Visions of the Child Jesus in the lives of the Saints

Child Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary
Visions of the Child Jesus in the lives of the Mystic-Saints
-Beautiful and consoling stories of the Infant Jesus for the Christmas season!

By: Glenn Dallaire
Many of us have seen the holy cards or statues of Saints such as St Anthony and the young St Stanislaus Kostka for example, tenderly cradling the baby Jesus in their arms—but are we familiar with the beautiful true stories behind these depictions?

Some may be surprised to know that in fact many Saints and holy persons over the centuries have reported seeing the Child Jesus in visions, and what is even more consoling are the beautiful messages our Lord and the Blessed Virgin Mary chose to convey during these heavenly appearances.  In addition, a good number of Saints have actually held the Infant Jesus in their arms during their visions- a heavenly grace which quite understandably brought them an almost inconceivable joy.  So let us now explore some of these heartwarming stories.

St Rose of Lima with the Infant Jesus
St Rose of Lima (1586-1617, Mystic, Stigmatic, & Layperson)
From a very tender age, St Rose of Lima believed that everything was possible for those who have faith in God. Even as she was just learning to walk her mother and father noted her great interest and devotion to holy cards, statues, crucifixes etc.  By age 5, Rose wanted to learn how to read and write, but there was nobody who was free to help her. Her mother Maria had tried to do so, but soon grew tired and gave up. So the child decided to pray to the Child Jesus, saying to her mom:  “Since no one has time to teach me things, I am going to ask Jesus to do it. He can do anything can’t He?”
Thus in her childlike simplicity and candor, Rose began to recite the following prayer: “Oh Jesus, help me to know and to love You, and teach me to read and write.”

One day, Rose announced to her mother that she knew how to read and write. She told her mother that it was the Child Jesus who had taught her. Her mother was in disbelief but nevertheless Rose proved to her mother that she knew how to read by reading from a book about St. Catherine of Siena.  Just as Rose had said it was the Little Child Jesus who worked a wonderful miracle by teaching Rose Himself how to read and write, proving that with faith in God, everything is possible. 

But the Child Jesus was to work many more miracles through Rose. As Rose grew older so did her love for Jesus and also her neighbor. She had great compassion towards those who were sick.  She knew that by showing compassion to the sick, she was showing compassion to God.  Eventually, a room in her house was set aside for her to care for the poor and sick in her area. It became known as  “The Infirmary” and the entire community knew that they could count on Rose’s charity, as she did not refuse to help anyone, no matter how sickening or contagious their disease might be.  In time, a number of people began reporting that they had been cured at “The Infirmary” , claiming that it was after Rose’s  little statue of the Child Jesus had touched them. Rose herself called the little statue, “The Little Doctor.”

"See, oh see how I love Thee!
Towards the end of her short life—for Jesus called Rose to heaven at age 31—she received yet another great grace from the Child Jesus.  She, like a handful of other Saintly woman over the centuries, was to be espoused to the King of Eternal Glory even while still living in this vale of sorrow. The great day of her mystical betrothal to the God of Heaven and earth was on Palm Sunday a few years before her death.

On that day Rose, who was a member of the Third Order of St Dominic, was with the other Tertiaries  the Church of Santo Domingo assisting at the solemn services. The sacristan distributed the waving palm branches, but somehow missed Rose. When the procession had formed, the saintly maiden took her usual place and modestly accompanied the others, humbling herself before God and accusing herself of having too eagerly desired the palm branch. So when she came before the miraculous statue of the Queen of the Rosary she begged for pardon. Then the figure of the Blessed Virgin Mary with Child became animated and smiled upon the humble Rose.

Rose, touched to the very depths of her soul by this kindness, cried out : “Nevermore, O dearest Lady, will I take a palm branch from the hands of man, for You, O Palm of Virgins, will give me a never fading one!”
The Blessed Virgin then turned to the Child Jesus and asked a favor; then suddenly Rose experienced a thrill of holy joy, and ecstatic emotion filled her inmost soul, as the Divine Infant spoke these words to her : “Rose of My heart, be My spouse!”

With a heart over-flowing with love and tender gratitude, and overwhelmed by a realization of the greatness of the favor and of her own unworthiness, she humbly bowed her head, giving vent in tears of thankfulness to the great joy that came over her, while she promised eternal fidelity to her beloved Jesus.

(Head bandage covering the wounds of the crown of thorns)
Marie Rose Ferron (1902-1936, American Mystic, Stigmatic & Layperson)
Marie Rose Ferron, affectionately known as “Little Rose”, grew up in Massachusetts and later moved to Rhode Island. At the age of six, Marie Rose had already had a vision of the Child Jesus. "I saw Him with a cross," she said, "and He was looking at me with sadness in His eyes."  Seeing this vision, she knew deep in her heart that the Child Jesus wanted her to help Him carry His cross. From that day forward, Marie Rose offered all of her sacrifices and sufferings in union with Jesus.  

Years after this vision, someone kindly gave Marie Rose a statue of the Child Jesus carrying a Cross and upon seeing it her heart leapt with joy.  Soon afterwards she said to one of her spiritual directors named Father Leonard: "Have you noticed the statue of the Child Jesus carrying his cross?" And pointing to the statue of the Child Jesus carrying a Cross: “I see Him often as he is here represented. I speak to Him and He speaks to me; this statue however, is but a poor representation of what I actually see."

