandal or want to learn more about it, yet you devote all your energy trying to discredit our blessed Mother's messages ,Joey's miraculous life's story of devotion and connection to Mary, Padre Pio, and his apostolate. Now you are actually waiting,maybe even hoping for Joeys death,just so you can say " I told you so".
Our Blessed Mother told Conchita, "you must have your hands filled with good works" when you meet God. Joey's hands are overflowing. How's yours ?
If it were Her words, the church would have given you authority to speak and they would permit it to be mention in Garabandal.
BUT. The alleged apparitions are not to be mentioned by priest in Garabandal.
Listen to the church.
Yes this page is for people who want to learn more information. So I am giving it. Because Glenn Hudson ONLY gives information that he wants you to know.
I have never seen him give information that may discredit Garabandal. Why didn't he show the letters by the Bishop in which I have shown? This is the LAST publicized letter.
Why does he twist prophecy to suit it?
No, I am not waiting for Joey to die to say "I told you so" That is not my way. But I wait to see what twist you give the prophecy. Then I may just speak out the others who on that forum.
When one prophecy does not happen it is not from God. This is what Jesus said. Not me, but Glenn Hudson thinks Jesus has to be wrong.
At least 7 prophecies of Garabandal did NOT happen.
The Last Apparition at Garabandal:
November 13, 1965, was a day mixed with joy and sadness for Conchita. The Virgin appeared with her Child to the teenager but it was to be for the last time at Garabandal.
As Mary had already indicated this was to be a special apparition for kissing religious objects and Conchita had many with her. After kissing the articles, the Virgin said: 'Through the kiss I have bestowed on these objects, my Son will perform prodigies. Distribute them to others. Talk to me, Conchita, talk to me about my children. I hold them all beneath my mantle. This will be the last time you will see me here but I shall always be with you and with all my children. Conchita, why don't you go and visit my Son in the tabernacle? He waits for you night and day."
Conchita said to the Virgin, "I am so happy when I see both of you. Why don't you take me now to heaven with you?" She replied, "Remember what I told you on your patronal feast day?" When you present yourself before God, your hands must be filled with good deeds done for your brothers and for His glory. At the present time, your hands are empty."
So now that I have proven that the Blessed Mother said that your hands must be filled with good works,I would assume that those who try to discredit these messages might be doing the complete opposite...something to think about ?
How have you proved that the Blessed Mother said that your hands must be filled with good works? You haven't any proof. Yet I have much proof to show it was NOT the Virgin appearing in Garabandal.
As Jesus said. If it didn't happen as prophesised, you know it is NOT from God.
That poor barren woman who died without having any children, even though this allege Mary said she will have a son on the day of the miracle.
Glenn Hudson. How dare you suggest the bishops who discredit Garabandal have "no good works".
To do good works is the message of scripture. It is nothing new. It was last Saturdays reading
Reading 1 jas 2:14-24, 26
What good is it, my brothers and sisters,
if someone says he has faith but does not have works?
Can that faith save him?
If a brother or sister has nothing to wear
and has no food for the day,
and one of you says to them,
“Go in peace, keep warm, and eat well,”
but you do not give them the necessities of the body,
what good is it?
So also faith of itself,
if it does not have works, is dead.
Indeed someone might say,
“You have faith and I have works.”
Demonstrate your faith to me without works,
and I will demonstrate my faith to you from my works.
You believe that God is one.
You do well.
Even the demons believe that and tremble.
Do you want proof, you ignoramus,
that faith without works is useless?
Was not Abraham our father justified by works
when he offered his son Isaac upon the altar?
You see that faith was active along with his works,
and faith was completed by the works.
Thus the Scripture was fulfilled that says,
Abraham believed God,
and it was credited to him as righteousness,
and he was called the friend of God.
See how a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.
For just as a body without a spirit is dead,
so also faith without works is dead.
One of the main reasons the Bishop's ruling on Garabandal is seriously flawed is the manner is which they arrived at their decision. Imagine any investigation of any kind ( religious or legal ) THAT REFUSED TO INTERVIEW WITNESSES WHO WANTED TO TESTIFY !
Taken from “The Village Speaks” pgs 69 - 70.
How reliable is this Commission ? Let the witness speak:
Upon presenting the memoirs of Jaun Alveraz Seco, Brigadier Chief of the Civil Guard, and the man responsible for maintaining order in the village during the apparitions, Anotnio Pacio, M.S.C. Professor at the University of Barcelona writes:
“ I would like to only state one thing to forestall the objections on many based on various official communiqués coming from the Diocese of Santandar. These communiqués should have been preceded by a substantial interrogation of the myriad witnesses”
“Among these witnesses , one who stands out is Juan Alvarez Seco, Brigadier Chief of the Civil Guard,who is the author of these memoirs. He was present from the beginning to 1962,and at 1965 at the time of the Message, and he had the duty of informing his superiors and the Civil Governor and all that was going on in Garabandal, while at the same time he had to maintain order in the village. “
“Well, none of the Commissioners, who rejected the supernatural events at Garabandal, ever asked him to testify, nor did they deign to even interview him, who was the “official informant” to the authorities. This detail suffices to illustrate the “true and impartiality “ with which the various episcopal commissions endeavored to inform themselves. THEY WERE NOT INTERESTED IN BELIEVEING WITNESSESS, BUT ONLY THE UNBELIEVING. THEY WANTED AT ALL COST, TO DISCREDIT THE MANISFISTATIONS, AND IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE THIS, THAT HAD TO ELIMINATE ANY WITNESS,INCLINED TO
Anonymous I at least quote books for my reassurance of what Mary DID SAY. You on the other hand make reference to ONLY 2 incidents of UNNAMED people with NO documentation. YOu talsk about a boy who died ,that you don't know his first name or provide and Spanish documentation to who witnessed this ONE person, the "barren woman" ,lol anyone make nameless claims. The sad thing is hear only what you want to hear form the internet ,and resist all the over whelming evidence , included how the Bishop LIED & fooled everyone into thinking this was a true investigation. EVEN HIS OWN DR. MORALES ,WHOM HE APPOINTED , SAID "ITS A FARCE " !!!
Dr. reversed his opinion: "I recognize the Virgin as our intercessor with God and have no fear of making a mistake when I affirm that the events of San Sebastian of Garabandal are of the same nature as Lourdes and Fatima "
Dr. Luis Morales changes mind on Garabandal
Dr. Luis Morales from Santander, a well known psychiatrist, had directed the investigations on Garabandal in 1961. In a conversation with the psychiatrist from Barcelona, Dr. Ricardo Puncernau, I found out that Dr. Morales had told him that he was interested in Garabandal and that he had changed his opinion about the apparitions. Before I went for my first visit with Bishop del Val, I asked Dr. Morales for an interview that was granted to me. You will be interested to know why he changed his attitude so drastically with the passing of the years.
On September 3, 1978, my first visit with Dr. Morales was recorded in its totality with his consent and lasted two hours. During the interview he was somewhat reserved in explaining his change of position on Garabandal and finally, because of my insistence, he said, "Now I see the existential reality of Our Lady in Garabandal. I think of Garabandal as Fatima: a gift of Divine Providence for humanity. Garabandal truly is a gift to us from Christ through his Mother..." At the end of the interview he answered my last question by saying, "Oh, yes! Garabandal has been a manifestation of Divine Grace...!"
A typed copy of this conversation was presented to Bishop del Val. He reacted with a mixture of surprise and satisfaction to the change of opinion of Dr. Morales.
February 8, 1979, I had a second interview with Dr. Morales and found him calm, happier and very open. In this friendly atmosphere he answered my pointed questions by saying that he accepted Garabandal as supernatural and that the messages came directly from God.
Then he told me how, a month before his wife died of cancer, he had borrowed from another cancer patient a crucifix kissed by the Virgin of Garabandal and presented it to his wife to kiss. Her pains disappeared and she remained with interior peace until the end. He also told me, with evident joy, that the patient from whom he'd borrowed the crucifix miraculously recovered completely from his cancer and now works in a bank.
This should be enough to illustrate to the reader the position of the Church on Garabandal. To understand the apparently long wait from the ecclesiastical authorities to pronounce a judgment on Garabandal it is convenient to remember that when the Fatima apparitions occurred in 1917 the Church never made a pronouncement until 1930, when the Bishop of Leiria made a short statement about them.
Signed: Father Francis A. Benac, S.J.,
Bombay, India
Reprinted with kind permission from GARABANDAL JOURNAL November-December 2005
Glenn Hudson finally acknowledges the Bishops have spoken AGAINST Garabandal.
Subject should be closed.
But no, Glenn Hudson says it is flawed. Are you SERIOUS?
Why would a Bishop not want the truth?????
They do not need to interview witnesses to prove it true. They need to look at evidence to prove it false.
If it is true, you will not find evidence to prove it false.
Glenn Hudson. You really don't know Garabandal as well as what you put yourself out there, do you?
Do I really need to say the name of the Barren woman that died before having any children even though this alleged Mary said she will have a son.
I will repeat what Conchita constantly said.
"It is all in the books"
Deuteronomy 18:22
When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously,
Garabandal prophecy.
The Virgin said. "Both of Father Luis' brothers will live to see the miracle"
Anonymous, A good defense is a good offense. So YOU CANT provide any facts or names to back up any of your statements so you go on the attack of my knowledge,LOL ! When the Bishops OWN priest, doctors and investigators say this was a "rigged investigation" , YOU HAVE TO LISTEN ! THE BISHOP LIED about the FACTS ! So MANY PEOPLE don't believe him, maybe that's why Padre Pio was such a strong supporter, HE ALWAYS KNEW & SPOKE THE TRUTH ,AND NO ONE CAN DENY HIM !
PEOPLE , DECIDE FOR YOURSELF :The "Message of Garabandal " online video, available in 26 languages !
Oh Glenn Hudson, you should have realised by now, what I do provide ARE facts not "he said that he said this" sort of statements.
I wish you would read the books.
As Conchita said. "It is all in the books!"
"Paloma Pacheco Larrauri born in 1931, a barren woman told, “you will have a son the day of the miracle.”
The Alleged Virgin told Conchita
"Paloma Pacheco Larrauri will have a son the day of the miracle.”
She not only died without a son, but died childless.
What does scripture say...
Deuteronomy 18:22
When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously,
Oh Anonymous, what is your obsession with my name ? Why are the internet cowards like yourself so scared of IF you're right ? Since you know so much how about all the prophecies that Mary predicted DID come true already ? LIke the miracle of the host appearing on Conchita's tongue as predicted 15 days in advance ,caught on fim with dozens of witnesses ??? How do you explain away a miracle ?
PEOPLE , DECIDE FOR YOURSELF :The "Message of Garabandal " online video, available in 26 languages ! - See more at:
Miracle of the Host???
It is "Officially' documented. Conchita admitted she "Stole" it.
now I know you will come back and say that is a lie. But that doesn't matter. Satan can perform wonders.
Glenn Hudson, You ignore the proof of the FACT of what did not happen that was prophesied.
REMEMBER. To discern you have to prove it false not true. Because if it is true, you will not find it false.
This is one of the many reasons the church has condemned Garabandal.
Conchita said it is all in the books. Read the book!
Conchita told in ecstacy, 3 month old Pepi Luis will become a priest.” HE DID NOT BECOME A PRIEST.
Scripture says..
Deuteronomy 18:22
22 when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously.
PEOPLE , DECIDE FOR YOURSELF :The "Message of Garabandal " online video, available in 26 languages !
anonymous you're wrong again because you don't read books ,you read internet blog sites like "Unity Publishing " where UNITY made up that story,and do you know how I know THEY DONT SITE ANY BOOK OR EXACT PAGE IN THE FR. PELLETIERS BOOK ! I CAN !! IN THE BOOK "OUR LADY COMES TO GARABANDAL" PAGE 105 , A FRANCISCAN PRIEST FR. JUSTO LIED AND PLANTED THAT STORY !!!! 3 DAYS LATER HE ADMITTED IT BEGGED FOR FORGIVENESS ! Unity is a disgraceful pile of lies which they will answer for come the Warning ! They have refused to publish anything I offered ,which proves the don't care about the FACTS !Stop embarrassing yourself, you know nothing of the facts, you have never read any books. GO READ THE PAGE I QUOTED, -
What do Garabandal and Medjugorje have in common in which no other approved apparition has?
Both the seers of Garabandal and Medjugorje were stealing at the time of the first apparition.