Called to be a victim soul and confined to her bed from the age of 14 until her death at age 33, Rose received the stigmata and also the crown of thorns, and was gifted with countless ecstasies. But one of the most beautiful things for the lucky persons present to behold was Rose’s face and voice when, in ecstasy,  Jesus would ask her to sing to Him.  Often in her humility or in her great sufferings Rose would not want to sing, but Jesus would always win the day, because Little Rose loved Him so very much, she would sing to Him to please Him. Oh, what a most beautiful  thing to hear and behold! –A young woman, enraptured and singing innocently to her Jesus from her bed of suffering and love!  How well the title of one of the books about Marie Rose sums up her holy life: “For love of Jesus and for love of Souls- The life of Marie Rose Ferron”

Teresa of Avila with Child Jesus
St. Teresa of Avila (1515-1582, Mystic & Stigmatic)
St. Teresa of Jesus (Teresa of Avila) often meditated upon the great humility of Jesus in His Incarnation, and she always traveled with her statue of the Infant Jesus when she was establishing new convents.  She is believed to be responsible for an increased devotion to the Child Jesus in Spain during and after her holy lifetime.
Her devotion to the Infant Jesus was established after a very edifying incident.  One day Teresa of Avila was coming down the steps of her convent when she saw a beautiful young boy. The Child spoke to her and said: "Who are you?"
So Teresa answered: "I am Teresa of Jesus and who are you?"
The Child answered with a play of words: "I am Jesus of Teresa!" and then He disappeared.  But He would appear to her many, many times afterwards, but mostly as the suffering Jesus (in His adult manhood) to encourage her to sacrifice and suffer in union with Him on the Cross for the conversion of sinners.

St. Catherine of Bologna (1413–1463, Mystic)
As a young nun, Catherine de’ Vigri was given many visions; in one of them, Jesus came alive on the crucifix when she was praying before it while alone in her cell. But in one of her most beloved visions, she was given to see the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Child Jesus. It happened on one Christmas Eve while she was praying; the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to Catherine, holding in Her arms the baby Jesus. Referring to herself in the third person, Catherine wrote: 
“This kind mother came to her and gave her Son to her… Trembling with respect, but even more overcome with joy, she took the liberty of caressing Him, of pressing Him against her heart and bringing His face to her lips… Then He disappeared, leaving her filled with joy.”

St. Anthony of Padua (1195- 1231, Mystic) 
Count Tiso who had a castle about 11 miles from Padua, Italy. On the grounds of the castle the count had provided a chapel and a hermitage for the friars.
Anthony often went there toward the end of his life and spent time praying in one of the hermit cells.

One night, his little cell suddenly filled up with light. Jesus appeared to Anthony in the form of a tiny child. Passing by the hermitage, the count saw the light shining from the room and St. Anthony holding and communicating with the infant. The count fell to his knees upon seeing this wondrous sight. And when the vision ended, Anthony saw the count kneeling at the open door. Anthony begged Count Tiso not to reveal what he had seen until after his death. 

St Faustina Kowalska
St Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938, Mystic)  
In her diary, St Faustina wrote on February 2, 1936, “…when Mass began, a strange silence and joy filled my heart. Just then I saw Our Lady with the Infant Jesus… The most holy Mother said to me, ‘Take my Dearest Treasure,’ and she handed me the Infant Jesus. When I took the Infant Jesus in my arms, the Mother of God and Saint Joseph disappeared. I was left alone with the Infant Jesus” (Diary, 608)

"...I suddenly saw the Infant Jesus standing by my kneeler and holding on to it with His two little hands. Although He was but a little Child, my soul was filled with awe and fear, for I see in Him my Judge, my Lord, and my Creator, before whose holiness the Angels tremble. At the same time, my soul was flooded with such unspeakable love that I thought I would die under its influence (Diary, 566).

".. I saw the Infant Jesus near my kneeler. He appeared to be about one year old, and He asked me to take Him in my arms. When I did take Him in my arms, He cuddled up close to my bosom and said, "It is good for Me to be close to your heart. ... Because I want to teach you spiritual childhood. I want you to be very little, because when you are little, I carry you close to My Heart, just as you are holding Me close to your heart right now" (Diary, 1481).

On Christmas Eve, December 24, 1937,  St. Faustina writes of one of her many visions with the Christ Child:
"When I arrived at Midnight Mass, from the very beginning I steeped myself in deep recollection, during which time I saw the stable of Bethlehem filled with great radiance. The Blessed Virgin, all lost in the deepest of love, was wrapping Jesus in swaddling clothes, but Saint Joseph was still asleep. Only after the Mother of God put Jesus in the manger did the light of God awaken Joseph, who also prayed. But after a while, I was left alone with the Infant Jesus who stretched out His little hands to me, and I understood that I was to take Him in my arms. Jesus pressed His head against my heart and gave me to know, by His profound gaze, how good He found it to be next to my heart." (Diary of St. Faustina, 1442).

St Gemma's child Jesus shrine- Gemma would place her letters to her priest-spiritual director beneath this shrine and her guardian Angel would take the letters and deliver them, placing them atop his desk in Rome, some 225 miles away.
St Gemma Galgani’s Christmas vision of the Child Jesus
On Christmas day, Dec 25, 1902 St Gemma (1878-1902, Mystic, Stigmatic, Victim Soul) writes to her spiritual director Father Germanus:
 "Yesterday evening at midnight Mass [Christmas], when the priest came to the Offertory part of the Mass, I saw Jesus, Who offered me as a victim to the Eternal Father. I was very happy. He pressed me to Himself; then He led me to our Mother and presented me to her, saying:
"This dear daughter of mine you must regard as a daughter of My Passion”. Father, my heart still continues its violent palpitations." 

The Child Jesus appears again to Gemma (This is a letter from Saint Gemma to her Confessor, Monsignor Giovanni Volpi, the auxiliary Bishop of Lucca) 
"Monsignor,Yesterday evening in the usual hour of vigil, a curious thing happened to me: scarcely had I begun to make it [the holy hour] then suddenly my head took off and I seemed to have in my arms a beautiful child of three; He kissed me and caressed me and asked me whether I knew Him and whether I loved Him. I embraced Him ardently and told Him that I loved Him very much. He told me that if I wished to be all His that He would espouse me. I was very happy....."