Both the seers of Garabandal and Medjugorje were caught out with lies.
Even Lucia would not lie when faced with the threat of Jacinta and Francisco being killed.
The "alleged" Virgin told Conchita. "After Pope John XX11, there will be only 3, no 4 more popes, then NO MORE."
Scriptures say..
"when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously."
Scriptures say.....
"I did not send the prophets,yet they ran;
I did not speak to them,yet they prophesied.
For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ."
Glenn Hudson is a false apostles, disguising himself as apostles of Christ."
He goes against the wishes of the Bishop.
He has no authority to run with these prophecies in which the Church as said NO to.
Blessed Maria Rafols & Mother Bishop Joao Venancio ,Bishop of Fatima.
It's a shame we "false apostles" are not as wise & holy as you. "Anonymous ". Your cowardly attacks against Mary , the Mother of Jesus are disgraceful,your soul is dark. May our Blessed Mother be more merciful on you on the day of the Warning, then you have been on her.
"For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not believe, no explanation is will suffice."
Glenn Hudson, I believe you really do put yourself in the same ranks as St Pio, Blessed JP11 etc.
Don't need much intelligence to know if it is from God, all prophecy would come true.
The Alleged Virgin told Conchita
"Paloma Pacheco Larrauri will have a son the day of the miracle.”
She not only died without a son, but died childless.
Deuteronomy 18:22
When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously.
PEOPLE , DECIDE FOR YOURSELF :The "Message of Garabandal " online video, available in 26 languages !
"For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not believe, no explanation is will suffice."
You wait for the warning, then you'll cop it"
This is what Glenn Hudson is saying to me.
Jesus is merciful. Anyone who thinks any different doesn't know the Jesus that is talked about in scripture or at our mass.
he also says this....
On July 20,1963 Conchita left the Church saying that she had had an intimate conversation with Our Lord. A Priest asked her to relate the circumstances in writing.
Then the girl took a piece of paper and a pencil, and wrote these lines spontaneously with great ease.
I was making my thanksgiving and praying for things. He answered me…
And I said to Him:
— “Why is the miracle coming? To convert many people? “
He answered:
— “To convert the whole world.”
─“Will Russia be converted? “
─” It also will be converted, and so everyone will love Our Hearts. “
Locution on July 20,1963 “Conchita;s Diary“-7
So the world will be converted. GREAT!
Makes no sense at all!
St. John of the Cross said,
"The devil rejoices when people seek private revelations."
FATIMA'S 3RD SECRET IS WHAT THE MESSAGE OF GARABANDAL IS ABOUT:The "Message of Garabandal " online video, available in 26 languages !
"For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not believe, no explanation is will suffice." -
:"May God reward you for everything. Especially for the deep love with which you are making the events connected with Garabandal more widely known. May the Message of the Mother of God find an entrance into hearts before it is too late. As an expression of joy and gratitude, the Holy Father gives you his apostolic blessing."
Blessed JP11 was a good and Holy man. But he is not God, so he too makes mistakes. So IF he did think in the early days that it was the Virgin appearing there he was wrong. Other wise he would not have approved the Bishop to publicly post a letter to speak against Garabandal.
See how even our saints can get it wrong because they are not God.
John Paul 11 gave the Legionaries his support. But we know now that JP11 got 'The Legionaries' terribly wrong.
Oh give it up Glenn Hudson. Everything you show I can prove it false.
At least 7 prophecies of Garabandal did NOT come true.
Listen to what scripture says before this apparition that the church has spoken against.
False apparitions lead you away from God. It is done in a way to make you feel as if it is from God. Satan isn't called the King of deceivers for nothing!
Deuteronomy 18:22
22 when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously.
Scriptures say.....
"I did not send the prophets,yet they ran;
I did not speak to them,yet they prophesied.
For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ."
I believe 'anonymous' has given enough evidence as proof to show Garabandal is not a Divine message.
He also backs his statements with scripture and letters that are publicized from the Bishop.
Why can't you see this too Glenn?
Why do you have to keep pushing it?
It is true as scripture says. If what is prophesized doesn't come true, it is not from God.
Anonymous has shown many examples of what hasn't come true.
Why I didn't see this before? we were told that we will be converted after the miracle and there will be a permanant sign as proof, so no one will doubt.
so why a chastisement?
I don't mind admitting I too was fooled. Glenn, you problably should just follow the church and the words of scripture.
Seeing those words that anonymous shared of St John of the Cross made me think.
PAKe, the reason I defend (not push ) Garabandal is I have lived it with Joey & Conchita ,and met Pope John Paul II. IM not someone who ignores the FACTS that the Bishop LIED in his ruling because dozens of eyewitnesses have come forth and said HE REFUSED to interview anyone who believed ! So his ruling carrys little weight with me,and OBVIOUSLY POPE PAUL VBI DIDNT BELIEVE HIM EITHER ,BECAUSE HE SUPPORTED GARABANDAL ! HOW DO YOU IGNORE THE WISDOM OF THE POPE (and Padre Pio )?
While I can not answer 2 NOT 7 items ( ihave explained the other 5 but you don't want to hear the truth ) about the apparitions neither you or no name can answer any of my questions , so YOU EXPLAIN HOW MY TOPICS ARE FALSE>>>GO AHEAD teach me now ,here's my list
How do you explain :
The documentation of over 2000 appearances of our Blessed Mother .
The video footage of the host appearing out of thin air on Conchita’s tongue with dozens of witnesses standing next to her,as Mary predicted days earlier.
Thousands of photo’s ( and video proof ) of “ecstatic walks” forwards AND BACKWARDS on rocky cow paths, and FALLING BACKWARDS ON THEIR HEADS totally unharmed !
The girls in ecstasy unharmed and unfeeling by doctors poking them with needles, pinching them, burning them with matches, throwing sand in their eyes and shinning bright light trying to make them blink, and could not !
12 year old Girls in ecstasy being able to lift one another over their heads, BUT 2 men could not lift one girl up ?
The Blessed Mother voice was recorded, and a photo taken.
Dozens of rosaries, and religious objects placed on one table, in a pile, and after Mary kissed them, the girls ,WITHOUT LOOKING AT ANYONE , managed to return the item to its rightful owners ?
The public statements of support for the apparitions by notable Catholic leaders like Pope Paul VI, (Saint ) Pope John Paul II,
Saint Padre Pio, Blessed" Mother Teresa, Saint Josemarie Escriva,
Saint Madre Maravillas, Blessed Maria Rafols & Mother Maria Naya, Bishop Joao Venancio , Bishop of Fatima,
Archbishop Manuel Pio López, of Jalapa (Mexico) , Mother Angelica, to name just some.
Mary’s insistence on Repentance, Confession, Mass, Communion, the Rosary, the brown scapular, all indicate that this was of God, for no other explanation is possible.
Statement by Bishop Msgr. Jose Vilaplaua of Santander on alleged apparitions
at Garabandal - issued on 11 October 1996
"Some people have been coming directly to the Diocese of Santander (Spain) asking about the
alleged apparitions of Garabandal and especially for the answer about the position of the hierarchy
of the Church concerning these apparitions.
I need to communicate that:
1. All the bishops of the diocese since 1961 through 1970 agreed that there was no supernatural
validity for the apparitions.
2. In the month of December of 1977 Bishop Dal Val of Santander, in union with his predecessors,
stated that in the six years of being bishop of Santander there were no new phenomena.
3. The same bishop, Dal Val, let a few years go by to allow the confusion or fanaticism to settle
down, and then he initiated a commission to examine the apparitions in more depth. The conclusion
of the commission agreed with the findings of the previous bishops. That there was no supernatural
validity to such apparitions.
4. At the time of the conclusions of the study, in 1991, I was installed bishop in the diocese. So
during my visit to Rome, the ad limina visit which happened in the same year, I presented to the
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith the study and I asked for pastoral direction concerning
this case.
5. On Nov. 28, 1992, the Congregation sent me an answer saying that after examining the
documentation, there was no need for direct intervention (by the Vatican) to take away the
jurisdiction of the ordinary bishop of Santander in this case. Such a right belongs to the ordinary.
Previous declarations of the Holy See agree in this finding. In the same letter they suggested that if
I find it necessary to publish a declaration, that I reconfirm that there was no supernatural validity
in the alleged apparitions, and this will make a unanimous position with my predecessors.
6. Given that the declarations of my predecessors who studied the case have been clear and
unanimous, I don’t find it necessary to have a new public declaration that would raise notoriety
about something which happened so long ago. However, I find it necessary to rewrite this report as
a direct answer to the people who ask for direction concerning this question, which is now final: I
agree with [and] I accept the decision of my predecessors and the direction of the Holy See.
7. In reference to the Eucharistic celebration in Garabandal, following the decision of my
predecessors, I ruled that Masses can be celebrated only in the parish church and there will be no
references to the alleged apparitions and visiting priests who want to say Mass must have approval
from the pastor, who has my authorization. It’s my wish that this information is helpful to you.”
My regards in Christ,
+Jose Vilaplana
Bishop of Santander
Oct. 11, 1996
(From SOUL Magazine, March-April, 1997 - originally published in December 1996 issue of
Mary’s People, a supplement to the National Catholic Register)
This letter above is further proof that Pope JP11 did NOT support Garabandal at all. So STOP saying this.
Read point 6 of the letter that was made "PUBLIC" by the Bishop.
"It was under the direction of the Holy See.
Glenn Hudson. You ask how can we explain what happened in Garabandal?
I showed you what the church said.
They said it was NOT a fraud. But satanic.
Jesus said there will be "false wonders." This was a false wonder.
You admit that there are 2 things which did NOT come true and yet you still believe.
You choose to ignore scripture words saying "if the prophecy doesn't come true it is not from God"
BTW. You do NOT live or have lived with Joey or Conchita. So stop saying you do.
It seems that the false apparitions of Mary seem to give many, many, messages like she is a "postmaster"
When I think of all the TRUE apparitions, Lourdes and Fatima. Mary only appeared a small number of times.
The other thing is that the seers all live Holy lives out of the lime light. They gave their lives fully to God.
Thank you Anonymous for proving my point , YOU CAN NOT explain any of my points,you just defer to another topic, nice try but you have no answers ,and BTW the CHURCH NEVER said this was satanic !!! MAY GOD FORGIVE YOU !!! That is the dumbest thing Ive ever heard, Since when does satan beg people to repent, got to mass, communion, confession, say the rosary ???
You can't explain this part of the messages either, you miss the point of Mary's message. May our Blessed Mother open you eyes,for you are blind if you say her words are satanic. You make her sad with such comments.
Pope John Paul II DID INFACT SUPPORT GARBABANDAL, as he publically stated, and he met with Mari Loli and Conchita. ( so just go ahead like you always do and ignore the FACTS ! )
And for a new twist today , you even refute that I live and work with Joey and Conchita. I don't even know how to respond to that idiodic statement. Your desperate personal attacks are just jealousy, its plain to see. I offer up your insults to our blessed mother as a badge of honor I wear for defending her.
The "Message of Garabandal " online video, available in 26 languages !
every false apparition also says to repent, got to mass, communion, confession, say the rosary. How else does Satan fool you? By saying to NOT do these things?
Glenn Hudson, you do run around the internet saying you live with Conchita and Joey. You have never LIVED with them. To live in the same city doesn't mean you live with them! No, I am not jealous. LOL.
I didn't say that JP11 didn't give "the workers" of Garabandal his blessings. THIS DOESN'T MEAN HE GAVE THE APPARITIONS HIS APPROVAL.
But as I showed before, he is not God so he can get things wrong too.
He had the 'Legions' wrong didn't he Glenn Hudson?
And look. He gives the Bishop his approval to publicise the letter speaking AGAINST Garabandal which says it is FINAL.
If something is right or good. It is ALL right and good.
Garabandal clearly isn't all right.
Glenn Hudson, did you not read what the church said about Garabandal?
Copies of all the Local Bishop & Rome's Official Declarations
English Translation of Official Declaration below:
From 1961 until 1965 four teenage girls saw visions of the Virgin Mary, the Christ Child, and angels. They received messages of the coming Chastisement, a coming warning, and a future miracle.
What is unique about this phenomenon is that almost all the games Satan plays were used with these girls. THIS WAS NOT A FRAUD. There is too much evidence of the other world here. It all started when the girls decided to steal some apples from the school teacher's tree. They were thrown to their knees by an invisible force. In this first apparition they saw an angel. It must be remarked that angels do not allow humans to kneel before them.