The baby Jesus appears another time to Gemma 

Monsignor, [Giovanni Volpi]

In order to obey Father Gaetano, I must tell you something which happened to me a few days ago. One evening while I was writing, I heard my name called. I turned and saw a Lady with a Child in her arms. She held the Baby out to me and I took Him. Then the Lady said to me, 
"You, daughter, have received your health back, and therefore, I wish that you serve my Son in the Passionist Order." Having said these words, She took the Child, blessed me, looked at me, and then when She had taken some steps, turned to me again and said: "You are to tell your Confessor that what he has refused to you, he must not refuse to Me, because I am the Queen of Heaven. I have asked you to join the Company of Passionists, and you should do what I have asked of you." 

Then, after She had said these words the Lady went away.

After this I did nothing but weep all night, because I have no one willing to help me in this matter. I feel, however, now, that since the Madonna has commanded me, she is going to help me. I have made a resolution to go to the convent on my own responsibility. The Most Holy Virgin will sustain me. I could go away just as I am, without any preparation. I will be glad to make any sacrifice to enter the Passionists. For this is a command from the Madonna and I ought to obey.

Bless me.

-Those interested in reading about St Gemma's Child Jesus shrine and the miraculous angelic letter deliveries can read more here.

St. Agnes of Montepulciano (1268- 1317, Mystic)
On one August 15th, that is, the night of the Feast of the Assumption, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to her holding the Child Jesus.  She encouraged Agnes to continue suffering for the love of Christ – as she had been sick practically all of her holy life. In the vision, the Mother of God gave St Agnes the infant Jesus to hold, and as she cradled our Lord, she noticed that the Christ Child wore a small golden crucifix; when she woke from her ecstasy she found that she was holding the small gold crucifix which the Christ child had been wearing in the vision.

-St. Nicholas of Tolentino (1245-1305, Wonder worker) was devoted to rigorous practices of fasting and abstinence, as well as long periods of the day devoted to praying with others and private prayer. He believed in the power of prayer and sacrifice especially for the souls in Purgatory.  At times, Nicholas devoted himself to prayer and works of penance with such intensity that it was necessary for his superiors to impose limitations on him. At one point he was so weakened though fasting that he was encouraged in a vision of Mary and the child Jesus to eat a piece of bread signed with the cross and soaked in water to regain his strength. Thereafter he followed this practice in ministering to the sick himself. In his honor the custom of blessing and distributing the "Bread of Saint Nicholas" in continued by the Augustinians in many places today.

-Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824, Mystic & Stigmatic) had many visions of the Child Jesus. In one in particular He offered her two crowns—one of thorns and the other of roses. She immediately chose the one of thorns so as to be like her Jesus.  

-Osanna of Mantua, Italy  (1449-1505,Mystic & Stigmatic) at age 5 had a vision of the Child Jesus who appeared to be about the same age as her--He was carrying a cross, looking at her and smiling kindly.

-St. Gerard Majella (1726-1755) Once as a young child Gerard was praying before a statue of the Blessed Virgin of Mary in the Church. Suddenly, the Child Jesus came alive in His Mother’s arms and gave St. Gerard a piece of bread to eat. The bread emitted a heavenly fragrance. St. Gerard would often share this story with others, with the greatest naturalness, as if these miraculous events happened to everyone else in the world.

Venerable Margaret Parigot
Venerable Sister Margaret Parigot –The little spouse of the Child Jesus (1619-1648, Mystic)
“The wonders of My Infancy will be resplendent in you. I have chosen you to honor My Infancy and the mysteries of Bethlehem and of Nazareth.” –Jesus in a vision to Ven. Sr. Margaret Parigot

At age five, Margaret Parigot received her first of many visions of the Child Jesus.  But it was when she became a Carmelite nun that Jesus revealed to her that saw was chosen by Jesus to honor His infancy and childhood.  She confided this fact to the novice mistress, Mary of the Trinity, of Quatrebarbes, stating:

“The holy Child Jesus keeps me constantly intent on the moment of His holy birth, and He has made me concentrate on the first twelve years of His childhood in such a way that He has given them to me within a wall and an outwork beyond which He does not permit me to venture.”

This mission, therefore, was to be the grand, unique occupation of Margaret's life; and her entire existence was to love and honor Jesus' infancy and childhood. 

For years these divine favors remained within the confines of the Carmelite community of Beaune, but after 1638 great changes took place. The Child Jesus called Margaret to work actively for the salvation of souls; He revealed to her that in His divine infancy she was to find the means of obtaining the mercy of the Father. At the same time He told her the way of honoring His holy infancy from the moment of His incarnation until his twelfth year was through a project that He communicated to her to have as its title: «The family of the Child Jesus.»  telling her:
“I wish you to institute an association of which I will inspire the rules. . . this association will be My family, the Family of the Infant Jesus, this is the title you shall give it. (- Jesus in a vision to Venerable Margaret)

Following these directives, Margaret, beginning on March 24, 1636 founded together the “Household and Associates of the Child Jesus” which together formed the “Family of the Child Jesus”. The associates were to celebrate the 25th of every month in memory of the Annunciation and of the Nativity, every day to recite the abbreviated rosary, called «the rosary, of the Holy Child», along with meditating on the birth of Jesus. The great devotion spread throughout the countryside of France, and was soon approved by the Pope, and was later instrumental in the spirituality of the great 20th century Doctor of the Church, the fellow Carmelite, St Therese of the Child Jesus.

St. Stanislaus Kostka (1550-1568) St Stanislaus was born in Poland in 1550. His father was a Polish senator and his family was a part of the Polish nobility.

As a child and later as a teenager, young Stanislaus was very devoted to his studies and to prayer. At the age of 14 he was sent along with his older brother Paul and Dr. John Bilinski, a traveling companion, to study at the Jesuit College in Vienna. 

At age 16, Stanislaus was struck with a very serious illness and was bedridden. He continued to get worse and what made this situation even worse is that Stanislaus had wanted very deeply to receive Holy Communion, but his Lutheran landlord named Kimburker, a Senator friend of his fathers, would not allow it in his house., because at that time anti-Catholic sentiment was high among the Lutherans in that area. As time progressed, Stanislaus felt as if he were dying, and he did not want to die without receiving Viaticum (Holy Communuion). He prayed fervently to his patron Saint, St Barbara, Virgin and Martyr, to obtain the grace of somehow being able to receive Holy Communion before he died.  

Later that night, he received a vision of his patron Saint Barbara, who appeared to him surrounded by a whole contingent of angels. Right after receiving Holy Communion, he then had  vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary and baby Jesus, and the Blessed Mother gave Her baby Jesus to Stanislaus to hold, and the Virgin Mary told Stanislaus that it was Jesus' will for him to become a Jesuit. When he came out of the ecstasy, he found that he was completely healed. Upon his recovery, for the next few years he pursued his calling to become a Jesuit, and at age 17 he completed enough studies and preparation to be accepted into the Jesuit Order, and to demonstrate his determination, Stanislaus walked the 350 miles to Rome (which included crossing the Alps) and there the Jesuit superior general St. Francis Borgia accepted him as a Jesuit. 

On August 9, 1568, Stanislaus became very ill with a fever. To those around him he predicted he would soon die, and he then wrote a letter to the Virgin Mary asking that he be in heaven on the feast day of her Assumption on Aug. 15, just six days away. And so it was that at age 18 his mission on this earth was completed, and Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary called Stanislaus to Themselves on the great Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, August 15, 1568.

St Therese of Lisieux (1873-1897) -known in religion as St Therese of the Child Jesus, once had a special grace (perhaps a vision?) from the Child Jesus on Christmas Eve, 1886, just a few days before her 14th birthday. It was an experience which she ever after referred to as "my conversion" and it left a profound influence on her life. Here are her own words which she wrote in her autobiography "A Story of a Soul" which describe the very special event:

"On that blessed night the sweet infant Jesus, scarcely an hour old, filled the darkness of my soul with floods of light. By becoming weak and little for love of me, He made me strong and brave: He put His own weapons into my hands so that I went on from strength to strength, beginning, if I may say so, 'to run as a giant." 

The battle for souls -The mystic saints vs. the demons

St Wolfgang versus the devil
The battle for souls -Stories of the attacks of the demons against modern day mystic saints

"....And to keep me from being too elated by the abundance of revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a Angel of Satan to beat me, to keep me from being too exalted." 
-St Paul to the Corinthians  [2 Corinthians 12:7]

The primary mission of the mystics is to be victim souls—that is, they are especially called by God to suffer in union with Jesus for the conversion of souls. It is a spiritual battle for souls between God and the demons, where the victim soul is essentially the “battle ground”, and the stakes is the conversion of many persons who are at that moment in the hands of the devil. 

For the majority of us, the devil and his demons prefer to wage a silent, hidden war, primarily because it is through this method that the demons stand the best chance of tempting and deceiving us, for if we physically saw a demon in its efforts to tempt and lead us to sin, we would be absolutely horrified by its hideous appearance and would in fact be strengthened in our resolutions against sin and evil deeds. So  it is in our daily lives that most of us are subjugated to unseen temptations and attacks by the demonic spirits--but in the lives of certain mystics, God allows the malignant spirits to use open warfare.  

“War! War against you and your spiritual director!”
When it comes to the mystic Saints however, there is much more at stake than one individual soul, for it is the victim soul who, through their mystical union with Jesus on the Cross, actually snatches souls out of Satan’s hands. And with the victim soul, the devil is met with resolute resistance from the one who has offered him/herself in union with Jesus for the conversion of sinners; and with the prospect of losing souls in his grasp, and unable to make the victim soul sin in any serious way, he takes the most fearful vengeance against them, using all the powers of hell in a demonic torrent of attacks in countless forms, all in an effort to cause the victim soul to despair and lose their trust and love for God.

So it is that in the case of many mystics, the battle with the demons is not hidden one but it is in fact open warfare. And this open battle is permitted by God to manifest to everyone the reality of both the devil and hell, which unfortunately many today try to disclaim the existence of.  For the devil and the demons are very much a reality, and in their dealings with God's mystic saints they show themselves in the most horrid and undisguised perversities of their vicious and corrupt nature, in the wicked hope of snatching from Christ the souls He loves, and for whom He has paid such a high a price in the shedding of His Precious Blood.  

These battles between the demons and the victim souls are often epic, and terrible to witness or to even read of.   Just one of many examples we will document below be that of St Gemma Galgani, who died in 1903. The devil, in the form of either a hideous, hairy, ape like man or sometimes in the form of a black dog who would grab her by the hair and rip her out of bed onto the floor, taking out clumps of hair in the process, and would proceed to beat her mercilessly, dislocating her shoulder among many other things in the process, horribly cursing God and shouting “War! War against you and your spiritual director!” (Those interested can read about Gemma’s epic battles against the demonic here). 

But for the many reasons that God allows such diabolic and hellish attacks in the lives of the mystics, certainly one of these reasons is to teach us to have a great horror for grave sin.  And so let us contemplate a few of these battles of the mystics vs. the demons, so as to gain some new perspectives on the beneficial fear that we should have within ourselves for sin.