Throughout the four years of the apparitions all the powers of Satan were used. The girls were taken into the air many times One time one of the children was lifted over the top of a building. They were made to do ungodly movements of the body: taken swiftly above the ground, down the rocky hill hundreds of feet to meet "The Lady?". In every case the children were FORCED to their knees in a quick undignified manor. Many times they were forced with their heads backwards in a position that could not be done naturally.
All of the children were heard to speak in LANGUAGES they did not know. On one occasion they prayed the "Our Father" in Greek. The girls were seen LIFTING each other up above their shoulders to kiss the lady. However, at other times, three grown men could not lift them.
Several times the girls were found SCREAMING. There were many "SIGNS IN THE SKY" seen by many people: moving stars, hosts, images, etc. In one case a fire was seen and the "Virgin" claimed that she had come in this FIRE.
In one very celebrated case the "angel" gave communion to Conchita and the host could be visibly seen by everyone. She was told to hold out her tongue until the "Virgin" came. She stayed with her tongue outstretched and the host on it for a long time. Many photographs were taken.
In almost all the apparitions the girls entered into dialogues with the "Lady" about all kinds of NON-SENSE things, like how the Lady liked their clothes. The children were given the "Child Jesus" to pass around to each other like a TOY. Never once in the thousands of true apparitions we have studied did Christ or Mary ever say a SINGLE WORD that did not have a salvation meaning for the soul.
Just as our Blessed Mother predicted at Garabandal, Russia will re-emerge as a global evil force,we are witnessing the beginning now . Mary as us to heed her warning. Watch The "Message of Garabandal " online video, available in 26 languages !
“ Conchita, I bless you and with me the whole church will bless you “.
Father Escalada explained his work in spreading the message of Garabandal in Mexico and the Pope Paul VI encouraged him to continue saying: "These messages must be made known." Father Escalada asked the Pope for his permission to continue promoting Garabandal and the Pope said “YES”. Pope Paul VI said :
"It is the most beautiful story of humanity since the days of Christ. It is like a second life of the Virgin on earth. And we can never be grateful enough for it."
Pope John Paul II - ON Garabandal
There is a book on Garabandal, written by Albrecht Weber in 1993, entitled Garabandal Der Zeigefmger Gottes (Garabandal: The Finger of God), of which a first edition copy was presented to Pope John Paul II. He later asked his secretary, Fr. (now Archbishop) Stanislaus Dziwisz, to write to the author. In the subsequent printing (2000) of the book, on page 19, a portion of the Pope's message is reprinted, as follows:"May God reward you for everything. Especially for the deep love with which you are making the events connected with Garabandal more widely known. May the Message of the Mother of God find an entrance into hearts before it is too late.
Those of us blessed by personally meeting Pope John Paul II, CAN SPEAK FROM PERSONAL EXPERINCE ON HIS OPINION OF GARABANDAL .
Don't let anyone speak for the Pope ! Read & believe HIS words in the above post !
Also, On July 23, 1988, during a special general audience with the Pope at the Vatican ... "special" because it was held on Saturday, rather than the usual Wednesday... Father Robert introduced Garabandal Visionary Mari-Loli and family to him. Father Robert who was holding 7 year old Maria Dolores, one of the three Lafleur children, said to the Pope: "Your Holiness, a special blessing for your littlest children who come on behalf of The Blessed Virgin from Garabandal." Our Holy Father exclaimed "Garabandal!". . . And immediately kissed Maria Dolores.
Doesn't matter what Glenn Hudson posts. We can never ignore the words of God about discernment.
Diary entry from Father Andreu brings to my mind is Conchita's promise from the Virgin that Father Ramon Andreu's two other brothers Marcelino and Alejandro would live to see the Miracle at Garabandal.
Deuteronomy 18:20-22
20 But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name which I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.’ 21 And if you say in your heart, ‘How may we know the word which the Lord has not spoken?’— 22 when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously, you need not be afraid of him.
Glenn Hudson, When you read
Deuteronomy 18:20-22 Aren't you afraid?
Or do you think an alleged apparition is more worthy than the words of God?
If the Blessed Mother is guiding my life, how could I possibly be afraid of anything ? I'm not.
I want to "thank you" anonymous for constantly posting my name ,
my membership has increased dramatically on my facebook site, over the last few months and many have told me its because you mentioned my name,and that's how they found me ,lol. SO, keep up the good work of promoting THE GARABANDAL APPARITIONS !
Conchita’s Warning Interview. w/Fr. Laffineur In English & Spanish
Joey Lomangino’s recall of the when he talked to Padre Pio: “We made arrangements to come back again that same day and greeted Padre Pio in the cloister. When we knelt down, we said to him, “Padre Pio, is it true that the Virgin is appearing to the four girls of Garabandal?” And he said, “Yes.” We said, “Padre Pio, should we go there? He said, “Yes, why not?” And that’s how it happened. Because I received the assurance from Padre Pio that the Virgin was appearing and that he permitted me to go, then I wasn’t afraid and I went. “
(Saint) Padre Pio affirms Garabandal to a PH.D in confession.
(Saint) Padre Pio affirms Garabandal to a PH.D in confession.
Joachim Bouflet,PH.D. went to Padre Pio for confession in July of 1968. Padre Pio told him "Pray to the Madonna. Consecrate yourself to the Virgin of Carmel." "Yes, Padre, I pray to Our Lady of Mount Carmel. For that matter, I would like to become a Carmelite." He didn't comment on this but repeated with insistence, "Consecrate yourself to the Virgin of Carmel who appeared at Garabandal."
"So it's true?"
"Certo e vero!" ("Yes, it's true!")
On March 3, 1962, a letter arrived in Garabandal addressed to all four visionaries. It was written in Italian, and had an Italian stamp, but wasn't postmarked. Nor was it signed. By the handwriting, and the style of the letter, it was clear it could have only come from Padre Pio. The letter said:
"My Dear Children,
"At nine o'clock this morning the Holy Virgin told me to say to you: 'O Blessed young girls of San Sebastian de Garabandal! I promise you that I will be with you until the end of the centuries, and you will be with Me during the end of the world and later, united with Me in the Glory of Paradise.'
Padre Pio continued:
I am sending you a copy of the Holy Rosary of Fatima, which the Virgin told me to send you. The Rosary was composed by the Virgin and should be propagated for the salvation of sinners and preservation of humanity from the terrible punishments with which the good God is threatening it. I give you only one counsel: PRAY and get others to pray, because the world is at the beginning of perdition.
They do not believe in you or in your conversations with the Lady in White. BUT THEY WILL BELIEVE YOU WHEN IT WILL BE TOO LATE"
From the book “The Final Hour “ (Michael Brown) page 141
On the topic of Padre Pio ‘s belief in Garabandal:
“Asked on another occasion about its authenticity, he answered curtly, ”How many times must she appear there to be believed ? “
Handed a book on Garabandal, Padre Pio gazed fixedly at the cover and as though by chance, opened to the page with the last message-” the cup was overflowing” message of June 18,1965. He then closed the book and blessed it.
From the book “Thunder of Justice “ page 163 : An incident which confirms Padre Pio’s belief in Garabandal occurred early in 1966. Conchita, who was only 16 years old,was visiting Rome with her mother and Fr. Luna. She had been invited by Cardinal Ottaviani, Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith. During the visit,Conchita met privately with Padre Pio. On this occasion, he took Conchita’s hand and her crucifix that Our Lady had kissed in Garabandal and held them both in his own two hands. The crucifix had passed through the hands of the child Jesus,during the apparition of November 13,1965.
“While he was living, the same Padre Pio guaranteed the authenticity of the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin. He met Conchita at San Giovanni Rotondo. Even during the last days of his life he talked about this to his brothers in religious life and left a personal message for the principle personage of the apparitions. “
Fr. Pelletier -“Our Lady comes to Garabandal” page 219
Padre Pio: "Consecrate yourself to the Virgin of Carmel who appeared at Garabandal."
You have inspired me Glenn Hudson. Knowing so many are reading here.
So you have had many join your site after me showing what DIDN'T come true.
They have joined your site even though I show what Gospel says.
They are the ones I can not help. They are the ones that like the sensation of doom and gloom.
They prefer the words of an 'alleged' apparition than the words of God.
But while I speak, there are those who will realise, if these messages were from God, ALL the prophecies would come true.
The puzzle will Garabandal has so many pieces that don't fit.
I have too made other see this is NOT from God. So I too am happy. Not everyone will be saved.
Funny how these are allegedly the messages for the world and they are so important for humanity.
If they are so important for our time, WHY DOESN'T POPE FRANCIS SPEAK OF THEM?
Scriptures say.....
"I did not send the prophets,yet they ran;
I did not speak to them,yet they prophesied.
For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ."
The Alleged Virgin told Conchita
"Paloma Pacheco Larrauri will have a son the day of the miracle.”
She not only died without a son, but died childless.
What does scripture say...
Deuteronomy 18:22
When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously,
All will come to know the truth of the Messages of our Blessed Mother at Garabandal very soon . She predicted the re-emergence of Russia as a global threat to peace, and you are witnessing it now !
It's not too late to learn about what is to transpire in the near future , and prepare yourselves !
Since the title of this page is GARABANDAL AND THE GREAT MIRACLE, I thought those who are not sure of details can read up on it in this issue: FROM THE GARABANDAL MAGAZINE: THE WARNING & MIRACLE ISSUE :
NO Evil presence at Garabandal.
A story that confirmed for me that those uneducated about Garabandal, and falsely accuse it of having some diabolical or evil presence,are 100% wrong. Here is testimony from a priest, Father Jose Ramon Garcia de la Riva ,an eyewitness,who wrote a book on the authenticity of the apparitions, and one story in particular to erase his own fears of any evil presence.
The " URGENCY OF GARABANDAL" my radio interview has been edited down from 2 hours to only 48 minutes ! If you haven't heard this interview and you want to learn more about the apparitions & messages of our Blessed Mother at Garabandal, please listen.
ciGlenn H,I have finnally found some who knows Conchita and Joey...I would love to meet you and the members at your church I believe every word you have said let's continue to pray rosaries for the conversion of many souls. I have sent you an email message. Glenn H.
Thank you Glenn...for your response and I'd like to thank you again for writing this blog that many many many like me believe what you have written about the miracle of GARABANDAL there is nothing we can do about others not believing only The Holy Spirit will touch their have accomplished your mission of spreading the word. Marilu
From my understanding of Garabandal and the prophecies, when the Virgin said there would be three Popes after Bl. John XXIII, she may have ignored John Paul I who, as we know, only sat the Chair of Peter for 33 days.
Nor, from what I've read, did she say that there would be no more Pontiffs after Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.
"Three more Popes after John XXIII, then an end of an era but not the end of the world."
Hi Jessica, unfortunately that is NOT what Mary said.Albrecht Weber, the author of the book “The Finger of God“, had become involved in Garabandal in 1963 and became friendly with Conchita. On November 14, 1965, the day after the last apparition of Our Lady in Garabandal, Mr. Weber interviewed Conchita at her home in the presence of her mother. There was also present with Mr. Weber an interpreter. During that interview, it came out that when Conchita had spoken, on the very day that Pope John XXIII died, of “Three more Popes and then would come the end of the times,” her mother had asked her several questions.
In response to one of her mother’s questions, Conchita responded that Our Lady had actually said that there would be four more Popes but that She was not counting one of them. When Conchita’s mother heard that she strictly forbade Conchita to repeat that again as her mother feared there would be erroneous interpretations and much gossip. People might wrongly believe that one of the Popes might be false or bad, etc. During that conversation with her mother, Conchita also said that Our Lady had told her that one of the Popes would have a very short reign.
You must understand what Conchita was referencing . When she was told that there would be 4 more popes, then it would be" the end of THE times" this meant an "end of an era." I believe we have entered that "new era" and will witness the Warning & Miracle. Also,The prophecy had nothing to do with the future number of popes, it was MARKING A PERIOD IN TIME. I hope this will clarify this quote for you.
Garabandal appears to be a demonic deception, in my opinion. Like Medjugorje, it will crush the faith of many people when the sensational prophecies never come to pass. The bizarre, unnatural behaviors of the girls during the ecstasies are more common to demonic activity than godly activity. The many prophecies which are already proven to be untrue, the confusion and retractions of the girls, the negative opinions and decrees of the bishops all point to the apparitions not being from God. Just because some holy people apparently felt the apparitions were true doesn't really mean anything. The alleged quotes don't seem well documented in many cases, plus none of the holy people were ever in Garabandal and none of them investigated the events. None of them claimed to have a special illumination from God about the authenticity of the apparitions (the alleged letter from Padre Pio appears to be unverifiable - not signed, no return address). They may have been basing their opinions on incomplete or inaccurate information at the time and holy people are still very subject to error.