A representation of a hairy, ape like man
The demons apparitions under different forms and what they mean
Before we get started with the stories of these epic spiritual battles in the lives of a number of 20th century Saints, it is very important to note that Satan and perhaps a good number of the higher ranking demons can appear in most any form imaginable--commonly called "phantasms", the demons can visibly appear as any variety of animals and animal-like creatures, as Angels, Saints, the Virgin Mary and even as Jesus Christ Himself, as we shall see in the stories below. However, in this writers investigations of the lives of the mystics I would list the following as the most common forms. We should bear in mind that everything the devil and the demons do is in direct opposition to God and they often seek to mock God and anything that is holy and pertains to Him.
-Black ape or hairy man–Symbolizes satan’s mockery of Jesus, for he is really the "ape" of God.
-Black serpent or snake-  Symbolizes satan’s intelligence and cunning temptations (as in the book of Genesis)
-Large black cats and black dogs make their appearances quite often in the lives of the mystics. Their precise symbolism seems to be unknown, but they both are very often used in physical attacks. Note, the demonic black dog is not to be confused with the large grey dog who often mysteriously appeared in the life of St John Bosco and whom literally saved his life on several occasions.  
-Black human-shaped "shadow people" are also quite common, and are demons in "raw" form. Their purpose seems to be to terrorize and scare, hoping to lead the victim to despair.
-The devil has been often known to take on the form of a goat, to mock Jesus as the lamb of God who takes away the sins of humanity.

-Some of the Saints describe being watched by a pair of fiery-red glowing "burning" demonic eyes which contradicts the ever watchful "Eye of God", which itself symbolizes the omnipresence and omniscience of God, who watches over all things.
For example on July 2, 1961 the four children of Garabandal, Spain purportedly saw a very large "Eye of God" above and to the right of the Blessed Virgin Mary as She was appearing to them. After the apparition, each of the children individually all described this to be precisely the "Eye of God" who presumably was revealing to the children that He is watching over all events.. 
Stories of the great battles between the victim souls and the demons
Sr. Josefa Menendez
The devil drags Josefa Menendez into hell.

 “The devil will work assiduously to make you fall, but My grace is more powerful than his infernal malice” -Jesus to Josefa Menendez,  April 6, 1921

One of the many victim souls who had to undergo horrific attacks from the evil spirits was the Spanish born mystic, Josefa Menendez (1890-1923), who became a nun in France. The devil often appeared to her in the form of a terrifying black dog, a black snake, or in the form of a "shadow" man. 

On December 4th, 1921 Josefa was violently pulled from her bed and she was thrown to the ground, and then pummeled by a barrage of demonic blows she was
made to listen to abominable blasphemies against Our Lord and Our Lady. Long hours were so spent, and the torture renewed on the two following nights. After one such terrible night, she wrote on the morning of Tuesday, 6th December:
"Unable to bear any more, I knelt beside my bed, endeavouring to forget the horror of that malevolent voice insulting Our Lord and Our Lady. Suddenly I heard gnashing of teeth and a yell of rage. Then all vanished and before me stood Our Lady, all loveliness.
"Do not fear, my daughter; I am here."
"I told her how terrified I was of the devil, who made me suffer so much.
"He may torment you, but he has no power to harm you. His fury is very great on account of the souls that escape him . . . souls are of such great worth . . . If you but knew the value of a single soul!"
"Giving me her blessing, she said: 'Do not fear.' 
"I kissed her hand and she went away."

Later Jesus appeared to Josefa, and she immediately told Him of her greatest concern--the fear that in those hellish torments that her soul had lost something of its purity, or at any rate of its former innocence. "Because I never know anything about all those things with which the devil torments me."

Jesus replied to her: "Do not be afraid; your soul is steeped in My Blood, and none of that can stain it."
Then alluding to a specific word which more than once in the preceding days had given her strength: "Your Mothers have found the word . . . "Abandonment". The devil has no power but what is given him from on high. Tell your Mothers that I am supreme." 
[The "mothers" in the quote of Jesus given to Josefa refer to the Mother Superior of her convent and also the Mother Master of Novices who was personally responsible for Josefa during that time period. -Editor]

Nevertheless, the demons sought to discourage her from her mission of sacrificing and suffering for souls, and they endeavored by all means to drive her to despair, and she overheard them saying such things as:
“You will be one of us! ... we shall tire you out! ... we shall overcome you! ...Don't let go of her; be on your guard to plague her in any way you can! ... she must not escape!...we must induce her to despair! ...

And in the life of Josefa Menendez there occurred an even greater phenomenon that is very rare in the lives of the Saints: God permitted the devil to take her down to hell. There, in hell, she spent long hours, sometimes a whole night, in unspeakable agonies. Though she was dragged down into the bottomless pit more than a hundred times, each sojourn seemed to her to be the first, and appeared to last countless ages. 
She endured all the tortures of hell, with the one exception: that of the hatred of God. For Josefa, the most painful of these torments was to hear the horrid confessions of the damned, their cries of hatred, of pain and of despair.

Under the eyes of those in her convent, Josefa would suddenly disappear, and after long search she would be found thrown into some loft, or beneath heavy furniture, or in some unfrequented spot. In their
presence she was burnt, and without seeing the devil, they saw her clothes consumed and on her
body unmistakable traces of fire, which caused wounds that took very long to heal. Likewise the
effects of fire which burned her were seen on her garments and flesh; fragments of scorched
linen are still preserved to this day. Ten times in all Josefa was thus set on fire. She saw the devil vomit on her flames of which visible traces were seen not on her clothes only, but on her person. Painful wounds which took long to heal left on her body scars which she carried to the grave. The evil one suggested despairing thoughts, blasphemies, and wicked temptations that continued for days and nights, during which God hid Himself, and Josefa, bewildered, felt as if abandoned and at the mercy of the most ignoble and infamous of tormentors.

Yet, when at long last she came back to life, completely worn out and spent, her body
agonized with pain, she looked upon no suffering, however severe it may be, as too much to bear, "...if by it I should save a soul from that dreaded abode of torment."