Glenn H. Thank you for your efforts to get the word out about the illumination of conscience. God Bless you for your efforts. You are a great promoter. The idea of a warning goes back centuries to at least the time of Saint Edmund Campion. I think it is coming soon, soon, soon. I don't think the Holy Spirit gives an exact roadmap. Jesus Himself spoke in parables so that it would take faith to grasp and believe what point He was trying to make. He doesn't spell everything out. He wants us to exercise our FAITH to believe. You don't have to believe in Garabandal, but you shouldn't condemn because you don't believe. Sincerely, a believer in Our Lady at Garabandal and Our Lady Queen of Peace at Medjugorje
Well " Slick" , you are entitled to your opinions, even though much of what you say is incorrect. One point I would like to correct ,just so you know the truth Padre Pio's letter WAS CONFIRMED.
I have found the proof in the book " SHE CAME IN HASTE TO THE MOUNTAIN " pages 363-365. I was told from friends in Spain that the letter was not signed so that Padre Pio would not be in opposition to the church, so how come so many people were sure it was from him ? These pages tell how Conchita asked the Blessed Mother herself in one of her visits, and she confirmed it was from Padre Pio ! Scroll down on this link to the book,and go to the bottom of page 363 and the story starts there, and ends on the bottom of 365.
Q. Conchita, do you remember anything about the letter that you are said to have received from Padre Pio?
A. “You know that I have moments in which I remember many things about the apparitions very well, and I have moments in which I hardly remember anything at all . . . Concerning what you now ask me, I do remember that I received in the mail a letter addressed to me and the other three girls: Jacinta, Mari Loli and Mari Cruz. I was surprised by what it said; and as it was unsigned, I kept it in my pocket until the time of the apparition. When the Blessed Mother appeared, I showed her the letter . . . and I asked her whom it was from. The Blessed Mother answered that it came from Padre Pio.”
Mr. Juan Alvarez Seco, brigada de la guardia civil-TESTIMONY
I was also present when Conchita received a letter from Padre Pio, God rest his soul, from Rome. I ask him to bless me from heaven, to guide me and to help me to be a better person. Before Conchita fell into ecstasy that day, they told her to show the letter to the Blessed Virgin and ask her if it really was from Padre Pio. Afterwards, Conchita said that yes, it was from Padre Pio.
Keep discerning about this, you may be shocked to learn you have misjudged this.
@ " Anonymous", thank you for your supportive post. You are correct in belief of what is truly important ,about the Mary's messages at Garabandal.
In 1965, at only 16 years of age , Conchita wrote to a Jesuit priest, Fr. Alba, "But, if we heed the Message, believing in the apparitions is of no importance "
How wise at that young age. God bless you in your belief.
Garabandal is true. Garabandal messages are the same as Our Lady of Akita and what Saint Faustina wrote about. There will be a time when all men will see the wrong they are doing. They will know that God exists and they will be given a short time after the warning to decide for God or for evil. Then there will come chastisements. This is in the bible. All throughout the old testament, God warned the children of Israel...and when they didn't listen...they were punished severely. The world has turned away from God....but in HIS great Mercy...HE will give mankind a chance to know that HE loves all...and to let ALL MEN know that HE IS REAL...and HE wants all to turn to HIM before it is too late. This is mercy. Garabandal is real....and the messages are warnings for Gods children to wake up and come to him with repentance and conversion. Mankind is very stubborn and needs time because we are sinful and conversion takes time. All these years since Garabandal....are years of mercy and grace. God is patient and slow to wrath....He wants no one to perish. But there will come a time when God will say enough and then HE will chastise a world who did not want HIS love and mercy.
Yes, it will will come to fruition as you say,and I have always felt that Garabadal is the continuation of Fatima. Here's an interesting letter from it's one time Bishop.
One time Bishop of FATIMA, Bishop Joao Venancio proclaimed Garabandal's message is the same as Fatima.It was under the pastoral government of this well-known Bishop of Fatima-Leiria that the famous "third-secret" was brought to the attention of Pope John XXIII. Known for his profound Marian devotion, he had the privilege of frequently discussing with Sister Lucy, who herself informed him, so we are told, of the "events" of San Sebastian de Garabandal.Conchita herself visited Msgr. Venancio for the first time in 1967; she returned several times later to Fatima. As for the Bishop, he would make the trip twice to see Conchita at Lindenhurst, N.Y., U.S.A. He quickly and firmly believed in the supernatural authenticity of the phenomena that had occurred at Garabandal. In 1983, he would declare to Fr. A. Combe that: "this Message given by the Blessed Virgin at Garabandal is the same as the one given at Fatima, but it is updated . . . At Garabandal, Mary came to upgrade her Message given at Fatima to new conditions of the Church (and of the world). It is obvious to me that the Message of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is a Message of salvation for our time . . ." Yes, without any doubt, but perhaps much more . . .[From 'Garabandal' Book, page 226]
Conchita & Jesus comment on belief of Garabandal
“ I would also like to say about Rome that there are people there who want to put too much pressure on the Church.
I believe that it is better to leave it as it is, and to do what they can. They should try to speak about the Virgin’s Message,
but the rest they should leave in God’s hands.”
The Lord Himself said to me: “Don’t worry about whether they believe you or not, especially in Rome. I will do everything. “
This is what I would like to say to all those who want for Rome and the Bishop to move ahead.”
Interview—conversation directed by Monsignor Francisco Garmendia, Auxiliary Bishop of New York on the date of this interview, here in New York on August 27, 1981.
Thank you Glen for a wonderful site. Will pray that God continue to provide you with the strength and the wisdom to spread the lessons of the apparitions at Garabandal regardless of those who vilify you for spreading our Blessed Mother's message.
For those of you who are interested the apparitions and messages of our Blessed Mother at Garabandal, I invite you to my facebook page ,where there are daily posts, stories, facts, and I answer any questions you might have. I am close friends with Conchita Gonzalez Keena, and this is the ONLY facebook page she supports and trusts. Please take a look, God Bless.-Glenn!/groups/163674987784/
Thank you benedict for you kind words and support. Their attacks only strengthen my resolve and sadden our Blessed Mother, who is only trying to help us. I will not let her down ! I will remain vigilant until the Warning & Miracle prove her right ! God bless.
Today we celebrate " Maundy Thursday", which is not only the Holy Thursday before Easter, but more importantly the " Institution of the Eucharist" , at the Last Supper. This reminded me of something amazing our Blessed Mother said at Garabandal .
Conchita has said:
“The Blessed Virgin told us that it is a greater grace to receive Jesus in Holy Communion than to see her.”
On March 3, 1962, a letter arrived in Garabandal addressed to all four visionaries. It was written in Italian, and had an Italian stamp, but wasn't postmarked. Nor was it signed. By the handwriting, and the style of the letter, it was clear it could have only come from Padre Pio. The letter said:
"My Dear Children,
"At nine o'clock this morning the Holy Virgin told me to say to you: 'O Blessed young girls of San Sebastian de Garabandal! I promise you that I will be with you until the end of the centuries, and you will be with Me during the end of the world and later, united with Me in the Glory of Paradise.'
Padre Pio continued:
I am sending you a copy of the Holy Rosary of Fatima, which the Virgin told me to send you. The Rosary was composed by the Virgin and should be propagated for the salvation of sinners and preservation of humanity from the terrible punishments with which the good God is threatening it. I give you only one counsel: PRAY and get others to pray, because the world is at the beginning of perdition.
They do not believe in you or in your conversations with the Lady in White. BUT THEY WILL BELIEVE YOU WHEN IT WILL BE TOO LATE"
I have found the proof in the book " SHE CAME IN HASTE TO THE MOUNTAIN " pages 363-365. I was told from friends in Spain that the letter was not signed so that Padre Pio would not be in opposition to the church, so how come so many people were sure it was from him ? These pages tell how Conchita asked the Blessed Mother herself in one of her visits, and she confirmed it was from Padre Pio ! Scroll down on this link to the book,and go to the bottom of page 363 and the story starts there, and ends on the bottom of 365.
Q. Conchita, do you remember anything about the letter that you are said to have received from Padre Pio?
A. “You know that I have moments in which I remember many things about the apparitions very well, and I have moments in which I hardly remember anything at all . . . Concerning what you now ask me, I do remember that I received in the mail a letter addressed to me and the other three girls: Jacinta, Mari Loli and Mari Cruz. I was surprised by what it said; and as it was unsigned, I kept it in my pocket until the time of the apparition. When the Blessed Mother appeared, I showed her the letter . . . and I asked her whom it was from. The Blessed Mother answered that it came from Padre Pio.”
The Virgin told Conchita that there is intelligent life on other planets who have also been redeemed by Christ. From the book, "Garabandal," pages 160-161:
"Intelligent (rational) beings in outer space . . ."
As an echo, in some way, of the lively discussion going on in the world at the time, Mercedes Salisachs, a remarkable witness, (eminent Spanish writer)present these days at Garabandal, had Conchita ask the Blessed Virgin if there were intelligent beings in outer or interstellar space. - "Yes", was the stunning answer!
Days after, Conchita, again in ecstasy, was heard asking her Vision if these mysterious beings are like us, sinners? - "They are like men, tainted alike by sin, but also redeemed by Christ just like men," was the new astonishing answer!
These new revelations made to Conchita were to appear so exceptional to Fr. Lucio Rodrigo, S.J., when he learned about them, that, after an uneasy first impression, and then, after reflection, he went out to write that "it would well be that the Blessed Virgin, and through Her, Our Lord, were lifting the veil of a mystery which broadens in that way the dimensions of the Kingdom of Our Lord (and of the Most Blessed Virgin), so to include other rational creatures, which could, of course, not be angels (. . .)". (Letter, October 22, 1965, to the Marques de Santa Maria).
The paralytic boy who was supposed to have been healed on the day of the Miracle has died, according to posts I have seen. Does anyone have documentation or verification of this? Glenn D, do you know any details? I have found out from the book, "Garabandal," that his name was Daniel Fernandez and his father's name was Augusto Fernandez from Garabandal. The boy and others from Garabandal went on a pilgrimage to Lourdes with Conchita in 1963. Please post any info here, if you know. Thanks.
Well, we finally know who Mr. "Anonymous is ! Welcome Mike G, from Des Moines, Iowa.
Pope John Paul II - on Garabandal
There is a book on Garabandal, written by Albrecht Weber in 1993, entitled Garabandal Der Zeigefmger Gottes (Garabandal: The Finger of God), of which a first edition copy was presented to Pope John Paul II. He later asked his secretary, Fr. (now Archbishop) Stanislaus Dziwisz, to write to the author. In the subsequent printing (2000) of the book, on page 19, a portion of the Pope's message is reprinted, as follows:"May God reward you for everything. Especially for the deep love with which you are making the events connected with Garabandal more widely known. May the Message of the Mother of God find an entrance into hearts before it is too late.
“ Conchita, I bless you and with me the whole church will bless you “.
Father Escalada explained his work in spreading the message of Garabandal in Mexico and the Pope Paul VI encouraged him to continue saying: "These messages must be made known." Father Escalada asked the Pope for his permission to continue promoting Garabandal and the Pope said “YES”. Pope Paul VI said :
"It is the most beautiful story of humanity since the days of Christ. It is like a second life of the Virgin on earth. And we can never be grateful enough for it."
Joey Lomangino’s recall of the when he talked to Padre Pio: “We made arrangements to come back again that same day and greeted Padre Pio in the cloister. When we knelt down, we said to him, “Padre Pio, is it true that the Virgin is appearing to the four girls of Garabandal?” And he said, “Yes.” We said, “Padre Pio, should we go there? He said, “Yes, why not?” And that’s how it happened. Because I received the assurance from Padre Pio that the Virgin was appearing and that he permitted me to go, then I wasn’t afraid and I went. “
(Saint) Padre Pio affirms Garabandal to a PH.D in confession.
(Saint) Padre Pio affirms Garabandal to a PH.D in confession.
Joachim Bouflet,PH.D. went to Padre Pio for confession in July of 1968. Padre Pio told him "Pray to the Madonna. Consecrate yourself to the Virgin of Carmel." "Yes, Padre, I pray to Our Lady of Mount Carmel. For that matter, I would like to become a Carmelite." He didn't comment on this but repeated with insistence, "Consecrate yourself to the Virgin of Carmel who appeared at Garabandal."
"So it's true?"
"Certo e vero!" ("Yes, it's true!")
From the book “The Final Hour “ (Michael Brown) page 141
On the topic of Padre Pio ‘s belief in Garabandal:
“Asked on another occasion about its authenticity, he answered curtly, ”How many times must she appear there to be believed ? “
Handed a book on Garabandal, Padre Pio gazed fixedly at the cover and as though by chance, opened to the page with the last message-” the cup was overflowing” message of June 18,1965. He then closed the book and blessed it.
From the book “Thunder of Justice “ page 163 : An incident which confirms Padre Pio’s belief in Garabandal occurred early in 1966. Conchita, who was only 16 years old,was visiting Rome with her mother and Fr. Luna. She had been invited by Cardinal Ottaviani, Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith. During the visit,Conchita met privately with Padre Pio. On this occasion, he took Conchita’s hand and her crucifix that Our Lady had kissed in Garabandal and held them both in his own two hands. The crucifix had passed through the hands of the child Jesus,during the apparition of November 13,1965.
“While he was living, the same Padre Pio guaranteed the authenticity of the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin. He met Conchita at San Giovanni Rotondo. Even during the last days of his life he talked about this to his brothers in religious life and left a personal message for the principle personage of the apparitions. “
Fr. Pelletier -“Our Lady comes to Garabandal” page 219
Padre Pio: "Consecrate yourself to the Virgin of Carmel who appeared at Garabandal."
On March 3, 1962, a letter arrived in Garabandal addressed to all four visionaries. It was written in Italian, and had an Italian stamp, but wasn't postmarked. Nor was it signed. By the handwriting, and the style of the letter, it was clear it could have only come from Padre Pio. The letter said:
"My Dear Children,
"At nine o'clock this morning the Holy Virgin told me to say to you: 'O Blessed young girls of San Sebastian de Garabandal! I promise you that I will be with you until the end of the centuries, and you will be with Me during the end of the world and later, united with Me in the Glory of Paradise.'
Padre Pio continued:
I am sending you a copy of the Holy Rosary of Fatima, which the Virgin told me to send you. The Rosary was composed by the Virgin and should be propagated for the salvation of sinners and preservation of humanity from the terrible punishments with which the good God is threatening it. I give you only one counsel: PRAY and get others to pray, because the world is at the beginning of perdition.
They do not believe in you or in your conversations with the Lady in White. BUT THEY WILL BELIEVE YOU WHEN IT WILL BE TOO LATE"
The Blessed Mother does not lie !
No. The Blessed Mother does not lie.
But it seems clearer to me that you do Glenn H.
You say that you are good friends with Conchita, yet she or you did not know about one of the only 2 people who are meant to be cured.
You speak as if you have all the knowledge on Garabandal.
It does not add up that suddenly information has just come out about this penalized boy.
Lies always have cracks in them.
And people who can not accept the truth and proof when given are either prideful or show their true colors as enemies of the Blessed Mother. They make me laugh.
Pope John Paul II - on Garabandal
There is a book on Garabandal, written by Albrecht Weber in 1993, entitled Garabandal Der Zeigefmger Gottes (Garabandal: The Finger of God), of which a first edition copy was presented to Pope John Paul II. He later asked his secretary, Fr. (now Archbishop) Stanislaus Dziwisz, to write to the author. In the subsequent printing (2000) of the book, on page 19, a portion of the Pope's message is reprinted, as follows:"May God reward you for everything. Especially for the deep love with which you are making the events connected with Garabandal more widely known. May the Message of the Mother of God find an entrance into hearts before it is too late. As an expression of joy and gratitude, the Holy Father gives you his apostolic blessing."Weber writes, "From the attached greeting in the Pope's own handwriting, with his signature, it is clear how deep an interest he has in the events of Garabandal, and how anxious he is that they should be made known in a credible way."
There has never been a canonization of two popes in the same ceremony until that of John XXIII and John Paul II. This is especially a great day for all Garabandal supporters because we add to the list of “Believers”, another Saint !
Here's verification of one of the failed prophecies. Here is the prophecy and I confirmed the deaths of the Andreu brothers. From St. Michael’s Garabandal Center:
“On July 18, 1965, during a Mass celebrated at Garabandal by Fr. Marcelino Andreu, Conchita had a locution in which the Virgin said that Fr. Marcelino will see and be in the village for the Great Miracle. In another locution, Conchita learned that Fr. Alejandro Andreu will also be in the village for the Miracle.”
An interview with Father Andreu’s mother confirmed that Alejandro is dead. Alejandro died August 8, 1990 and at the time, Marcelino was diagnosed with leukemia.
“Do you know the exact date that Father Alejandro died?
(Mother) :Yes, he died on the 8th of August (1990 in Caracas, Venezuela).
From the book, “Garababdal” page 198: As to Fr. Marcelino, he was to die on June 17, 1998, at Bilbao, after a long illness (leukemia).
Here is verification of another failed prophecy. From an ecstasy of Conchita in August of 1962 about a boy who was prophesied to become a priest, but he did not. From the book, She Went in Haste to the Mountain, page 167, from a letter by the boy’s mother, Maximina Gonzalez: “She (Conchita) spoke for a while and at that time she was heard to say, Oh! So he is going to be a priest?
And she gave the cross to both of them, but to the little boy she made a cross at his feet — only the little boy.”
I mentioned this yesterday, Saturday, to a missionary priest from Bilbao who was in my home for a while. And he told me that the cross that Conchita made at the feet of the little boy was something very mysterious . . . I don’t know how he explained it to me, but I’m very happy. Fr. Luis Retenaga prayed for the child and blessed him many times; and it could be that the Virgin heard him, since my son from his youth has been saying that he wants to be a priest. May God will it! May he be a good one.”
From the author of the book: “The boy to whom this refers, Pepe Luis (Conchita’s cousin), after starting his studies at the seminary near to Fr. Retenaga in Rentería (Guipuzcoa), continued for some years at Comillas (Santander). After this, prior to being ordained, he did leave the seminary. “
The Virgin Mary told Conchita there was intelligent life on other planets who were also redeemed by Christ. From the book, “Garabandal,” pages 160-161: “THERE EXIST INTELLIGENT BEINGS ELSEWHERE THAN ON THE EARTH” . . .
“Intelligent (rational) beings in outer space . . .”
As an echo, in some way, of the lively discussion going on in the world at the time, Mercedes Salisachs, a remarkable witness, present these days at Garabandal, had Conchita ask the Blessed Virgin if there were intelligent beings in outer or interstellar space. – “Yes”, was the stunning answer!
Days after, Conchita, again in ecstasy, was heard asking her Vision if these mysterious beings are like us, sinners? – “They are like men, tainted alike by sin, but also redeemed by Christ just like men,” was the new astonishing answer!
These new revelations made to Conchita were to appear so exceptional to Fr. Lucio Rodrigo, S.J., when he learned about them, that, after an uneasy first impression, and then, after reflection, he went out to write that “it would well be that the Blessed Virgin, and through Her, Our Lord, were lifting the veil of a mystery which broadens in that way the dimensions of the Kingdom of Our Lord (and of the Most Blessed Virgin), so to include other rational creatures, which could, of course, not be angels (. . .)”. (Letter, October 22, 1965, to the Marques de Santa Maria).
Glenn, I am NOT the "anonymous" that you were debating previously on this site. You are incorrect yet again. The first time you encountered me was on the MOG site. Regarding the paralytic boy, I never assumed that the claim that he was dead was true. In fact, I am the one who was trying to pursue the truth on the matter and was the first to publish his name on the other message board so it could be investigated by Aviso. Just because he is still alive doesn't mean the prophecy is true. He still needs to be healed if and when the Miracle comes. There are plenty of other prophecies which have already failed and a mountain of red flags associated with the alleged apparitions.
Well forgive me for a site that allows so many courageous souls to be called "anonymous". Why take any of all your comments seriously.
BTW to ALL here who try in vain to discredit our Blessed Mother's apparitions & messages at Garabandal...SAINTS POPE JOHN PAUL II AND SAINT PADRE PIO may have a different opinion than you.
Glenn, You can't even take responsibility or sincerely apologize for announcing to everyone and falsely accusing me of being a different person on this thread. That speaks for itself. You need to step back and take a look at yourself in the mirror. You constantly insult and are very rude to anyone who has a contrary opinion or presents any negative evidence against Garabandal. You have accused me and others who disagree with you as spreading hate, that we are liars, that we have bad will and bad intent, that we are enemies of the Blessed Mother, that we lack faith, that we will have horrible things happen to us on the day of the Warning. You act as if nobody else has a right to present the other side of the story or to have a different opinion. Is this what you have learned from Garababdal and is this how you want to represent it? You think you help your cause by insulting and defaming others? I consider it a service to others and to the Blessed Mother to expose false apparitions and provide the other side of the story, backed up with documentation. This saves people from being misled and from being distracted or obsessed for decades about something that is likely false. It also may prevent people from having a huge let down if it doesn't happen and possibly hurt the faith of some. You contantly confuse faith with belief in a private revelation. The Church puts NO obligation on the people to believe in any private revelation, even ones the Church has deemed worthy of belief. So, enough of accusing people of lacking faith or being enemies of the Blessed Mother. I'm sure Conchita would not approve of your methods. As I have said before, I wish Garabandal was true, but I cannot embrace it because of the many problems, contradictions and failed prophecies associated with it and I believe others need to be made aware of it and not just hear one biased and incomplete side of the story. Mike G
Are you serious chastising me ? How is anyone on this site supposed to know which one of the many "Anonymous's " is who ? WHY DONT ALL THE ANONYMOUS'S GROW UP AND USE THEIR NAME LIKE ME . If you want to be treated like an adult, act like one.
Glenn, You have made yet another false accusation. Look at my last post again. At the end, you will see it was signed, Mike G. You aren't doing yourself, Conchita or the Garabandal cause any favors. Mike G
I would rather error against my friend, than insult our Blessed Mother with misguided pride.
P.S. Glenn, If you can't be sure of who is who on the site, then you shouldn't make assumptions and accusations that defame others. Thanks for continuing to show your true colors by your last post. Mike G
On July 23, 1988, during a special general audience with the Pope at the Vatican ... "special" because it was held on Saturday, rather than the usual Wednesday... Father Robert introduced Garabandal Visionary Mari-Loli and family to him. Father Robert who was holding 7 year old Maria Dolores, one of the three Lafleur children, said to the Pope: "Your Holiness, a special blessing for your littlest children who come on behalf of The Blessed Virgin from Garabandal." Our Holy Father exclaimed "Garabandal!"
There is a book on Garabandal, written by Albrecht Weber in 1993, entitled Garabandal Der Zeigefmger Gottes (Garabandal: The Finger of God), of which a first edition copy was presented to Pope John Paul II. He later asked his secretary, Fr. (now Archbishop) Stanislaus Dziwisz, to write to the author. In the subsequent printing (2000) of the book, on page 19, a portion of the Pope's message is reprinted, as follows:"May God reward you for everything. Especially for the deep love with which you are making the events connected with Garabandal more widely known. May the Message of the Mother of God find an entrance into hearts before it is too late. As an expression of joy and gratitude, the Holy Father gives you his apostolic blessing."
From the book “The Fianl Hour “ (Michael Brown) page 141
On the topic of SAINT Padre Pio ‘s belief in Garabandal:
“Asked on another occasion about its authenticity, he answered curtly, ”How many times must she appear there to be believed ? “
The famous Foundress of the Missionaries of Charity has never expressed any doubts about her profound belief in the divine origin of Garabandal: "It was in 1970 that I heard about the apparitions of San Sebastian de Garabandal for the first time . . . From the beginning, I felt that the 'events' were authentic . . ." (Letter of November 10, 1987 to Msgr. del Val).
Glenn, You don't seem to understand that not believing in a particular private revelation is not an insult to the Blessed Mother. The Church itself at this point has declared that the supernatural cannot be confirmed, so how can it be an insult not to believe it? People are allowed to make their own informed, sincere decisions on private revelations. You are making the big mistake of assuming it's real with utter certitude. Was it an insult to her to not believe in Bayside or Necedah before they were condemned by the Church? Are all the good people and holy priests who do not believe in Garbandal insulting the Blessed Mother? There are valid concerns and reasons to not believe in Garabandal, and a reasonable person can choose not to believe it without insulting her. Mike G
Mike, I see you were accused of being me. Glenn Hudson really believes he knows if all. LOL
Everyone, read the arrogance and power hungry Glenn Hudson in action from MOG forum. This is what he said...