"In the night of 16th March towards ten o'clock," wrote Josefa, "I became aware, as on the
preceding days, of a confused noise of cries and chains. I rose quickly and dressed, and
trembling with fright, knelt down near my bed. The uproar was approaching, and not knowing
what to do, I left the dormitory, and went to our Mother Superiors cell; then I came back to the
dormitory. The same terrifying sounds were all round me; then all of a sudden I saw in front of
me the devil himself."
"Tie her feet and bind her hands," he cried. . . .

"Instantly I lost sight of where I was, and felt myself tightly bound and being dragged away.

Other voices screamed: "It is no good to bind her feet; it is her heart that you must bind."
"It does not belong to me." came the answer from the devil.

"Then I was dragged along a very dark and lengthy passage, and on all sides resounded
terrible cries. On opposite sides of the walls of this narrow corridor were niches out of which
poured smoke, though with very little flame, and which emitted an intolerable stench. From
these recesses came blaspheming voices, uttering impure words. Some cursed their bodies,
others their parents. Others, again reproached themselves with having refused grace, and not
avoided what they knew to be sinful. It was a medley of confused screams of rage and despair. I
was dragged through that kind of corridor, which seemed endless. Then I received a violent
punch which doubled me in two, and forced me into one of the niches. I felt as if I were being
pressed between two burning planks and pierced through and through with scorching needle
points. Opposite and beside me souls were blaspheming and cursing me. What caused me most
suffering . . . and with which no torture can be compared, was the anguish of my soul to find
myself separated from God. . . .

"It seemed to me that I spent long years in that hell, yet it lasted only six or seven hours. . . .
Suddenly I was violently pulled out of the niche, and I found myself in a dark place; after
striking me, the devil disappeared and left me free. . . . How can I describe my feelings on
realizing that I was still alive, and could still love God!

"I do not know what I am not ready to endure to avoid hell, in spite of my fear of pain. I see
clearly that all the sufferings of earth are nothing in comparison with the horror of no longer
being able to love, for in that place all breathes hatred and thirst to damn other souls."
(Taken primarily from "Josefa Menendez, The Way of Divine Love"; TAN Books and Publishers, Inc, 1981)

St Padre Pio
The devil versus St Padre Pio
"The tempter, ever on the watch, wages war most violently against those whom he sees most careful to avoid sin"  -St. Leo the Great, died, 461.

Many people throughout the world are well aware of the Italian priest affectionately named "Padre Pio" who bore the stigmata for exactly 50 years and 3 days---longer than any known stigmatic in the history of the Catholic church. The miracles God wrought through this holy Capuchin friar are also well known. But surely what is less known about him are the many demonic battles he was forced to undergo to snatch souls from the demons. 

Padre Pio spent countless hours each day hearing the confessions of sinners, and the devil was to make him pay for bringing souls to Jesus. Father Joseph Martin, O.F.M. Cap. who was Padre Pio's close companion the last three years of his life tells the story of how one night the devil beat Padre Pio so severely that he fell on the floor of his cell and cut his head quite badly. The next morning, when Father Martin came to his aid and asked what had happened, Padre had told him how the devil had beat him. Furthermore, a blood-stained pillow, which is kept to this day in his cell at Our Lady of Grace Friary had been found underneath the Padre's head. When asked where all the blood on it came from, he claimed that the Blessed Virgin Mary had placed it under his head during the night, while She consoled and comforted him.

But there were many other times where Padre Pio was beaten by the demons, as stated in his letters to his spiritual director:
"The ogre [devil] won't admit defeat. He has appeared in almost every form. For the past few days he has paid me visits along with some of his satellites armed with clubs and iron weapons and, what is worse, in their own form as devils. I cannot tell you how many times he has thrown me out of bed, and dragged me around the room. But never mind! Jesus, our dear Mother, my little Angel, St. Joseph and our father St. Francis are almost always with me .... (Letter to Padre Agostino, Jan. 18, 1912.)

The devil does not cease to appear to me in his horrible forms and to beat me in the most terrible manner .... (Letter to Padre Agostino, March 21, 1912.)

I had a very bad time the night before last; from about 10pm, when I was in bed, until five o'clock in the morning, that wretch did nothing but beat me continually. At five in the morning, when that wretch left me, my whole body became so cold that I trembled from head to foot like a reed exposed to a violent wind. This lasted for a couple of hours. I spat blood .... (Letter to Padre Agostino, June 28, 1912.)

The beloved Mystic & Stigmatic, St Padre Pio
Listen to what I had to endure a few evenings ago from those impure apostates. The night was already well advanced when they began their attack with  the most hellish noises, and although I saw nothing in the beginning, I understood who was making the strange noise. Instead of being frightened, I got ready to fight them with a scornful smile on my lips. Then they appeared to me in the most abominable forms and to make me act dishonorably they began to present themselves to me all dressed up [as a woman], but, thank heaven, I scolded them severely and treated them as they deserve. 

Then, when they saw all their efforts going up in smoke, they hurled themselves on me, threw me to the ground and proceeded to beat me very severely, throwing pillows, books and chairs around the room, with desperate shrieks and most obscene lan­guage .... (Letter to Padre Agostino, Jan. 18, 1913.)

They flung themselves upon me like so many hungry tigers, curs­ing me and threatening to make me pay for it. My dear Father, they kept their word! From that day onward they have beaten me every day .... (Letter to Padre Agostino, Feb. 1,1913.)

Jesus never stops loving me in spite of all my shortcomings, for he allows those ugly-faced creatures to afflict me incessantly. For the past twenty-two days Jesus has allowed them to vent their anger on me continually. My body, dear Father, is bruised all over, from all the blows it has received at the hands of our ene­mies. More than once they even went so far as to pull off my nightshirt and beat me in that state .... (Letter to Padre Agostino, Feb. 13, 1913.)