"I am not allowing this thread to be turned into a battleground of hatred like the other one. Mike G, you are on notice , as I am an Administrator here. You have posted NOTHING on any other thread , you have not contributed one positive or constructive thought or idea on any other topic on this forum. You have made your intentions here crystal clear. We get it ,you don't believe in Garabandal, that's fine , you have turned a blind eye to every single piece of information provided, which shows us you have no real interest in discussion, just spreading discontent here. Don't bother posting here, I have informed Padraig that I will delete all your posts on this thread from now on. I have no further interest in anything you have to say here. Goodbye and good luck come the Warning."
Mike did nothing but question contradictions and because he was shown up, he threatens Mike with being deleted.
I am too a member on that 'fantasy' forum. But as I have seen so many people get banned all because they show contradictions, I watch quietly for now.
Glenn Hudson, you can fool some but not all.
For those who think they are so wise,and deliberately offend the Mother of God ( and her messages ) with thier slander, remember what Saint Padre Pio said "I would undergo death an infinite number of times rather than deliberately offend the Lord."
Intersting that the prophecy about the three popes was made in the context of a response by the Blessed Virgin to a question referring to the alleged prophecies of St. Malachy, which is about how many popes there are until the END OF TIME. The Virgin answered that there are three more. Here is the excerpt from the book, She Went in Haste to the Mountain, page 119:
On the night of December 19th to the 20th, Wednesday to
Thursday, there was something very important, according to
the notes of Mr. Clapes Maymó:
«Conchita had an ecstasy from 3:15 to 5:15. It began in
her house. Mrs. Salisachs, Nati, her mother, and her
brother Serafín were present. She went out from the house,
went through the village, went up to the Cuadro and came
down backwards, went into the cemetery, to the house of
Mari Cruz . . .
During the ecstasy she was heard to say, Mercedes
(Salisachs) said that Saint Malachy had prophesied about the
Popes and that only two are left . . .
After the ecstasy, Conchita told us the Virgin's response:
After the present (John the 23rd) there were still three; after
that there would be no more.»
The Virgin was answering a question about how many popes until the END OF TIME, not an era. The exact quote from this vision was that "there would be no more." The context of the response makes a huge difference. Mike G
P.S. - Actually the excerpt about the three popes is on pages 543-544 depending on which online version of the book is read. Mike G
to anonymous and Mike G. regarding Garabandal prophecies that were not fulfilled...I would like to write that the Vatican said that the pope in the third part of the secret of Fatima is r Saint John Paul II. Recall that in that secret the Holy Father was 'killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him' okay Saint John Paul II was shot on May 13, 1981 but not killed. So does that make Fatima false? Events didn't play out exactly as Our Lady told Lucia so should we consider Fatima to be false? My point is that details of Garabandal prophecies may not be exact, but we look forward to the warning and miracle just as we look forward to the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary as predicted by Our Lady of Fatima.
Father Andreu's body was exhumed in 1975 and found to be a skeleton. Conchita, in a letter dated August 2, 1964, wrote this to Father Ramon Andreu: “On July 18 (1964), I had a locution in which I was told that on the day after the miracle your brother (Fr. Luis Andreu) would be removed from his grave and his body would be intact.” (On September 14, 1965, Conchita said: “That is what the Blessed Virgin told me, in a locution, that Fr. Luis would be incorrupt, exactly as he was buried.”
The word "incorrupt" means "not having undergone corruption." The word "intact" means "not damaged, unscathed." The body has already been corrupted and damaged, so this prophecy has already failed. Conchita herself said the body was still incorrupt when she was interviewed shortly before he was exhumed and his body was found to be in a skeletal state. The body would have to be found "restored" on the day of the Miracle, not incorrupt. The Virgin would have said the body will be restored, not that it was incorrupt. Incorrupt means the body would have never been corrupted, and obviously Conchita interpreted it this way, according to her interview. Mike G
We all know Fatima is NOT false at all.
But there will be the death of a Bishop/Pope because this is what was said at Fatima. A true prophecy.
Now this is not a new revelation, this is spoken about in the Bible.
But 'a warning' is a new prophecy in which we know has to be false. Because as Catholics, we know there will be no more 'new' revelations as Jesus has already told us everything.
Anonymous at 9:57 AM
The Vatican (Cardinal Ratzinger and Cardinal Bertrone) in June 2000 said that John Paul II was the Pope spoken about in the Fatima secret. He was shot by Ali Agca on May 13, 1981 and by the hand of the Virgin Mary, he did not die. John Paul II was not shot by soldiers with arrows (as described in the Fatima secret), he was shot by one gunman. Do you see my point that prophecy is imperfect (See 1 Corinthians 13:9)? While you reject Garabandal because of imperfect prophecy, there are a significant number of people who look forward to the major prophetic elements of a warning and miracle. God gave warnings to the Egyptians in the form of plagues to let the Israelites go and so it is not inconceivable that He would give mankind some form of warning for people to believe in Him.
The question was presented, if they already dug up Fr. Luis Andreu’s body and it was decaying, does this negate the prophecy about he being found incorrupt ?
Digging up Fr. Luis Andreu's body in NO WAY invalidates the prediction, why ? Conchita, in a letter dated August 2, 1964, wrote this to Father Ramon Andreu (his brother) “On July 18 (1964), I had a locution in which I was told that on the day after the miracle your brother (Fr. Luis Andreu) would be removed from his grave and his body would be intact.” SO infact , the Blessed Mother said it would be " THE DAY AFTER THE MIRACLE ", NOT BEFORE ! The prophecy is still valid until then.
"Father Luis' brothers will LIVE to see the miracle."
..they are both now dead!
Deuteronomy 18:22
22 when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously, you need not be afraid of him.
What I find interesting and sad, is that for years the anonymous "detractors" screamed about Mary's being wrong about "the paralyzed boy who died" as the "battle cry" against the validity of Garabandal. NOW that the lie has been exposed NOT ONE of you had the humility to admit you were wrong, not Mary.
This is just like the Padre Pio case, when some time later it was discovered HE DID in fact see the Miracle before his death .
All answers are provided in God's time, not yours.
Who says St Pio saw any miracle?
Not the church. Only another of the many twisted truths by self proclaimed promoters.
Again there will be nothing 'official' on this matter, only a 'he said'.
I go by official church statements, not by 'promoters' who are speaking when the church said NOT TO.
PADRE PIO SEES THE MIRACLE BEFORE HIS DEATH & CONCHITA IS GIVEN GIFTS BY HIM.When Conchita found out Padre Pio died in Sept. 1968, she met his close friend, Father Bernardino Cennamo, at Lourdes, and asked him, "How is it that Our Lady told me Padre Pio would see the Miracle and he has died?" Father Cenammo responded, "Padre Pio saw the Miracle before he died. He told me himself."The priest gave Conchita one of the three veils that covered Padre Pio's face during his wake, saying that the stigmatist had requested this before he died. He told her truthfully that he personally did not believe in the authenticity of Garabandal until Padre Pio requested this of him. Conchita also was given Padre Pio's rosary, and one of the gloves he wore, stained by his stigmata. She has these treasures preserved at her home in New York.Padre Pio never ceased recommending pilgrims who asked him about Garabandal, to make a visit there.
Here was a miracle, announced 15 days in advance ! At about 1 am ,Conchita is in ecstasy, suddenly a host appears on her tongue ! There is a very large crowd present. Alejandro Damians with his borrowed movie camera, catches on film the instant the host appears. Here is the link to a video: (appears at the 2:45 mark )
From an interview in 1973 with Harry Daley in the book, "Miracle at Garabandal": Conchita — "Yes, she said that on the day after the Miracle he would be incorrupt; he is that now, but on that day they will open his grave and his body will be preserved intact."
She stated that his body will be PRESERVED INTACT, which means he will not have undergone any decomposition at all. "Preserved" means to "maintain the original state." The body has obviously undergone corruption and the original state of his body was not preserved. She also stated that Fr. Andreu "is that now" meaning she believed he was still incorrupt. He obviously wasn't because his body was exhumed in 1975 and found to be a skeleton. "Incorrupt" means not to have undergone decomposition. The body has already undergone decomposition, so the prophecy has already failed. Mike G
You can "twist " or try to interpret the Blessed Mothers words anyway YOU want, BUT SHE SAID " THE DAY AFTER ".
“ Conchita, I bless you and with me the whole church will bless you “.
Father Escalada explained his work in spreading the message of Garabandal in Mexico and the Pope Paul VI encouraged him to continue saying: "These messages must be made known." Father Escalada asked the Pope for his permission to continue promoting Garabandal and the Pope said “YES”. Pope Paul VI said :
"It is the most beautiful story of humanity since the days of Christ. It is like a second life of the Virgin on earth. And we can never be grateful enough for it."
When a Pope gives you a 'blessing' this does NOT mean he is giving any approvals at all.
Many people have been given Papal blessings, it doesn't make them prophets.
Mac, I see you are 'banned' from the motheofgod forum with 5 others!
Congratulations. It is a forum which takes delight in looking for 'more' than what God has already given us.
They are a people who search for more and enjoy following 'false' prophecy.
Frodo was wise in asking to be banned.
QOP, has said he wants to be banned as he has a bad taste about the forum. P hasn't yet!
SteveD banned. He too follows false prophecy and searches for fault in Our Holy Father all because of LTTW.
Jerry 'banned' has been there a long time, and I think was too sensible for the forum.
Fatima, 'banned' he thinks he has good discernment, but really believes so many. He too delights in new prophecy.
Many people are going to be very guilty in searching and putting new prophecy before God's words.
I feel very sorry for those gullible people there, but really, they should know if in doubt to contact the priest NOT a forum like that.
Mac, you are catholic that listens to the church and not heresy of prophecy. So really, you were never going to last for ever. You upset their fantasy.
Make no mistake, Glenn Hudson has been in P's ear. He wanted you gone as you show the truth about Garabandal and he doesn't like it!
Joey Lomangino's "The Message of Garabandal " video is online free in 26 languages !
Glenn H said...
You must understand what Conchita was referencing . When she was told that there would be 4 more popes, then it would be" the end of the times" this meant an "end of an era." The prophecy had nothing to do with the future number of popes, it was MARKING A PERIOD IN TIME. The reason it is the end is we are entering a new era, one which this generation will witness the "Warning, and the great "Miracle", and obviously a new pope. This new era will define history !
This is a nice cop out from the fact that Conchita told a Polish Jesuit that after the 3(actually 4) Popes there would be no more popes. To give testimony otherwise is to deceive the faithful. With the coming of the October Synod where the divorced and remarried will be allowed to receive communion under the Francis regime the mask will torn off and show what Francis, Maradiaga, and Kasper really are; destroyers of the Church. Then all will be forced to make a decision; stand with Christ or stand with the false christ and the false church as Father Gobbi has revealed (June 17, 1989).
I would love to see this "supposed" statement by Conchita,documented somewhere,is that possible ?
My Garabandal book in which Conchita gives her approval of "it's all in the books".
The alleged Virgin said there will be "3, no 4 more popes then NO MORE as one doesn't really count".
Would the Mother of God ever say one Pope doesn't count?
Of course not! They 'all' count.
Besides, this allege Virgin also said there will be NO MORE. hummm
Deuteronomy 18:22
22 when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously, you need not be afraid of him.
To use YOUR words, "NICE COP OUT "
first of all you failed to prove any proof of your "Polish priest "statement, not surprised.
Secondly I love they way you twist the words. Here is the quote"In response to one of her mother’s questions, Conchita responded that Our Lady had actually said that there would be four more Popes but that she was not counting one of them" SHE MEANING CONCHITA ,NOT MARY because of the short reign.
You keep trying to embarrass our Blessed Mother,I feel sorry for you.
Glenn Hudson, you conveniently leave out words....
Conchita said and confirmed again by saying it is ALL in the books..
The 'alleged' Virgin said "there will be 3, no 4 more Popes then NO MORE."
I will not and can not embarrass Our Lady.
But I can embarrass you Glenn buy proving you do not tell all the truth.
So there will be no more Popes after Benedict. Who is Francis?
He is Our Holy Father. So I believe it is best to listen to what God said, not any apparition that has not been condemned by the church.
Glenn, you put this 'alleged' apparition above God and our church!
Deuteronomy 18:22
22 when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously,
That has been condemned by the church, I was meant to say.
Mac, good to see you are back on the MOG forum. The more of us there that can see through the lies the better.
Just beware, P can read your PM's.
Oh Glenn, this must be bad news for you when you know you have people with good sense on the forum.
So here we go again, you don't provide any proof of your "Polish Priest statement " , you keep saying Garabandal is condemned ,and it has NEVER been ,and the Popes quote refers to "the end of the times" , NOT the end of the Popes. Mother Mary forgive them, for they know not what they do.
Conchita received a letter, dated February12, 2007, from Archbishop Carlos Sierra of Oviedo, then the acting Apostolic Administrator for the Diocese of Santander, which read:
“I want you to know that I am open to receiving and considering all information about Garabandal, and would like to continue—as long as our Holy Father wishes me to serve as Apostolic Administrator—the work that my brothers at the Bishopric have already done in reference to this subject. What I have just done is authorize the priests to go to Garabandal and hold Holy Mass at the Parish, at any desired time, and to administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation to anyone that wishes to receive it. I am sure the next Bishop will promote further studies to examine in depth the Garabandal events and will send the findings to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome. I respect apparitions and have known of authentic conversions. How can we not always feel the need to open our heart to our Mother Mary to tell her that we need her protection, her help, her courage, her hope, her faith and her love when faced with these events! I encourage you to keep maintaining such devotion toward our Mother”.
I can understand an individual choosing to believe or not believe in an alleged apparition site and stating so in public.
What I fail to understand are people who set the up in the role as Public Prosecutor and Crusader against one, such as Garabandal. To paraphrase Jesus in the Gospels, who appointed you as Judge and policeman of these phenomena?
Again to paraphrase Rabbi Gamaliel in Acts, that which is of God will stand , that which is of man will fall. Be careful less you find yourself in opposition to God. .
By the way I have always thought posting on the internet anonymously was a cowardly act and of itself shows the moral bankruptcy of those who do so.
Padraig, I would like to through the question back at you...
Padraig, who appointed you as Judge and policeman of these phenomena?
You publicly say that Mary speaks to you and tells you what is true.
What hog wash.
The only reason I don't give my true identity is because I am on the MOG forum. I have seen what happens when people don't believe in certain apparitions.
So I am just sitting tight and going with the flow at the moment.
For people who seem to know the word of God, can't hear him when he says...
Deuteronomy 18:22
22 when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously.
As my lovely wife just said. "If Garabandal prophecies were true and if they were so important for these times, why hasn't one of our popes publically pushed these messages?"
I suppose they wouldn't when 'all' the Bishop's have spoken against it with the support of the Vatican.
Jeremiah 23:21-22
I did not send the prophets,
yet they ran;
I did not speak to them,
yet they prophesied.
But if they had stood in my council, then they would have proclaimed my words to my people,
and they would have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings.
The problem with all would be detractors of Garabandalis they have no answers for this:
How do you explain ?
The documentation of over 2000 appearances of our Blessed Mother .
The video footage of the host appearing out of thin air on Conchita’s tongue with dozens of witnesses standing next to her, as Mary predicted 15 days earlier.
Thousands of photo’s ( and video proof ) of “ecstatic walks” forwards AND BACKWARDS on rocky cow paths, and FALLING BACKWARDS ON THEIR HEADS totally unharmed !
The girls in ecstasy unharmed and unfeeling by doctors poking them with needles, pinching them, burning them with matches, throwing sand in their eyes and shinning bright light trying to make them blink, and could not !
12 year old Girls in ecstasy being able to lift one another over their heads, BUT 2 men could not lift one girl up ?
The Blessed Mother voice was recorded, and a photo taken.
Dozens of rosaries, and religious objects placed on one table, in a pile, and after Mary kissed them, the girls ,WITHOUT LOOKING AT ANYONE , managed to return the item to its rightful owners ?
The public statements of support for the apparitions by notable Catholic leaders like Pope Paul VI, Saint John Paul II, Saint Padre Pio, Blessed" Mother Teresa, Saint Josemarie Escriva,
Saint Madre Maravillas, Blessed Maria Rafols & Mother Maria Naya, Bishop Joao Venancio , Bishop of Fatima,
Archbishop Manuel Pio López, of Jalapa (Mexico) , Mother Angelica, to name just some.
Mary’s insistence on Repentance, Confession, Mass, Communion, the Rosary, the brown scapular, all indicate that this was of God, for no other explanation is possible.
by Connie Hoebich Needles Magazine in Spring 1974
Conchita said, "The Blessed Virgin told me (during a two-hour apparition at the pines January 1, 1965) that a warning would be given before the miracle. The warning is a thing that comes directly from God. No one can escape it. It will be visible all over the world. We will feel it bodily and interiorly. The warning is like a chastisement, a terrifying thing for the good as well as for the wicked. It will be like a revelation of our sins. We shall see the consequences of the sins we have committed. God will send the warning to purify us so that we may better appreciate the miracle by which He clearly proves His love for us and hence His desire that we fulfill the message. The warning will draw the good closer to God and it will warn the wicked that the end of time is coming."
These statements make up a good synopsis of the warning. We’ll reflect on them and other expanding statements Conchita has made. Immediately, however, the question arises: Why so many details–what is Our Lady’s purpose in sketching this event so vividly before its occurrence? The purpose is at least three-fold:
1.The Authentication Factor–After we have experienced the warning, we will review the prophecy describing it. Point by point, the description of the warning, known and published years before it actually happened, will testify to the credibility of the apparitions and thus the message.
2.Preparation–As a personal experience, the warning will probably be the most awesome confrontation of our lives. Are we ready for it? Are we ready for the “terrifying thing” which is “a thousand times worse than earthquakes” which will make us prefer to be dead rather than suffer it? Are we ready to “see ourselves in the light of our sins?” These, especially the last, are stupendous pronouncements. How does one prepare? Our Lady said, “We have given you all that you need,” and her reference was to the message of Garabandal, a message, it must be noted, which re-states the constant teachings of the Church. These fearful details are provided by Our Lady to prompt us to make ready for the warning now through earnest, generous fulfillment of the message in our daily lives.
3.Consolation and Inspiration–Any thinking person is aware that the world is in great need of correction. It would seem that here, indeed, are at least the beginnings of the “difficult times” St. Paul spoke of, when “men will be in love with self, in love with money, boastful, abusive; without reverence for their parents, without gratitude, without scruple, without love, without peace; slanderers, incontinent … thinking rather of their pleasures than of God” (II Tim. 3:2-5). Further since, as Pope Paul observed recently, men seem to have lost the sense of sin, it would seem that nothing short of Divine intervention, can open men’s eyes, reform their hearts. The Garabandal warning promises to be understood by everyone as “from God,” “a correction of the conscience of the world.” This is a great consolation to all who are frightened and confused by widespread iniquity, who long for truth to be once again honored. I believe Our Lady also wishes that those so disposed render praise and thanksgiving to God now–even before the warning–for the consolation and inspiration the knowledge of it provides and for the great good it can be expected to achieve.
TO THE "ANONYMOUS" & HIS WIFE - All the Bishops DID NOT feel the same way. If you bothered to keep up with the current information I provided, the current Bishops feel quite different, now that the original hidden facts and testimonies have come out.
In April 2007, Joey Lomangino, received from Conchita a letter, dated 12 February 2007, she had herself received from Archbishop Carlos Sierra of Oviedo, then the acting Apostolic Administrator for the Diocese of Santander, which read: “I want you to know that I am open to receiving and considering all information about Garabandal, and would like to continue—as long as our Holy Father wishes me to serve as Apostolic Administrator—the work that my brothers at the Bishopric have already done in reference to this subject. What I have just done is authorize the priests to go to Garabandal and hold Holy Mass at the Parish, at any desired time, and to administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation to anyone that wishes to receive it. I am sure the next Bishop will promote further studies to examine in depth the Garabandal events and will send the findings to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome. I respect apparitions and have known of authentic conversions. How can we not always feel the need to open our heart to our Mother Mary to tell her that we need her protection, her help, her courage, her hope, her faith and her love when faced with these events! I encourage you to keep maintaining such devotion toward our Mother”.
" Focus on living the Message "
In 1965, at only 16 years of age(!), Conchita wrote to a Jesuit priest, Fr. Alba, "But, if we heed the Message, believing in the apparitions is of no importance."[Laffineur-Noseda, Fr. Materne and le Pelletier, M.T., Star On The Mountain . Our Lady Of Mount Carmel De Garabandal, Inc., 1992, p. 118]. Just as telling - and no doubt a source of embarrassment to those who follow Garabandal for lesser motives - is another comment, "To guess at dates regarding the [prophesied] Miracle shows a lack of faith in the Blessed Virgin."[Ibid., p. 143]. Indeed, the energies expended on this are so much better spent on living the Message!
In the same letter, Conchita emphasised a point that bears similar reflexion: "The Blessed Virgin affirmed here what she did at Lourdes and Fátima and not a single new thing."[François, Robert, op. cit., p. 57]. The Message remains the same. We are asked only to believe - to focus on living the Message - not to seek more spiritual fireworks (as if these three well-documented apparitions were not enough already!) or try to predict the fulfillment of God's plan.
Let us also recall Mari Loli's famous comment that "When in the presence of an angel and of a priest, I would greet the priest first and it is to the priest that I would bow first of all."[Laffineur-Noseda and le Pelletier, op. cit., p. 42].,Sightings of angels are rare. They can be seen only through an apparition. Priests are a bit easier to spot. Yet consider where the honour is given: to him who lives the Message, not he who bears it. Even more to the point, Mari Loli often has said "it is far better to go to Mass and receive Communion than to have an apparition."[Saraco, Maria C., "The Vigil". Pasadena, CA: St. Michael's Garabandal Center For Our Lady Of Carmel, Inc., Q1 1974].
Perhaps the best summation of this attitude is given by the late Fr. Laffineur again, who noted that the visionaries remain resolute that "The most important [thing] of all is the Message. All the rest, even the events that can be said to be miraculous, take place for one reason only…to give credit to the Message and to urge people to carry it out."[Laffineur-Noseda and le Pelletier, op. cit., p. 22].
The importance of this mandate cannot be overstated. The last thing any of us want to see come to fruition are the ominous words of Padre Pio, who, in a letter to the visionaries in 1962, perhaps all too presciently wrote, "They will believe when it is too late.'"
Glenn believes..."They will believe when it is too late.'"
When he promotes these words, he talks as if Garabandal prophecies are our salvation. If that was true, there are going to be many good people who it will be 'too late'.
My goodness, no Pope has promoted the prophecies of Garabandal. How will Pope John, Pope Paul, Pope John Paul, Pope JP 11, Pope Benedict and Pope Francis be judged? (Mind you according to this 'alleged' Virgin Pope JP doesn't count!)
What about all those people who have not even heard of Garabandal. (Lucky them, their minds haven't been exposed to think Jesus doesn't come in mercy)
Apart from the fact there are too many prophecies that did not come true to prove it 'false'.
If it were true, it is false because...
It is only obedience to the words of the Gospel that will save us. Not anything else.
So Glenn Hudson, stop preaching something as if it is saving grace. We were told to preach the gospel, not any apparition!
Well Anonymous ( how sad you don't possess any courage to tell me your real name), anyhow did you know LYING is a sin ?
Your first lie is that I am equating this to "salvation", I am not. I am just trying to prepare those who may have never heard of these prophecies,for what WILL happen in the Warning & Miracle. Second lie is I never said for the "good people" it will be too late, PADRE PIO SAID THIS ABOUT THOSE WHO DO NOT LISTEN ...LIKE YOU !
Third lie, I have 3 Popes who backed Garabandal (all have met the at least one visionary). Pope Paul VI, Pope Benedict XVI, and SAINT John Paul II !
The Church has always taken the events of Garabandal seriously. Conchita Gonzalez, twice has been summoned to Rome. The first time was in January, 1966, when she was called there by Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani, prefect of the Holy Office (now called the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) where she was interrogated by members of the Holy Office. It was during this trip that she was received by His Holiness Pope Paul VI in a private audience. And it is an incontrovertible fact that he told the visionary, "I bless you and with me the whole Church blesses you." It was also during this trip to Italy for Conchita that she went to San Giovanni Rotondo where she was warmly received by Padre Pio.