Satan with his malignant ways never tires of waging war on me and attacking my little citadel, besieging it on all sides. In a word, Satan is for me like a powerful foe who, when he resolves to capture a fortress is not content to attack one wall or one ram­part, but surrounds it entirely, attacks and torments it on every side .... (Letter to Padre Benedetto, Aug. 4,1917.)

So far we have seen how Lucifer is a frightening adversary, most especially for the victim souls who are called to suffer for the conversion of sinners. The devil is in fact very powerful and should be taken seriously. In closing with St Padre Pio, let us read his words which tells us just how powerful a enemy we have in the devil:
"We must have no illusions about the enemy who is exceedingly strong, if we do not intend to surrender. In the light infused by God the soul understands the great danger to which it is exposed, if it is not continually on its guard". -Letter to Padre Agostino, St Padre Pio,  May 9,1915. 

Sr. Josefa Menendez
The devil tries to appear in disguise as Jesus 
It should be of no wonder to us that the demons often try to appear as Angels, Saints, the Blessed Virgin Mary or even Jesus Himself, since the Scriptures themselves warn us to be on our guard, stating that "Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light".  [2 Corinthians 11:14]. 

In light of this we see how in her journal Josefa Menendez writes:
"On the night of the 13th or 14th of January, 1922 that the devil began once more to torture me. He tried to force me to abandon my vocation. In his increasing fury he even tried to ensnare me by taking on the appearance of Jesus ."  

In fact the devil continued to try to appear as Jesus so to remedy this problem her spiritual director, Father Boyer O.P. at first had her renew her profession vows [as a nun] whenever a "heavenly" visitor would appear, and later upon the appearance of any "visitor" he told her to recite the 'Divine Praises' of which she asked the visitors to repeat after her. In their great pride and hatred for God the demons could never utter any of the "Blessings" of the Divine Praises [ie- the "Blessed be God" and "Blessed be Jesus Christ" etc..] 

Josefa's spiritual director most assuredly discovered this new powerful weapon against the demons disguises from the life of St Gemma Galgani (1878-1903), for it was precisely through the reciting of the "Divine Praises" that Gemma was finally able to thwart the devil who was frequently appearing to her under different disguises in an effort to deceive her. For as Gemma learned (thanks to her spiritual director, Venerable Fr. Germanus C.P.) that the devil with his polluted lips is never able to utter such words of praise and benediction.

In the life of Blessed Alexandrina da Costa (1904-1955) --a Portuguese mystic and stigmatic of whom we will speak more about below---we read another occurrence of the devil making himself out to be Jesus. In this case Blessed Alexandrina writes:
“Every now and then I see a rapid light. Twice I have seen two very big eyes, wide open, staring at me, but they disappeared quickly. On Sunday, I heard a very sweet voice saying, 'My daughter, I come to tell you not to write anything of what you see: your sight is deceiving you. Don't you feel how weak you are? You displease me with this; it is your Jesus who speaks to you, not Satan.' 
I was suspicious and began to kiss the crucifix. The voice became enraged and thundered, 'If you continue to write I will destroy your body. Do you think I cannot do this?' (From the writings of Blessed Alexandrina da Costa, 1934)

St Gemma Galgani 
The devil appears as a Priest -Two cases
"Go ahead and pray for yourself, but if you pray for others I will make you pay dearly for it! -Lucifer to St Gemma Galgani
The attacks that the demons waged against the Italian mystic and stigmatic St Gemma Galgani are legendary. Known for her extraordinary virtues and a deep love for Jesus and Mary, Gemma was only 25 when she died in 1903 having reached a high degree of sanctity. The devil appeared to her in many different forms: a hairy man and a black dog--both of whom would beat her mercilessly; a black "panther" like cat; and as an "angel" resplendent with light. 

The devil even carried these wicked disguises so far as to feign to be a priest to whom Gemma used to make her confession to--Monsignor Giovanni Volpi, a priest whom she had known for almost her entire life! She had gone one day to Church, and while preparing herself to make her confession, she saw that Monsignor Volpi was already in the confessional, a fact which caused her to momentarily wonder, having not seen him pass and enter. At the same time she began to feel very much disturbed in spirit, as generally happened to her when in the presence of the malignant spirits. 

She entered the confessional however, and began her confession as usual. The voice and ways were indeed those of the confessor she knew since childhood, but his words and advice were not pious, and were accompanied by improper gestures. “My God” she exclaimed, “what has happened?”

At such a sight and at such words the angelic child trembled, and realizing it was the devil in disguise, she hurriedly left the confessional, and saw as she did so that the pretended "confessor" had disappeared. She knew then that it was the devil, who by his coarse and fiendish ways had sought to deceive her, or at least make her lose all confidence in the minister of God.
St Dominic

In the life of St Dominic (1170-1221), the great founder of the Dominican Order, we read the following:
"The servant of God, who had neither bed nor cell of his own, had publicly commanded his fellow Priests and Brothers that they should retire to bed at a certain hour, so as to be able to arise at a later hour for Matins, and as their superior and the founder of their Community his instructions, of course, were strictly obeyed. 

Now, at that time Dominic, the holy man  of God, had no bed or cell, and rested before the Lord in the church, the devil appeared before him in the form of one of his fellow religious, and since it was past the prohibited time, the Saint went softly up to him, and expressed his desired for him to go to his cell, and sleep with the others.

The pretended friar inclined his head in sign of humble obedience, and went as he was told; but on each of the two following nights, he returned at the same hour and in the same manner. The second time, the man of God rose very gently (although, indeed, he had reason to be somewhat angry, seeing he had already reminded his fellow priest the night before), and again asked him to go to his cell for rest. Once again, he went; but in the same manner the following evening he returned yet a third time. 

Then it seemed to the Saint that the disobedience and pertinacity of this brother priest was too great, and he reproved him with some severity; and the demon, who desired nothing else but to disturb his prayer, stir anger within him, and move him to break the silence, gave a loud laugh, and, leaping high into the air, he said:
"I have made you break the silence, and moved you to wrath!" 

But Dominic calmly replied, 'Not so, for as superior of the Community I have power to dispense; and neither is it blameworthy wrath when I utter reproofs unto the disobedient.' 

And with this truthful reply the demon was obliged to fly.
(Taken from "The Life of Saint Dominic" by August Theodosia Drane, published by TAN Books and Publishers)

The devil appears as a Saint
In his memoirs, the holy Benedictine Abbott Guibert of Nogent (1055-1124) tells of a story of a compatriot of his who unfortunately for him had sexual relations outside of marriage. Afterwards, having felt deep remorse for the grave sin that he had committed, he decided to make a pilgrimage to the shrine of Saint James of Galicia to seek the Saints holy intercession, as Saint James was very popular in that locale at that time.

After having set off on his pilgrimage, he was suddenly surprised by a vision of Saint James of Galicia (that is, the Saint in whom he was invoking on his pilgrimage). Impressed by this surprising vision he listened attentively to the “Saint” who with a stern voice and forceful appearance reminded the man of the Gospel teaching “If you hand causes you to sin, cut it off” [Matt 5:30] and thus told the man that he needed to take his knife and cutoff his private part, in reparation for his sin. Immediately the man did so, out of obedience.

A few moments later, after having recovered somewhat from his self induced injury, the “Saint” then told the man that it was necessary for him to now cut his throat.  Fearing the anger of God and that of the “Saint” the man then raised the knife to his throat, when suddenly there appeared before him the Blessed Virgin Mary, who looking directly at the man simply stated “NO!”   Next the Blessed Virgin turned to the “Saint” apparition, and upon setting Her heavenly gaze upon the “Saint”, it let out a angry shriek and then suddenly disappeared.   Thus we see how in this instance the Blessed Virgin Mary Herself interceded and put an end to the demons ruse. 

Blessed Alexandrina da Costa
The Devil versus Alexandrina da Costa
Among the many mystics and stigmatists in the Church of recent memory is Blessed Alexandrina da Costa (1904-1955). The malevolent spirits waged a hellish war against her to try to get her to abandon her mission as a victim soul. Here are a few examples of the demonic attacks:
"There are days when the devil makes me feel so exhausted and puts so many evil suggestions and doubts into my mind, that were it not for the goodness of God, he would have won over me already... He has tempted me so much that on some days I feel that Hell itself is about to engulf me. He urges me to kill myself, and says he will give me the means to do this without any pain. He adds that I am suffering here for no recompense, that Our Lord does not love me at all, that my spiritual director does not believe a word of what I write to him, that what I hear and feel within myself when Our Lord speaks to me is caused by the weather, or by my illness."

Alexandrina was tormented by these demonic verbal assaults for many years. Here is another example of the diabolical attacks:
“If it were not for that imposter which you hold in your hand I would put a foot on your neck. [Alexandrina was holding a crucifix] I would reduce your body to a pulp. But you will see that He will do this to you himself. You will then wish to come to me, but I will not accept you. Thank that object of superstition [crucifix] ... I don't fear it anymore, but I hate it!

And yet another:
“Excommunication! A thousand excommunications if you continue to write to your spiritual director! Already you are burning in Hell. Be converted, unhappy one! Be converted, miserable wretch! It is the affection I have for you that makes me speak in this way. I come now from your Christ who told me to take you, because he can no longer save you. He was distressed by your writings....

And here is one of the demons many physical appearances to Alexandrina:
“One moonlit night after prayers I felt a need to sleep, when suddenly into my room came a great darkness ... I perceived a black shadow and saw it jump towards me, and it said to me, 'I come on behalf of your Christ to carry you to Hell, bed and all.' 
I kissed the crucifix and the voice continued, 
'You kiss that wicked thing!' 
He then tried to order me to do things that I cannot speak of ... It was only when I blessed myself with holy water that I was left in peace...."

(Primary source for the above quotes is from “Alexandrina da Costa: The Agony and the Glory” by Francis Johnston, TAN Books and Publishers, Inc., 1979.)

Names that the mystics used for the devil
The nicknames that some of the Saints had for the devil would be humorous, if only this matter was not so serious and the devil was not as wicked as he is, and hell bent on destroying us and damning our souls. 

St John Vianney, the holy Cure of Ars, nicknamed the devil "Grappin", which literally means "the wrestler". This was in fact a very suitable term since the devil often attacked him at night, and even tried to burn his straw bed while the Saint was lying in it!  St Padre Pio called the devil the "Ogre", which means "hairy, beast-like man". St Gemma called the devil "Chiappino", which is the equivalent of "burglar" or "thief". 
Marthe Robin

Other Saints who were oppressed by the demons
Those interested in further exploring this subject can find more of these events in the lives of Marthe Robin (1902-1981) -in her case, the devil was so enraged over her joining the Third Order of St. Francis that he had struck her a blow to the face, breaking two of her teeth, also Therese Neumann of Konnerseuth (1898-1962), Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824) who once received blows to the face from the devil who appeared to her, like he also did to St Gemma, that is, in the form of a large black dog, St Teresa of Avila, St Joseph or Copertino, St Paul of the Cross and St Dominic, just to name a few of the many.

Additionally, those interested in this subject may find the following articles very interesting:
St Gemma versus the devil and also How to get rid of evil spirits
"The devil, in the form of a great black dog, put his paws upon my shoulders, making every bone in my body ache. At times I believed that he would mangle me; then one time, when I was blessing myself with holy water, he twisted my arm so cruelly that I fell to the ground in great pain. After a while I remembered that I had around my neck the relic of the Holy Cross. Making the Sign of the Cross, I became calm. Jesus let me see Himself, but only for a short time, and He strengthened me anew to suffer and struggle." -St Gemma Galgani