Father Escalada explained his work in spreading the message of Garabandal in Mexico and the Pope Paul VI encouraged him to continue saying: "These messages must be made known." Father Escalada asked the Pope for his permission to continue promoting Garabandal and the Pope said “YES”. Pope Paul VI said :
"It is the most beautiful story of humanity since the days of Christ. It is like a second life of the Virgin on earth. And we can never be grateful enough for it."
Pope John Paul II - ON Garabandal
There is a book on Garabandal, written by Albrecht Weber in 1993, entitled Garabandal Der Zeigefmger Gottes (Garabandal: The Finger of God), of which a first edition copy was presented to Pope John Paul II. He later asked his secretary, Fr. (now Archbishop) Stanislaus Dziwisz, to write to the author. In the subsequent printing (2000) of the book, on page 19, a portion of the Pope's message is reprinted, as follows:"May God reward you for everything. Especially for the deep love with which you are making the events connected with Garabandal more widely known. May the Message of the Mother of God find an entrance into hearts before it is too late. As an expression of joy and gratitude, the Holy Father gives you his apostolic blessing."Weber writes, "From the attached greeting in the Pope's own handwriting, with his signature, it is clear how deep an interest he has in the events of Garabandal, and how anxious he is that they should be made known in a credible way."
On July 23, 1988, during a special general audience with the Pope at the Vatican ... "special" because it was held on Saturday, rather than the usual Wednesday... Father Robert introduced Garabandal Visionary Mari-Loli and family to him. Father Robert who was holding 7 year old Maria Dolores, one of the three Lafleur children, said to the Pope: "Your Holiness, a special blessing for your littlest children who come on behalf of The Blessed Virgin from Garabandal." Our Holy Father exclaimed "Garabandal!". . . And immediately kissed Maria Dolores.
I used to believe in Garabandal, Bayside,Medjugorje and a few others,but in retrospect these new revelations contradict scripture.There is nothing in holy scripture describing a warning or chastisement before the end,There is mention though in St Faustinas diary of all lights in the sky being extinguished and a cross appearing.This is not at the pines or Medjugorje but in the sky
In studying some new age religion and prophecy there is an odd +Benjamin crème statement about the Maitreya day of declaration when he reveals himself to all. This is very concernng
Maitreya will be invited by the international media to speak directly to the entire world through the television networks linked together by satellites. On this Day of Declaration, we will see his face on the television screen wherever we have access. The biblical statement, 'All eyes will see him,' will be fulfilled, in the only way in which it can be fulfilled. We will see his face, but he will not speak. His thoughts, his ideas, his call to humanity for justice, sharing, right relationships and peace, will take place silently, telepathically. Each of us will hear him inwardly in our own language. In this way, he will re-enact on a worldwide scale the true happenings of Pentecost 2,000 years ago...In celebration of this event, Pentecost will become one of the major festivals of the New World Religion which, eventually, Maitreya will inaugurate." [Crème 24]
"You have come home to me. The bread and wine hold within
Why is Maitreya being named here ,on a Garabandal page ? Shouldn't this be on this page:
In a lesser known story, that is attached to 3 days of Mary's predictions, December 6-9 ,1962 is one I love to tell. Some here might know the story (most do not ) that Conchita was being investigated by a Dr. Pinar, another Commission "hatchet-man " sent to debunk the apparitions. He and another “Commission doctor“, Dr. Morales tried to HYPNOTISE CONCHITA, TO GET HER TO ADMIT SHE WAS A FRAUD ! Now no one knows for sure why or how they got Conchita to sign a piece of paper saying she was a fraud, BUT THE BLESSED MOTHER TOLD CONCHITA THIS “LETTER WILL DISAPPEAR ON THE DAY OF THE MIRACLE !
“She (Conchita ) also predicted the same day, “the disappearance (on the day of the Miracle) , of the note Dr. Pinal had forced her to sign, in Santandar, saying that her apparitions were frauds, and that she was mad “ !
[From 'Garabandal' Book, pages 160-161]
Here is direct testimony from the Brigadier Civil Guard Juan Seco, assigned by the Commission, telling of this travesty !
“The priests and physicians, members of the "Special Commission" questioned the visionary every day at Santander. Verbally jostled about, even threatened to be sent to "a house for the mentally ill," she was forbidden to receive Communion, to go to confession and to attend Mass. Instead, she was taken to the beach and
the movies. They were hoping to dissuade her from returning to her village.
Doctor Pinal tried to hypnotize Conchita to "find out the magic fluid from which she held her power of suggestion over her little playmates," 'concluding' that this was coming . . . from her braids! The girl ended up by "acknowledging" that she had not seen the Blessed Virgin, but she did not swear not having seen her.”
Anonymous , laugh now, you wont be laughing at the Warning.
Glenn,it is possible that the warning may actually be the advent of Maitreya,the false Christ.
Is that Dr Pinal or pineal? *wink wink
Anonymous asked:is possible that the warning may actually be the advent of Maitreya,the false Christ ?
NO ! The Warning is an illumination of your sins of your soul by God.
Sorry Glenn,there is absolutely nothing scriptural about this. True St Faustina and other saints have had experiences where they have been supernaturally enlightened,yet there is NOTHING in the bible where there is a global event where humanity sees its sins and given the chance to convert.
The bible actually confirms that the wheat and tares will grow together until harvest time.
I'm not sure who I'm talking to anymore here with all the "Anonymous's " but I never said Garabandal prophecies were scriptural,BUT, neither does the Bible talk about reading souls, stigmatas, bilocation,and foreseeing the future ( as Padre Pio had and as many saints have ,accurately )
but that doesn't mean it isn't true,or won't happen.
Glenn,the wheat and tares grow together until the harvest.(end of the world) The time of mercy is NOW as anyone can seek His divine mercy.
Joey Lomangino is dead. May he rest in peace. Garabandal is now officially down the drain. Wonder if Glenn Hudson will apologize to all he misled and insulted over the years.
Worry to hear Joey has died. May God have mercy on him.
As I showed.
Jeremiah 23:21-22
I did not send the prophets,
yet they ran;
I did not speak to them,
yet they prophesied.
Deuteronomy 18:22
22 when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously,
I meant to say "Sorry" to hear Joey died. Not worry. ooops
Garabandal is not "down the drain " as another anonymous so crassly said. First of all, while Joey's death is tragic (and sadly good news to his detractors here ) it does not mean it will prevent GOD from performing the Warning, Miracle, & Chastisement.
Secondly, ONLY the Vatican can render a final judgment as to when it is over and since they know the date of the Miracle,and it has not passed yet, they will hold judgment until that day passes. Third , I have no one to apologize to until final judgment, and because you are "anonymous" , right ?
Found news on the web that Joey Lomangino has passed away. RIP.
Glenn Hudson. You are really full of spiritual pride.
What a cope out to say Vatican can render a final judgment until this 'alleged' miracle.
This is a lie to start with as they have spoken.
And the other thing, because there is going to be no such miracle at the pines I would suggest this unfulfilled prophecy with linger to the end of the time, as it will NEVER happen.
Glenn Hudson STOP saying the church has not made any decisions.
Statement by Bishop Msgr. Jose Vilaplaua of Santander on alleged apparitions at Garabandal
"Some people have been coming directly to the Diocese of Santander (Spain) asking about the
alleged apparitions of Garabandal and especially for the answer about the position of the hierarchy of the Church concerning these apparitions.
I need to communicate that:
1. All the bishops of the diocese since 1961 through 1970 agreed that there was no supernatural
validity for the apparitions.
2. In the month of December of 1977 Bishop Dal Val of Santander, in union with his predecessors,
stated that in the six years of being bishop of Santander there were no new phenomena.
3. The same bishop, Dal Val, let a few years go by to allow the confusion or fanaticism to settle
down, and then he initiated a commission to examine the apparitions in more depth. The conclusion of the commission agreed with the findings of the previous bishops. That there was no supernatural validity to such apparitions.
4. At the time of the conclusions of the study, in 1991, I was installed bishop in the diocese. So during my visit to Rome, the ad limina visit which happened in the same year, I presented to the
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith the study and I asked for pastoral direction concerning
this case.
5. On Nov. 28, 1992, the Congregation sent me an answer saying that after examining the
documentation, there was no need for direct intervention (by the Vatican) to take away the
jurisdiction of the ordinary bishop of Santander in this case. Such a right belongs to the ordinary.
Previous declarations of the Holy See agree in this finding. In the same letter they suggested that if
I find it necessary to publish a declaration, that I reconfirm that there was no supernatural validity in the alleged apparitions, and this will make a unanimous position with my predecessors.
6. Given that the declarations of my predecessors who studied the case have been clear and unanimous, I don’t find it necessary to have a new public declaration that would raise notoriety about something which happened so long ago. However, I find it necessary to rewrite this report as a direct answer to the people who ask for direction concerning this question, which is now final: I agree with [and] I accept the decision of my predecessors and the direction of the Holy See.
7. In reference to the Eucharistic celebration in Garabandal, following the decision of my predecessors, I ruled that Masses can be celebrated only in the parish church and there will be no
references to the alleged apparitions and visiting priests who want to say Mass must have approval from the pastor, who has my authorization. It’s my wish that this information is helpful to you.”
My regards in Christ,
+Jose Vilaplana
Bishop of Santander
For those who may be interested, I just wrote a article about the passing of Joey Lomangino here:
The passing of Joey Lomangino, the well known promoter of Garabandal
Best wishes and may God bless you and your loved ones,
-Glenn Dallaire
To answer the collective "anonymous's . First I do not have spiritual pride, I have SEEN and LIVED through countless MIRACLES from the medal Mary kissed. I have WITNESSED countless conversions & healings ,and good fruits from this apostolate. I HAVE NO DOUBT THAT THE WARNING ,MIRACLE & CHASTISEMNET WILL HAPPEN. Joey's existence does not prevent God from fulfilling those prophecies,and maybe someday we will understand what happened, just now now.
Again ,there has been NO FINAL Judgment because we have written recods of the current Santandar Bishop's office REQUESTION INFORMATION FOR AN ONGOING INVESTIGATION. POpe Benedict XVI REQUESTED ALL THE WRITTINGS OF FR, LAFFENUER, and was an avid reader of Garabandal books.
Carlos Sierra of Oviedo, then the acting Apostolic Administrator for the Diocese of Santander, which read:
“I want you to know that I am open to receiving and considering all information about Garabandal, and would like to continue—as long as our Holy Father wishes me to serve as Apostolic Administrator—the work that my brothers at the Bishopric have already done in reference to this subject. What I have just done is authorize the priests to go to Garabandal and hold Holy Mass at the Parish, at any desired time, and to administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation to anyone that wishes to receive it. I am sure the next Bishop will promote further studies to examine in depth the Garabandal events and will send the findings to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome. I respect apparitions and have known of authentic conversions. How can we not always feel the need to open our heart to our Mother Mary to tell her that we need her protection, her help, her courage, her hope, her faith and her love when faced with these events! I encourage you to keep maintaining such devotion toward our Mother”.
Sorry Glenn Hudson,
With the long line of people that were meant to see this 'alleged' miracle and warning are now DEAD. It is impossible to be true.
You being a promoter can not let go because of 'Spiritual Pride'
You ignore what God said..
Deuteronomy 18:22
22 when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously,
I would be glad to be categorized with the others of "spiritual pride" Saint Pio, Saint John Paul ,Saint Escriva, Pope Paul VI, Blessed Mother Teresa. Please don't forget to insult them too, we all believed the same thing.
Remember those who judge,will be judge.
Well "Anonymous" I guess we won't be hearing from you anymore now,because Joey is dead,and you said so is this apparition now.
I on the other hand will continue to be here, because THIS IS A PAGE FOR GARABANDAL APPARTIONS & ITS BELIEVERS.
Bye now.
For you Glenn Hudson and anyone who promote this prophecy.
Jeremiah 23:21-22
“I did not send the prophets,
yet they ran;
I did not speak to them,
yet they prophesied.
But if they had stood in my council, then they would have proclaimed my words to my people,
and they would have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings.
Mary sent me, Joey, & Padre Pio ! Thank you blessed Mother , I am undeserving of such company.
Unfortunately it is you ,not Joey who is blind. For we have
" seen " first hand thousands of healing & conversions through our Lady's messages and her kissed medal.
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